1 anchor currency
ЕБРР: валюта привязки, основная валюта -
2 anchor currency
3 anchor currency
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > anchor currency
4 anchor currency
5 replacing of the anchor currency
ЕБРР: замена валюты привязкиУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > replacing of the anchor currency
6 currency
n1) валюта, деньги
- accounting currency
- adjustable currency
- agreed currency
- agreement currency
- anchor currency
- appreciated currency
- article eight currency
- automatic currency
- base currency
- blocked currency
- cheap currency
- cheque currency
- clearing currency
- collective currency
- common currency
- controlled currency
- convertible currency
- convertible in gold currency
- counterfeit currency
- credit currency
- dealt currency
- decimal currency
- deposit currency
- depreciated currency
- depreciating currency
- devalued currency
- domestic currency
- double currency
- elastic currency
- emergency currency
- exotic currency
- exporter's currency
- falling currency
- fiat currencies
- fiduciary currency
- floating currency
- fluctuating currency
- forced currency
- foreign currency
- fractional currency
- free currency
- freely convertible currency
- freely floating currency
- full-bodied currency
- fully convertible currency
- functional currency
- general asset currency
- gold currency
- green currency
- hand-to-hand currency
- hard currency
- home currency
- importer's currency
- inconvertible currency
- inflated currency
- international currency
- intervention currency
- irredeemable currency
- jointly floating currency
- key currency
- lawful currency
- leading currency
- local currency
- major currencies
- managed currency
- metallic currency
- mixed currency
- national currency
- nonconvertible currency
- overvalued currency
- paper currency
- partially convertible currency
- pegged currency
- permitted currencies
- quotation currency
- redeemable in gold currency
- reference currency
- regulated currency
- reporting currency
- reserve currency
- revalued currency
- scarce currency
- settled currency
- shaky currency
- silver currency
- single currency
- small denomination currency
- soft currency
- sound currency
- splinter currency
- stable currency
- standard currency
- third-country currency
- trading currency
- transaction currency
- treasury currency
- undervalued currency
- unstable currency
- vehicle currency
- volatile currency
- currency in circulation
- currency of account
- currency of a bill
- currency of clearing
- currency of a contract
- currency of credit
- currency of exchange clause
- currency of money
- currency of payment
- currency of price
- currency pegged to the dollar
- appreciate currency
- back currency
- compute in currency
- control currency
- convert currency
- debase currency
- deposit currency
- depreciate currency
- devalorize currency
- devaluate currency
- devalue currency
- dump currency
- earn currency
- exchange currency
- express in currency
- manage currency
- pay in currency
- prop up currency
- purchase currency
- realize for foreign currency
- regulate currency
- remit currency
- revalorize currency
- revalue currency
- sell for foreign currency
- transfer currency from one account to another
- transfer currency to an accountEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > currency
7 currency
1) валюта, денежная единица2) деньги в обращении, денежные инструменты• -
8 exchange rate
фин. обменный [валютный\] курс (цена одной денежной единицы, выраженная в денежных единицах другой страны)COMBS:
exchange rate between the US dollar and the British pound — обменный курс между американским долларом и британским фунтом
Syn:See:bilateral exchange rate, black market exchange rate, central exchange rates, double exchange rate, dual exchange rate, effective exchange rate, equilibrium exchange rate, fixed exchange rate, fixed-but-adjustable exchange rate, floating exchange rate, flexible exchange rate, foreign exchange rate, forward exchange rate, free exchange rate, green exchange rate, historical exchange rate, multilateral exchange rate, multiple exchange rate, nominal exchange rate, official exchange rate, parallel exchange rate, pegged exchange rate, purchasing power parity exchange rate, real exchange rate, semi-fixed exchange rate, single exchange rate, spot exchange rate, trade-weighted exchange