1 angle receiver
Авиация: приёмник угловой информации -
2 angle receiver
Англо-русский словарь по гражданской авиации > angle receiver
3 angle receiver
4 angle receiver
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > angle receiver
5 gyro angle receiver
Морской термин: принимающий прибор установки гироскопического прибора -
6 gyro angle receiver
7 receiver
receiver nприемникangle receiverприемник угловой информацииbleed air receiverресивер отбора воздухаdirectional receiverнаправленный приемникdirection-finding receiverпеленгаторный приемникglide-path receiverглиссадный приемникhoming receiverприемник системы наведенияlocalizer receiverкурсовой приемникmarker receiverмаркерный приемникomnirange receiverприемник сигналов всенаправленного радиомаякаradio receiverрадиоприемникradiotelegraph receiverрадиотелеграфный приемникreceiver aircraftвоздушное судно, дозаправляемое в полетеsatelliteborne receiverспутниковый приемникtwin-channel receiverдвухканальный приемник -
8 receiver
2. ресивер; приёмный резервуар -
9 angle
advance angleугол опережения зажиганияaircraft impact angleугол удара воздушного суднаairflow angleугол отклонения потокаangle capпояс с уголкомangle computerвычислитель угловых величинangle guidanceнаведение по углуangle guidance systemсистема наведения по углуangle in azimuthазимутальный уголangle measurement equipmentугломерное оборудованиеangle navigationнавигация по заданным путевым угламangle of allowanceугол упрежденияangle of approachугол захода на посадкуangle of approach lightугол набора высотыangle of ascentугол набора высотыangle of attackугол атакиangle of climbугол набора высотыangle of coverageугол действияangle of crabугол сносаangle of descentугол сниженияangle of deviationугол отклоненияangle of dipугол магнитного склоненияangle of diveугол пикированияangle of downwashугол скоса потока внизangle of elevationугол местаangle of exitугол сходаangle of glideугол планированияangle of incidenceугол атакиangle of indraftугол входа воздушной массыangle of lagугол отставанияangle of landingпосадочный уголangle of pitchугол тангажаangle of rollугол кренаangle - of - sideslip transmitterдатчик угла скольженияangle of sightугол прицеливанияangle of slopeугол наклона глиссадыangle of stallугол сваливанияangle of turnугол разворотаangle of upwashугол скоса потока вверхangle of visibilityугол обзораangle of yawугол рысканияangle patternугловая диаграмма направленностиangle receiverприемник угловой информацииangle trackingпрокладка маршрута по угловым координатамanhedral angleотрицательное ВЭapproach angle correctionкоррекция угла захода на посадкуapproach angle indicatorуказатель угла захода на посадкуapproach noise angleугол распространения шума при заходе на посадкуattitude angleугол пространственного расположения суднаazimuth angleазимутальный уголbank angleугол кренаbank synchro error angleугол рассогласования по кренуbeam spread angleугол раствора лучаbest climb angleоптимальный угол набора высотыbeyond stall angleзакритический уголblade angleугол установки лопастиburble angleугол срыва потокаchart angle selectorзадатчик угла картыcockpit cutoff angleпредельный угол обзора из кабины экипажаcollision angleугол столкновенияconstant climb angleугол установившегося режима набора высотыcontour angleконтурный угольникcontrol surface angleугол отклонения руляconvergence angleугол схожденияcorrection angleугол сносаcourse angleпутевой уголcutin angleугол отсечкиdatum angleбазовый уголdeflection angleугол отклоненияdesired track angleзаданный путевой уголdrift angleугол сносаdrift angle controlуправление углом сносаdrift angle indicatorуказатель угла сносаdwell angleабрисerror angleугол рассогласованияexceeding the stalling angleвыход на закритический угол атакиfirst constant climb angleугол начального участка установившегося режима набора высотыflapping angleугол взмахаflaps angleугол отклонения закрылковflaps asymmetric angleугол асимметричности закрылковflaps disagreement angleугол несинхронности закрылковflight path angleугол наклона траектории полетаgliding angleугол планированияgravity drop angleугол падения под действием силы тяжестиGreenwich hour angleгринвичский часовой уголguidance angleугол наведенияheading angleкурсовой уголheeling angleугол кренаhour angleчасовой уголinitial track angleисходный путевой уголinlet angle of attackугол атаки заборного устройстваintake angle of attackугол атаки воздухозаборникаintercept glide path angleугол захвата глиссадыlateral angleбоковой уголlist angleугол кренаlook-up angleугол обзораmagnetic track angleмагнитный путевой уголmeridian convergence angleугол сходимости меридиановmicrophone angleугол ориентации микрофонаnavigation light dihedral angleугол видимости аэронавигационного огняnozzle angleугол установки соплаnozzle pitch angle variationугловое отклонение соплаoff-boresight angleугол отсутствия видимостиpath angleпутевой уголpitch angle indicatorуказатель угла тангажаprestalling angleдокритический уголreach the stalling angleвыходить на критический уголread the drift angleотсчитывать угол сносаreference approach angleисходный угол захода на посадкуrigging angleугол заклиненияrotor coning angleконусность несущего винтаselect the track angleзадавать путевой уголset at the desired angleустанавливать на требуемый уголsetting angleугол заклиненияshock wave angleугол скачка уплотненияsideslip angleугол бокового скольженияsquint angleугол отклоненияstall angle overshootвыход за критический угол атакиstalling angleкритический уголstart angleначальный уголstatic ground angleстояночный уголsteering angleугол разворотаstop angleпредельный угол разворотаsweep angleугол стреловидностиsweepback angleугол прямой стреловидностиsweepforward angleугол обратной стреловидностиtakeoff angleвзлетный уголtakeoff noise angleугол распространения шума при взлетеtoe-in angleугол схожденияtrack angleпутевой уголtrack angle errorошибка выдерживания путевого углаturn lead angleугол упреждения при разворотеviewing angleугол обзораwheel steering angleугол разворота колесаwind angleугол ветраwing setting angleугол заклинения крылаwing sweep angleугол стреловидности крылаzero-lift angleугол нулевой подъемной силы -
10 receiver radiation
The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > receiver radiation
11 system
система; комплекс; средство; способ; метод; сеть (напр. дорог) ;aiming-navigation system (analog, digital) — прицельно-навигационная система (аналоговая, цифровая)
air observation, acquisition and fire control system — (бортовая) система воздушной разведки, засечки целей и управления огнем
air support aircraft ECM (equipment) system — (бортовая) система РЭП для самолетов авиационной поддержки
airborne (ground) target acquisition and illumination laser system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и подсветки (наземных) целей
airborne (ground) targeting and laser designator system — ав. бортовая лазерная система обнаружения и целеуказания (наземных целей)
airborne laser illumination, ranging and tracking system — ав. бортовая система лазерной подсветки, определения дальности и сопровождения цели
artillery (nuclear) delivery system — артиллерийская система доставки (ядерного) боеприпаса (к цели)
C2 system — система оперативного управления; система руководства и управления
C3 system — система руководства, управления и связи; система оперативного управления и связи
channel and message switching (automatic) communications system — АСС с коммутацией каналов и сообщений
country-fair type rotation system (of instruction) — метод одновременного обучения [опроса] нескольких учебных групп (переходящих от одного объекта изучения к другому)
dual-capable (conventional/nuclear) weapon delivery system — система доставки (обычного или ядерного) боеприпаса к цели
