21 antidiuretic hormone
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > antidiuretic hormone
22 Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone
23 mammalian antidiuretic hormone
Общая лексика: естественный антидиуретический гормонУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > mammalian antidiuretic hormone
24 posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
1) Биология: антидиуретический гормон задней доли гипофиза2) Медицина: адиуретин, антидиуретический гормон, вазопрессин, вазопрессин РУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
25 syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion
26 syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone
27 posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
English-russian biological dictionary > posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
28 posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
English-Russian big medical dictionary > posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
29 антидиуретический
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > антидиуретический
30 ADH
antidiuretic hormone - антидиуретический гормон; АДГ -
31 ADH
32 ADH
antidiuretic hormoneантидиуретический гормон -
33 vasopressin
antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, ADHантидиуретический гормон, адиуретин, вазопрессин, АДГ———————— -
34 ADH
antidiuretic hormone, vasopressin, ADHантидиуретический гормон, адиуретин, вазопрессин, АДГ -
1) Медицина: syndrome of inadequate adh2) Физиология: Syndrome Of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion3) Иммунология: Syndrome Of Inappropriate Anti Diuretic Hormone4) Онкология: Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone -
36 ADH
ADH, antidiuretic hormone андидиуретический гормон, АДГADH, antidiuretic hormone антидиуретический гормон, адиуретин, вазопрессин, АДГEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > ADH
37 ADH
1) Американизм: Additional Duty Hour2) Военный термин: Army Distaff Hall, automatic data handling3) Химия: alcohol degydrogenase (алкоголь-дегидраза, алкоголь-дегидрогеназа)4) Сокращение: adhere5) Физиология: Adhesions, Anti Diuretic Hormone6) Экология: alcohol dehydrogenase7) Авиационная медицина: antidiuretic hormone8) Нефть и газ: amine drain header -
38 adh
1) Американизм: Additional Duty Hour2) Военный термин: Army Distaff Hall, automatic data handling3) Химия: alcohol degydrogenase (алкоголь-дегидраза, алкоголь-дегидрогеназа)4) Сокращение: adhere5) Физиология: Adhesions, Anti Diuretic Hormone6) Экология: alcohol dehydrogenase7) Авиационная медицина: antidiuretic hormone8) Нефть и газ: amine drain header -
39 ADH
сокр. от antidiuretic hormoneантидиуретический гормон, АДГ -
40 factor
1) фактор; причина, движущая сила процесса2) коэффициент; показатель3) ген. фактор4) гормон5) витамин•- absorption factor
- accessory factor
- additive factor
- age correction factor
- age factor
- anaphylactogenic factor
- animal protein factor
- anthropogenic factor
- antiberiberi factor
- antigen-specific helper factor
- antigen-specific suppressor factor
- antropogenic factor
- arresting factor
- autocrine growth factor
- B-cell differentiation factor
- B-cell maturation factor
- B-cell nuclear factor
- B-cell-derived enhancing factor
- Behrens factors
- biotic factor
- blood-coagulation factors
- branching factor
- camp factor
- causative factor
- C-factor
- chemotactic factor
- citrovorum factor
- climatic factor
- clotting factors
- clumping factor
- coagulation factors
- cobra venom factor
- colony-enhancing factor
- colony-stimulating factor
- complementary factor
- condition factor
- conditioning factor
- control factor
- correction factor
- coupling factor
- crucial factor
- cumulative factor
- cytocidal factor
- cytopathic factor
- decay-accelerating factor
- density-dependent factor
- density-independent factor
- determinal factor
- differentiation-inducing factor
- differentiation-promoting factor
- diluting factor
- direct factor
- disease-producing factor
- disturbing factor
- ecological factor
- edaphic factor
- efficiency factor
- elongation factor
- environmental factor
- epidermal growth factor
- epidermal thymocyte-activating factor
- etiological factor
- evaluation factor
- evolution factor
- extension factor
- external factor
- F factor
- factor of adhesion
- feedback factor
- Fletcher's factor
- food factor
- form factor
- formative factor
- F-prime sex factor
- fractionation factor
- F-sex factor
- Fultin's condition factor
- gametic factor
- genetic factor
- growth factor
- growth hormone release inhibiting factor
- growth hormone releasing factor
- growth-promoting factor
