1 angular diameter
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > angular diameter
2 angular diameter
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > angular diameter
3 angular diameter
4 angular diameter
Космонавтика: угловой диаметр -
5 angular diameter
6 angular diameter
угловой диаметрEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > angular diameter
7 angular diameter
8 angular diameter
9 angular diameter
10 diameter
диаметр@angular diameterугловой диаметр@aperture diameterдиаметр (входного) отверстия телескопа@apparent diameterвидимый диаметр@column diameterтолщина следа (метеора)@equatorial diameterэкваториальный диаметр (планеты)@image diameterдиаметр изображения (звезды)@meteor diameterпоперечник метеорной частицы@polar diameterполярный диаметр (планеты)@radio-angular diameterугловой диаметр (планеты) в радиолучах@radio-emission diameterсм. radio-angular diameter@radio-star diameterугловые размеры источника радиоизлучения@seeing-disk diameterдиаметр изображения (звезды), обусловленный оптической нестабильностью атмосферы@solar diameterдиаметр Солнца@source diameterугловые размеры источника излучения@stellar diameterдиаметр звезды@Sun's mean angular diameterсредний угловой диаметр Солнца@telescope diameterдиаметр отверстия телескопа@trail diameterтолщина следа (метеора)@visual diameterвидимый диаметр@ -
11 angular
угловой; угловатый; коленчатый- angular addendum - angular asymmetry - angular attitude - angular backlash - angular ball bearing - angular bellows seal - angular belt - angular belt drive - angular belting - angular buttressing - angular cam spacing - angular change - angular clearance - angular coefficient - angular configuration - angular-contact ball bearing - angular contact bearing - angular-contact thrust bearing - angular correlation - angular cut - angular cutter - angular defect - angular deflection - angular deformation - angular density - angular dependence - angular dependent mode - angular deviation - angular diameter - angular difference - angular dimension - angular discrepancy - angular discrimination - angular dislocation - angular disparity - angular displacement - angular displacement resolution - angular distance - angular distribution - angular distribution analyzer - angular disturbance - angular divergence - angular domain - angular drift - angular drilling - angular drive - angular-drive subhead - angular energy characteristic - angular extend - angular error - angular facing - angular feed - angular file - angular fishplate - angular fixturing - angular flute - angular fold - angular gage - angular gage setting - angular gashing - angular gear - angular head - angular height of thread - angular hole - angular ignition spacing - angular impulse - angular incidence - angular inclination - angular increment - angular instrument - angular joint - angular kinetic energy - angular lag - angular length - angular limit - angular localization - angular location - angular locator - angular machining - angular measure - angular measurements - angular milling - angular misalignment - angular misalignment loss - angular modulation - angular modulation method - angular momentum - angular momentum barrier - angular momentum eigenfunction - angular momentum equation - angular momentum of particle about point - angular momentum operator - angular momentum quantization - angular momentum transfer - angular motion - angular movement - angular-movement pickup - angular movement sensor - angular movement transducer - angular nonlinearity - angular observation - angular opening of cone - angular offset - angular oscillations - angular perspective - angular pitch - angular plate - angular play - angular point - angular position - angular-position pickup - angular position sensor - angular position transducer - angular positioning - angular-positioning head - angular power transmission - angular range - angular rate - angular readings - angular region - angular repeatability - angular resolution - angular resolution limit - angular resolution photoemission - angular resolution spectroscopy - angular resolving power - angular rigidity - angular rod - angular rotation - angular scale - angular sensor - angular separation - angular setting - angular-shaped groove - angular sine vise - angular size - angular slide - angular slip - angular spacing - angular spectrum - angular speed ratio - angular spread - angular steel - angular stone - angular strain - angular subtense - angular synchro comparator - angular table - angular test - angular thread - angular tooth - angular tooth thickness - angular transmission - angular travel - angular twist - angular unit - angular value - angular valve - angular variations - angular velocity - angular velocity ratio - angular velocity vector - angular vertex - angular vibration - angular vise - angular wheel - angular width - angular wire gage - angular work -