electromagnetic emitters identification, location and suppression system — система обнаружения, опознавания и подавления источников электромагнитных излучений [излучающих РЭС]
field antimissile (missile) system — полевой [войсковой] ПРК
fire-on-the-move (air defense) gun system — подвижный зенитный артиллерийский комплекс для стрельбы в движении [на ходу]
fluidic (missile) control system — ркт. гидравлическая [струйная] система управления полетом
forward (area) air defense system — система ПВО передового района; ЗРК для войсковой ПВО передового района
graduated (availability) operational readiness system — Бр. система поэтапной боевой готовности (частей и соединений)
high-resolution satellite IR detection, tracking and targeting system — спутниковая система с ИК аппаратурой высокой разрешающей способности для обнаружения, сопровождения целей и наведения средств поражения
ICBM (alarm and) early warning satellite system — спутниковая система обнаружения пусков МБР и раннего предупреждения (средств ПРО)
information storage, tracking and retrieval system — система накопления, хранения и поиска информации
instantaneous grenade launcher (armored vehicle) smoke system — гранатомет (БМ) для быстрой постановки дымовой завесы
Precision Location [Locator] (and) Strike system — высокоточная система обеспечения обнаружения и поражения целей; высокоточный разведывательно-ударный комплекс
rapid deceleration (parachute) delivery system — парашютная система выброски грузов с быстрым торможением
real time, high-resolution reconnaissance satellite system — спутниковая разведывательная система с высокой разрешающей способностью аппаратуры и передачей информации в реальном масштабе времени
received signal-oriented (output) jamming signal power-adjusting ECM system — система РЭП с автоматическим регулированием уровня помех в зависимости от мощности принимаемого сигнала
sea-based nuclear (weapon) delivery system — система морского базирования доставки ядерного боеприпаса к цели
small surface-to-air ship self-defense (missile) system — ЗРК ближнего действия для самообороны корабля
Status Control, Alerting and Reporting system — система оповещения, контроля и уточнения состояния [боевой готовности] сил и средств
surface missile (weapon) system — наземный [корабельный] РК
target acquisition, rapid designation and precise aiming system — комплекс аппаратуры обнаружения цели, быстрого целеуказания и точного прицеливания
— ABM defense system— antimissile missile system— central weapon system— countersurprise military system— laser surveying system— tank weapon system— vertical launching system— weapons system -
12 valve
1. клапан; вентиль; задвижка; шибер, заслонка; распределительный кран; золотник || подавать [питать] через клапан2. затворflush bottom dump valve — донный разгрузочный клапан (шламовой ёмкости или ёмкости для бурового раствора на морской буровой)
— T-valve
* * *
drill pipe float valve — обратный клапан бурильной колонны,
drill stem float valve — обратный клапан бурильной колонны,
drill string float valve — обратный клапан бурильной колонны,
surface-controlled subsurface safety valve — забойный отсекатель скважины, управляемый с поверхности
wireline remote-controlled safety valve — скважинный клапан-отсекатель шарикового типа для обеспечения безопасности работы (эксплуатационной скважины)
* * *
клапан.вентиль, задвижка, заслонка, шибер; золотник; электронная лампа.
* * *
1) клапан; вентиль; задвижка; золотник2) распределительный кран; золотник || подавать через клапан3) затвор•- admission valve
- air valve
- angle valve
- angle gate valve
- automatic valve
- automatically operated valve
- auxiliary valve
- back-pressure valve
- back-pressure control valve
- bailer valve
- balanced stem valve
- ball valve
- ball-and-socket valve
- ball-type safety valve
- bleed valve
- bleeder valve
- block valve
- blocking valve
- blowoff valve
- bottom valve
- bottom-discharge valve
- bottom-hole valve
- breather valve
- bucket valve
- butterfly valve
- bypass valve
- bypass tester valve
- cargo oil valve
- casing valve
- casing fill-up valve
- casing float valve
- casing pressure operated gaslift valve
- cement float valve
- center valve
- check valve
- chemical injector valve
- choke manifold valve
- Christmas-tree valve
- circular valve
- circulation control valve
- clack valve
- clamp gate valve
- clappet valve
- closing valve
- compression valve
- concentric gaslift valve
- cone valve
- conical wing valve
- control valve
- control slide valve
- conventional gaslift valve
- cracked valve
- cross valve
- crude oil valve
- cup valve
- cutoff valve
- cutout valve
- dart valve
- delivery valve
- diaphragm valve
- differential gaslift valve
- direct acting control valve
- dischange valve
- disconnecting valve
- disk valve
- disk tester valve
- displacement pump valve
- distributing valve
- double-seat valve
- double-wedge valve
- downhole valve
- downhole safety valve
- drain valve
- drilling valve
- drilling mud settling valve
- drill-pipe float valve
- drill-pipe safety valve
- drill-rod check valve
- drill-stem float valve
- drill-string float valve
- drill-string safety valve
- drill-throttle valve
- drill-water valve
- drive valve
- dry back-pressure valve
- dual block gate valve
- dual guided slush service valve
- eduction valve
- electropneumatic valve
- emergency valve
- emergency gate valve
- emergency shutoff valve
- equalizing valve
- equalizing tester valve
- escape valve
- exhaust valve
- feed valve
- feed-control valve
- filling valve
- finger valve
- flange end valve
- flap valve
- flat gate valve
- float valve
- float-controlled gate valve
- floating offshore valve
- flow valve of packer
- flow control valve
- flow safety valve
- fluid valve
- flush bottom dump valve
- flush pump valve
- foot valve
- four-way valve
- full-flow valve
- full-opening valve
- gas valve
- gas charging valve
- gas check valve
- gas control valve
- gas relief valve
- gas reversing valve
- gaslift valve
- gaslift starting valve
- gate valve
- globe valve
- guide valve
- hand-operated valve
- high-pressure valve
- hydraulic valve
- hydraulic back-pressure valve
- hydraulic control valve
- induction valve
- inflow valve
- injection valve
- inlet valve
- inside tank valve
- intake valve
- intercepting valve
- internal check valve
- inverted valve
- kelly valve
- kelly safety valve
- kickoff valve
- lift valve
- linearized valve
- lower valve
- lower kelly valve
- main valve
- main air stop valve
- main gate valve
- main pipeline valve
- main pipeline gate valve
- main tester valve
- manifold valve
- manifold side Christmas-tree valve
- master valve
- master Christmas-tree valve
- master control gate valve
- mechanical inlet valve
- metering valve
- motor valve
- motorized valve
- mud valve
- mud check valve
- mud pump valve
- mud relief valve
- needle valve
- negative pressure pulse valve
- nonretrievable gaslift valve
- nonreturn valve
- nonrising stem valve
- oil-drain valve
- opening valve
- operating valve
- outlet valve
- outside float-controlled valve
- outside screw-and-yoke valve
- outside tank valve
- overflow valve
- packer valve
- pass valve
- pig scraper launching valve
- pig scraper receiver valve
- pilot valve
- pipe valve
- pipe manifold valve
- pipeline valve
- pipeline control valves
- pipeline scraper pig injection valve
- piston valve
- piston air valve
- piston operated valve
- plate valve
- plug valve
- plunger valve
- pneumatic valve
- pod selector valve
- pop valve
- pop-off valve
- poppet valve
- pressure valve
- pressure-and-vacuum valve
- pressure-control valve
- pressure-controlled gaslift valve
- pressure-controlled test valve
- pressure-operated gaslift valve
- pressure-reducing valve
- pressure-regulating valve
- pressure-relief valve
- pressure-vacuum vent valve
