1 anti-washed capability
- anti-washed capability
- nсопротивляемость вымыванию (напр. частиц цементного теста из бетона)
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > anti-washed capability
2 anti-tank capability
Военный термин: противотанковая способность -
3 anti-washed capability
Строительство: сопротивляемость вымыванию (напр. частиц цементного теста из бетона)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > anti-washed capability
4 anti-tank capability
5 anti-tank capability
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > anti-tank capability
6 anti-washed capability
сопротивляемость вымыванию (напр. частиц цементного теста из бетона) -
7 anti-g capability
способность защищать от воздействия перегрузок, способность повышать переносимость перегрузок -
8 anti-jamming capability
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > anti-jamming capability
9 capability
- capability
- nспособность; возможность; мощность; производительность
- anti-washed capability
- bearing capability
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
10 capability
1. возможность; способность4-D capability9-g capabilityaccel-decel capabilityacceleration-deceleration capabilityacoustic processing capabilityaft-loading cargo capabilityair-defence capabilityair-superiority capabilityair-to-air capabilityair-to-air combat capabilityaircraft design capabilityairdrop capabilityall-aspect capabilityall-altitude penetration capabilityall-weather capabilityaltitude reporting capabilityanti-g capabilityantihelicopter capabilityantisubmarine capabilityarea navigation capabilityautolanding capabilityautonomous landing capabilitybaseline capabilitybeyond-visual-range capabilitybirdstrike capabilitybump absorption capabilityCat I capabilityclimb capabilityCLmax capabilitycomputational capabilitycontinued takeoff capabilitycost-effective capabilitycounter-countermeasures capabilitycrossfeed capabilitycrosswind capabilitydecoupling capabilitydegraded mode capabilitydesign capabilitydiagnostic capabilitydirect force capabilitydry-run capabilitydual-role capabilityendurance capabilityenergy absorbing capabilityenergy absorption capabilityengine-out capabilityenhanced capabilityfail-operational capabilityfailure mode capabilityfirst-look capabilityfirst-shoot capabilityfirst-shot capabilityflutter prediction capabilityforward field capabilityfull-aerobatic capabilityfull-envelope 9-g load factor capabilityfull-envelope escape capabilityfull-lift capabilityfull-envelope capabilityfunctional capabilityG capabilityg onset rate capabilitygo-around capabilitygross weight capabilityhands-off landing capabilityhard-turning capabilityhigh-alpha capabilityhigh-g maneuver capabilityhigh-lift capabilityhigh-payload/long-range capabilityhigh-speed cruise capabilityhover capabilityIFR capabilityincidence capabilityindependent capabilityinspection capabilityinstantaneous maneuver capabilityinstantaneous turn capabilityinstantaneous turning capabilityinstrument flight rule capabilitylaunch-and-leave capabilitylift capabilitylimited all-weather capabilityload factor capabilityload-carrying capabilityloaded capabilitylock-on after launch capabilitylook-ahead capabilitylook-down shoot-down capabilitylook-into-turn capabilityMach 1.8 capabilityMach number capabilitymaneuver capabilitymaneuvering capabilitymoving-base capabilitymultidesign-point capabilitymultimission capabilitymultiple-frequency capabilitymultipoint tanker capabilitynap-of-the-earth capabilitynaval attack capabilitynegative-g capabilitynight fighting capabilitynozzle vector capabilityoff-airfield capabilityoff-axis capabilityoff-boresight capabilityoff-boresight angle capabilityparadrop capabilitypayload capabilitypayload-carrying capabilitypayload/range capabilitypilot-aircraft capabilitypitch rate capabilitypitch-snatch capabilitypoint-and-shoot capabilitypost-stall capabilityprobe-and-drogue capabilityPST capabilityrange capabilityrate of climb capabilityreal-time capabilityreduced-field-length capabilityrotor overspeed capabilityrough airfield capabilityrough field capabilityrough ground capabilityrough surface capabilityrugged-terrain capabilitysee-through capabilityself-diagnostic capabilityshort-field capabilityshort-landing capabilityshort-takeoff capabilitysimulation capabilitysink-rate capabilitysix degree-of-freedom capabilitysnap/shoot attack capabilitysortie generation capabilityspeed capabilitystandoff capabilitystealth capabilitysustained turn capabilitysustained-g capabilityswing capabilityswing-role capabilitytemperature capabilityterrain-clearance capabilitytolerance capabilitytouchscreen capabilitytracking capabilitytrim capabilityturn capabilitytwo-fail-operate capabilityunimproved-field capabilityvariable-cycle capabilityvector capabilityvertical capabilityvertical landing capabilityzero altitude zero speed escape capability -
11 capability
1) способность2) возможность3) мощность* * *способность; возможность; мощность; производительность- anti-washed capability
- bearing capability -
12 ink-carrying capability
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > ink-carrying capability
13 multitask capability
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > multitask capability
