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  • 41 'Evening With...' event

    Общая лексика: творческий вечер (the term творческий вечер is only used in relation to musicians, poets, actors and other artists)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > 'Evening With...' event

  • 42 cut and dried

    (или dry)
       1) гoтoвый, в гoтoвoм видe; нeизмeнный [пepвoнaч. o лeчeбныx тpaвax в лaвкe aптeкapя]
        Still he did feel that Miltoun was altogether too much of the "pukka" aristocrat... with his confounded way of seeing things all cut and dried (J. Galsworthy). If linguistic study be confined to a purely literary form of language, and especially to the literary forms of the ancient languages, there is a tendency for the student to get into the habit of considering language as something cut and dried, and fixed once for all in the definite mould (H. C. Wyld). By the end of the evening they had their plans for carrying out the robbery all cut and dried with nothing, they thought left to chance
       2) тpaфapeтный, шaблoнный, бaнaльный; лишённый яpкocти, opигинaльнocти, cуxoй
        He was the usual cut and dry apothecary... and about as emotional as bagpipe (R. L. Stevenson)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > cut and dried

  • 43 caviare to the general

    слишком тонкое блюдо для грубого вкуса (ср. метать бисер перед свиньями) [шекспировское выражение; см. цитату; слово general употр. здесь в значении широкая публика]

    Hamlet: "...the play I remember, pleased not the million; 't was caviare to the general..." (W. Shakespeare, ‘Hamlet’, act II, sc. 2) — Гамлет: "...пьеса, я помню, не понравилась широкой публике; для большинства это было слишком тонкое блюдо."

    ...both I and Elizabeth were astonished by its sales... ‘I'm no longer caviar to the general, it seems...’ (C. Isherwood, ‘The World in the Evening’, part II) —...мы с Элизабет были поражены тем, как раскупали ее роман... - Похоже, я начинаю нравиться широкой публике.

    One hundred years ago America's narrative masterpiece, ‘Moby-Dick’, was printed by Harper and Brothers in New York City. The book proved caviar to the general, and Melville had to derive his satisfaction from but three or four discerning reviews... (‘New York Times Book Review’) — Сто лет тому назад нью-йоркским издательством "Харпер энд бразерз" был выпущен роман "Моби-Дик" - настоящий литературный шедевр. Книга оказалась слишком тонким блюдом для широкой публики, и Мелвиллу пришлось удовольствоваться всего тремя или четырьмя положительными рецензиями...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > caviare to the general

  • 44 be on the air

    1) работать, вести передачу ( о радиостанции)

    This station is on the air from 8 a. m. till 2 p. m. — Эта радиостанция ведет передачи с 8 до 14 часов.

    2) выступать по радио (тж. go on the air)

    By the time the war broke out in 1939, Mercer was on the air three times a week, and had built up for himself a wide listening audience, over a network of five northern stations. (D. Carter ‘Fatherless Sons’, part I, ch. 2) — В тридцать девятом году, когда вспыхнула война, Мерсер выступал со своими комментариями уже три раза в неделю, и у него появилось множество слушателей - его передачи транслировали пять станций северных провинций.

    Already the news was on the air, it would be in the evening papers... (Gr. Greene, ‘A Gun for Sale’, ch. II) — Эти новости уже переданы в эфир. Они появятся в вечерних газетах...

    ‘You Bet Your Life’ was broadcast for the first time in October of 1947, and it's been on the air ever since. (A. Marx, ‘Life with Groucho’, ch. XV) — "Даю голову на отсечение" впервые передали по радио в октябре 1947 года и с тех пор передают регулярно.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > be on the air

  • 45 cut and come again

    гостеприимство, пир горой

    Always happy to see a friend in our plain way... sherry, old port, and cut and come again. (W. Thackeray, ‘The Great Hoggarty Diamond’, ch. IV) — Всегда рады видеть друга и угостить его чем только можем... херес, выдержанный портвейн. Пейте на здоровье.

    Cut and come again was the order of the evening. — В этот вечер был пир горой.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > cut and come again

  • 46 under the rose

    по секрету, втихомолку, тайком, потихоньку [этим. лат. sub rosa. Роза была символом молчания в Древнем Риме]

    Do what you like under the rose, but don't give a sign of what you're about... (Ch. Dickens. ‘Hard Times’, book II, ch. X) — Делайте все, что вам нужно, потихоньку, но не обнаруживайте себя...

    Why, ye are to understand... I speak among friends and under the rose. (W. Scott, ‘Rob Roy’, ch. XXVI) — Учтите, что... я среди друзей и говорю по секрету.