- pressure-vent valve
- production valve
- production gate valve
- puppet valve
- quantity control valve
- quick valve
- quick-opening valve
- quick-opening plug valve
- quick-release valve
- rack bar sluice valve
- reducing valve
- reduction valve
- reflux valve
- regulating valve
- release valve
- relief valve
- retaining valve
- retrievable valve
- retrievable gaslift valve
- reverse flow valve
- rising stem valve
- rotary switch valve
- safety valve
- safety bleeder valve
- sampling valve
- sand valve
- sand pump valve
- scraper injector valve
- self-acting valve
- self-closing valve
- self-closing gate valve
- shutoff valve
- shutoff gate valve
- shuttle valve
- side Christmas-tree valve
- sidepocket gaslift valve
- sleeve valve
- slide valve
- sliding valve
- solenoid-operated valve
- solid wedge valve
- split wedge valve
- spring valve
- spring valve of trap
- standing valve
- starting valve
- stop valve
- stop-gate valve
- straight-way valve
- subsea valve
- subsea production valve
- subsurface controlled downhole safety valve
- subsurface safety valve
- suction valve
- suction-line valve of pump
- surface-controlled gaslift valve
- surface-controlled subsurface safety valve
- surface-safety valve
- swing check valve
- T-valve
- tank-cap valve
- tank-manifold valves
- tank-pipeline valve
- tap valve
- three-way valve
- throttle valve
- transfer valve
- traveling valve
- trip valve
- trip-tester valve
- tubing-lubricator valve
- tubing-pressure operated gaslift valve
- tubing-retrievable safety valve
- tubing-safety valve
- two-flap valve
- unbalanced valve
- underwater valve
- unloading valve
- vacuum pressure valve
- vane valve
- variable valve
- vent valve
- water valve
- water knockout valve
- wedge valve
- wedge-action valve
- wedge-gate valve
- wellhead control valve
- wing valve
- wing guided valve
- wireline remote-controlled safety valve
- wireline-retrievable safety valve
- working valve
- working barrel valve* * *• залежь• ложа• слой• створ• шибер -
13 pipe
1. труба, трубка; трубопровод || оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам; транспортировать по трубопроводу2. геол. сужение рудного тела— air pipe— dip pipe— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe
* * *
1. труба; трубка2. трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3. оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубамair-lift flanged drill pipe — водоподъёмная труба с фланцевым соединением для бурения с обратновсасывающей промывкой (ствола скважины)
drill pipe of double length — свеча из двух бурильных труб, двухтрубка
to break down drill pipes — развинчивать свечи бурильных труб на однотрубки;
to bring pipes into perfect alignment — точно сцентрировать трубы (перед сваркой);
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drill pipes in the derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в вышке;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
— gas pipe— run pipe— tee pipe— T-pipe— U-pipe— Y-pipe
* * *
труба; трубопровод
* * *
1) труба; трубка2) трубопровод || подавать по трубопроводу, перекачивать по трубопроводу; транспортировать по трубопроводу3) оборудовать системой трубопроводов; пускать по трубам•to add a length of drill pipe — наращивать бурильную колонну;
pipe becoming stuck — прихват бурильных труб в скважине;
to break drilling pipes down — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to break out drilling pipes — раскреплять бурильные трубы;
to discard pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to lay down pipes — отбраковывать трубы;
to line pipes up — центрировать трубы для сварки;
to line pipes up end-to-end — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to pick up the pipe — 1) затаскивать трубы ( на вышку) 2) давать небольшую натяжку ( инструмента) 3) подхватывать (/i]);
to rack a pipe — устанавливать (/i]) бурильную трубу ();
to release stuck pipe — освобождать прихваченную трубу;
to roll out pipes — выкатывать трубы;
to run pipes into well — опускать трубы в скважину;
to stab drill pipe — производить наращивание бурильной колонны;
to stack drilling pipes in derrick — расставлять бурильные трубы в буровой вышке;
to string pipes — укладывать трубы в нитку;
to strip pipes — извлекать трубы ( из скважины) сквозь закрытый универсальный противовыбросовый превентор;
to tail a pipe — заносить конец трубы в нужное положение;
to take a strain on pipe — натягивать колонну труб;
to tong the pipes — свинчивать трубы ключами;
to work pipes up and down — расхаживать колонну труб;
to wrinkle a pipe — нарезать соединительную резьбу на трубе;
- admitting pipepipe with string — бракованная труба;
- air pipe
- air inlet pipe
- airlift pipe
- airlift flanged drill pipe
- aluminum drilling pipe
- anchor pipe
- angle pipe
- anterior upset pipe
- asbestos-cement pipe
- ascending pipe
- atmospheric pipe
- bare pipe
- bent pipe
- bifurcated pipe
- big-diameter pipe
- bitumen-coated pipe
- blank pipe
- blank-flanged pipe
- bleeder pipe
- blind pipe
- blow-down pipe
- blow-off pipe
- bottom pipe
- box-end of drill pipe
- box-to-box pipe
- branch pipe
- branched pipe
- buffer connection pipe
- bulged-in pipe
- buried pipe
- button-screen pipe
- bypass pipe
- cargo pipe
- case pipe
- casing pipe
- circular pipe
- coated steel penstock pipe
- cold-drain pipe
- collapsed pipe
- collar bound pipe
- compensating pipe
- conduct pipe
- conductor pipe
- connecting pipe
- connection pipe
- control pipe
- conventional pipes
- cuttings pick-up pipe
- delivery pipe
- diamond pipe
- diamond-drill pipe
- dip pipe
- discharge pipe
- distributing pipe
- double extraheavy pipe
- double extrastrong pipe
- double reverse circulation pipe
- double-wall screwed drill pipe
- drain pipe
- drill pipe
- drill pipe before welding
- drill pipe of double length
- drill pipe unloaded
- drill pipe with screwed-on tool joints
- drill pipe with weld-on tool joints
- drive pipe
- eduction pipe
- elbow pipe
- electric-welded pipe
- electrodrill without drill pipe
- exhaust pipe
- extension pipe
- external upset drill pipe
- extraheavy pipe
- extrastrong pipe
- extruded pipe
- feed pipe
- ferromagnetic pipe
- filling pipe
- fitting pipe
- flanged pipe
- flexible pipe
- flexible armoured pipe
- flow pipe
- flush-joint pipe
- flush-joint drive pipe
- force pipe
- free-flow pipe
- freezing pipe
- frozen pipe
- fuel pipe
- gas pipe
- gas-service pipe
- gas-supply pipe
- grooved conductor pipe
- grout pipe
- header pipe
- heavy-end pipe
- heavy-wall pipe
- heavy-weight drill pipe
- helical-welded pipe
- high-pressure pipe
- high-pressure air-outlet pipe
- high-strength pipe
- high-strength laminar pipe
- hose pipe
- hot-rolled pipe
- induction pipe
- inlet pipe
- intake pipe
- integral joint drilling pipe
- interior-upset pipe
- internal-external upset drill pipe
- internal-flush drill pipe
- internal-upset drill pipe
- jet pipe
- junction pipe
- laminar pipe
- lance pipe
- lap-welded pipe
- large-diameter pipe
- lay down the pipe
- lead pipe
- light weight drill pipe
- line pipe
- liquid stand pipe
- little pipe
- long stand pipe
- longitudinally welded pipe
- loop expansion pipe
- looping pipe
- lost pipe
- low-head pipe
- lubrication pipe
- macaroni pipe
- main pipe
- male pipe
- manifold pipe
- marine riser pipe
- metal pipe
- module pipe
- multilayer pipe
- new drill pipe
- nonupset pipe
- nozzle pipe
- oil discharge pipe
- oriented drill pipe
- outlet pipe
- outside-coupled pipe
- outside-upset pipe
- overflow pipe
- oversize pipe
- perforated pipe
- pin-to-box pipe
- plain end pipe
- pressure relief pipe
- pressure water pipe
- protective pipe
- pulling big? pipe
- rathole pipe
- receiver pipe
- recovered pipe
- reducing pipe
- relief pipe
- return pipe
- rifled pipe
- riser pipe
- rising pipe
- river pipe
