1 anticartel law
Экономика: антикартельный закон -
2 anticartel law
3 anticartel law
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > anticartel law
4 anticartel law
5 law
n1) закон; законодательство2) право3) суд; судебный процесс
- accounting law
- administrative law
- agrarian law
- anti-bribery law
- anticartel law
- anti-corruption law
- anti-money-laundering law
- antitrust law
- applicable law
- applicable tax law
- bank law
- bank confidentiality law
- bankruptcy law
- basic law
- blue sky laws
- business law
- case law
- civil law
- commercial law
- common law
- company law
- constitutional law
- consumer's law
- contract law
- contractual law
- corporate law
- criminal law
- currency law
- current tax laws
- customary law
- customs law
- design law
- distribution law
- domestic law
- draft law
- economic law
- economical law
- emergency law
- environmental laws
- equipartition law
- equity law
- established law
- exchange law
- existing law
- fiscal law
- foreign laws
- formal law
- fundamental law
- general economic laws
- governing law
- immigration law
- income tax law
- industrial relations law
- insolvency law
- international law
- international monetary law
- invention law
- inventor's law
- investment laws
- job protection laws
- judiciary law
- labour laws
- land law
- lending limitation law
- lenient law
- licence law
- local laws
- mandatory law
- marine insurance law
- maritime law
- market economy laws
- mercantile law
- merchant law
- merchant shipping law
- minimum-hour law
- minimum-wage law
- natural law
- objective laws
- Parkinson law
- patent law
- private law
- prohibitory law
- public law
- quarantine laws
- registration law
- remedial law
- resale price maintenance laws
- revenue law
- semi-legislative law
- space law
- state law
- statistical law
- statute law
- statutory law
- strike law
- stringent law
- subordinate law
- tariff law
- tax law
- taxation law
- tort law
- trademark law
- uniform law
- valuation law
- zoning laws
- laws in action
- laws in force
- law of average profit
- law of contracts
- law of corporations
- law of diminishing returns
- law of economy of time
- law of equity
- law of merchants
- law of monetary circulation
- laws of nature
- law of obligations
- laws of probability
- law of property
- law of the sea
- law of supply and demand
- law of value
- law on bankruptcy
- law on insolvency
- law on land sales
- laws on taxes and charges
- against the law
- at law
- in law
- under the law
- abide by the law
- abrogate a law
- adopt a law
- annul a law
- apply a law
- become a law
- be governed by a law
- break a law
- carry a law into effect
- circumvent antimonopoly law
- comply with a law
- effect a law
- elaborate a law
- enact a law
- enforce a law
- evade a law
- extend a law
- give effect to a law
- go beyond a law
- go to law
- implement a law
- infringe a law
- keep within a law
- lay down a law
- modify the law
- observe laws
- offend against a law
- pass a law
- put a law into effect
- put a law into force
- repeal a law
- resort to law
- respect a law
- sidestep a law
- transgress a law
- update a bankruptcy law
- veto the law
- violate a law
- violate laws on securities trading -
6 law
См. также в других словарях:
Television and Radio — ▪ 1995 Introduction Dominant trends in television and radio in 1994 included continuing globalization of services and programming and increased competition between cable and telephone companies. The industry s battle cry was expand or exit … Universalium