12 angular
1) угловой
2) вращательный
3) наугольный
4) неаксиальный
5) угластый
6) угловатый
– angular acceleration
– angular accelerometer
– angular alteration
– angular aperture
– angular diameter
– angular divergence
– angular domain
– angular drift
– angular focusing
– angular frequency
– angular gauge
– angular impulse
– angular instrument
– angular magnification
– angular measure
– angular mode
– angular moment
– angular momentum
– angular oscillations
– angular position
– angular reference
– angular region
– angular resolution
– angular value
– angular velocity
– angular width
angular cluster set — <math.> множество угловых предельных значений, угловое граничное множество
constant angular velocity — "постоянная угловая скорость"
13 diameter
1) диаметр
2) поперечник
– across diameter
– angular diameter
– apparent diameter
– bore diameter
– borehole diameter
– breaking diameter
– centering diameter
– clear diameter
– cutoff diameter
– diameter at the top
– diameter of a conic
– diameter of gyration
– diameter of set of points
– diameter reduction
– drilled diameter
– exit diameter
– external diameter
– holding diameter
– inside diameter
– jet diameter
– nominal diameter
– pitch diameter
– pithc diameter
– principal diameter
– seating diameter
– to diameter
– to new diameter
– tolerance for diameter
– transfinite diameter
– turning diameter
– valve diameter
mouth diameter of parachute — диаметр раскрытия купола парашюта
14 diameter
диаметр, поперечникdiameter at the top — лесн. диаметр в верхнем отрубе
diameter inside bark — лесн. диаметр в коре
diameter under bark — лесн. диаметр (дерева) без коры
15 угловой диаметр
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > угловой диаметр
16 deviation
отклонение; отступлениеdeviation from true longitudinal section profile — отклонение профиля продольного сечения ( при измерении шероховатости поверхности)
deviation in cumulative lead — отклонение хода, накопленное отклонение хода ( резьбы);
deviation in dual flank lead — отклонение хода ( резьбы) по двум боковым сторонам
- admissible deviationdeviation in dual flank pitch — отклонение шага ( резьбы) по двум боковым сторонам
- angular deviation
- angularity deviation
- arithmetical average deviation from mean line
- arithmetical mean deviation of the profile
- aspheric deviation
- average deviation
- axial pitch deviation
- center distance deviation
- circular deviation
- circularity deviation
- coaxiality deviation
- conjugate deviation
- converted deviation
- cylindricity deviation
- deviation of a single bore diameter
- deviation of a single ring width
- deviation of average base tangent length
- deviation of base tangent length
- deviation of circularity
- deviation of constant chord height
- deviation of constant chordal tooth thickness
- deviation of dimension over balls
- deviation of dimension over pins
- deviation of measuring shaft angle of a gear pair
- deviation of parallelism
- deviation of perpendicularity
- deviation of pitch
- deviation of position
- deviation of the actual bearing height
- deviation of the actual bearing width
- deviation of tip angle
- deviation of tip diameter
- dimensional deviation
- flatness deviation
- form deviation
- fundamental deviation
- helix deviation
- instantaneous deviation
- line profile deviation
- local deviation from straightness
- lower deviation
- maximum deviation
- mean bore diameter deviation
- mean deviation
- mean outside diameter deviation
- measured deviation
- minimum deviation
- minor deviation
- multiple deviation
- peak-to-peak deviation
- peak-to-valley deviation
- positional deviation
- profile deviation in M system
- profile deviation
- pump capacity deviation
- rms deviation
- root-mean-square deviation
- shaft angle deviation
- significant deviation
- single plane mean bore diameter deviation
- single plane mean outside diameter deviation
- size deviation
- squared deviation
- standard deviation
- steady-state deviation
- surface profile deviation
- sustained deviation
- system deviation
- transient deviation
- true deviation
- upper deviationEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > deviation
17 drilling
бурение; сверление; высверливаниеbottom supported marine drilling — бурение скважин с опорой на дно (со стационарной свайной платформы)
* * *
1. бурение2. pl. буровой шлам, буровая мелочь
* * *
* * *
1) бурение; сверление; высверливание || буровой; бурильный2) pl выбуренная порода3) pl буровой шлам, буровая мука; буровая мелочь4) pl скважины5) pl алмазы величиной от 4 до 23 штук на карат•drilling afloat — бурение наплаву;