- rolled pipe
- rotary-drill pipe
- rotatable drill pipe
- rubbered pipe
- run pipe
- rundown pipe
- screen pipe
- screened pipe
- screwed drill pipe
- seamless drill pipe
- service pipe
- shop-perforated pipe
- single pipe
- slim hole drill pipe
- slip-joint pipe
- slotted pipe
- socket pipe
- soil pipe
- somastic-coated pipe
- sounding pipe
- spiral-welded pipe
- spiraled-wall casing pipe
- split pipe
- stand pipe
- standard pipe
- steel pipe
- stove pipe
- stuck casing pipe
- stuck drilling pipe
- suction pipe
- supply pipe
- surface pipe
- swing pipe
- swivel pipe
- T-pipe
- tail pipe
- tank filling pipe
- tapered pipe
- tee pipe
- thawing pipe
- thick-walled pipe
- thin-walled pipe
- threaded pipe
- threaded dual wall pipe
- threaded line pipe
- three-way pipe
- thrust-bore pipe
- U-pipe
- ultrahigh-test line pipe
- undersize pipe
- unsupported pipe
- unthreaded pipe
- upset drill pipe
- used drill pipe
- wall-stuck pipe
- wash pipe
- washover pipe
- water pipe
- welded pipe
- weldless pipe
- worm pipe
- Y-pipe* * *• усадочная мет. раковина слитка -
14 head
1) головка2) головная часть; передняя часть || головной; передний; верхний3) шпиндельная головка; шпиндельная бабка (см. тж headstock)4) суппорт6) насадка, насадок10) напор; давление•head with collar — головка с цилиндрическим буртом, головка винта с цилиндрическим буртом
head with flange — головка с фланцем, головка винта с фланцем
head with nib — головка (напр. винта) с усом
head with oval neck — головка (напр. винта) с овальным подголовком
head with square neck — головка (напр. винта) с квадратным подголовком
- 5-side turret headhead with washer face — головка с опорной шайбой, головка винта с опорной шайбой
- added head
- adjustable boring head
- air gage head
- air plasma arc cutting head
- all-angle milling head
- angle gage dividing head
- angle head
- angled probe head
- angular head
- angular-positioning head
- articulating head
- assembling head
- attachment head
- autoindexing head
- automatic two-speed geared head
- axial tapping head
- ball-shaped head
- belt head
- bending head
- bidirectional planing head
- binding head
- birotary head
- bolt head
- boring head
- boring/milling head
- boring, drilling and milling head
- boring-and-facing head
- broach pull head
- broaching head
- buffing head
- button head
- capstan head
- cartridge head
- cassette head
- cassette-type spindle head
- center head
- chamfering head
- cheese head
- chisel head
- circular-type die head
- clamping head
- cluster head
- CNC angular-positioning head
- CNC milling heads
- combination head
- compound swivel spindle head
- compound-angle head
- contact head
- contacting head
- contouring head
- control wheel head
- copying head
- counterbalanced head
- counterboring head
- countersunk head
- coupling head
- cross beam head
- cross feed facing head
- cross feed head
- cross head
- cross milling-and-drilling head
- cross-rail head
- cup head
- cup-shaped head
- cutter head
- cutting head
- cylinder head
- detecting head
- detector head
- diamond knurled head
- die head
- direct-drive head
- direct-indexing head
- discharge head
- distributor head
- dividing head
- double swivel-mounted spindle head
- draw head
- drawing head
- dressing head
- drill head
- drill/tap head
- drilling head
- drilling-and-tapping head
- driving head
- dual chucking heads
- dual grinding head
- dynamic head
- effective head of pump wheel
- effective head of turbine wheel
- effective head
- electric gage head
- electric switching gage head
- electronic gage head
- end-rolling head
- engagement head
- erase head
- erasing head
- exchange gripper head
- extension head
- face-milling head
- face-mill-type cutter head
- facing head
- fang head
- fastener installation head
- feeding head
- feed-out head
- filister binding head
- filister head
- finish boring head
- fixed head
- flame tube head
- flange head
- flat head
- flexible spanner head
- flexible wrench head
- flush head
- forcing head
- fork head
- full CNC-controlled dividing head
- gage head
- gang head
- gear head
- Geneva head
- gib head
- globe head
- grinding head
- grinding wheel head
- gripper head
- half-countersunk head
- hammer head
- hex washer head
- hexagon head with collar
- hexagon head with flange
- hexagon head with washer face
- hexagon head
- hexagon turret head
- hexagonal head
- HF head
- high-speed head
- hob swivel head
- honing head
- horizontal milling head
- horizontal spindle head
- horizontal/vertical cutter head
- horizontal/vertical machining head
- hydraulically counterbalanced head
- impeller head
- index head
- indexing head
- indicating head
- inductance-type gage head
- inductive gage head
- insertion head
- instrument head
- integral facing head
- interchangeable head
- interchangeable horizontal spindle head
- keyway-cutting head
- knurled head
- knurling head
- L head
- laser gage head
- laser head
- laser-cutting head
- lever head
- live head
- live-tooling head
- loose head
- low head
- lubrication mist head
- lug head
- machine head
- machining head
- magnetic head
- manually indexable head
- master head
- maximum head
- measuring head
- mechanical dividing head
- micro-adjustable boring head
- micrometer head
- MIG welding head
- milling head
- milling spindle head
- milling-drilling head
- minimum head
- mist head
- modified boring head
- modular head
- movable head
- movable-armature gage head
- multiaxis head
- multidrill head
- multidrill/tap head
- multiple-blade gear-cutting head
- multiple-cutter head
- multiple-drill head
- multiple-sensor head
- multiple-spindle drill head
- multiple-spindle drilling head
- multiple-spindle machining head
- multipoint facing head
- multipurpose head
- multipurpose spindle head
- multispindle drilling-and-tapping head
- multispindle head
- multistation turret drilling head
- multitapping head
- multitool planing head
- multivertical spindle head
- mushroom head
- NC indexing head
- NC/TP head
- net positive suction head
- nonrotating die head
- nontilting head
- notched head
- numbering head
- nut installation head
- nutating head
- octagonal head
- offset boring head
- offset drill head
- offset head
- oil-cooled rotating machining head
- oil-pressure head
- optical dividing head
- optical scanning head
- orbiting head
- outfeed head
- oval binding head
- oven head
- pan head
- perception head
- Philips head
- photoelectric detector head
- photooptical reader head
- pickup head
- pinched head
- pipe-threading die head
- piston head
- pivot-action cutting head
- plain dividing head
- plain index head
- plain indexing head
- planer head
- planer milling head
- planetary thread-milling head
- planing head
- plasma-arc cutting head
- plotting head
- plunge milling head
- poppet head
- positive suction head
- power head
- precision concentric laser head
- pre-gaged cutting head
- pressure head
- primary head
- printer head
- probe head
- profiling head
- pulling head
- pump head
- punching-and-cutting head
- quill-adjustable cutter head
- quill-type head
- radial tapping head
- rag head
- rail head
- rail tool head
- raised cheese head
- raised countersunk head
- ram head
- ram-milling head
- ram-mounted machining head
- ram-type cutter head
- ram-type machining head
- randomly selectable head
- rated head
- read head
- read/write head
- reader head
- reading and writing head
- reading head
- read-record head
- reaming head
- recessing head
- record head
- recording head
- remote receiver head
- reproducing head
- resistance welding head
- retriever head
- right angle drill head
- right-angle head
- right-angle milling head
- right-angled head
- right-angled milling head
- riveted-over head
- rotary feeding head
- rotating reading head
- rotating tool head
- rough boring head
