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angular chelitis

См. также в других словарях:

  • Angular cheilitis — Classification and external resources Affected area within the black oval ICD 10 K …   Wikipedia

  • Commisures — The commisure is the corner of the mouth, where the vermillion border of the superior labium (upper lip) meets that of the inferior labium (lower lip).The commisure is important in facial appearance, particularly during function such as smiling.… …   Wikipedia

  • Labial commissure of mouth — Fourteen Nylon sutures used to approximate the edges of this left cheek laceration, extending from the left commisure towards the left ear, allowing it to heal with considerably less scarring than it would without sutures …   Wikipedia

  • Mouth assessment — Nursing Assessment of the Mouth The mouth is the beginning of the digestive system and a big part of the airway for the respiratory system. This is a very important part of the total patient health assessment. Prior to beginning any assessment of …   Wikipedia

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