1 animation by reduction
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > animation by reduction
2 animation by reduction
3 animation by reduction
English-Russian scientific dictionary > animation by reduction
4 reduction
1) уменьшение
2) обжатие
3) приведение
4) редукционный
5) редукция
6) редуцирование
7) сведение
8) сокращение
9) преобразование
10) ослабление
11) понижение
12) разрешение
13) скидка
14) снижение
15) урезывание
16) сужение
17) раскисление
18) восстановительный
19) восстановление
20) концентрирование
21) измельчение
– acid reduction
– alkaline reduction
– animation by reduction
– cathodic reduction
– coke reduction
– data reduction
– diameter reduction
– direct reduction
– error reduction
– field reduction
– fixed bed reduction
– gaseous reduction
– heavy reduction
– light reduction
– linear reduction
– per cent reduction
– percent reduction
– proportional reduction
– ratio of reduction
– reduction coefficient
– reduction factor
– reduction in thickness
– reduction mod p
– reduction of area
– reduction of data
– reduction of forces
– reduction of fractions
– reduction of observations
– reduction per pass
– reduction process
– reduction ratio
– reduction scale
– reduction schedule
– reduction smelting
– reduction temperature
– reduction to sea level
– scale reduction
– size reduction
acoustic reduction factor — <acoust.> коэффициент звукоизоляции
deviation reduction factor — <comput.> коэффициент уменьшения отклонения
reduction to reference condition — приведение к заданным условиям
reduction to single-domain state — <phys.> монодоменизация
thermal reduction methods — <metal.> металлотермия
5 animation
мультипликационная киносъемка
– animation by ammonolysis
– animation by reduction
– animation film
– animation stand
– video animation -
6 animation
киномультипликационная киносъемка, анимация -
7 аминирование восстановлением
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > аминирование восстановлением
8 stand
1) станина; основание2) подставка; штатив; пьедестал5) горн. звено буровых штанг; нефт. свеча бурильных труб6) метал. клеть7) позиция, положение || занимать позицию9) остановка, пауза10) выдерживать (усилие, напряжение)11) авто стоянка13) лесонасаждение; древостой14) запас древесины ( на 1 га)•-
accumulator stand
air brake unwind stand
angular roll stand
animation stand
anvil stand
balancing stand
base stand
blooming mill stand
breakdown stand
broadside stand
camera stand
capless stand
case stand
casting stand
center shaft-type rewind stand
check-out stand
cogging stand
complete stand
continuous turn-over unwind stand
control stand
die stand
display stand
double-roll stand
drive stand
dummy stand
duplex reel stand
finishing stand
flying stand
heavy-duty roll stand
inboard-type roll stand
incomplete stand
inspection stand
iron stand
lathe delivery stand
lathe retrieval stand
load/unload stand
machine stand
mill roll stand
mill stand
motor test stand
open-file stand
operator's stand
outboard-type roll stand
pallet stand
parking stand
passenger loading stand
pipette stand
pipett stand
planishing stand
portable stand
proving stand
reduction stand
reel stand
reel-off stand
reel-up stand
retouching stand
rewind stand
roll stand
shaping stand
shelf stand
single-roll stand
spreading stand
stand of rolls
steering stand
stock stand
takeup stand
teeming ladle stand
testing stand
test stand
tool stand
turret-type rewind stand
turret-type unwind stand
unwind stand
vibration stand
withdrawal and reduction stand -
9 camera
2) киносъёмочный аппарат, киноаппарат, кинокамера6) архит. сводчатое покрытие•to thread camera — заряжать киносъёмочный аппарат- 6×6 cm camera -
accelerated motion-picture camera
aerial camera
aerophotographic camera
all-sky camera
amateur camera
animation camera
astrographic camera
astronomical camera
auto camera
autofocusing camera
autoprocess camera
background camera
ball camera
ballistic camera
battery-powered camera
bellows-type camera
bellows camera
bipack camera
blimped camera
borehole camera
box-type camera
box camera
broadcast camera
caption camera
cartographic camera
cartoon camera
cartridge loading camera
cartridge camera
cassette camera
CCD camera
cine camera
cinefluorographic camera
cinematographic X-ray recording camera
cineradiology camera
closed-circuit TV camera
close-up camera
cloud camera
collapsible camera
color camera
color television camera
color-slide camera
combination single film camera
compact-size camera
composite electronic and film camera