- round head
- round rivet head
- router head
- routing head
- saw head
- scanning head
- scanning tracing head
- screw die head
- self-opening die head
- sensing head
- sensor head
- set head
- shifting head
- side head
- side tool head
- simple spindle head
- single plate head
- single swivel-mounted spindle head
- single-cutter boring head
- single-cutter head
- sleeve-milling head
- slide-milling head
- sliding drill head
- sliding head
- sliding spindle head
- sliding vertical saddle spindle head
- slotted head
- slotting head
- snap head
- socket head
- solid head
- spark-erosion head
- spiked head
- spindle head
- spiral index head
- spiral-cutting head
- spiral-milling head
- spray head
- square head
- squeeze head
- start-up head
- static head
- static suction head
- steep head
- steeple head
- stock head
- stopper head
- straight knurled head
- straight side binding head
- suction head
- superfinishing head
- surfacing head
- swing-aside spindle head
- swinging head
- swing-on vertical head
- swivel head
- swivel spindle head
- swivel-block head
- swiveling head
- swiveling horizontal/vertical spindle head
- swiveling two-axis head
- swiveling vertical/horizontal head
- swivel-mounted head
- tandem-milling head
- tangential die head
- tapping head
- teaching head
- tension head
- T-head
- theoretical head
- thread head
- thread-cutting die head
- thread-cutting head
- threading head
- thread-rolling head
- thumb head
- tilting head
- tilting spindle head
- tool head
- tool post side head
- tool-carrying head
- tool-feeding head
- toolholder head
- tool-holding head
- tool-support head
- tool-supporting head
- torsion head
- total head
- tracer head
- tracing head
- transferrable head
- traveling head
- traversing spindle head
- trepanning head
- triangle head
- trigger probe head
- tripet turret head
- triple spindle head
- truss head
- turning head
- turret drilling head
- turret head
- twin-axis contour-facing head
- twin-cutter boring head
- twin-tool boring head
- two-flute boring head
- two-fluted boring head
- two-position cutter head
- two-position spindle head
- undercut countersunk head
- undercut raised countersunk head
- unit head
- unit spindle head
- unit-type boring head
- unit-type drill head
- unit-type mill head
- unit-type milling head
- universal boring head
- universal cutter head
- universal dividing head
- universal indexing head
- universal milling head
- upset head
- upstroking head
- vacuum head
- valve head
- velocity head
- vertical head for horizontal milling machine
- vertical milling head
- vertical/horizontal rotary head
- V-shaped head
- waisted head
- washer head
- welding head
- wheel head
- wobble broaching head
- wobble head
- work-carrying head
- workpiece-gripping head
- wrench head
- write head
- write-read head
- writing head
- X axis-controlled head
- Y axis-controlled head
- Z axis-controlled headEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > head
15 DAR
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Acquisition Request, Direct Access Restore, Disc Area Ratio, distortion adaptive receiver2) Авиация: Digital Acms Recorder, Digital Aids Recorder3) Спорт: Dignity After Racing4) Военный термин: Daughters of the Revolution, Defense Acquisition Reform, Defense Acquisition Regulations, Designated Area for Recovery, Detroit arsenal, Director of Army Recruiting, Director of Army Research, daily activity report, damage assessment routine, data automation requirements, deficiency action report, departure approval request, deployment adjustment request, Defense Acquisition Radar (or Regulation)5) Техника: data aided receiver, data assessment report, day-after recall, design assessment report, digital angle recorder, digital autopilot requirements, digital-to-analog register6) Сельское хозяйство: Department Of Agrarian Reform7) Шутливое выражение: Dark Anime Revolution8) Юридический термин: Dangerous And Rough, Driving After Revocation, Delivery-Acceptance Report (акт сдачи-приёмки)9) Радио: Digital Analog Radio10) Сокращение: Anti-Radar Drone (German), Daughters of the American Revolution, Decision Analysis Report (e.g. FSS, 2009), Defence Acquisition Regulation, Detailed Analysis Report (2008), Drohne Anti-Radar (Anti-radar drone (Germany))11) Текстиль: Dressed All Round12) Физиология: Diabetes Assistance And Resources, Dorsal Acetabular Rim13) Электроника: Digital Audio Receiver14) Нефть: discovery allowable requested, квота на суточную добычу, запрошенная при открытии месторождения (discovery allowable requested)15) Космонавтика: рассмотрение принимаемой конструкции16) Транспорт: Dial-A-Ride17) Деловая лексика: Display Aspect Ratio18) Бурение: запрошенная при открытии месторождения квота на суточную добычу (discovery allowable requested)19) Образование: Dogs At Risk20) Сетевые технологии: Dual Analog Route21) Химическое оружие: data acquisition recording22) Общественная организация: Diabetes Assistance Resources23) Аэропорты: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania24) AMEX. Darling International, Inc. -
16 Dar
1) Компьютерная техника: Data Acquisition Request, Direct Access Restore, Disc Area Ratio, distortion adaptive receiver2) Авиация: Digital Acms Recorder, Digital Aids Recorder3) Спорт: Dignity After Racing4) Военный термин: Daughters of the Revolution, Defense Acquisition Reform, Defense Acquisition Regulations, Designated Area for Recovery, Detroit arsenal, Director of Army Recruiting, Director of Army Research, daily activity report, damage assessment routine, data automation requirements, deficiency action report, departure approval request, deployment adjustment request, Defense Acquisition Radar (or Regulation)5) Техника: data aided receiver, data assessment report, day-after recall, design assessment report, digital angle recorder, digital autopilot requirements, digital-to-analog register6) Сельское хозяйство: Department Of Agrarian Reform7) Шутливое выражение: Dark Anime Revolution8) Юридический термин: Dangerous And Rough, Driving After Revocation, Delivery-Acceptance Report (акт сдачи-приёмки)9) Радио: Digital Analog Radio10) Сокращение: Anti-Radar Drone (German), Daughters of the American Revolution, Decision Analysis Report (e.g. FSS, 2009), Defence Acquisition Regulation, Detailed Analysis Report (2008), Drohne Anti-Radar (Anti-radar drone (Germany))11) Текстиль: Dressed All Round12) Физиология: Diabetes Assistance And Resources, Dorsal Acetabular Rim13) Электроника: Digital Audio Receiver14) Нефть: discovery allowable requested, квота на суточную добычу, запрошенная при открытии месторождения (discovery allowable requested)15) Космонавтика: рассмотрение принимаемой конструкции16) Транспорт: Dial-A-Ride17) Деловая лексика: Display Aspect Ratio18) Бурение: запрошенная при открытии месторождения квота на суточную добычу (discovery allowable requested)19) Образование: Dogs At Risk20) Сетевые технологии: Dual Analog Route21) Химическое оружие: data acquisition recording22) Общественная организация: Diabetes Assistance Resources23) Аэропорты: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania24) AMEX. Darling International, Inc. -
17 valve
1) клапан; вентиль2) задвижка; затвор4) кран5) мн. ч. вентильная арматура•to time the valves — регулировать газораспределение ( двигателя)-
2-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-axis hydraulic contouring valve
3-position spring-centered selector valve
ac solenoid hydraulic directional valve
accumulator charging valve
accumulator unloading valve
adjustable valve
admission valve
ahead maneuvering valve
air control valve
air filler valve
air valve
air-gap armature hydraulic valve
air-operated valve
air-starting valve
air-steam relief valve
air-vent valve
alarm valve
aligned-grid valve
