1 angular difference
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > angular difference
2 angular difference
геод. угловая невязкаАнгло-русский словарь технических терминов > angular difference
3 angular difference
4 angular difference
1) Морской термин: разность углов2) Техника: угловая разность3) Математика: угловое смещение, угловой сдвиг4) Геодезия: угловая невязка5) Картография: разница в углах, угловое несоответствие -
5 angular difference
6 angular difference
разность углов; угловое смешение; угловой сдвигАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > angular difference
7 angular difference
8 angular difference
9 angular difference
(геодез.) угловая невязкаEnglish-Russian dictionary of Oil Industry > angular difference
10 angular difference
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > angular difference
11 angular difference
12 nominal angular difference
Техника: номинальная угловая разностьУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > nominal angular difference
13 difference
1) разница, различие2) матем. разность3) перепад, разность (давлений, температур)4) приращение•-
angular difference
angular phase difference
backward difference
central difference
chromatic difference
color difference
common difference
contact potential difference
dielectric loss difference
electric potential difference
element-to-element difference
elevation difference of pipeline ends
enthalpy difference
envelope-cycle difference
finite difference
focusing difference
forward difference
frame-to-frame difference
frequency difference of arrival
humidity difference
just noticeable difference
line difference
luminance difference
mean difference
mean temperature difference
minimum perceptible difference
normalized difference
optical distance difference
optical length difference
optical path difference
overall temperature difference
path difference
phase difference
phase-error difference
picture-to-picture difference
potential difference
pressure difference
propagation difference
sample difference
second difference
structural differences
tabular difference
temperature difference
terminal temperature difference
threshold luminance difference
trim difference
true mean temperature difference
voltage difference -
14 angular
угловой; угловатый; коленчатый- angular addendum - angular asymmetry - angular attitude - angular backlash - angular ball bearing - angular bellows seal - angular belt - angular belt drive - angular belting - angular buttressing - angular cam spacing - angular change - angular clearance - angular coefficient - angular configuration - angular-contact ball bearing - angular contact bearing - angular-contact thrust bearing - angular correlation - angular cut - angular cutter - angular defect - angular deflection - angular deformation - angular density - angular dependence - angular dependent mode - angular deviation - angular diameter - angular difference - angular dimension - angular discrepancy - angular discrimination - angular dislocation - angular disparity - angular displacement - angular displacement resolution - angular distance - angular distribution - angular distribution analyzer - angular disturbance - angular divergence - angular domain - angular drift - angular drilling - angular drive - angular-drive subhead - angular energy characteristic - angular extend - angular error - angular facing - angular feed - angular file - angular fishplate - angular fixturing - angular flute - angular fold - angular gage - angular gage setting - angular gashing - angular gear - angular head - angular height of thread - angular hole - angular ignition spacing - angular impulse - angular incidence - angular inclination - angular increment - angular instrument - angular joint - angular kinetic energy - angular lag - angular length - angular limit - angular localization - angular location - angular locator - angular machining - angular measure - angular measurements - angular milling - angular misalignment - angular misalignment loss - angular modulation - angular modulation method - angular momentum - angular momentum barrier - angular momentum eigenfunction - angular momentum equation - angular momentum of particle about point - angular momentum operator - angular momentum quantization - angular momentum transfer - angular motion - angular movement - angular-movement pickup - angular movement sensor - angular movement transducer - angular nonlinearity - angular observation - angular opening of cone - angular offset - angular oscillations - angular perspective - angular pitch - angular plate - angular play - angular point - angular position - angular-position pickup - angular position sensor - angular position transducer - angular positioning - angular-positioning head - angular power transmission - angular range - angular rate - angular readings - angular region - angular repeatability - angular resolution - angular resolution limit - angular resolution photoemission - angular resolution spectroscopy - angular resolving power - angular rigidity - angular rod - angular rotation - angular scale - angular sensor - angular separation - angular setting - angular-shaped groove - angular sine vise - angular size - angular slide - angular slip - angular spacing - angular spectrum - angular speed ratio - angular spread - angular steel - angular stone - angular strain - angular subtense - angular synchro comparator - angular table - angular test - angular thread - angular tooth - angular tooth thickness - angular transmission - angular travel - angular twist - angular unit - angular value - angular valve - angular variations - angular velocity - angular velocity ratio - angular velocity vector - angular vertex - angular vibration - angular vise - angular wheel - angular width - angular wire gage - angular work -
15 angular
1. a угловой2. a с углами; угловатый3. a угловатый, неловкий, нескладныйangular aggregate — заполнитель угловатой формы, неокатанный заполнитель
4. a худой, костлявый5. a сварливый, неуживчивый6. a тех. угольный, угловой, коленчатыйСинонимический ряд:1. awkward (adj.) awkward; stiff; unbending; ungainly2. lean (adj.) bony; gangling; gaunt; lank; lanky; lean; meager; meagre; raw boned; rawboned; raw-boned; scraggy; scrawny; skinny; slender; slim; spare; thin3. rude (adj.) crude; lumpy; raw; rough; roughhewn; rude; undressed; unfashioned; unfinished; unformed; unhewn; unpolished; unworked; unwrought4. with angles (adj.) akimbo; angled; defined; forked; intersecting; jagged; pointed; sharp; with angles; with cornersАнтонимический ряд:fleshy; graceful; plump; rounded -
16 difference
1. n разница; различие, несходство, отличиеdifference of opinion — расхождение во мнениях, разногласия
the difference between two versions of the same text — различие между двумя редакциями одного и того же текста, разночтение
with the difference that … — с той разницей, что …
2. n разногласие; спор; ссораwe sometimes have our differences — у нас бывают разногласия, нам случается не соглашаться друг с другом