    He was too cautious and too shy to explore that side of Paris supposed by Forsytes to constitute its attraction under the rose... (J. Galsworthy, ‘In Chancery’, part III, ch. I) — Он был слишком осторожен и застенчив, чтобы исследовать ту сторону Парижа, которая, как предполагают Форсайты, и является его тайной приманкой...

    It ended by my suggesting that they both come down to dinner with me some evening - a suggestion which they welcomed with enthusiasm, but explained that it would have to be done under the rose. Their father was so old-fashioned that he would not allow them to take up with any one so swiftly... (Th. Dreiser, ‘A Book about Myself’, ch. L) — Кончилось тем, что я предложил им обеим поужинать со мной как-нибудь. Они с восторгом приняли это предложение, но заявили, что это придется сделать тайком, так как их отец человек старого закала и не разрешил бы им так быстро заводить знакомства...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > under the rose

  • 47 -Changing booking over the phone-

    Travel Changing booking over the phone
    Could you read that phone number out for me while I dial? Mi detteresti il numero di telefono mentre lo compongo?
    I need to change my booking. Dovrei cambiare la mia prenotazione.
    Sorry to keep you waiting. Mi scusi se l'ho fatta attendere.
    Can I have the booking number? Mi può dare il numero di prenotazione?
    Can I have the number of the credit card you used to make the booking please? Mi può dare il numero della carta di credito con la quale ha effettuato la prenotazione?
    Bear with me one minute. Un attimo di pazienza.
    Mrs R.Green on the 6.50 flight to Paris on Tuesday 15th of October, coming back to London Gatwick on Friday 18th at 18.45. Signora R. Green per il volo delle 6:50 per Parigi per martedì 15 ottobre, rientro per Londra Gatwick per venerdì 18 alle 18:45.
    When do you want to rearrange the flights for? A quando vorrebbe spostare il volo?
    We are experiencing technical difficulties today. Oggi abbiamo problemi tecnici.
    I need to be in Edinburgh on the morning of the 4th of November. Devo essere a Edimburgo per la mattina del 4 novembre.
    I need the earliest possible flight you've got. Ho bisogno del primo volo possibile.
    I can get you on to the 6.50 Gatwick - Edinburgh flight. Posso metterla sul volo da Gatwick per Edimburgo delle 6:50.
    That's perfect. Va benissimo.
    When is your inbound flight? Quando è il suo volo di ritorno?
    Anytime in the evening is fine. Va bene a qualsiasi ora in serata.
    I can get you on the 20.30 flight, but that lands at Heathrow. Posso metterla sul volo delle 20:30 ma atterra a Heathrow.
    Is there a charge for changing a booking? C'è una penale per il cambio di prenotazione?
    There's a small fee of £20 for changing flights. C'è una piccola penale di £20 per la modifica del volo.
    Is there any change in the cost of the flights? C'è una variazione nel costo del biglietto?
    You will receive confirmation via e-mail very shortly with the new times and flights. Riceverà a breve una conferma per e-mail con i nuovi orari e i nuovi voli.
    You've been very helpful. Mi è stata di grande aiuto.
    Enjoy your trip to Edinburgh. Buon viaggio a Edimburgo.

    English-Italian dictionary > -Changing booking over the phone-

  • 48 to chew the fat

    = chew the rag
    1) ворчать; ныть, жаловаться

    He was chewing the fat at me the whole afternoon. — Он весь день жаловался мне на жизнь.

    2) болтать, разговаривать о чём-л. очень долго

    We had that paper last Friday and chewed the fat over it for hours! — Мы получили эту газету в прошлую пятницу и обсуждали её полдня.

    They spent the evening chewing the fat. — Они протрепались весь вечер.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to chew the fat

  • 49 three sheets in the wind

    вдрызг пьяный; см. тж. a sheet in the wind

    Red was three sheets in the wind, the evening he stumbled after Barney into the dining-room of Mrs. Pennyfather's boarding-house. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Working Bullocks’, ch. XXIII) — Ред в тот вечер, когда вместе с Барни ввалился в столовую миссис Пеннифадер, был вдребезги пьян.

