1 Microdon
См. также в других словарях:
ant-fly — … Useful english dictionary
fly like a rock — verb to travel through the air with little or no benefit from aerodynamic lift If the wings arent big enough your paper airplane will fly like a rock. Ant: fly like a bird … Wiktionary
Fly fishing — in a river Fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial fly is used to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel, and specialized weighted line. Casting a nearly weightless fly or lure requires casting techniques significantly… … Wikipedia
fly — [v1] take to the air, usually employing wings aviate, barnstorm*, bend the throttle*, buzz*, circle, circumnavigate, climb, control, cross, dart, dash, dive, drift, flat hat*, fleet, flit, float, flutter, glide, hop, hover, hurry, jet, jet out,… … New thesaurus
fly-by-night — [adj] undependable brief, cowboy*, dubious, here today gone tomorrow*, impermanent, questionable, shady, shifty, short lived, slimy*, slippery*, treacherous, trustless, unreliable, unsure, untrustworthy; concepts 542,551 Ant. dependable, reliable … New thesaurus
Ant mimicry — Cricket nymph, Macroxiphus sp. Ant mimicry is mimicry of ants by other organisms. Ants are abundant all over the world, and insect predators that rely on vision to identify their prey such as birds and wasps normally avoid them, either because… … Wikipedia
Fly lure — A fly lure, Fly, or pattern, in the terminology of sport fishing and fly fishing, is an artificial fishing lure tied, most commonly, with thread, feathers, and fur, but may also include lead (for weight), ribbon, tinsel, beads, and other assorted … Wikipedia
Ant — For other uses, see Ant (disambiguation). Ants Temporal range: 130–0 Ma … Wikipedia
ant — antlike, adj. /ant/, n. 1. any of numerous black, red, brown, or yellow social insects of the family Formicidae, of worldwide distribution esp. in warm climates, having a large head with inner jaws for chewing and outer jaws for carrying and… … Universalium
fly — 1. noun /flaɪ/ a) Any insect of the order Diptera; characterized by having two wings, also called true flies. We had a quick half hour fly back into the city. b) Especially, any of the insects of the family Muscidae, such as the common housefly… … Wiktionary
fly agaric — musmirė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Musmirinių šeimos grybų gentis (Amanita). Skiriama fly agaric100 rūšių (Lietuvoje 15). Paplitusi visuose žemynuose. Auga miškuose, parkuose, pievose, kartais ant medienos. Daugelis… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas