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См. также в других словарях:

  • anchovy paste — noun paste made primarily of anchovies; used in sauces and spreads • Hypernyms: ↑flavorer, ↑flavourer, ↑flavoring, ↑flavouring, ↑seasoner, ↑seasoning • Substance Meronyms: ↑anchovy …   Useful english dictionary

  • anchovy paste — паста из анчоусов nail polishing paste паста для полирования ногтей paste cathode катод, покрытый имитирующей пастой diastatic paste паста из солодового экстракта hand cleansing paste очищающая паста для рук nitrocellulose paste нитроцеллюлозная… …   English-Russian travelling dictionary

  • anchovy paste — ground anchovies covered with salt, saltpetre, bay salt, sal prunella and cochineal. Sold in jars or cans …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • anchovy paste — spread made out of anchovies (small edible fish) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • anchovy butter — anchovy paste mixed with butter …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • anchovy cream — anchovy paste mixed with vegetable oil …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Anchovy — This article is about a fish. For the town in Jamaica, see Anchovy, Jamaica. Anchovies Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia …   Wikipedia

  • paste — n. & v. n. 1 any moist fairly stiff mixture, esp. of powder and liquid. 2 a dough of flour with fat, water, etc., used in baking. 3 an adhesive of flour, water, etc., esp. for sticking paper and other light materials. 4 an easily spread… …   Useful english dictionary

  • anchovy — [an′chō΄vē, an′chəvē; an΄chō′vē] n. pl. anchovies or anchovy [Port anchova < VL * api̯ua < L aphya < Gr aphyē, small fry] any of a family (Engraulidae) of very small fishes (order Clupeiformes) with large mouths, found mostly in warm… …   English World dictionary

  • anchovy spread — paste or spread made of anchovies (small edible fish) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • anchovy — /an choh vee, cheuh , an choh vee/, n., pl. anchovies. any small, marine, herringlike fish of the family Engraulidae, esp. Engraulis encrasicholus, found in the Mediterranean Sea, often preserved in oil and used in salads, spreads, etc., or… …   Universalium

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