drilling ahead — 1) бурение ниже башмака обсадной колонны ( на значительную глубину) 2) бурение, опережающее проходку горной выработки;
drilling by flame — 1) термическое бурение 2) прожигание скважин;
drilling by jetting method — 1) бурение гидравлическим способом 2) гидромониторное бурение;
drilling deeper — углубка скважины;
drilling for gas — бурение на газ;
drilling for oil — бурение на нефть;
drilling for structure — картировочное бурение;
drilling for water — бурение на воду;
drilling from floating vessel — бурение с плавучего основания;
drilling in cramped quarter — бурение глубоких скважин из выработки малого сечения;
drilling into abnormal pressure zone — бурение в зоне высокого давления;
not drilling — простаивающий ();
drilling off the whipstock — бурение со стационарного отклонителя;
drilling on the bottom — чистое бурение;
drilling out of cement plug — разбуривание цементной пробки;
drilling suspended indefinitely — бурение прекращено на неопределённое время;
drilling the pay — разбуривание продуктивного пласта;
drilling to completion — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to predetermined depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling to projected depth — бурение до проектной глубины;
drilling with aerated fluid — бурение с промывкой аэрированной жидкостью;
drilling with aerated formation water — бурение с промывкой аэрированными пластовыми водами;
drilling with air — бурение с очисткой забоя воздухом;
drilling with counterflow — бурение с обратной промывкой;
drilling with explosives — взрывное бурение;
drilling with localized mud circulation — бурение с местной промывкой;
drilling with mud — бурение с промывкой буровым раствором;
drilling with oil — бурение с промывкой раствором на углеводородной основе;
drilling with salt water — бурение с промывкой солёной водой;
drilling with sound vibration — вибробурение со звуковыми частотами;
- drilling of submarine wellsdrilling without drill pipe — беструбное бурение;
- abrasive jet drilling
- aerated-fluid drilling
- aerated-mud drilling
- aeration drilling
- air drilling
- air-and-gas drilling
- air-and-stable-foam drilling
- air-flush drilling
- air-hammer drilling
- air-hammer rotary drilling
- air-motor drilling
- air-percussion drilling
- air-reverse-circulation drilling
- angled drilling
- angular drilling
- anomaly drilling
- appraisal drilling
- arc drilling
- auger drilling
- balanced drilling
- barge drilling
- bench drilling
- blasthole drilling
- blind drilling
- borehole drilling
- bottom supported marine drilling
- bottomhole circulation drilling
- bottom-supported offshore drilling
- branched-hole drilling
- cable drilling
- cable-churn drilling
- cable-Pennsylvanian drilling
- cable-rotary drilling
- cable-tool drilling
- calibration drilling
- Calyx drilling
- Canadian drilling
- carbide percussion drilling
- chain bit drilling
- checkerboard drilling
- chemical drilling
- chilled-shot drilling
- churn drilling
- churn flame drilling
- city-lot drilling
- clean drilling
- close drilling
- close-spaced surface drilling
- close-spaced underground drilling
- cluster drilling
- cluster directional drilling of slant
- combination drilling
- compressed air drilling
- continuous penetration drilling
- contract drilling
- control angle drilling
- controlled drilling
- controlled-angle drilling
- core drilling
- counterflush drilling
- counterflush core drilling
- cover drilling
- Craelius method drilling
- deep drilling
- deep-hole drilling
- deep-water drilling
- deep-well drilling
- definition drilling
- dense drilling
- development drilling
- diamond drilling
- diamond core drilling
- direct-air-circulation drilling
- direct-circulation drilling
- directed drilling
- directional drilling
- directional drilling of slant holes
- double-barreled drilling
- double-directional drilling
- double-hand drilling
- double-inclinated drilling
- double-simultaneous drilling
- double-tube drilling
- downhole drilling
- downhole electrical motor drilling
- downhole hammer drilling
- downhole percussion drilling
- downhole turbine motor drilling
- down-the-hole drilling
- drainhole drilling
- drive-pipe drilling
- dry drilling
- dry-hole drilling
- dry percussive drilling
- dual-bore cluster drilling
- dual-hole simultaneous drilling
- dust-free drilling
- dustless drilling
- easy drilling
- electrical drilling
- electrical arc drilling
- electrical bottomhole drilling
- electrohydraulic drilling
- electrojet drilling
- electron beam drilling
- erosion drilling
- erosion jet drilling
- exhaust gas drilling
- exploration drilling
- exploratory drilling
- explosion drilling
- extended reach drilling
- failure-free drilling
- fan drilling
- flame drilling
- flame-jet drilling
- floating drilling
