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  • Animal fat — Animal fats are rendered tissue fats that can be obtained from a variety of animals. Human nutrition Animal fats are often claimed to be unhealthy owing to their association with high cholesterol levels in the blood. Animal fat contains some… …   Wikipedia

  • animal fat — noun any fat obtained from animals animal fat is high in saturated fatty acids • Hypernyms: ↑fat, ↑animal material • Hyponyms: ↑bone fat, ↑butterfat …   Useful english dictionary

  • animal fat — gyvūniniai riebalai statusas Aprobuotas sritis gyvulininkystė apibrėžtis Gaminys, gaunamas perdirbus šiltakraujų sausumos gyvūnų riebalus (lajų, taukus, kaulų riebalus ir kt.). atitikmenys: angl. animal fat vok. Tierfett, n pranc. graisses… …   Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)

  • animal fat — riebalai statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Glicerolio ir riebalų rūgščių esteriai – lipidų grupės organiniai junginiai. Paplitę gamtoje kaip augalų ir gyvūnų medžiagų apykaitos produktai. atitikmenys: angl. animal fat; fats;… …   Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas

  • animal fat — /ˈænəməl fæt/ (say anuhmuhl fat) noun any fat, such as butter, lard, or suet, that comes from an animal …  

  • animal fat — noun Any fat rendered from the tissue of an animal …   Wiktionary

  • Animal product — Animal product, or animal by product, is a term used to describe material taken from the body of a non human animal. Examples are fat, flesh, blood, milk, eggs, and lesser known products such as isinglass and rennet.[1] The term is generally not… …   Wikipedia

  • fat´ti|ness — fat|ty «FAT ee», adjective, ti|er, ti|est, noun, plural ties. –adj. 1. of fat; containing fat: »fatty tissue. SYNONYM(S): adipose. 2. like …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat´ti|ly — fat|ty «FAT ee», adjective, ti|er, ti|est, noun, plural ties. –adj. 1. of fat; containing fat: »fatty tissue. SYNONYM(S): adipose. 2. like …   Useful english dictionary

  • fat|ty — «FAT ee», adjective, ti|er, ti|est, noun, plural ties. –adj. 1. of fat; containing fat: »fatty tissue. SYNONYM(S): adipose. 2. like …   Useful english dictionary

  • Fat — This article is about the type of nutrient in food. For fat in humans and animals, see Adipose tissue. For other uses, see Fat (disambiguation). Types of fats in food Unsaturated fat Monounsaturated fat Polyunsaturated fat …   Wikipedia

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