rate, exchange rate agreement, exchange rate anchor, exchange rate band, exchange rate classification, exchange rate exposure, exchange rate futures, exchange rate gain, exchange rate index, exchange rate loss, Exchange Rate Mechanism, Exchange Rate Mechanism II, exchange rate overshooting, exchange rate parity, exchange rate peg, exchange rate policy, exchange rate risk, exchange rate spread, exchange rate stabilization, exchange rate targeting, exchange rate union, decline in exchange rate, hedging exchange rate exposure, intermediate exchange rate regime, par exchange rate, principal exchange rate linked securities, Annual Report on Exchange Arrangements and Exchange Restrictions, currency quotation, base currency, quoted currency, cross rate, peg 1. 3), adjustable peg, crawling peg, managed float, dirty float, clean float, optimum currency area, target zone, par value, exchange risk, exchange gain, exchange loss, base currency, quoted currency, assets approach, monetary approach, foreign investment rule, interest rate parity, Fisher effect, International Fisher effect, spot rate, forward rate
* * *
валютный (обменный) курс: цена одной денежной единицы, выраженная в денежных единицах другой страны (обычно за 1, 100 или 1000 единиц); цена, по которой обмениваются денежные единицы разных стран (в прошлом - также на золото); формируется на рынке или устанавливается в административном порядке; см. fixed exchange rate;* * *. Цена национальной валюты, выраженная через валюту другой страны . Инвестиционная деятельность .* * *Финансы/Кредит/Валютацена денежной единицы одной страны, выраженная в денежных единицах других стран -
9 clause
1. n1) статья, пункт, условие2) оговорка, клаузула
- abandonment clause
- acceleration clause
- additional clause
- all risks clause
- anchor-and-chain clause
- appraisal clause
- approval-of-order clause
- arbitration clause
- assignment clause
- availability clause
- average clause
- bailee clause
- bearer clause
- berth clause
- berthing clause
- binding clause
- blanket clause
- both-to-blame collision clause
- break clause
- breakage clause
- bunker clause
- bunkering clause
- cancellation clause
- cancelling clause
- capital clause
- cesser clause
- cession clause
- collateral clause
- collision clause
- compensation clause
- competition clause
- competitive clause
- contestable clause
- continuation clause
- contract clause
- contracting-out clause
- cost clause
- cost of living clause
- craft clause
- currency clause
- del credere clause
- detrimental clause in a bill of lading
- deviation clause
- disaster clause
- dispatch clause
- duration clause
- escalation clause
- escalator clause
- escape clause
- excepted perils clause
- exception clause
- exchange clause
- exchange-rate clause
- exclusion clause
- exemption clause
- expiration clause
- extended cover clause
- extraterritorial sales clause
- first refusal clause
- fluctuation clause
- force majeure clause
- free from particular average clause
- freight clause
- frustration clause
- general average clause
- gold clause
- gold-bullion clause
- gold-coin clause
- gold-value clause
- goodwill clause
- grounding clause
- guarantee clause
- ice clause
- infant industry clause
- Institute Cargo clauses
- insurance clause
- interpretation clause
- Jason clause
- jeopardy clause
- jurisdiction clause
- label clause
- let-out clause
- lien clause
- lighter clause
- lighterage clause
- minimum turnover clause
- moisture clause
- monopoly clause
- most favoured nation clause
- multiple currency clause
- negative pledge clause
- negligence clause
- no-disposal clause
- noncompetition clause
- nondelivery clause
- nonwarranty clause
- objectives clause
- objects clause
- off-hire clause
- omnibus clause
- option clause
- optional clause
- overside delivery clause
- partial limitation clause
- payment clause
- penalty clause
- prepayment clause
- price clause
- price adaptation clause
- price escalation clause
- price fall clause
- price revision clause
- price rise clause
- price variation clause
- pro rata distribution clause
- protection clause
- ready berth clause
- recapture clause
- reciprocal clause
- reciprocity clause
- red clause
- reinstatement clause
- replacement clause
- review clause
- rise and fall clause
- running down clause
- safeguard clause
- salvage clause
- Saturday afternoon clause
- SDR clause