- fluid circulating drilling
- fluid core drilling
- flush drilling
- foam drilling
- formation drilling
- full-diameter drilling
- full-hole drilling
- gas drilling
- gas-well drilling
- geological drilling
- group drilling
- grout-hole drilling
- guided drilling
- hand drilling
- hand churn drilling
- hand hammer drilling
- hard-rock drilling
- heavy weight drilling
- high-frequency drilling
- high-frequency percussion drilling
- high-velocity jet drilling
- hooded dry drilling
- horizontal drilling
- horizontal branched-hole drilling
- horizontal-drainhole drilling
- horizontal-radial diamond drilling
- horizontal-ring drilling
- hydraulical drilling
- hydraulical percussion drilling
- hydraulical rotary drilling
- hydrodynamical drilling
- hydropercussion drilling
- hydropercussion rotary drilling
- hydroturbine downhole motor drilling
- implosion drilling
- inclination drilling
- induction drilling
- infill drilling
- injection drilling
- instrumental drilling
- intermediate hole drilling
- inverted oil emulsion drilling
- jet drilling
- jet-bit drilling
- jet-erosion drilling
- jet-piercer drilling
- jet-piercing drilling
- jetted-particle drilling
- jetting drilling
- jump drilling
- key well drilling
- large-hole drilling
- laser drilling
- lateral drilling
- line drilling
- line-hole drilling
- line-well drilling
- long-hole drilling
- machine drilling
- magnetostriction drilling
- magnetostriction rotary drilling
- marine drilling
- mechanical drilling
- mechanized drilling
- Mesabi structural drilling
- microbit drilling
- mist drilling
- moderate drilling
- mud-circulating drilling
- mud-powered hammer drilling
- multidirectional drilling
- multihole drilling
- multiple drilling
- multiple-plan drilling
- noncore drilling
- nonpressure drilling
- offset drilling
- offshore drilling
- oil-emulsion drilling
- oil-mud drilling
- oil-well drilling
- old-well deeper drilling
- one-man drilling
- on-land drilling
- optimized drilling
- oriented drilling
- original drilling
- outstep drilling
- overbalanced drilling
- overburden drilling
- overhead drilling
- parallel hole drilling
- pay drilling
- pellet impact drilling
- Pennsylvanian drilling
- percussion drilling
- percussion-air drilling
- percussion-rod drilling
- percussion-rotation drilling
- percussive drilling
- percussive-machine drilling
- percussive-rotary drilling
- performance drilling
- permafrost drilling
- petroleum drilling
- pier drilling
- pillar extraction drilling
- pilot drilling
- pipe-driving drilling
- pipeless drilling
- pipeless downhole electrical motor drilling
- placer drilling
- plasma drilling
- plug drilling
- pneumatical drilling
- preliminary drilling
- pressure drilling
- probe drilling
- production drilling
- prospect drilling
- pulsed jet drilling
- push-button drilling
- push-feed drilling
- quick-blow drilling
- radial drilling
- random drilling
- rapid-blow drilling
- reduced-pressure drilling
- remote automated drilling
- reverse-circulation core drilling
- ring drilling
- rock drilling
- rocket drilling
- rod drilling
- rod-tool drilling
- roller-bit drilling
- rope drilling
- rotary drilling
- rotary-percussion drilling
- rotary-turbine drilling
- rotation drilling
- rotation-vibropercussion drilling
- rough drilling
- run-to-waste drilling
- safe drilling
- salt-dome drilling
- sample drilling
- scattered drilling
- seam drilling
- secondary drilling
- sectional steel drilling
- self-cleaning drilling
- shaft drilling
- shallow drilling
- shaped charge drilling
- shelf drilling
- ship-side drilling
- shock-wave drilling
- shot drilling
- shot core drilling
- shothole drilling
- simultaneous drilling
- single-hand drilling
- single-pass drilling
- single-row drilling
- slant-hole drilling
- slim-hole drilling
- sonic combination drilling
- spark drilling
- spindle feed drilling
- spring-pole drilling
- steel-shot drilling
- straight-ahead drilling
- straight-hole drilling
- straight-hole directional drilling
- stratigraphic test drilling
- structure drilling
- subgrade drilling
- submarine drilling
- subsurface drilling
- superdeep drilling
- surface drilling
- surface blasthole drilling
- surface hole drilling
- tension drilling
- test drilling
- test-hole drilling
- test-well drilling
- thermal drilling
- top hammer drilling
- top hole drilling
- tough drilling
- town-lot drilling
- triple-hole simultaneous drilling
- trouble-free drilling
- tungsten-carbide drilling
- turbine motor drilling
- ultradeep drilling
- ultrasonic drilling
- underbalanced drilling
- underground drilling
- underwater drilling
- up-hole drilling
- upper-hole drilling
- vacuum drilling
- vertical drilling
- vertical ring drilling
- vibration drilling
- vibratory drilling
- vibratory-percussion drilling