amplifier valve
angle valve
annular slide valve
antibackfire valve
antiicing shutoff valve
astern maneuvering valve
atmospheric steam dump valve
automatic changeover valve
auxiliary loop isolation valve
auxiliary valve
back pressure valve
back valve
backfire bypass valve
backflush valve
back-seating valve
backwash valve
baffle valve
balanced needle valve
balanced valve
balanced-disk valve
balanced-gate valve
ball and scat valve
ball seating action valve
ball shear action valve
ball valve
ball-operated pneumatic valve
beam-power valve
bin slide valve
blade-control valve
bleeder valve
bleed valve
block valve
blowing valve
blowoff valve
blowout valve
bottom discharge valve
bottom dump valve
bottom-hole valve
brake application valve
brake cylinder release valve
brake hydraulic valve
brake transmission valve
brake valve
breathing valve
bulkhead valve
bullet valve
butterfly valve
bypass proportional valve
bypass valve
cam-operated pneumatic valve
cargo oil valve
cargo valve
cartridge-type valve
casing fill-up valve
casing float valve
casing pressure operated gas lift valve
cement float valve
centrifugal reducing valve
changeover valve
charging valve
check valve
chimney slide valve
chimney valve
choke valve
Christmas-tree gate valve
Christmas-tree valve
combined stop and emergency valve
common slide valve
compartment valve
compensation valve
compression valve
compressor bleed valve
conditioned air emergency valve
conductor's valve
cone valve
control valve
converter valve
coolant flow-control valve
cooler bypass valve
copying valve
counterbalance valve
crankcase valve
crankcase ventilation valve
crossfeed valve
crude oil valve
cryogenic gate valve
cutoff valve
cutout valve
cylinder-operated pneumatic valve
cylindrical valve
damper valve
dc solenoid hydraulic directional valve
deceleration flow control valve
deceleration valve
deck drain valve
decompression pressure control valve
delivery valve
depress valve
detent-controlled valve
diaphragm seating action valve
diaphragm valve
differential lock valve
differential pressure control valve
differential relief valve
direct-acting valve
direct-admission valve
direction selector valve
directional control valve
directly operated valve
discharge valve
disk valve
distributing valve
distribution valve
diverter valve
double air-piloted valve
double-acting valve
double-check valve
double-seat valve
double-solenoid valve
drain valve
dual block gate valve
dual block valve
dump valve
duplex valve
duplicator valve
eduction valve
ejection valve
electric valve
electric-to-air valve
electrohydraulic servo valve
electromagnetic valve
electronic valve
emergency closing valve
emergency valve
emergency-braking valve
en-bloc directional control hydraulic valve
engine start valve
engineer's brake valve
equalizing tester valve
equalizing valve
escape valve
evaporator refrigerant valve
exhaust brake valve
exhaust valve
exit-juice valve
expansion valve
explosive valve
extraction valve
feeding valve
feed valve
feedwater valve
fill valve
five-port control valve
five-port valve
fixed flow control valve
fixed-dispersion cone valve
flap valve
flapper action valve
flapper valve
flat gate valve
flat valve
flat-scat fuel valve
Fleming valve
float valve
float-controlled gate valve
float-controlled valve
flooding valve
flood valve
flow control valve
flow directing valve
flow dividing valve
flow metering valve
flow restrictor valve
flow safety valve
flow summarizing valve
flow-regulating valve
fluid check valve
flushing and boost valve
follow valve
follower-ring gate valve
foot valve
foot-operated pneumatic valve
force motor valve
forcing valve
four/three-way hydraulic directional control valve
four-port control valve
four-port valve
four-way directional control valve
four-way valve
free-discharge valve
fuel shutoff valve
fuel supply valve
fuel valve
fuel-lock valve
fume valve
gas charging valve
gas cylinder valve
gas lift starting valve
gas lift valve
gas reversing valve
gate valve
geared valve
globe valve
guard valve
guard's valve
gulp valve
hand-operated valve
heat control valve
high-head regulating valve
high-pressure gate valve
high-pressure relief valve
holding valve
hollow-jet valve
hydraulic copying valve
hydraulic pressure gage selector valve
hydraulic valve
inclined valve
indirect-action valve
induction valve
injection valve
injector valve
inlet valve
in-line air valve
intake valve
intercept valve
interior differential needle valve
intermediate-plate type valve
internal check valve
inverted valve
ionic valve
isolation valve
jet action valve
jet-pipe valve
jettison valve
kelly safety valve
king valve
kingston valve
leak valve
lever safety valve
light valve
liquid-crystal valve
load dividing pressure control valve
lock emptying valve
lock filling valve
lock valve
low-cracking check valve
magnetic valve
main feedwater control valve
main loop isolation valve
main penstock valve
main pipeline gate valve
main pipeline valve
main steam stop valve
main tester valve
make-up valve
maneuvering valve
manifold air valve
manifold valve
manual valve
masked inlet valve
master control gate valve
master gate valve
master valve
measuring valve
membrane valve
mercury arc valve
mercury valve
metering valve
mixer valve
mod-logic pneumatic valve
modular hydraulic valves
modular-type control valve
modulating valve
moisture drain valve
motor-operated valve
multiple station isolator valve
multiple valve
multiway valve
mushroom valve
needle seating action valve
needle valve
neutralizer valve
new fuel entry valve
nonreturn valve
nozzle control valve
nozzle valve
oil drain valve
oil-controlled valve
oil-overflow valve
oil-pressure relief valve
oil-pressure valve
one-port control valve
one-port valve
one-stage valve
one-way control valve
one-way valve
on-off valve
open center valve
orchard valve
outboard valve
outlet valve
overflow valve
overlapped valve
overload valve
overrun valve
overspeed valve
palm button operated pneumatic valve
penstock valve
pet valve
pig scraper launching valve
pig launching valve
pig scraper receiver valve
pig receiver valve
pilot overspeed valve
pilot valve
pilot-actuated valve
pilot-controlled valve
pilot-operated check valve
pilot-operated valve
pipe valve
pipeline valves
piston valve
piston-operated spool valve
plug seating action valve
plug shear action valve
plug valve
pneumatic control valve
pneumatic time delay valve
pneumatic valve
poppet valve
poppet-operated pneumatic valve
power valve
pressure control valve
pressure reducing valve
pressure regulating valve
pressure sequenced valve
pressure valve
pressure-vacuum vent valve
pressure vent valve
pressure-and-vacuum valve
pressure-compensated flow control valve
pressure-compensated valve
pressure-limiting valve
pressure-operated pneumatic valve
pressure-relief valve
pressurizer isolation valve
pressurizing cabin valve
priming valve
priority valve
production gate valve
production valve
proportional control hydraulic valve
proportional pressure control valve
proportioning valve
pump discharge valve
purge valve
push-button operated pneumatic valve
push-button valve
quarter-turn valve
quick exhaust air valve
rebound valve
rectifier valve
reducing valve
reed-type valve
reed valve
re-entry valve
register valve
regulating valve
relay valve
release valve
relief valve
replenishing valve
restrictor valve
retaining valve
retardation valve
retarder valve
retrievable valve
return valve
reverse Tainter valve
reverse valve
reversible flow metering valve
revolving valve
ride control valve
roller-operated pneumatic valve
rolling lift valve
rotary directional hydraulic valve
rotary disk operated pneumatic valve
rotary valve
safety valve
sampling valve
sand valve
scour valve
screw-down valve
screw valve
scupper valve
sea-suction valve
seating action valve
seat valve
selection valve