14 high resolution capability
English-Russian big medical dictionary > high resolution capability
15 code prediction capability
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > code prediction capability
16 resolution capability
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > resolution capability
1) Военный термин: Long-Range Air-ASW Capable Aircraft, long-range advanced ASW capable aircraft2) Сокращение: Long-Range Air Anti-submarine Capability Aircraft -
18 missile
управляемая ракета, УР; летящий осколок [обломок]; обстреливать ракетами; применять ракеты ( по цели) ; см. тж. rocketantiarmor(ed fighting vehicle) missile — противотанковая ракета, ПТУР
dual-capability (surface-to-air /surface-to-surface) missile — ракета наземного РК для поражения воздушных и наземных целей
forward area (air) defense missile — ракета войскового ЗРК; ракета комплекса ПВО передового района
HEAT-mine (scattering) multiple warhead AT missile — ПТУР с КБЧ, разбрасывающей ПТ кумулятивные мины
look-down, shoot-down missile — ракета, управляемая системой обеспечения, обнаружения и поражения целей в нижней полусфере (на фоне земли)
passive-radar homing warhead.air-toair missile — ракета воздушного боя с пассивной РЛ ГСН
— air interceptor missile— air-to-ground guided missile— antiair warfare missile— anti-antiaircraft missile— artillery ballistic missile— AT guided missile— battlefield support missile— chemical warhead missile— command guidance missile— counter-air-to-surface missile missile— counterballislic missile missile— counterradar homing missile— counterradiation homing missile— fast-reaction type missile— fire-and-forget guidance missile— fixed based missile— fixed land-based missile— free-flight missile— infantry-launched missile— mobile-based missile— multiple warheaded missile— nuclear warheaded missile— nuclear-armed missile— nuclear-fueled missile— penetration aid missile— radar-seeking standoff missile— rolling airframe missile— turbojet-propelled missile* * *• ракета• ракетный -
19 ACT
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Appointment Change And Termination, действие или бездействие2) Авиация: Air Combat Tactics (training in the application of BFM and ACM skills to achieve a tactical air-to-air objective), additional center tank3) Морской термин: Alignment Optical Telescope5) Американизм: America Coming Together6) Военный термин: Advanced Cell Training, Advanced Concepts and Technology, Advanced Concepts and Technology Program, Air Council for Training, Analysis Control Team, Army combat trainer, Army communicative technology, Automatic Continuous Tuning, accumulation time, active control technique, advanced capability tanker, advanced career training, advanced computer technology, advanced concept team, aerial combat tactics, air cavalry troop, air combat tactics, air contact team, air control team, aircrewman classification test, area communications terminal, armored cavalry trainer, automatic checkout technician, aviation classification test, командование по трансформации объединённых вооруженных сил НАТО (Allied Command Transformation)7) Техника: activation, advanced communications technology, antenna crosstalks, area correlation tracker, automatic cable tester, automatic capacitor tester, automatic checkout technique, automatic circuit tester, automatic color tracking, automatic component tester, anti-comet-tail( сокр.) («антикометный»)9) Железнодорожный термин: Absolute Constant Time10) Юридический термин: Arrest Car Thieves, Assertive Community Treatment11) Торговля: average custom transactions12) Бухгалтерия: Accurate Complete And Timely, Automated Credit Transfer, advance corporation tax, налог на корпорации, выплачиваемый авансом (advance corporation tax)13) Австралийский сленг: Australian Capital Territory14) Автомобильный термин: air charge temperature15) Сокращение: ATLAS Composing Terminal, Acoustic Charge Transport, Acoustic Charged Transport, Action for Children's Television( in Cambridge, MA), Active Control Technology, Airborne Crew Trainer, Airportable Cargo Trailer, American College Testing, American Conservatory Theater, Anti-Communications Threat, Area Capability Training, Australian Central Time, Automation Compatible Tray (for AFSM-ai, 2005 and FSS, 2007), algebraic compiler and translator, American College Testing Program (Американская организация по проведению отборочных испытаний при поступлении в высшие учебные заведения), activity (деятельность; активность; учреждение; орган; служба; боевые действия; (радио) активность), actual temperature (истинная температура), actuate (приводить в действие (или) в движение), actual (фактический, действительный; абсолютный), Тест по контролю над астмой, Air Cleaning Technology16) Университет: Alumni Consulting Team, American College Test, Associates Of Campus Theatre17) Физиология: Active Motion, Adaptive Control Of Thought, Anticoagulant therapy18) Электроника: Actual Cycle Time, Alternative Control Technique19) Вычислительная техника: Acouttte Charge Transport, Association of Color Thermoprinting, Architecture Characterization Template (DISA), Action for Children's Television (in Cambridge, MA), Ассоциация по цветной термопечати, автоматическое преобразование кода20) Литература: