61 constant
1) константа, постоянная (величина)2) коэффициент3) модуль4) постоянный; неизменный•to calibrate a constant — точно определять значение постояннойconstant of motion — интеграл движенияconstant of proportionality — коэффициент пропорциональности-
absolute dielectric constant
absolute gas constant
acidity constant
additive constant
address constant
amplification constant
anisotropic elastic constants
anodization constant
arbitrary constant
atomic constant
attenuation constant
Avogadro constant
basicity constant
biological-decay constant
boiling-point gravity constant
boiling-point-viscosity constant
Boltzmann constant
calibration constant
character constant
chemical constant
circuit constant
coagulation constant
coil constant
compile-time constant
complex constant
complex dielectric constant
condenser constant
contiguous constant
corrosion constant
couple-stress constant
coupling constant
CR time constant
CR constant
damping constant
decay constant
deferred constant
dielectric attenuation constant
dielectric constant
dielectric phase constant
diffusion constant
dimensional constant
dimensionless constant
direct-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient open-circuit time constant
direct-axis transient short-circuit time constant
dissociation constant
distributed constants
effective decay constant
elastic constant
electric charge time constant
electric constant
electric discharge time constant
electrochemical constant
electromagnetic time constant
electromechanical time constant
electrooptic constant
electrostrictive constant
emission constant
empirical constant
exposure constant
fall time constant
Faraday constant
Fermi constant
gain constant
gas constant
generalized constants
gravitational constant
Hall constant
harmonic constant
Hollerith constant
hysteresis material constant
hysteresis constant
ideal gas constant
image transfer constant
instructional constant
instrument constant
instrumental stadia constant
integer constant
integration constant
intermolecular energy constant
ionization constant
Joule's constant
Kerr constant
lattice constant
literal constant
logical constant
loop-time constant
lumped circuit constants
magnetic constant
manifest constant
mechanical time constant
migration constant
multiplication constant
multiplying constant
network constant
noncontiguous constant
nondimensional constant
nuclear constant
numerical constant
numeric constant
open-circuit time constant of armature winding
open-circuit time constant
Pascal constant
permittivity constant
phase-change constant
phase constant
photoelastic constant
photometric constant
Planck constant
principal elastic constants
propagation constant
proportionality constant
quadrature-axis subtransient open-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient open-circuit time constant
quadrature-axis transient short-circuit time constant
radiation constant
radioactive decay constant
radiological decay constant
reaction constant
reactor time constant
real constant
relative dielectric constant
reproduction constant
resistivity constant
resonance constant
Seebeck constant
sensitization constant
short-circuit time constant of armature winding
short-circuit time constant
slot-reactance constant
solar constant
spring constant
stadia constant
Stefan-Boltzmann constant
stored energy constant
strain-hardening constant
strain-optic constant
structured constant
thermal time constant
thermodynamic constant
time constant
torsion constant
transfer constant
transformation constant
transient time constant
transmission constant
universal constant
Van der Waals constant
viscosity-gravity constant
wavelength constant
wedge constant -
62 плазменное анодирование
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > плазменное анодирование
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Soluble Nsf Attachment Protein2) Компьютерная техника: Space Network And Power3) Медицина: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/rules/Legislation/about.htm), safety-net antibiotic prescription5) Спорт: Sunday Night At The Pool6) Военный термин: Secondary Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Soviet (FSU) Nuclear Artillery Projectile, System Nuclear Auxiliary Power, satellite, nuclear-powered, shipboard nontactical ADP program, short notice annual practice, standard Navy accounting procedures, summary of Navy approved programs7) Техника: safeguards network analysis procedure, shielded neutron assay probe, simulated network analysis program, systems for nuclear auxiliary power supply8) Шутливое