selector directional control valve
selector valve
self-sealing hydraulic valve
sequence valve
shaft valve
shear action valve
shrouded valve
shutoff gate valve
shutoff valve
singe-seat valve
single solenoid valve
single-acting valve
single-stage valve
sleeve valve
slide valve
sliding plate shear action valve
sluice valve
snap-in valve
snort valve
sodium-filled exhaust valve
solar panel valve
solenoid valve
solenoid-operated hydraulic valve
sphere valve
spherical valve
sphincter valve
spool operated pneumatic valve
spool valve
spray valve
spring centering directional control hydraulic valve
spring centralized air valve
spring offset valve
spring operated valve
spring-loaded valve
standing valve
start valve
steam dump valve
steam valve
steering-damping control valve
stop valve
straight flow valve
straight-through valve
suction valve
supply valve
surface-controlled gas lift valve
surge damping valve
swing disk seating action valve
swing-check valve
tank manifold valves
tank valves
tank-pipeline valve
tapered-seat valve
taper-seat valve
telescopic valve
telltale valve
thermionic valve
thermostatic expansion valve
thermostatic valve
three-port control valve
three-port valve
throttle valve
throttling direction control valve
thyristor valve
tidal valve
tilting disk check valve
time delay valve
toggle valve
tractor breakaway valve
transmission spark control valve
traveling valve
treadle-operated pneumatic valve
trip tester valve
tube valve
tubing pressure operated gas lift valve
tubing safety valve
turbine inlet valve
turbine shutoff valve
twinned-regenerator valve
two/two-way hydraulic valve
two-port control valve
two-port valve
two-position pneumatic valve
two-stage valve
two-way control valve
two-way valve
uncoupling valve
underlapped valve
unloading valve
vacuum valve
vapor valve
variable load valve
variable valve
vent valve
ventilation valve
venting valve
washout valve
water valve
water-gate valve
waveguide valve
wedge gate valve
wedge valve
wedge-action valve
wet armature hydraulic valve
whistle valve
zero-lapped valve -
18 ADR
1) Общая лексика: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Европа - АД), amicable dispute resolution (http://www.iccwbo.org/index_adr.asp), АДР (депозитарная расписка), advanced deviation request, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Автозаказ2) Авиация: air data reference, airborne data loader3) Морской термин: advisory course (сокр.) (рекомендованный курс)4) Медицина: нежелательная реакция (adverse drug reaction), расширенное диагностическое исследование больного (advanced diagnostic research), побочная реакция на препарат (adverse drug reaction), неблагоприятная лекарственная реакция, неблагоприятная реакция на препарат, серьезное побочное явление5) Военный термин: Automatic Data Relay, advance deviations report, advanced development report, advisory route, air defense readiness, air defense region, air defense requirements, air-launched drone rocket, aircraft direction room, aircraft discrepancy report, airfield damage repair, ammunition disposition report, ammunition disposition request6) Техника: acceptable degradation rate, airborne digital recorder, analog-to-digital recorder, angle data recorder, automatic digital relay7) Шутливое выражение: Another Driver Retires8) Религия: Army Of Divine Rights9) Юридический термин: Amicable Dispute Resolution, альтернативное разрешение споров (alternative dispute resolution), alternative dispute resolution, альтернативные методы разрешения споров10) Бухгалтерия: Asset Depreciation Range, Average Daily Rate, срок службы актива (устанавливаемый Налоговым управлением США для начисления износа определённых активов, asset depreciation range)11) Автомобильный термин: Automatic Distance Regulation (Krokodil), (Automatic Distance Regulation) автоматическое регулирование расстояния (система по поддержанию безопасного расстояния до впереди идущего автомобиля) (Krokodil)12) Биржевой термин: Annual Dividend Ratio, американское депозитарное свидетельство (American depository receipt), свободнообращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depository receipt), American Depositary Receipts13) Гидрография: auxiliary data receiver (сокр.) (приёмник вспомогательных данных)14) Кино: audio dilog replacement (дублирование фильма. ex.: ADR translation)15) Радио: Additional Dialog Recording, Advanced Digital Radio16) Сокращение: Accident Data Recorder, Advanced Digital Receiver, Air Data Relay, Air Defence Region (UK), Air Defense Reticle (USA), Airborne Data Relay, Armoured Delivery Regiment (UK), adverse drug reaction (препарата), неблагоприятная побочная реакция (препарата), European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Roads (Европейское соглашение о международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов, ДОПОГ)17) Электроника: Aperture Direct Readout, Audio Dialog Replacement, Automatic Dialog Recording18) Вычислительная техника: Automated Distance Regulation (Auto), Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream), analog digital recorder (сокр.) (аналого-цифровой регистратор)19) Нефть: activities and deliverables register, приемлемая скорость ухудшения рабочих характеристик (acceptable degradation rate)20) Иммунология: Animal Drug Request21) Онкология: Adverse Drug Reaction22) Банковское дело: свободно обращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depositary receipt)23) Транспорт: Agent D Reaper, Automated Demand Resolution, Automatic Driver Recognition, Европейское соглашение о перевозке опасных грузов (ADR = Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Europe) http://www.trustline.ru/adr/)24) Атомная энергия: МПД (absorbed dose rate( мощность поглощенной дозы), измеряется в Гр/ч)25) Экология: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road27) Деловая лексика: Administrative Dispute Resolution, American Depository Receipt28) Инвестиции: American depositary receipt29) Автоматика: automatic diagnostic and recovery system30) Военно-морской флот: arrival discrepancy report (сокр.) (донесение о причинах несвоевременного прибытия), Aviation Machinist's Mate R (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик по поршневым двигателям)31) Расширение файла: AfterDark Randomizer screensaver, Opera Browser Bookmark - Extension32) Логистика: Европейский закон, регулирующий международные автотранспортные перевозки опасных грузов (Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road)33) Военно-политический термин: Air Defence Region34) Каспий: asset depreciation rate35) Снабжение: запрос на усложнённое изменение36) Программное обеспечение: Australian Design Rules37) Международные перевозки: European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road -
19 AMR
1) Медицина: analytical measurement range2) Военный термин: Army Management Review, Auxiliary Machinery Room, advanced material request, advanced material requirements, advanced modular radar, air maintenance requirements, aircraft maintenance and repair, automatic map reader, automatic message routing3) Техника: acceptable malfunction rate, advanced missile receiver, airborne magnetic recorder, amplitude modulation receiver, automatic message registering4) Математика: adaptive mesh refinement (сокр.)5) Автомобильный термин: Antisotropic Magneto Resistance (Non-contact sensors for measuring rotational speed and angle.)6) Телекоммуникации: Adaptive Multi-Rate (speech coder) (адаптивный многоскоростной (кодер речи))7) Сокращение: Airborne Microwave Refractometer, Anti-Materiel Rifle, Atlantic Missile Range, Automitrailleuse de Reconnaissance (Light armoured reconnaissance vehicle (France)), advance material request8) Университет: Alumni Memorial Residences9) Физиология: Active Metabolic Rate10) Электроника: Adaptive Multi Rate11) Вычислительная техника: Audio MODEM Riser (slot, Intel)13) Иммунология: Adaptive Mesh Refinement14) Фирменный знак: American Medical Rescue15) Деловая лексика: Advanced Market Research16) Сетевые технологии: Average Message Rate, automatic message recording, автоматическая запись сообщений, автоматическая регистрация сообщений17) ЕБРР: annual monitoring report18) Автоматика: adaptive-model-reference19) Расширение файла: Audio Modem Riser20) Электротехника: automatic meter reading21) NYSE. AMR Corporation of Delaware -