    After that, somehow me [= my] nerves went all to pieces and Dad started spendin' too much on beer, half the time comin' home three sheets in the wind. (D. Cusack, ‘Southern Steel’, ch. XII) — После этого у меня совершенно расшатались нервы, а отец стал тратить слишком много денег на пиво и часто приходил домой в сильном подпитии.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > three sheets in the wind

  • 50 -Considering an evening course-

    Education Considering an evening course
    I'm thinking of doing an evening class. Sto pensando di fare un corso serale.
    Are you going to do a course? Hai intenzione di seguire un corso?
    I've got the new prospectus for the local adult education college. Ho il nuovo programma dell'università per adulti della zona.
    Which course are you going to do? Quale corso farai?
    I wanted to do a photography course. Volevo seguire un corso di fotografia.
    Photography is on Tuesdays and I've got my dance class Tuesdays. Il corso di fotografia è di martedì e il martedì ho la mia lezione di danza.
    Is that the only night they do photography? È l'unica sera in cui fanno fotografia?
    Tuesday's the only evening they do photography classes. Martedì è l'unica sera in cui fanno corsi di fotografia.
    Doesn't anything else interest you? Non ti interessa nient'altro?
    I've always wanted to learn French. Ho sempre voluto imparare il francese.
    I didn't pay much attention at school and regret it now. Non ero molto attenta a scuola e ora me ne pento.
    I feel so stupid every time I go to France. Mi sento così stupida ogni volta che vado in Francia.
    Is there a French course to suit you? C'è un corso di francese che potrebbe andarti bene?
    There's a 40-hour French course for beginners. C'è un corso di francese di 40 ore per principianti.
    When does the course start? Quando comincia il corso?
    The course starts the last week of September. Il corso comincia l'ultima settimana di settembre.
    How long's the course? Quanto dura il corso?
    The lessons run till Christmas. Le lezioni si tengono fino a Natale.
    How often are the lessons? Che frequenza hanno le lezioni?
    There are two one and a half hour lessons a week. Ci sono due lezioni da un'ora e mezza alla settimana.
    What days are the lessons on? In che giorni si tengono le lezioni?
    The lessons are on Mondays and Thursdays. Le lezioni si tengono il lunedì e il giovedì.
    What time do the lessons start? A che ora cominciano le lezioni?
    The lessons are from 7.30 till 9.00. Le lezioni sono dalle 19:30 alle 21:00.
    Why don't you come along to the course too? Perché non vieni anche tu al corso?
    I'm no good at languages. Non sono portato per le lingue.
    I'll a have look through the prospectus and see if another course grabs me. Darò un'occhiata al programma per vedere se c'è un altro corso che mi attira.

    English-Italian dictionary > -Considering an evening course-

  • 51 odds and ends

    разрозненные предметы, всякая всячина; остатки; обрезки, обрывки, клочки, кусочки [первонач. odd ends]

    I've just remembered that I told the servants they might go out to-night, there's a circus at Blackstable; and I said we'd just eat up the odds and ends. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Mrs. Craddock’, ch. XXXIV) — Я только что вспомнила, что отпустила слуг сегодня вечером, так как в Блэкстейбл приехал цирк. Я сказала им, что мы доедим остатки вчерашнего обеда.

    He could sometimes be found in the humblest auction rooms, ready to bid up to half a crown for the odds and ends. (J. B. Priestley, ‘Angel Pavement’, ch. IV) — Его можно было встретить иногда на самых жалких аукционах, где он покупал за полкроны какой-нибудь хлам.

    During the winter he read to her all of the odds and ends of thoughts he had scribbled on the bits of paper. (Sh. Anderson, ‘Winesburg, Ohio’, ‘Paper Pills’) — В течение зимы доктор читал ей обрывки мыслей, которые царапал на клочках бумаги.

    There were only a few odds and ends to stow in a suitcase when they went back to the studio after dinner that evening. (K. S. Prichard, ‘Winged Seeds’, ch. XVII) — Пообедав в гостинице, сестры к вечеру вернулись в студию; оставалось запаковать кое-какие мелочи.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > odds and ends

  • 52 Muslins, Home And Colonial

    Several fabrics are sold under the general term of muslin in the home trade and the following are a few with the manufacturing details: - All these cloths are dress muslins and used for summer and evening dresses, also for underwear. They are all plain weave and usually white, ecru, cream and light colours.

    Dictionary of the English textile terms > Muslins, Home And Colonial

  • 53 odds and ends

       paзpoзнeнныe пpeдмeты, вcякaя вcячинa; ocтaтки; oбpeзки, oбpывки, клoчки, куcoчки [пepвoнaч. odd ends]
        I've just remembered that I told the servants they might go out tonight. There's a circus at Blackstable, and I said we'd just eat up the odds and ends (W. S. Maugham). During the winter he read to her all of the odds and ends of thoughts he had scribbled on the bits of paper (Sh. Anderson). There were only a few odds and ends to stow in a suitcase when they went back to the studio after dinner that evening (K. S. Prichard)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > odds and ends

  • 54 come out in the wash

    1) наладиться, уладиться

    Ethel: "I don't know what to think. When Billy came back last year and they went out together nearly every evening, I thought everything was going to be all right; then they had words... and off he went." Frank: "don't worry, old girl, it'll all come out in the wash." (N. Coward, ‘This Happy Breed’, act II, sc. I) — Этель: "Я не знаю, что и подумать. Когда Билли вернулся в прошлом году, они с Куини гуляли почти каждый вечер. Все было хорошо. Но вот они поссорились... и он опять уехал." Фрэнк: "Не волнуйся, старушка, все уладится."