выражение: Special Needs Aussie Placement9) Химия: Strontium Nitrate Acetone Peroxide10) Юридический термин: Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program, Suddenly Nasty And Aggressive Personality11) Телекоммуникации: Subnetwork Access Protocol (IEEE 802)12) Сокращение: Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program (US Navy), Shipboard Non-tactical Automated data Processing program, Steerable Null Antenna Processor, Sub Network Access Protocol, Synchronous Numeric Array Processor, Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Sudan National AIDS Programme13) Университет: Student Needs Assistance Program, Student Network Access Project, Student Nurses At Penn14) Физиология: Smoking Nutrition Alcohol And Physical, Supporting Neurotransmitter Activity And Production15) Электроника: Selective Niobium Anodization Process16) Вычислительная техника: Sub-Network Access Protocol, Switch Probe Analyzer, System and Network Administration Program, SubNetwork Attachment Point (IEEE 802.1a), SubNetwork Access Protocol (LAN, Ethernet), Sub Network Access Protocol (OSI, Networking)17) Социология: оценочная шкала (Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham)18) Биотехнология: Screening for nonacceptable polymorphism19) Воздухоплавание: Structural Network Analysis Program21) Деловая лексика: Sharp National Account Program, Stop Now And Plan22) Образование: Say No And Phone, School Network For Absenteeism Prevention, School Networking Action Project, School Nutrition Accountability Program, Seeing Necessary Alternatives Photographically, Special Needs Access And Participation, Stop The Negative Accentuate The Positive23) Сетевые технологии: Single Network Access Pass, Standard Network Access Protocol, Subnetwork Access Protocol, System Neutral Access Protocol, протокол доступа к подсетям, стандартный протокол доступа к сети, стандартный протокол сетевого доступа24) Безопасность: Secure Network Access Platform, System Network Advanced Protection25) Расширение файла: Sub-Network Attachment Point26) Космический летательный аппарат: Supernova Acceleration Probe27) НАСДАК: Synaptic Pharmaceutical28) Общественная организация: Seniors Needing A Pet, Spay Neuter Assistance Program29) Международная торговля: Simplified Network Application Process -
64 snap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Soluble Nsf Attachment Protein2) Компьютерная техника: Space Network And Power3) Медицина: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (http://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/rules/Legislation/about.htm), safety-net antibiotic prescription5) Спорт: Sunday Night At The Pool6) Военный термин: Secondary Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Soviet (FSU) Nuclear Artillery Projectile, System Nuclear Auxiliary Power, satellite, nuclear-powered, shipboard nontactical ADP program, short notice annual practice, standard Navy accounting procedures, summary of Navy approved programs7) Техника: safeguards network analysis procedure, shielded neutron assay probe, simulated network analysis program, systems for nuclear auxiliary power supply8) Шутливое выражение: Special Needs Aussie Placement9) Химия: Strontium Nitrate Acetone Peroxide10) Юридический термин: Safe Neighborhood Awareness Program, Suddenly Nasty And Aggressive Personality11) Телекоммуникации: Subnetwork Access Protocol (IEEE 802)12) Сокращение: Shipboard Non-tactical ADP Program (US Navy), Shipboard Non-tactical Automated data Processing program, Steerable Null Antenna Processor, Sub Network Access Protocol, Synchronous Numeric Array Processor, Systems for Nuclear Auxiliary Power, Sudan National AIDS Programme13) Университет: Student Needs Assistance Program, Student Network Access Project, Student Nurses At Penn14) Физиология: Smoking Nutrition Alcohol And Physical, Supporting Neurotransmitter Activity And Production15) Электроника: Selective Niobium Anodization Process16) Вычислительная техника: Sub-Network Access Protocol, Switch Probe Analyzer, System and Network Administration Program, SubNetwork Attachment Point (IEEE 802.1a), SubNetwork Access Protocol (LAN, Ethernet), Sub Network Access Protocol (OSI, Networking)17) Социология: оценочная шкала (Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham)18) Биотехнология: Screening for nonacceptable polymorphism19) Воздухоплавание: Structural Network Analysis Program21) Деловая лексика: Sharp National Account Program, Stop Now And Plan22) Образование: Say No And Phone, School Network For Absenteeism Prevention, School