- secrecy clause
- security clause
- sharing clause
- sister ship clause
- sliding-price clause
- special conditions clause
- strike clause
- subrogation clause
- substitution clause
- superimposed clause
- switch clause
- territory clause
- transit clause
- transport clause
- trigger clause
- tying clause
- variation clause
- waiver clause
- war clause
- warranty clause
- without recourse clause
- clause of an agreement
- clause of a contract
- clause of warranty
- apply a clause
- bear a clause
- include a clause
- insert a clause
- word a clause2. v
- clause a documentEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > clause
10 Bill
1. n Билл2. n счётpayable bills — счета, подлежащие оплате
legal bill — счёт адвоката, счёт адвокатских расходов
3. n список, инвентарь4. n документ5. n билль, законопроектprivate bill — законопроект, имеющий местное значение
kill a bill — провалить законопроект; провалить предложение
government bill — законопроект, внесённый правительством
pending bill — законопроект, находящийся на рассмотрении
6. n программа7. n афиша, плакат8. n амер. банкнот, казначейский билет9. n вексель, траттаbill at sight — тратта, срочная немедленно по предъявлении
10. n торговый контракт; декларация11. n накладнаяbill of parcels — фактура; накладная
12. n опись товаров13. n юр. заявление, искbill of indictment — обвинительный акт, предъявляемый на решение «большому жюри»
14. n уст. документ с печатью15. n уст. папская булла16. n уст. уст. пасквиль, памфлет17. n уст. уст. жалоба, просьба18. n уст. уст. заявление в форме петиции в верховный суд19. n уст. уст. рецепт20. n уст. мор. список членов команды с распределением обязанностейmake out a bill — составить счет; составить список
21. v объявлять в афишахIrving was billed to appear as Hamlet — было объявлено, что Ирвинг будет выступать в роли Гамлета
22. v обклеивать афишамиbill at usance — вексель на срок; законопроект; билль; счет; афиша; вексель; объявлять; объявить; меню; закладная
23. v выставлять или выписывать счётbill me for $3 — запиши на мой счёт 3 доллара; запиши за мной 3 доллара
24. v фактурировать; выписывать накладную25. n клюв26. n мыс27. n амер. разг. козырёк28. n мор. носок якоря29. v целоваться клювиками30. v ворковать, ласкаться31. n садовые ножницы; секач, кривой нож для обрубания сучьевhedge bill — садовый нож, секатор
hedging bill — садовый нож, секатор
32. n кирка, мотыга33. n уст. алебарда34. n уст. короткий мечvery short bill — вексель, оплачиваемый в течение очень короткого срока
35. n остриё лапы якоря36. v работать садовыми ножницами, подстригать37. v работать мотыгой, копатьСинонимический ряд:1. account (noun) account; charges; check; invoice; reckoning; score; statement; tab2. announcement (noun) advertisement; affiche; announcement; broadside; bulletin; circular; handbill; notice; placard; poster3. beak (noun) beak; mandible; neb; nib; pecker; projection4. charge (noun) charge; debt; fee5. currency (noun) currency; money; note6. dollar (noun) dollar; oner; rock7. paper money (noun) bank note; certificate; federal reserve note; greenback; paper money8. peak (noun) brim; peak; visor9. programme (noun) programme; prospectus; syllabus10. promontory (noun) cape; foreland; head; headland; naze; point; promontory11. proposed law (noun) act; draft; law; legislation; measure; proposal; proposed law12. announce (verb) advertise; announce; post; publicise; publicize; publish13. invoice (verb) draw upon; dun; invoice; send a statement; solicitАнтонимический ряд: -
11 indicator
1) индикатор; указатель3) стрелка; указатель ( измерительного прибора)5) вчт. индикаторный регистр•-
acceleration indicator
acid-base indicator
adjustable indicator
air cleaner service indicator
airfield surface movement indicator
air-position indicator
airspeed indicator
alphanumeric indicator
alphameric indicator
altitude indicator
altitude-limit indicator
analog/digital indicator
anchor cable indicator
angle of attack indicator
antenna position indicator
approach slope indicator
attack angle indicator
attitude director indicator
attitude indicator
audio indicator
availability indicator
axle load indicator
azimuth-elevation indicator
balance indicator
bank-and-pitch indicator
banner indicator
bar-graph indicator
bar indicator
baro data indicator
battery charge indicator
beam indicator
bearing indicator
beat indicator
bin-level indicator
biological indicator
