1 antenna section
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > antenna section
2 antenna section
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > antenna section
3 antenna section
Техника: антенная секция, секция антенны -
4 antenna section
5 antenna section
6 antenna section
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > antenna section
7 antenna section
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > antenna section
8 antenna section
9 antenna section
————————English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > antenna section
10 section
2) секция; зона3) отрезок; участок4) срез; шлиф; микрошлиф5) отдел; отделение; производственный участок10) ж.-д. путевой участок11) мор. теоретический шпангоут12) купе ( спального вагона)13) полигр. сфальцованный лист, тетрадь14) раздел (книги, документа)15) текст. сновальная лента•to pass section — проводить сечение-
acoustic impedance section
ahead section
aileron section
air reservoir section
angle section
antenna section
apparent resistivity section
approach section
arched section
arithmetic section
aseptic section
assembly section
axial section
ballast section
bar rectangular section
barrel section
bar-round section
baseband switching section
bend section
bleeding section
block section
boiling section
borehole section
borehole tight section
box-like section
box section
building-out section
builtup section
bus section
by-product section
can body-forming section
can ends-making section
canal section
canalized section
capacitor section
cased borehole section
cast section
center wing section
channel section
coil section
combustion section
common-depth-point section
complete transposition section
composite section
concrete-lined section
condensing unit section
conic section
control section
converging section
converter section
cooling section
corner section
critical section
cross section
cubing and pelleting section
curved section
cut-and-fill section
cut-to-length sections
dangerous section
dead section
deep-freeze section
depth section
design section
development section
die-rolled section
diverging section
drying section
dummy section
effective section
electrolytic section
embanked section
entry section
evaporator section
exhausting section
extruded section
fabricated section
fairway section
feedback section
filter section
finished section
finishing section
fixed section
flared section
flash section
flat section
flexible section
flood section
formed section
fracture section
fragmentary section
fuel section
full-fashioned outerwear section
fuselage mid section
generator section
geoelectric section
geological section
geologic section
gilling section
golden section
grain-cleaning section
grain-storage section
grip section
gross section
H section
half-wave section
head section
heavy section
hinged section
horizontal section
hydraulic section
hydrologic section
I section
ice freezing section
initial separation section
insulated point section
insulated track section
invaded section
irregular section
jet section
journal section
lateral section
lattice section
level section
light section
liquid collection section
lithologic section
locked section
locked-in section
logged section
logical section
logic section
longitudinal section
lower spray sections
machining section
marking-out section
matching section
measuring section
medium section
metallographic section
midlength section
midstation section
milling section
mine section
mist extraction section
multiplier section
net section
neutral section
normal section
nose section
nozzle section
oblique section
operational section
operation section
overhead line section
overlapping section
packing section
partial section
parting off section
path section
patterned section
pay section
perforation section
phasing section
pipeline section
pivot section
point section
poison section
polished section
preset tooling section
process section
processing section
program section
pseudodepth section
pull-off section
pull-on section
quarter-wave section
radiant section
record section
rectifying section
refinery section
reflection section
refraction section
refrigerating section
regulator section
released section
resistivity pseudodepth section
resistivity section
rheostat section
right section
rinsing section
riser section
river section
riveted section
rolled section
rolling section
rough section
route section
ruling section
section of groove
section of soil
section of winding
seismic section
seismogram section
semifinished section
serial section
settling section
short-trace section
slender section
soaking section
solid-drawn section
spur section
square section
stackable lift-offroof section
stacked seismic section
station section
steaming section
strata section
stripping section
switch section
T section
tail section
tank shell section
tapered section
taper section
time section
topographic section
track section
transposition section
transverse section
trimming section
turntable section
uncased borehole section