Networking Action Project, School Nutrition Accountability Program, Seeing Necessary Alternatives Photographically, Special Needs Access And Participation, Stop The Negative Accentuate The Positive23) Сетевые технологии: Single Network Access Pass, Standard Network Access Protocol, Subnetwork Access Protocol, System Neutral Access Protocol, протокол доступа к подсетям, стандартный протокол доступа к сети, стандартный протокол сетевого доступа24) Безопасность: Secure Network Access Platform, System Network Advanced Protection25) Расширение файла: Sub-Network Attachment Point26) Космический летательный аппарат: Supernova Acceleration Probe27) НАСДАК: Synaptic Pharmaceutical28) Общественная организация: Seniors Needing A Pet, Spay Neuter Assistance Program29) Международная торговля: Simplified Network Application Process -
65 setup
1) установкаа) монтажб) размещение; расположение; развёртываниев) вчт установка программного обеспечения, проф. инсталляцияг) вчт установка дополнительных или съёмных аппаратных средств; установка картриджей с расходными материалами; заправка бумаги (в принтер)д) комплекс; оборудование; аппаратура2) вчт конфигурирование и настройка, установка (значений) параметров (напр. аппаратных средств)3) тлф установление соединения || устанавливать соединение4) организация; устройство; структура5) план; проект6) тлв отношение опорного уровня чёрного к опорному уровню белого7) тлв положение камеры ( при съёмке)•- anodization setup
- base input/output system setup
- BIOS setup
- chipset setup
- experimental setup
- getter-sputtering setup
- peripheral setup
- recording setup
- standard CMOS setup
- test setup -
66 setup
1) установкаа) монтажб) размещение; расположение; развёртываниев) вчт. установка программного обеспечения, проф. инсталляцияг) вчт. установка дополнительных или съёмных аппаратных средств; установка картриджей с расходными материалами; заправка бумаги (в принтер)д) комплекс; оборудование; аппаратура2) вчт. конфигурирование и настройка, установка (значений) параметров (напр. аппаратных средств)3) тлф. установление соединения || устанавливать соединение4) организация; устройство; структура5) план; проект6) тлв. отношение опорного уровня чёрного к опорному уровню белого7) тлв. положение камеры ( при съёмке)•- anodization setup
- base input/output system setup
- BIOS setup
- chipset setup
- experimental setup
- getter-sputtering setup
- peripheral setup
- recording setup
- standard CMOS setup
- test setupThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > setup
См. также в других словарях:
anodization — (Amer.) n. process of coating metal with a protective layer of oxide (using electrolytic means) … English contemporary dictionary
anodization — anodinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. anodic coating; anodic oxidation; anodization vok. Anodieren, n; Anodierung, f rus. анодирование, n pranc. anodisation, f; oxydation anodique, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
anodization — noun see anodize … New Collegiate Dictionary
anodization — See anodize. * * * … Universalium
anodization — noun The process of anodizing … Wiktionary
electrolytic anodization — elektrolitinis anodinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. electrolytic anodization vok. anodische Oxydation, f; Anodisieren, n; elektrolytische Oxydation, f rus. электролитическое анодирование, n pranc. anodisation… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
plasma anodization — plazminis anodinimas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. plasma anodization vok. Plasmaanodierung, f rus. плазменное анодирование, n pranc. anodisation par plasma, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
anodize — anodization, n. /an euh duyz /, v.t., anodized, anodizing. Chem. to coat a metal, esp. magnesium or aluminum, with a protective film by chemical or electrolytic means. Also, esp. Brit., anodise. [1930 35; ANODE + IZE] * * * … Universalium
Anodizing — Anodizing, or anodising, is an electrolytic passivation process used to increase the thickness of the natural oxide layer on the surface of metal parts. Anodizing increases corrosion resistance and wear resistance, and provides better adhesion… … Wikipedia
Porous silicon — (pSi) is a form of the chemical element silicon which has an introduced nanoporous holes in its microstructure, rendering a large surface to volume ratio in the order of 500m2/cm3. History Porous silicon was first discovered by accident in 1956… … Wikipedia
Niobium — zirconium ← niobium → molybdenum V ↑ Nb ↓ Ta … Wikipedia