continuous-motion camera
copying camera
copy camera
darkroom camera
data-recording camera
Debye-Scherrer camera
deep-water camera
discontinuously writing camera
documentary camera
double-eight camera
double-extension camera
double-frame camera
drum camera
dual-gage camera
easily handled camera
EFP camera
electric eye camera
electric-driven camera
electric camera
electronic camera
electron camera
electronic news gathering camera
endoscopic camera
ENG camera
environmentally protected camera
fast pulldown camera
field camera
film camera
film developing camera
film recording camera
fixed camera
fixed-focus camera
fixed-pin registration camera
flash camera
flow camera
folding camera
foreground camera
framing camera
full-frame format camera
gallery camera
graphic arts camera
graphics camera
grid camera
ground glass focusing camera
ground glass camera
Guinier camera
gyroscope camera
half-format camera
hand camera
hand-held camera
HDTV camera
high-frequency camera
high-resolution camera
high-speed camera
hologram camera
horizontal camera
image compensation camera
image-converter camera
image-dissection camera
industrial-type camera
industrial camera
industrial-type television camera
industrial television camera
infrared camera
instant camera
instant-load camera
instrumentation camera
interchangeable camera
intermittent camera
Kerr cell camera
kinescope recording camera
kinescope camera
large-format camera
laser camera
Laue camera
left-eye camera
lenticular screen camera
live camera
log camera
low-speed recording camera
low-speed camera
magnetic video camera
manual camera
mapping camera
mask camera
measuring camera
medium format camera
microfiche camera
microfilm camera
miniature camera
monoblock camera
monochrome camera
motion-picture camera
motor-driven camera
movie camera
moving-image camera
narrow-gage camera
newsreel camera
news camera
one-piece camera
one-tube camera
optical compensation camera
outside broadcast camera
overhead camera
paging camera
panoramic camera
photo-finish camera
photogrammetric camera
photographic camera
photomechanical camera
photomicrographic camera
photoreproduction camera
photostat camera
phototheodolite camera
pickup camera
picosecond framing camera
picture-taking camera
picture camera
pilot camera
pinhole camera
plain camera
planetary camera
plate camera
platemaker camera
plotting camera
pocket camera
portable camera
precision camera
press camera
process camera
professional camera
programmed camera
projecting camera
rangefinder camera
recording camera
reduction camera
reflex camera
reporter camera
reproduction camera
right-eye camera
robot camera
rotary camera
Sauter camera
scanning camera
scientific camera
seismic camera
self-contained camera
self-developing camera
self-threading camera
semiautomatic camera
shoulder-operated camera
shoulder camera
silent camera
single-film camera
single-frame camera
single-lens reflex camera
slate camera
slave camera
slow-motion camera
sound motion-picture camera
sound-film camera
sound-on-film camera
spectrographic camera
stand camera
step-and-repeat camera
stop-motion camera
streak camera
studio camera
subminiature camera
taking camera
technical camera
telecine camera
television camera
time-lapse motion camera
time-lapse camera
topographical camera
traveling matte camera
trick camera
twin-lens camera
two-piece camera
vertical process camera
video camera
video still camera
view camera
viewfinder camera
Weissenberg camera
wide-angle camera
X-ray diffraction camera
X-ray camera -
10 rally
ралли имя существительное:авторалли (rally, motor rally)глагол:сплотиться (rally, unite)овладевать собой (collect, rally) -
11 revival
возрождение имя существительное: -
12 renascence
возрождение имя существительное:
См. также в других словарях:
CINÉMA D’ANIMATION — La représentation symbolisée, suggérée ou réalisée du mouvement apparaît comme une tentation constante des arts plastiques. Des siècles de simulacre magique, de théâtre d’ombres ou de spectacle de projection confirment la persistance du vieux… … Encyclopédie Universelle
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Bambi (film, 1942) — Pour l’article homonyme, voir Bambi. Bambi … Wikipédia en Français
Business and Industry Review — ▪ 1999 Introduction Overview Annual Average Rates of Growth of Manufacturing Output, 1980 97, Table Pattern of Output, 1994 97, Table Index Numbers of Production, Employment, and Productivity in Manufacturing Industries, Table (For Annual… … Universalium