20 Adr
1) Общая лексика: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Европа - АД), amicable dispute resolution (http://www.iccwbo.org/index_adr.asp), АДР (депозитарная расписка), advanced deviation request, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, Автозаказ2) Авиация: air data reference, airborne data loader3) Морской термин: advisory course (сокр.) (рекомендованный курс)4) Медицина: нежелательная реакция (adverse drug reaction), расширенное диагностическое исследование больного (advanced diagnostic research), побочная реакция на препарат (adverse drug reaction), неблагоприятная лекарственная реакция, неблагоприятная реакция на препарат, серьезное побочное явление5) Военный термин: Automatic Data Relay, advance deviations report, advanced development report, advisory route, air defense readiness, air defense region, air defense requirements, air-launched drone rocket, aircraft direction room, aircraft discrepancy report, airfield damage repair, ammunition disposition report, ammunition disposition request6) Техника: acceptable degradation rate, airborne digital recorder, analog-to-digital recorder, angle data recorder, automatic digital relay7) Шутливое выражение: Another Driver Retires8) Религия: Army Of Divine Rights9) Юридический термин: Amicable Dispute Resolution, альтернативное разрешение споров (alternative dispute resolution), alternative dispute resolution, альтернативные методы разрешения споров10) Бухгалтерия: Asset Depreciation Range, Average Daily Rate, срок службы актива (устанавливаемый Налоговым управлением США для начисления износа определённых активов, asset depreciation range)11) Автомобильный термин: Automatic Distance Regulation (Krokodil), (Automatic Distance Regulation) автоматическое регулирование расстояния (система по поддержанию безопасного расстояния до впереди идущего автомобиля) (Krokodil)12) Биржевой термин: Annual Dividend Ratio, американское депозитарное свидетельство (American depository receipt), свободнообращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depository receipt), American Depositary Receipts13) Гидрография: auxiliary data receiver (сокр.) (приёмник вспомогательных данных)14) Кино: audio dilog replacement (дублирование фильма. ex.: ADR translation)15) Радио: Additional Dialog Recording, Advanced Digital Radio16) Сокращение: Accident Data Recorder, Advanced Digital Receiver, Air Data Relay, Air Defence Region (UK), Air Defense Reticle (USA), Airborne Data Relay, Armoured Delivery Regiment (UK), adverse drug reaction (препарата), неблагоприятная побочная реакция (препарата), European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Roads (Европейское соглашение о международной дорожной перевозке опасных грузов, ДОПОГ)17) Электроника: Aperture Direct Readout, Audio Dialog Replacement, Automatic Dialog Recording18) Вычислительная техника: Automated Distance Regulation (Auto), Advanced Digital Recording (Streamer, Philips, OnStream), analog digital recorder (сокр.) (аналого-цифровой регистратор)19) Нефть: activities and deliverables register, приемлемая скорость ухудшения рабочих характеристик (acceptable degradation rate)20) Иммунология: Animal Drug Request21) Онкология: Adverse Drug Reaction22) Банковское дело: свободно обращающаяся расписка на иностранные акции, депонированная в банке США (American depositary receipt)23) Транспорт: Agent D Reaper, Automated Demand Resolution, Automatic Driver Recognition, Европейское соглашение о перевозке опасных грузов (ADR = Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road (Europe) http://www.trustline.ru/adr/)24) Атомная энергия: МПД (absorbed dose rate( мощность поглощенной дозы), измеряется в Гр/ч)25) Экология: Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road27) Деловая лексика: Administrative Dispute Resolution, American Depository Receipt28) Инвестиции: American depositary receipt29) Автоматика: automatic diagnostic and recovery system30) Военно-морской флот: arrival discrepancy report (сокр.) (донесение о причинах несвоевременного прибытия), Aviation Machinist's Mate R (Reciprocating Engine Mechanic) (сокр.) (старшина — авиационный механик по поршневым двигателям)31) Расширение файла: AfterDark Randomizer screensaver, Opera Browser Bookmark - Extension32) Логистика: Европейский закон, регулирующий международные автотранспортные перевозки опасных грузов (Agreement on Dangerous Goods by Road)33) Военно-политический термин: Air Defence Region34) Каспий: asset depreciation rate35) Снабжение: запрос на усложнённое изменение36) Программное обеспечение: Australian Design Rules37) Международные перевозки: European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road
См. также в других словарях:
Bistatic angle — The bistatic angle is the angle subtended between the transmitter, target and receiver in a bistatic radar. When it is exactly zero the radar is a monostatic radar, when it is close to zero the radar is pseudo monostatic, and when it is close to… … Wikipedia
Nonimaging optics — (also called anidolic optics)[1][2] is the branch of optics concerned with the optimal transfer of light radiation between a source and a target. Unlike traditional imaging optics, the techniques involved do not attempt to form an image of the… … Wikipedia
radar — /ray dahr/, n. 1. Electronics. a device for determining the presence and location of an object by measuring the time for the echo of a radio wave to return from it and the direction from which it returns. 2. a means or sense of awareness or… … Universalium
Glossary of American football — The following terms are used in American football and Canadian football, but see also the glossary of Canadian football. Contents: 0–9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V … Wikipedia
Antenna (radio) — Whip antenna on car … Wikipedia
navigation — navigational, adj. /nav i gay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of navigating. 2. the art or science of plotting, ascertaining, or directing the course of a ship, aircraft, or guided missile. [1520 30; < L navigation (s. of navigatio) a voyage.… … Universalium
VHF omnidirectional range — This article is about the radio navigation aid. For other uses, see Vor. D VOR (Doppler VOR) ground station, co located with DME … Wikipedia
telecommunications media — Introduction equipment and systems metal wire, terrestrial and satellite radio, and optical fibre employed in the transmission of electromagnetic signals. Transmission media and the problem of signal degradation Every… … Universalium
Table tennis — Ping Pong redirects here. For other uses, see Ping Pong (disambiguation). Table tennis Table tennis at the highest level Highest governing body ITTF Nickname(s) Ping pong … Wikipedia
Synchro — [ frame|Schematic of Synchro TransducerThe complete circle represents the rotor. The solid bars represent the cores of the windings next to them. Power to the rotor is connected by slip rings and brushes, represented by the circles at the ends of … Wikipedia
Remote control — For other uses, see Remote control (disambiguation). A television remote control unit (RCU) A remote control is a component of an electronics device, most commonly a television set, used for operating the television device wireless … Wikipedia