- vibratory-rotary drilling
- vibropercussion drilling
- vibropercussion rotary drilling
- wash drilling
- water drilling
- water-assisted drilling
- water-flush drilling
- water-jet drilling
- water-well drilling
- well drilling
- wet drilling
- wild-cat drilling
- wireline drilling* * *Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > drilling
18 ratio
1) отношение; соотношение; пропорция2) коэффициент; степень3) передаточное число, передаточное отношение•- angular speed ratio
- angular velocity ratio
- area ratio
- booster ratio
- braking ratio
- capacity/weight ratio
- common-mode rejection ratio
- compression ratio
- contact ratio
- contrast ratio
- copying ratio
- correction plane interference ratio
- cost/efficiency ratio
- cost/performance ratio
- cost-to-function ratio
- current ratio
- damping ratio
- decimal ratio
- deformation ratio
- design speed ratio
- designed contact ratio
- deviation ratio
- diameter ratio
- disengaging ratio
- drive ratio
- drive-gear ratio
- duty ratio
- efficiency ratio
- electrode wear ratio
- endurance ratio
- enlargement ratio
- epicyclic drive ratio
- error ratio
- extinction ratio
- fatigue ratio
- force-to-size ratio
- forward ratio
- gear ratio
- gear transmission ratio
- gear-to-pinion pitch radius ratio
- G-ratio
- hydraulic torque ratio
- index ratio
- indexing ratio
- interference ratio
- L/D ratio
- length-to-diameter ratio
- lever ratio
- load-shearing ratio
- machine per employee ratio
- maintenance ratio
- manpower reduction ratio
- man-to-machine ratio
- noise ratio
- operating contact ratio
- operating ratio
- optimum speed ratio
- overall ratio
- overdrive speed ratio
- overlap ratio
- overloading ratio
- performance-to-price ratio
- Poisson's ratio
- power-to-weight ratio
- price/performance ratio
- productivity increase ratio
- profile bearing length ratio
- profile length ratio
- pulse ratio
- rated transformation ratio
- ratio of belt pulleys
- ratio of deflection
- ratio of flow path diameters
- ratio of gullet-to-chip space
- ratio of mesh
- ratio of metal removal
- ratio of reduction
- recall ratio
- reduction ratio
- reduction speed ratio
- resetting ratio
- resonance ratio
- returning ratio
- reverse ratio
- setting ratio of a specified time
- setting ratio
- signal ratio
- signal/noise ratio
- slenderness ratio
- specification/price ratio
- speed ratio
- spindle-speed ratio
- stock utilization ratio
- strength-to-weight ratio
- stress ratio
- subsidence ratio
- surge voltage ratio
- tension ratio
- torque ratio
- torque-to-inertia ratio
- transfer ratio
- transformation ratio
- translation ratio
- transmission gear ratio
- transmission ratio
- traverse contact ratio
- turn ratio
- unbalance reduction ratio
- unitary drive ratio
- utilization ratio
- velocity ratio of plunger to piston
- velocity ratio
- voltage ratio
- wear ratio
- weight/torque ratio
- weight-to-lift ratio
- working ratio
- worm/wheel ratio
- wormwheel-to-wormscrew ratioEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > ratio
19 double
двойное количество; II удваивать; дублировать; складывать вдвое; двойной; сдвоенный; сложенный вдвое; II двойной; сдвоенный- double-acting forcemeter - double-acting regulator - double-acting rotary engine - double amplitude - double angular ball bearing - double-arm - double-arm lever - double-back - double-ball pitman arm - double-bank - double-bank radial engine - double-beat - double-bend - double-bolted schackle - double-braid covering - double-chain drive - double-charge - double-chart recorder - double-check - double-cheek snow plough - double-clutch method - double-concave - double-cylinder engine - double-deck - double-deck bridge - double-dial - double dipole - double-drive bogie - double drop frame - double-drum hoist - double duty - double-edge - double elliptic spring - double-ended spanner - double ender - double-flange wheel - double-flanged - double flat - double-fork lever - double-gap - double governor - double-heading - double-head wrench - double helical gear - double helical tooth - double-hook piston ring - double-hulled - double-hung - double ignition - double-level bridge - double-lift cam - double-line traffic - double-motor drive - double over - double-piston - double-piston engine - double-piston-type engine - double-pitch roller chain - double-rate meter - double-reduction gear - double-reduction shaft - double-reduction spur pinion - double-row - double-seal bearing - double-sealed bearing - double seam - double-seat valve - double-shaft drive - double-sided impeller - double-side tipping - double-slot piston ring - double-spark ignition - double spiral gear - double-stage - double staining - double steering - double stroke - double swing door - double T-section - double-taper-faced piston ring - double thread - double-throw - double-tracked - double tread - double-tube tyre - double-type - double-tyre wheel - double universal joint - double-V engine - double-V joint - double-walled piston - double-way - double wing door - double-wire system - double-wound -