3. n геральд. отличительный знак4. n мат. разность5. v книжн. различать; отличать6. v книжн. мат. вычислять разностьСинонимический ряд:1. argument (noun) argument; disagreement; dispute; quarrel2. discord (noun) conflict; contention; disaccord; discord; disharmony; dispeace; dissension; dissent; dissidence; dissonance; disunion; disunity; inharmony; mischief; strife; unpeace3. dissimilarity (noun) alterity; deviation; discrepancy; disparity; dissemblance; dissimilarity; dissimilitude; distance; divarication; divergence; divergency; gap; incongruity; inconsistency; otherness; unlikeness4. distinction (noun) dash; discrimination; distinction; idiosyncrasy; tone5. variance (noun) contrariety; division; feud; misunderstanding; opposition; variance6. variation (noun) contrast; variation7. know (verb) differentiate; discern; discrepate; discriminate; distinguish; extricate; know; separate; sever; severalizeАнтонимический ряд:agreement; amity; assent; community; concurrence; congruity; consent; consonance; harmony; identity; likeness; similarity; sympathy -
17 difference
1) отличие; различие || отличать; различать2) разность; приращение || вычислять разность; определять приращение3) отличительный признак; особенность4) выделение; дискриминация || выделять; дискриминировать5) вчт (относительное) дополнение, разность ( двух множеств)6) исключающее ИЛИ ( логическая операция), альтернативная дизъюнкция7) разностная операция; дискретная производная•- brightness differencedifference in depth of modulation — относительная разность коэффициентов модуляции ( в равносигнальном методе)
- color difference - electric potential difference
- element-to-element difference
- frame-to-frame difference
- frequency difference of arrival
- geometrical-path difference
- gray-level difference - just-noticeable color difference
- line difference
- logical difference
- luminance difference
- magnetic potential difference
- minimum perceptible color difference
- negative population difference
- opposite color difference
- optical-distance difference
- optical-length difference
- optical-path difference
- path difference
- phase difference
- photometric brightness difference
- population difference
- potential difference
- propagation difference
- quantum phase difference
- relation difference
- sample difference
- set difference
- symmetric difference
- temperature difference
- thermal-equilibrium population difference
- threshold brightness difference
- time difference of arrival
- work-function difference -
18 difference
1) отличие; различие || отличать; различать2) разность; приращение || вычислять разность; определять приращение3) отличительный признак; особенность4) выделение; дискриминация || выделять; дискриминировать5) вчт. (относительное) дополнение, разность ( двух множеств)6) исключающее ИЛИ ( логическая операция), альтернативная дизъюнкция7) разностная операция; дискретная производная•- brightness differencedifference in depth of modulation — относительная разность коэффициентов модуляции ( в равносигнальном методе)
- color difference
- contact-potential difference
- dielectric phase difference
- electric potential difference
- element-to-element difference
- frame-to-frame difference
- frequency difference of arrival
- geometrical-path difference
- gray-level difference
- interaural intensity difference
- interaural time difference
- intrinsic-contact potential difference
- just-noticeable color difference
- line difference
- logical difference
- luminance difference
- magnetic potential difference
- minimum perceptible color difference
- negative population difference
- opposite color difference
- optical-distance difference
- optical-length difference
- optical-path difference
- path difference
- phase difference
- photometric brightness difference
- population difference
- potential difference
- propagation difference
- quantum phase difference
- relation difference
- sample difference
- set difference
- symmetric difference
- temperature difference
- thermal-equilibrium population difference
- threshold brightness difference
- time difference of arrival
- work-function differenceThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > difference
19 angular phase difference
угловая разность фаз
[Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези-Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо-русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.]Тематики
- электротехника, основные понятия
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > angular phase difference
20 angular phase difference
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > angular phase difference
См. также в других словарях:
Angular momentum coupling — Coupling in science Classical coupling Rotational–vibrational coupling Quantum coupling Quantum mechanical coupling Rovibrational coupling Vibronic coupling Rovibronic coupling Angular momentum coupling … Wikipedia
Angular diameter — The angular diameter or apparent size of an object as seen from a given position is the “visual diameter” of the object measured as an angle. In the vision sciences it is called the visual angle. The visual diameter is the diameter of the… … Wikipedia
angular phase difference — fazių kampų skirtumas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. angular phase difference vok. Phasenverschiebungswinkel, m rus. угловая разность фаз, f pranc. différence de phase angulaire, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
différence de phase angulaire — fazių kampų skirtumas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. angular phase difference vok. Phasenverschiebungswinkel, m rus. угловая разность фаз, f pranc. différence de phase angulaire, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
difference of longitude — The smaller angle at the pole or the shorter arc of a parallel between the meridians of two places, expressed as an angular measure. The same as change of longitude. Difference of longitude … Aviation dictionary
angular unconformity — A geological unconformity with marked difference in dip of the superimposed series [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
difference of latitude — The shorter arc of any meridian between the parallels of two places, expressed as an angular measure. The same as change of latitude … Aviation dictionary
Normalized Difference Vegetation Index — Negative values of NDVI (values approaching 1) correspond to water. Values close to zero ( 0.1 to 0.1) generally correspond to barren areas of rock, sand, or snow. Lastly, low, positive values represent shrub and grassland (approximately 0.2 to 0 … Wikipedia
grid magnetic angle — Angular difference in direction between grid north and magnetic north. It is measured east or west from grid north. Also called grid variation; grivation … Military dictionary
Global Positioning System — GPS redirects here. For other uses, see GPS (disambiguation). Geodesy Fundamentals … Wikipedia
Great-circle distance — The great circle distance is the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere measured along a path on the surface of the sphere (as opposed to going through the sphere s interior). Because spherical geometry is rather… … Wikipedia