Acting Communicating And Thinking21) Нефть: автоматическая откачка нефти с промысла потребителю по закрытой системе (с регистрацией объёма, плотности, температуры, содержания донных осадков и воды; automatic custody transfer), automatic custody transfer (system)22) Космонавтика: advanced chemical tug (перспективный МТА на химическом топливе)23) Банковское дело: Ассоциация финансовых директоров корпораций (Великобритания; Association of Corporate Treasurers)24) Транспорт: Activity Center Transportation, Alternative Commute Transportation25) Фирменный знак: Associated Consultants And Trainers, I Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC27) Деловая лексика: Accountability Cooperation And Teamwork, Automated Confirmation Transaction Service, авансовый налог с доходов корпорации (advance corporation tax)28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: автоматическая закрытая система откачки нефти потребителю (automatic custody transfer)29) Нефтегазовая техника автоматическая откачка нефти потребителю (по закрытой системе)30) Почта: air contract transportation tag31) Образование: Abolish Chronic Truancy, Acting Creating And Teaching, Advanced Computer Tutoring, Association of Classroom Teachers32) Инвестиции: Association of Corporate Treasurers33) Сетевые технологии: Advanced Client Technologies, audio conference terminal, automatic code translation, оконечная аппаратура для речевой конференц-связи, оконечная аппаратура для речевой конференции34) Контроль качества: activated35) Сахалин Р: automatic custody transfer36) Химическое оружие: ASARC Coordinating Team, Analytical Chemistry Team, analytical concentration tube37) Макаров: auto charge transfer, (auto charge transfer) автоперенос заряда38) Расширение файла: Action! Presentation file, Actor source code file (Graphics cell, Animation Works), Assistant actor (MS Office), Adobe Color table (Photoshop)39) Общественная организация: Amazon Conservation Team40) Должность: Acquired Clear Thinking41) Чат: Anxiety Chat Topics43) Программное обеспечение: Application Control Table, Artemis Comparison Tool44) Базы данных: Advanced Computer Technologies -
20 Act
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Appointment Change And Termination, действие или бездействие2) Авиация: Air Combat Tactics (training in the application of BFM and ACM skills to achieve a tactical air-to-air objective), additional center tank3) Морской термин: Alignment Optical Telescope5) Американизм: America Coming Together6) Военный термин: Advanced Cell Training, Advanced Concepts and Technology, Advanced Concepts and Technology Program, Air Council for Training, Analysis Control Team, Army combat trainer, Army communicative technology, Automatic Continuous Tuning, accumulation time, active control technique, advanced capability tanker, advanced career training, advanced computer technology, advanced concept team, aerial combat tactics, air cavalry troop, air combat tactics, air contact team, air control team, aircrewman classification test, area communications terminal, armored cavalry trainer, automatic checkout technician, aviation classification test, командование по трансформации объединённых вооруженных сил НАТО (Allied Command Transformation)7) Техника: activation, advanced communications technology, antenna crosstalks, area correlation tracker, automatic cable tester, automatic capacitor tester, automatic checkout technique, automatic circuit tester, automatic color tracking, automatic component tester, anti-comet-tail( сокр.) («антикометный»)9) Железнодорожный термин: Absolute Constant Time10) Юридический термин: Arrest Car Thieves, Assertive Community Treatment11) Торговля: average custom transactions12) Бухгалтерия: Accurate Complete And Timely, Automated Credit Transfer, advance corporation tax, налог на корпорации, выплачиваемый авансом (advance corporation tax)13) Австралийский сленг: Australian Capital Territory14) Автомобильный термин: air charge temperature15) Сокращение: ATLAS Composing Terminal, Acoustic Charge Transport, Acoustic Charged Transport, Action for Children's Television( in Cambridge, MA), Active Control Technology, Airborne Crew Trainer, Airportable Cargo Trailer, American College Testing, American Conservatory Theater, Anti-Communications Threat, Area Capability Training, Australian Central Time, Automation Compatible Tray (for AFSM-ai, 2005 and FSS, 2007), algebraic compiler and translator, American College Testing Program (Американская организация по проведению отборочных испытаний при поступлении в высшие учебные заведения), activity (деятельность; активность; учреждение; орган; служба; боевые действия; (радио) активность), actual temperature (истинная температура), actuate (приводить в действие (или) в движение), actual (фактический, действительный; абсолютный), Тест по контролю над астмой, Air Cleaning Technology16) Университет: Alumni Consulting Team, American College Test, Associates Of Campus Theatre17) Физиология: Active Motion, Adaptive Control Of Thought, Anticoagulant therapy18) Электроника: Actual Cycle Time, Alternative Control Technique19) Вычислительная техника: Acouttte Charge Transport, Association of Color Thermoprinting, Architecture Characterization