unfinished section
uniform section
universal column section
unoccupied section
upper spray sections
valve section
variable-area record section
variable-density record section
vertical section
waist section
water section of canal
waveguide section
welded section
well section
wetted section
winding section
wire-mesh sections
Z-piling section -
11 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron-capture cross section
- electron multiplier section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- L-section
- lowpass T-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- T-section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- twin-T section
- waveguide section
- π-section -
12 section
1) секция; отрезок; звено4) раздел (напр. книги) || разбивать на разделы5) срез || изготавливать срез ( для микроскопических исследований)•- absorption cross section
- acoustic cross section
- antenna section
- apparent cross section
- back-scattering cross section
- bend section
- bistatic cross section
- brass section
- bridged T-section
- broadside cross section
- building-out section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- collision cross section
- conic section
- control section
- corner section
- Coulomb cross section
- cross section
- cruciform waveguide section
- data control section
- destructive collision cross section
- echoing cross section
- effective cross section
- effective waveguide section
- electron multiplier section
- electron-capture cross section
- end-fire radar cross section
- evanescent section
- filter section
- flexible section
- forward-scattering cross section
- half-wave section
- highpass T-section
- hole-capture cross section
- ionization cross section
- lowpass T-section
- L-section
- matching section
- measuring waveguide section
- molecular absorption cross section
- monostatic cross section
- normalized cross section
- phasing section
- pi-section
- quarter-wave section
- radar cross section
- radar scattering cross section
- recombination cross section
- restriction section
- rhythm section
- scattering cross section
- section of transmission line
- slotted section
- squeezable section
- squeeze section
- taper section
- tapered section
- target cross section
- target reflectivity cross section
- transition section
- transverse section
- T-section
- twin-T section
- waveguide sectionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > section
13 section
1) сечение2) секция, отсек3) звено4) зона5) отрезок•- acoustic-cross section
- adjustment section
- amplifier section
- antenna section
- baseband section
- bend section
- building-out section
- bus section
- capture cross section
- carrier-line section
- cassette section
- CD section
- corner section
- correcting section
- cross section
- curved section
- damaged cable section
- differential section
- digital section
- distributing section
- electron image section
- elementary-cable section
- extended-amplifyng section
- feedback section
- filter section
- lateral section
- magnetic conductor section
- matching section
- multiplier section
- phase shifting section
- protection switching section
- quarter-wave section
- RC section
- regeneration section
- regenerator section
- rereceiving section
- scattering cross section
- shortened amplifying section
- slotted section
- square section
- squeezable section
- trunk section
- tuner section
- waveguide section
- wire sectionEnglish-Russian dictionary of telecommunications and their abbreviations > section
14 scattering cross-section of an antenna
Макаров: площадь рассеяния антенныУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > scattering cross-section of an antenna
15 антенная секция
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > антенная секция
16 антенная секция
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > антенная секция
17 AAS
1) Авиация: консультативная служба аэропорта (сокр. от Airport Advisory Service)2) Медицина: Androgenic Anabolic Steroids, серия рентгеновских снимков живота в разных проекциях, выполненная в срочном порядке (acute abdominal series)3) Спорт: All America Selection, All America Selections4) Латинский язык: Acta Apostolica Sedis5) Военный термин: Air Armament School, Analyst Automation Segment, Army Air Service, Army Ambulance Service, Army Apprentices School, Army attach system, Army aviation school, Auxiliary Ambulance Service, advanced air station, aeromedical airlift squadron, aerospace application studies, air armament section, aircraft accounting system, alert area supervisor, analog alarm section, annual average score, antiaircraft searchlight, antiaircraft sector, automatic addressing system6) Техника: active array seeker, adaptive antenna system, advanced antenna system, airborne antenna system, antiaircraft set, atomic absorption spectrometer, attack assessment system, azimuth alignment system7) Химия: атомно-абсорбционная спектрометрия8) Математика: Asymptotically Almost