- H factor
- heat-stable factor
- helper factor
- hereditary factor
- hormonal factor
- humerus factor
- hydric factor
- I factor
- immunomodulating factor
- inducer factor
- inhibitive factor
- initiating factor
- internal factor
- intrinsic factor
- key factor
- killer factor
- lactogenic factor
- lethal factor
- leukocyte-derived chemotactic factor
- light factor
- limiting factor
- lineage-restricted growth factor
- linked factors
- loss factor
- lymphocyte colony enhancing factor
- lymphocyte colony inhibitory factor
- lymphocyte colony promoting factor
- lymphocyte-activating factor
- macrophage Ia-positive recruiting factor
- macrophage migration inhibition factor
- macrophage spreading factor
- macrophage-activating factor
- macrophage-agglutinating factor
- major factor
- male recombination factor
- man-made factor
- mast cell growth factor
- master factor
- Mendelian factor
- mesenchyme-derived growth factor
- migration inhibition factor
- minor factor
- motivational factor
- MR factor
- MSH-release inhibiting factor
- multilineage growth factor
- multiple factors
- multipotential growth factor
- myelopoietic factor
- N factor
- nerve growth factor
- neutral factor
- nitrogen factor
- nonreactive factor
- P factor
- paternal factor
- physiographic factor
- plasma factor
- platelet-derived growth factor
- porosity factor
- posterior pituitary antidiuretic factor
- posterior pituitary oxytocic factor
- posterior pituitary vasopressor factor
- primary factor
- procomplementary factor
- quality factor
- R factor
- reactive factor
- recessive factor
- relaxing factor
- release factor
- resistance transfer factor
- Rh factor
- rhesus factor
- rho factor
- rosette-inhibiting factor
- safety factor
- SD factor
- seeding factor
- segregation distorter factor
- selective factor
- serum factor
- sex-influenced factor
- sex-ratio factor
- SF factor
- sigma factor
- silt factor
- site factor
- soil factor
- spreading factor
- SR factor
- stem cell renewal factor
- stringent factor
- Stuart factor
- suppressor factor
- T cell growth factor
- T cell replacing factor
- termination factor
- thermal factor
- Thy-1-inducing factor
- time factor
- transfer factor
- transforming factor
- trophic factor
- TSH-releasing factor
- tumor necrosis factor
- use factor
- vital factor
- von Willebrand factor
- water factor* * *причина, движущая сила процесса
См. также в других словарях:
antidiuretic — ANTIDIURÉTIC, Ă, antidiuretici, ce, adj., s.n. (Substanţă) care diminuează diureza. [pr.: di u ] – Din fr. antidiurétique. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 antidiurétic adj. → diuretic Trimis de siveco, 13.09.2007. Sursa:… … Dicționar Român
Antidiuretic — An antidiuretic is an agent or drug that, administered to an organism, helps control body water balance through its effects on the urine output and kidneys. See diuretic. An example would be Vasopressin, a hormone which occurs naturally in the… … Wikipedia
antidiuretic — An agent that reduces the output of urine. * * * an·ti·di·uret·ic ret ik adj tending to oppose or check excretion of urine antidiuretic n an antidiuretic substance * * * an·ti·di·uret·ic (an″te ) (an″ti di″u retґik) 1.… … Medical dictionary
antidiuretic — an•ti•di•u•ret•ic [[t]ˌæn tiˌdaɪ əˈrɛt ɪk[/t]] adj. 1) pha of or pertaining to a substance that suppresses the formation of urine 2) pha an antidiuretic substance • Etymology: 1940–45 … From formal English to slang
antidiuretic — noun a drug that limits the formation of urine • Syn: ↑antidiuretic drug • Hypernyms: ↑medicine, ↑medication, ↑medicament, ↑medicinal drug • Hyponyms: ↑lypressin … Useful english dictionary
antidiuretic hormone — n VASOPRESSIN * * * (ADH) see vasopressin * * * vasopressin … Medical dictionary
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) — A relatively small (peptide) molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby (in the hypothalamus). ADH has an antidiuretic action that prevents the production of dilute urine (and so is… … Medical dictionary
Antidiuretic hormone — Vasopressine Vasopressine Général No CAS … Wikipédia en Français
antidiuretic drug — noun a drug that limits the formation of urine • Syn: ↑antidiuretic • Hypernyms: ↑medicine, ↑medication, ↑medicament, ↑medicinal drug • Hyponyms: ↑lypressin … Useful english dictionary
antidiuretic — /an tee duy euh ret ik/, Biochem., Pharm. adj. 1. of or pertaining to a substance that suppresses the formation of urine. n. 2. any such substance. [1940 45; ANTI + DIURETIC] * * * … Universalium
antidiuretic — 1. noun an agent that prevents or counteracts diuresis 2. adjective preventing or counteracting diuresis … Wiktionary