blast indicator
blown fuse indicator
boom angle indicator
burnout indicator
busy indicator
cable-fault indicator
cable-operated indicator
call indicator
camera speed indicator
capacitance level indicator
carbon ribbon supply indicator
cathode-ray tube indicator
cathode-ray indicator
cathode-ray tuning indicator
challenge indicator
character indicator
charge indicator
check indicator
circular scan indicator
climb-and-descent rate indicator
clogging indicator
color-change indicator
color indicator
compass repeater indicator
consumption indicator
contamination indicator
continuation indicator
continuous-reading indicator
continuous indicator
control position electric indicator
coolant level indicator
course deviation indicator
course direction indicator
course indicator
course-and-bearing indicator
cross-pointer indicator
CRT indicator
currency indicator
data indicator
dead reckoning indicator
deflection indicator
demand indicator
depth indicator
depth-of-field indicator
dew-point indicator
dial indicator
digital indicator
digital pressure indicator
direct indicator
direction indicator
direct-reading indicator
dirt indicator
discharge indicator
dome-temperature indicator
draft indicator
drift angle indicator
drift indicator
drilling efficiency indicator
electrical zero indicator
electrical-contact indicator
electroluminescent indicator
elevation-position indicator
end-of-file indicator
end-of-film run indicator
end-of-line indicator
end-of-page indicator
end-of-tape indicator
explosive-gas indicator
failure indicator
failure warning indicator
fault indicator
film footage indicator
filter bypass indicator
filter clogging indicator
filter differential pressure indicator
firedamp indicator
fixed-pointer indicator
fixed-scale indicator
flag indicator
flap position indicator
flash indicator
flight indicator
float level indicator
flow indicator
fluorescent indicator
flywheel runout indicator
fouling point indicator
frame indicator
free point indicator
frequency indicator
fuel indicator
fuse indicator
fusion-type indicator
gas indicator
gas-discharge indicator
glass level indicator
glow-discharge indicator
ground indicator
ground-position indicator
guest-host indicator
heading indicator
height-position indicator
height-range indicator
helm indicator
high-level indicator
hot-spot indicator
humidity indicator
icing indicator
illuminated indicator
indicator of pollution
in-lock indicator
instantaneous pressure indicator
interlock indicator
interrupt indicator
irreversible thermal indicator
isotopic indicator
jamming environment indicator
knock indicator
landing direction indicator
leakage indicator
LED indicator
level indicator
level-type indicator
light-emitting-diode indicator
limit indicator
line indicator
linear analog indicator
liquid-crystal indicator
local indicator
location indicator
log indicator
low fuel level indicator
luminescent indicator
machine check indicator
magazine orientation indicator
magnetic compass indicator
magnetic indicator for lightning current
malfunction indicator
mass-flow indicator
maximum demand indicator
measuring indicator
moisture indicator
movable-pointer indicator
movable-scale indicator
moving-target indicator
mud-flow indicator
multirange indicator
needle indicator
neon indicator
null indicator
null-frequency indicator
numerical indicator
numeric indicator
oil indicator
oil-level indicator
oil-pressure indicator
open-circuit indicator
operation indicator
operator indicator
optimum-shift-point indicator
oscillation indicator
overflow indicator
overload indicator
partial discharge indicator
passing signal indicator
patch indicator
peak indicator
phase indicator
phase rotation indicator
pit volume indicator
plan-position indicator
plasma indicator
pneumatic job setting indicator
point indicator
pointer indicator
polarity indicator
position indicator
potential indicator
power indicator
power ready indicator
power-factor indicator
power-level indicator
precipitation indicator
pressure indicator
pressure ratio indicator
priority message indicator
proximity warning indicator
radar indicator
radial-time-base indicator
radiation indicator
radio magnetic indicator
radioactivity indicator
range indicator
range-height indicator
rate-of-climb indicator
rate-of-flow indicator
reference indicator
remote indicator
remote power indicator
reset-type filter indicator
reversible thermal indicator