    ‘...an innocent man had been victimised. Do you think that's so good?’ ‘Oh, if that sort of thing happens, it always comes out all right in the wash’. (C. P. Snow, ‘The Affair’, ch. 17) — -...пострадал невинный человек. Неужели, по-вашему, это так и должно быть? - Ну, если подобное и случается, все равно все всегда становится на свое место.

    2) выясниться, стать ясным, понятным

    ‘I'm not afraid of what the courts will do to him,’ Scott lied. ‘In fact the Egyptians don't know what he's done either, so...’ ‘They soon find out. A lot of people do know.’ ‘Do you?’ ‘I've an idea. But don't ask me. it'll do you no good. And it will all come out in the wash, anyway.’ (J. Aldridge, ‘The Last Exile’, ch. XXXIII) — - Трибунал меня не пугает, - солгал Скотт. - Египтяне даже не знают, что Сэм сделал, так что... - Это они быстро выяснят. Многие уже знают. - А вы? - Имею некоторое представление. Только, пожалуйста, никаких вопросов. Это вам не поможет. И рано или поздно все равно все выяснится.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > come out in the wash

  • 55 spy out the land

    выведать, выяснить, как обстоят дела [этим. библ. Numbers XIII, 16, 17]

    What had Dromore come for? To spy out the land, discover why Lennan and his wife thought nothing of the word "outside" - whether, in fact, their house-hold was respectable. (J. Galsworthy, ‘The Dark Flower’, part III, ch. V) — Для чего же это Дромор явился? Провести разведку в чужом стане, выяснить, почему Леннан и его жена не придают значения слову "внебрачная", респектабельный ли у них дом?

    This man must have been spying out the land beforehand and discovered your brother's habit of taking an evening stroll. (A. Christie, ‘The ABC Murders’, ch. XV) — Этот человек, вероятно, заранее все разнюхал и узнал, что вечером ваш брат обычно выходит на прогулку.

    ‘Would you go and see him?.. I think it would be wise to spy out the land,’ said Bruno. (I. Murdoch, ‘Bruno's Dream’, ch. IV) — - Не пошли бы вы повидать Майлса?.. Я думаю, что стоит выяснить, как обстоят дела, - сказал Бруно.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > spy out the land

  • 56 give smb. the rough side of one's tongue

    (give smb. (a lick with) the rough side of one's tongue)
    дать нагоняй, задать взбучку кому-л.; поговорить с кем-л. как следует, отругать, отчитать кого-л.; ≈ намылить кому-л. шею; см. тж. give smb. the edge of one's tongue

    I would... give him a lick with the rough side of my tongue. (W. Scott, ‘The Abbot’, ch. IV) — Я бы... поговорил с ним как следует.

    After dinner that evening there was a battle royal. Freddy was a quick-tempered man, unused to opposition, and he gave George the tough side of his tongue. (W. S. Maugham, ‘Six Stories Written in the First Person Singular’, ‘The Alien Corn’) — После обеда разгорелся бой. Фредди - человек вспыльчивый и не привыкший к возражениям - принялся разносить Джорджа.

    Alex Fontaine went over to see what was the matter, but Suellen gave him the rough side of her tongue and told him to mind his own business... (M. Mitchell, ‘Gone with the Wind’, ch. XXXIX) — Алекс Фонтен отправился выяснить, что происходит, и ему здорово попало от Суэллин за то, что он сует нос в чужие дела...

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > give smb. the rough side of one's tongue

  • 57 hit the deck

    1) пойти спать; ≈ отправиться на боковую

    I'm going to hit the deck now, and I'm going to turn the lamp out. (Suppl) — Мне пора на боковую, я сейчас потушу лампу.

    2) вставать, подниматься

    The sergeants and corporals emphasized the command to rise with sharp injunctions to "Snap out of it!", "Hit the deck!". (‘Saturday Evening Post’, Suppl) — Сержанты и капралы добавляли к команде "Подъем!" восклицания: "Ну, поживей!", "Хватит валяться!"