20 APD
1) Общая лексика: afferent pupillary defect, афферентный дефект зрачка2) Компьютерная техника: Automatic Power Down3) Авиация: Approach Progress Display4) Медицина: средний диаметр пор фильтра (average pore diameter), продольный размер живота, anterior-posterior abdominal diameter5) Военный термин: Air procurement district, Anti Penetration Device, Army Pay Department, Army Pictorial Division, Army procurement district, administrative planning division, advanced planning document, advanced program development, aiming point determination, air procurement directive, Auxiliary Personnel, Destroyer (fast transport)6) Техника: advanced photo detector, analog-to-pulse duration, angular position digitizer, antenna pointing device, automated powder diffractometer, auxiliary power distribution panel, avalanche photo detector, axial power distribution7) Железнодорожный термин: Albany Port District8) Юридический термин: Albuquerque Police Department9) Бухгалтерия: Actual Profit Difference10) Телекоммуникации: Avalanche Photodiode11) Сокращение: Aero Products, Air Pollution Division, Avalanche Photo-Diodes12) Физиология: Auditory Processing Disorder13) Электроника: Avalanche Photo Diode14) Вычислительная техника: Additional Product Documentation, avalanche photodiod, средняя задержка пакетов15) Иммунология: Automated Peritoneal Dialysis16) Связь: фотодиод лавинный17) Биотехнология: Avalanche photodiodes18) СМИ: Assistant Program Director19) Образование: Area Planning and Development20) Сетевые технологии: average packet delay21) Океанография: Average Penetration Depth22) Макаров: arcing protection device23) Расширение файла: Printer driver (Lotus 1-2-3)24) Электротехника: amplitude probability distribution25) NYSE. Air Products & Chemicals, Inc.26) НАСА: Average Payload Depth
См. также в других словарях:
Angular diameter — The angular diameter or apparent size of an object as seen from a given position is the “visual diameter” of the object measured as an angle. In the vision sciences it is called the visual angle. The visual diameter is the diameter of the… … Wikipedia
angular diameter — kampinis skersmuo statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. angular diameter; apparent diameter vok. scheinbare Durchmesser, m; Winkeldurchmesser, m rus. видимый диаметр, m; угловой диаметр, m pranc. diamètre angulaire, m; diamètre apparent, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Angular diameter distance — The angular diameter distance is a distance measure used in astronomy. The angular diameter distance to an object is defined in terms of the object s actual size, x, and heta the angular size of the object as viewed from earth. d A= frac{x}{… … Wikipedia
angular diameter — Astron. the angle that the apparent diameter of a celestial object subtends at the eye of the observer. [1870 75] * * * … Universalium
angular diameter — /ˌæŋgjələ daɪˈæmətə/ (say .anggyuhluh duy amuhtuh) noun the angle which the apparent diameter of a celestial body subtends at the observer s eye …
angular diameter — Astron. the angle that the apparent diameter of a celestial object subtends at the eye of the observer. [1870 75] … Useful english dictionary
Angular resolution — describes the resolving power of any image forming device such as an optical or radio telescope, a microscope, a camera, or an eye. Definition of terms Resolving power is the ability of the components of an imaging device to measure the angular… … Wikipedia
Angular size redshift relation — The angular size redshift relation describes the relation between the angular size observed on the sky of an object of given physical size, and the objects redshift from Earth (which is related to its distance, d , from Earth). In a Euclidean… … Wikipedia
Diameter — For the notion of diameter in graph theory, see Distance (graph theory). For the computer network protocol, see Diameter (protocol). Diameter In geometry, a diameter of a circle is any straight line segment that passes through the center of the… … Wikipedia
angular aperture — n the angle subtended at the principal focus of an optical system (as a microscope) by the diameter of its entrance for light … Medical dictionary
Angular aperture — The angular aperture of a lens is the apparent angle of the lens aperture as seen from the focal point::a = 2 arctan left( frac {D/2} {f} ight)where :f is the focal length:D is the diameter of the aperture. Relation to numerical aperture In a… … Wikipedia