Surely, Auto Available Split9) Бухгалтерия: The American Astronomical Society10) Астрономия: Archaeology, Astronautics, and Seti11) Грубое выражение: Arrogance Apostasy And Stupidity12) Музыка: Almost A Star13) Радио: Advanced Antenna Systems14) Сокращение: Advanced Automation System, Agusta Aerospace Services SA (Belgium), American Astronomical Society, American Academy of Science, Aberdeen Art Society (Абердинское общество поощрения (изобразительных) искусств (Великобритания)), Australian Academy of Science (Австралийская академия наук), Arkansas Academy of Science (Академия наук штата Арканзас (США)), American Antiquarian Society (Американское археологическое общество), Anglo-Argentine Society (Англо-аргентинское общество культурных связей), Association for Asian Studies (Ассоциация по изучению Азии (США)), All-American Selection (Всеамериканское общество любителей и селекционеров цветов и огородных культур), automated accounting system (автоматизированная система бухгалтерского учёта и расчётов), advanced accounting system (передовая (усовершенствованная) система бухгалтерского учёта и расчётов), Associate in Applied Science (работник в области прикладных наук; член ассоциации по прикладным наукам; прослушавший двухлетний курс прикладных наук (США)), All-to-All Scatter15) Физиология: Alive And Smiling, Anabolic And Androgenic Steroids, Anabolic Androgenic Steroid, Anabolic Androgenic Steroids16) Фото: Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer17) Вычислительная техника: American Astronomical Society (Space)18) Транспорт: Aerospace Advocates Society, Airport Advisory Service19) Фирменный знак: Advanced Automotive Services20) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: ААС (atomic-absorption spectroscopy), атомная абсорбционная спектрофотометрия (atomic absorption spectrophotometry), атомно-абсорбционная спектроскопия (atomic-absorption spectroscopy)21) Программирование: ASCII Adjust after Subtraction22) Полупроводники: atomic absorption spectrometry23) Сахалин Р: atomic absorption spectrophotometry, atomic-absorption spectroscopy24) Океанография: American Astrophysical Society25) Химическое оружие: Automatic agent sampler26) Авиационная медицина: American Astronautical Society27) Общественная организация: American Association of Suicidology, Arnold Air Society28) Должность: Average Annual Salary -
18 CAS
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge -
19 CAs
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge -
20 Cas
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge
См. также в других словарях:
Antenna measurement — techniques refers to the testing of antennas to ensure that the antenna meets specifications or simply to characterize it. Typical parameters of antennas are gain, radiation pattern, beamwidth, polarization, and impedance.The antenna pattern is… … Wikipedia
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Antenna effective area — In telecommunication, antenna effective area or effective aperture is the functionally equivalent area from which an antenna directed toward the source of the received signal gathers or absorbs the energy of an incident electromagnetic wave. Note … Wikipedia
RF antenna ion source — An RF antenna ion source (or radio frequency antenna ion source) is an internal multi cusp design that can produce a particle beam of about 30 to 40 mA current. It is used in high energy particle physics and in accelerator laboratories.Previous… … Wikipedia
Microstrip antenna — In telecommunication, there are several types of microstrip antennas (also known as printed antennas) the most common of which is the microstrip patch antenna or patch antenna. A patch antenna is a narrowband, wide beam antenna fabricated by… … Wikipedia
Dipole antenna — A schematic of a half wave dipole antenna connected to an unbalanced coaxial cable. Better practice is to connect the balanced dipole to the unbalanced line with a balun. A dipole antenna is a radio antenna that can be made of a simple wire, with … Wikipedia
Metamaterial antenna — This Z antenna tested at the National Institute of Standards and Technology is smaller than a standard antenna with comparable properties. Its high efficiency is derived from the Z element inside the square that acts as a metamaterial, greatly… … Wikipedia
Horn antenna — Pyramidal microwave horn antenna, with a bandwidth of 0.8 to 18 GHz. A coaxial cable feedline attaches to the connector visible at top. This type is called a ridged horn; the curving fins visible inside the mouth of the horn increase the antenna… … Wikipedia
Dual-band blade antenna — Contents 1 Introduction 2 Theory 2.1 Monopoles 2.1.1 Blade Antennas 2.2 Slot Antennas … Wikipedia
Parabolic antenna — A parabolic satellite communications antenna at Erdfunkstelle Raisting, the biggest facility for satellite communication in the world, in Raisting, Bavaria, Germany. It has a Cassegrain type feed. A parabolic antenna is an antenna that uses a… … Wikipedia