Template (DISA), Action for Children's Television (in Cambridge, MA), Ассоциация по цветной термопечати, автоматическое преобразование кода20) Литература: Acting Communicating And Thinking21) Нефть: автоматическая откачка нефти с промысла потребителю по закрытой системе (с регистрацией объёма, плотности, температуры, содержания донных осадков и воды; automatic custody transfer), automatic custody transfer (system)22) Космонавтика: advanced chemical tug (перспективный МТА на химическом топливе)23) Банковское дело: Ассоциация финансовых директоров корпораций (Великобритания; Association of Corporate Treasurers)24) Транспорт: Activity Center Transportation, Alternative Commute Transportation25) Фирменный знак: Associated Consultants And Trainers, I Advanced Concepts and Technologies International, LLC27) Деловая лексика: Accountability Cooperation And Teamwork, Automated Confirmation Transaction Service, авансовый налог с доходов корпорации (advance corporation tax)28) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: автоматическая закрытая система откачки нефти потребителю (automatic custody transfer)29) Нефтегазовая техника автоматическая откачка нефти потребителю (по закрытой системе)30) Почта: air contract transportation tag31) Образование: Abolish Chronic Truancy, Acting Creating And Teaching, Advanced Computer Tutoring, Association of Classroom Teachers32) Инвестиции: Association of Corporate Treasurers33) Сетевые технологии: Advanced Client Technologies, audio conference terminal, automatic code translation, оконечная аппаратура для речевой конференц-связи, оконечная аппаратура для речевой конференции34) Контроль качества: activated35) Сахалин Р: automatic custody transfer36) Химическое оружие: ASARC Coordinating Team, Analytical Chemistry Team, analytical concentration tube37) Макаров: auto charge transfer, (auto charge transfer) автоперенос заряда38) Расширение файла: Action! Presentation file, Actor source code file (Graphics cell, Animation Works), Assistant actor (MS Office), Adobe Color table (Photoshop)39) Общественная организация: Amazon Conservation Team40) Должность: Acquired Clear Thinking41) Чат: Anxiety Chat Topics43) Программное обеспечение: Application Control Table, Artemis Comparison Tool44) Базы данных: Advanced Computer Technologies
См. также в других словарях:
Anti-submarine weapon — An anti submarine weapon is any one of a range of devices that are intended to act against a submarine, and its crew, to destroy (sink) the vessel or to destroy or reduce its capability as a weapon of war. An anti submarine weapon can be… … Wikipedia
Anti-submarine warfare — (ASW or in older form A/S) is a branch of naval warfare that uses surface warships, aircraft, space craft or other submarines to find, track and then damage or destroy enemy submarines. Like many forms of warfare, successful anti submarine… … Wikipedia
Anti-computer forensics — (sometimes counter forensics) is a general term for a set of techniques used as countermeasures to forensic analysis. Contents 1 Definition 1.1 Sub categories 1.2 Purpose and goals 2 … Wikipedia
Anti-globalization — is a term that encompasses a number of related ideas. [ No Logo: No Space, No Choice, No Jobs by Canadian journalist Naomi Klein.] What is shared is that participants stand in opposition to the unregulated political power of large, multi national … Wikipedia
Anti-aircraft warfare — Anti aircraft warfare, or air defense, is any method of engaging hostile military aircraft in defence of ground objectives, ground or naval forces or denial of passage through a specific airspace region, area or anti aircraft combat zone [ The… … Wikipedia
Anti-globalization movement — Anti consumerism Ideas and theory Spectacle · Culture jamming · Corporate crime · Media bias · Buy Nothing Day · Alternative culture · Simple living · … Wikipedia
Anti-tank warfare — Anti tank refers to any method of combating military armored fighting vehicles, notably tanks. The most common anti tank systems include artillery with a high muzzle velocity, missiles (such as wire guided HEAT), various autocannons firing… … Wikipedia
Anti-phishing software — consists of computer programs that attempt to identify phishing content contained in websites and e mail. It is often integrated with web browsers and email clients as a toolbar that displays the real domain name for the website the viewer is… … Wikipedia
Anti-satellite weapon — Anti satellite weapons (ASATs) are space weapons designed to destroy satellites for strategic military purposes. Currently, only the USA, the former USSR and the People s Republic of China are known to have developed these weapons,with India… … Wikipedia
Anti-nuclear antibody — Anti nuclear antibodies (ANAs, also known as anti nuclear factor or ANF ) are antibodies directed against contents of the cell nucleus. [MeshName|Antinuclear+Antibody] They are present in higher than normal numbers in autoimmune disease. The ANA… … Wikipedia
Anti-leadership — is a term used in the Ideal leadership model to describe an excess or deficiency of leadership capital elements.Leadership Capital is one aspect of the Ideal Leadership model, which is defined as the six competencies that constitute the leader s… … Wikipedia