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > hit the deck

  • 58 push up the daisies

       paзг. чacтo шутл.
       oтпpaвитьcя нa тoт cвeт, oтдaть кoнцы
        Fraser was singing to himself the same tune he had sung every evening since his last leave: What will we care for the why and the wherefore when you and I are pushing up the daisies? (Gr. Greene)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > push up the daisies

  • 59 return to the charge

       вoзoбнoвить aтaку (нa кoгo-л.); oжecтoчённo cпopить [этим. вoeн.]
        And then she would infuriate him by returning to the charge that he was becoming a frail old scholar-hermit (S. Lewis). She returned to the charge the next evening, and requested her niece to confide in her, to unburden her heart (H. James)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > return to the charge

  • 60 on the side

    adv infml

    My sister has affairs on the side that her husband doesn't know about — У моей сестры есть романы на стороне, о которых ее муж ничего не знает

    He is married but also has a fancy woman on the side — Он женат, но также имеет любовницу на стороне

    2) esp AmE
    3) BrE

    He makes a little money on the side by not reporting all his income to the taxman — Ему удается немного урвать, не сообщая о своих доходах фининспектору

    What's more, you can get in a little fishing on the side — Кроме того, здесь можно втихаря половить рыбку

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > on the side

См. также в других словарях:

  • The evening star — Evening E ven*ing, n. [AS. [=ae]fnung. See {even}, n., and cf. {Eve}.] 1. The latter part and close of the day, and the beginning of darkness or night; properly, the decline of the day, or of the sun. [1913 Webster] In the ascending scale Of… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • The Evening Call — Infobox Album | Name = The Evening Call Type = Album Artist = Greg Brown Released = Aug 8, 2006 Recorded = Genre = Folk Length = Label = Red House Records Producer = Greg Brown, Bo Ramsey Reviews = * Acoustic Guitar (favorable) Kelp, Larry, The… …   Wikipedia

  • The World in the Evening — infobox Book | name = The World in the Evening image caption = author = Christopher Isherwood illustrator = cover artist = country = England language = English language series = genre = Novel publisher = Farrar, Straus and Giroux release date =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Evening News (Jeffersonville) — Infobox Newspaper name = The Evening News caption = The Spring Street headquarters of The Evening News . type = Daily newspaper format = Broadsheet foundation = ceased publication = price = owners = Community Newspaper Holdings Inc. publisher =… …   Wikipedia

  • The Evening Star — Infobox Film name = The Evening Star caption = Theatrical release poster director = Robert Harling producer = David Kirkpatrick Polly Platt writer = Larry McMurtry Robert Harling starring = Shirley MacLaine Bill Paxton Juliette Lewis Miranda… …   Wikipedia

  • The Evening Episode — Infobox musical artist Name = The Evening Episode Img capt = Img size = Landscape = Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Sacramento, California, USA Genre = Years active = 2004 ndash;present Label = Slowdance Records Associated acts = URL …   Wikipedia

  • And Also the Trees — Infobox Musical artist Name = And Also The Trees Img capt = And Also The Trees live in Dortmund, Germany in 1998 Img size = 270 Landscape = yes Background = group or band Alias = Origin = Inkberrow, Worcestershire, England Genre = Post punk… …   Wikipedia

  • The Evening of My Best Day — Infobox Album Name = The Evening Of My Best Day Type = studio Artist = Rickie Lee Jones Released = 2003 Recorded = Genre = Length = Label = V2 Producer = David Kalish, Steve Berlin, Jason Wormer, Rickie Lee Jones Reviews =… …   Wikipedia

  • And When the Sky Was Opened — Infobox Television episode Title = And When the Sky Was Opened Series = The Twilight Zone Caption = Jim Hutton in And When the Sky Was Opened Season = 1 Episode = 11 Airdate = December 11, 1959 Production = 173 3611 Writer = Rod Serling (story by …   Wikipedia

  • Starting Out in the Evening — Infobox Film name = Starting Out in the Evening caption = director = Andrew Wagner producer = Jake Abraham Nancy Israel John Sloss writer = Screenplay: Fred Parnes Andrew Wagner starring = Lauren Ambrose Frank Langella Karl Bury Lili Taylor… …   Wikipedia

  • In the Evening — Song infobox Name = In the Evening Artist = Led Zeppelin Album = In Through the Out Door Released = August 15, 1979 track no = 1 Recorded = November December, 1978 Genre = Hard rock, heavy metal Length = 6:49 Label = Swan Song Writer =… …   Wikipedia

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