revolution indicator
ribbon advance indicator
ring indicator
rotating-drum indicator
route indicator
routing indicator
rudder angle indicator
rudder indicator
running notch indicator
runway alignment indicator
scale indicator
scene brightness indicator
scoring indicator
shadow tuning indicator
shorted-turn indicator
short-turn indicator
sign check indicator
signal strength indicator
skyline tension indicator
slave indicator
space target Doppler indicator
speed indicator
stability indicator
stack indicator
standing-wave indicator
state-of-charge indicator
status indicator
stock indicator
stop-light indicator
storm indicator
straingage indicator
strain indicator
stroke indicator
sun intensity indicator
sun-position indicator
switch indicator
synchro indicator
tank-level indicator
tap position indicator
temperature indicator
thickness indicator
thread indicator
tilt indicator
tire-wear indicator
tong-torque indicator
ton-mile indicator
top-center indicator
total volume indicator
track indicator
track-occupancy indicator
traffic indicator
train indicator
transmission test indicator
transmission-type indicator
trim indicator
trim tab indicator
tuned-reed indicator
tuning indicator
turn indicator
turn-and-bank indicator
turn-and-slip indicator
ultraviolet indicator
vacuum indicator
vertical-scale indicator
visible indicator
visual approach slope indicator
voltage indicator
voltage-deviation indicator
volume indicator
water-level indicator
weight-on-the-bit indicator
weight indicator
wind direction indicator
wind indicator
window-annunciator indicator
yaw indicator
zone-beat indicator -
12 exchange rate targeting
эк. курсовое таргетирование*, таргетирование валютного курса* (режим денежной политики, при котором государственные органы определяют целевое значение курса национальной валюты и поддерживают его с помощью различных мер экономического регулирования)See:Англо-русский экономический словарь > exchange rate targeting
См. также в других словарях:
Currency board — Part of a series on Government Public finance File:Governmentbhj,i,gu Vedder Highsmith detail 1.jpeg … Wikipedia
Currency Board — A monetary authority that makes decisions about the valuation of a nation s currency, specifically whether to peg the exchange rate of the local currency to a foreign currency, an equal amount of which is held in reserves. The currency board then … Investment dictionary
Reserve currency — A reserve currency (or anchor currency) is a currency which is held in significant quantities by many governments and institutions as part of their foreign exchange reserves. It also tends to be the international pricing currency for products… … Wikipedia
COINS AND CURRENCY — Jewish and Non Jewish Coins in Ancient Palestine THE PRE MONETARY PERIOD Means of payment are mentioned in the Bible on various occasions; the relevant passages in their chronological order reflect the development of these means from stage to… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
World Currency Unit — The World Currency Unit (WCU) is an indexed unit of account (unit of account) that stands for a unit of real global purchasing power. Proposed by Lok Sang Ho of Lingnan University, Hong Kong, it was first intended to be the basis for denominating … Wikipedia
Flood anchor — Flood Flood (fl[u^]d), n. [OE. flod a flowing, stream, flood, AS. fl[=o]d; akin to D. vloed, OS. fl[=o]d, OHG. fluot, G. flut, Icel. fl[=o][eth], Sw. & Dan. flod, Goth. fl[=o]dus; from the root of E. flow. [root]80. See {Flow}, v. i.] 1. A great… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Monetary policy — Part of a series on Government Public finance File:Governmentbhj,i,gu Vedder Highsmith detail 1.jpeg … Wikipedia
Fixed exchange-rate system — Foreign exchange Exchange rates Currency band Exchange rate Exchange rate regime Exchange rate flexibil … Wikipedia
Denmark and the euro — EU Eurozone (17) … Wikipedia
Bretton Woods system — The Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world s major industrial states. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended… … Wikipedia
History of the Korean currencies — The history of Korean currencies dates back as far as 996, during the Goryeo Dynasty, when the first iron coins were minted.During that period, even though some imported Chinese currency was also in circulation, commodity currency such as grain… … Wikipedia