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См. также в других словарях:

  • Ancestress — An ces*tress, n. A female ancestor. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ancestress — [an′ses΄trəs] n. a female ANCESTOR (n. 1 & 4) …   English World dictionary

  • ancestress — ancestor ► NOUN 1) a person, typically one more remote than a grandparent, from whom one is descended. 2) something from which a later species or version has evolved. DERIVATIVES ancestral adjective ancestrally adverb ancestress noun. ORIGIN… …   English terms dictionary

  • ancestress — noun Date: 1580 a female ancestor …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • ancestress — /an ses tris/ or, esp. Brit., / seuh stris/, n. a woman from whom a person is descended. [1570 80; ANCEST(O)R + ESS] Usage. See ess. * * * …   Universalium

  • ancestress — noun /ˈænsɛstrəs,ˈænsɛstrɪs/ female ancestor …   Wiktionary

  • ancestress — an·ces·tress || ænsestrɪs n. female ancestor, woman from whom a person is descended an·ces·tor || ænsestÉ™ n. forefather, progenitor …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ancestress — an·ces·tress …   English syllables

  • ancestress — an•ces•tress [[t]ˈæn sɛs trɪs[/t]] esp. brit. [[t] sə strɪs[/t]] n. use a woman from whom one is descended • Etymology: 1570–80 usage: See ess …   From formal English to slang

  • ancestress — noun a woman ancestor • Hypernyms: ↑ancestor, ↑ascendant, ↑ascendent, ↑antecedent, ↑root …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tin Hinan —    Ancestress of certain Kel Ahaggar groups. As mythmaking melts into oral histories to validate the stratified social organization of the Tuareg, there are many versions competing along a fragmentary and speculative spectrum when it comes to the …   Historical dictionary of the berbers (Imazighen)

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