Перевод: с английского на язык хинди

с языка хинди на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • anti-tank — anti tankˈ (↑tank) adj(1) • • • Main Entry: ↑anti * * * anti tank UK US adjective designed to destroy tanks (=large military vehicles with big guns) Thesaurus: words used to describe weapons and explosives …   Useful english dictionary

  • anti-tank — adj an anti tank weapon is designed to destroy enemy ↑tanks …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • anti-tank — adjective designed to destroy TANKS (=large military vehicles with big guns) …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • anti-tank — (A.T.) destructive to tanks …   English contemporary dictionary

  • anti-tank — adjective an anti tank weapon is designed to destroy enemy tanks tank 1 (3) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • anti-tank — adj. Anti tank is used with these nouns: ↑gun, ↑mine, ↑missile, ↑rocket, ↑weapon …   Collocations dictionary

  • anti-tank — /ænti ˈtæŋk/ (say antee tangk) adjective designed for use against tanks or other armoured vehicles: anti tank gun …  

  • Anti-tank warfare — Anti tank refers to any method of combating military armored fighting vehicles, notably tanks. The most common anti tank systems include artillery with a high muzzle velocity, missiles (such as wire guided HEAT), various autocannons firing… …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-tank mine — A Russian TM 46 anti tank blast mine. An anti tank mine, (abbreviated to AT mine ), is a type of land mine designed to damage or destroy vehicles including tanks and armored fighting vehicles. Compared to anti personnel mines, anti tank mines… …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-tank rifle — TOCrightAn anti tank rifle is a rifle designed to penetrate the armour of vehicles, particularly tanks. The usefulness of rifles for this purpose ran from the introduction of tanks into the Second World War, when they were rendered obsolete.… …   Wikipedia

  • Anti-tank dog — For the comic book website, see Explodingdog. Soviet military dog training school, 1931 Anti tank dogs (Russian: собаки истребители танков or противотанковые собаки; German: Panzerabwehrhunde or Hundeminen, dog mines ) were dogs taught to carry …   Wikipedia

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