1 analytical model
аналитическая модель
Формула, представляющая математические зависимости в экономике и показывающая, что результаты (выходы) находятся в функциональной зависимости от затрат (входов). В самом общем виде ее можно записать так: U = f(x). Здесь x — совокупность (вектор) выходов, f — функция, которая в случае, если она известна, может быть раскрыта в явной форме. В моделях оптимизационных (а их большинство в экономико-математических исследованиях, в исследовании операций и т.д.) отыскивается такой вектор переменных xi (i — «номер» из числа рассматриваемых векторов), при котором критерий, характеризующий качество функционирования системы — обычно это скаляр, а не вектор — получает наибольшее или наименьшее значение (либо вообще достигает какого-то желательного уровня). Это записывается, например, для первого случая (максимизации) так: u = f (xi,yi) ? max. Здесь yi — переменные, не поддающиеся управлению, но влияющие на u; f — функция, задающая отношения между всеми указанными величинами. Если она известна, то может быть найдено аналитическое решение данного уравнения.
[ http://slovar-lopatnikov.ru/]Тематики
3.1 аналитическая модель измерений (analytical model): Алгоритм или вычисление, объединяющие одну или более основных и /или производных мер измерения с соответствующими критериями принятия решений.
[ИСО/МЭК 15939:2007]
Источник: ГОСТ Р ИСО/МЭК 27004-2011: Информационная технология. Методы и средства обеспечения безопасности. Менеджмент информационной безопасности. Измерения оригинал документа
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > analytical model
2 analytical model
модель, в которой зависимости между величинами выражены в символьном видесм. тж. mathematical modelАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > analytical model
3 analytical model
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > analytical model
4 analytical model
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > analytical model
5 analytical model
1) Техника: расчётная схема (конструкции)2) Вычислительная техника: аналитическая модель, аналитическая модель (данных)3) Макаров: расчётная модель -
6 analytical model
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > analytical model
7 analytical model
Англо-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > analytical model
8 analytical model
9 analytical model
мат. -
10 analytical model
11 analytical model
English-Russian dictionary of computer science > analytical model
12 analytical model
Англо-русский словарь по исследованиям и ноу-хау > analytical model
13 analytical model
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > analytical model
14 analytical model
English-Russian dictionary of telecommunications > analytical model
15 realistic analytical model
Автоматика: реальная аналитическая модельУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > realistic analytical model
16 realistic analytical model
Англо-русский словарь по машиностроению > realistic analytical model
17 the analytical model can also be used to predict processes with ...
• аналитическая модель может быть также использована для предсказания процессов с...English-Russian dictionary of phrases and cliches for a specialist researcher > the analytical model can also be used to predict processes with ...
18 model
1) модель; образец || моделировать; создавать по образцу3) метал. шаблон4) метал. реплика5) слепок; лепнина || лепить6) форма || формовать•-
abstract model
advection model
ageostrophic model
analog model
analytical model
atmospheric dispersion model
atomic model
band model
barotropic model
behavioral model
biochemical cycling model
bottom-end model
bowl model
Bragg bubble model
breadboard model
bulk-freezing model
cammed model
car model
channel operation model
cognitive model
computational model
computation model
computer model
conceptual model
console model
consulting model
coupled air/ocean model
damage model
data model
dead-reckoned model
decoupled model
deformation model
descriptive model
design model
deterministic model
device model
directional numerical model
discrete model
dislocation model of twinning
dynamic model
dynamical electrical cloud model
electric model
energy supply model
energy-balance model
entry-level model
equilibrium slip model
experimental model
external-reference model
fault model
fine-mesh model
finite element model
fixed-bed model
flat Earth model
FMS model
frozen state model
full-scale model
functional model
general circulation model
geochemical cycling model
geostatistical orebody model
graphics model
graphic model
gross-level model
group model
heuristic model
high-end model
highly parameterized model
homogeneous equilibrium model
horizontal model
hydraulic scale model
hydrological cycling model
hypothesize model
image model
inviscid atmospheric model
ionospheric model
irregular-grid model
jazz model
large-scale model
large-signal device model
Leontief's model
Leontief model
limited-area model
linear model
linearized model
long-range transport model
low-end model
low-volume model
lucky-electron model
macrolevel model
master die model
master model
mathematical model
mesogrid model
meteorologically validated model
microlevel model
mine model
model of computation
movable nested-mesh model
multiasperity model
n-equation flow model
nested-mesh model
network model
noise model
orthogonal flute model
photoelastic model
pilot model
plotting model
point model
prediction model
predictive model
preproduction model
primitive equation model
probabilistic model
probability model
projective model
propagation model
prototype model
quasi-linear model
quasi-solenoidal model
radiative-convective model
rain-out model
reference model
relational model
relative model
reliability model
research model
river-basin simulation model
sampled-data model
scaled model
scale model
sediment movement model
self-correcting model
semiscale model
simulation model
skeleton model
slip model
small-signal device model
software model
space-independent model
spectral model
spectral transform model
spherical Earth model
stability model
state-space model
statistical model
steady-state model
stochastic model
stochastic sequential model
subsynoptic model
symbolic-form model
table model
test model
thermal model
time-averaged model
time-invariant model
time-varying model
traffic model
transistor model
tribometric model
two-dimensional model
two-fluid model
urn model
vertical model
vertically exaggerated model
water allocation model
water management model
water system operation model
wave spectral model
weather-dependent yield model
wire model
wireframe model
world model -
19 model
1) модель; модификация2) модель (образец; уменьшенная, упрощенная копия)3) модель (абстрактная схема; концепция)•- access control model
- adaptive model
- aggregated model
- algoristic-type model
- allocation model
- analytical model
- ANOVA model
- behavioral model
- birth-death model
- block-diagram model - capability maturity model
- cascade-based model
- causal model
- client/server model
- client-component model
- client-server model
- cognitive model
- computer model
- conceptual model
- controllable model
- correlative model
- cost estimation model
- crude model
- cybernetic model
- data model
- decision-theoretic model
- decision-tree model
- descriptive model
- design model
- desk model
- deterministic model - domain semantic model
- dynamic programming model
- E/R model
- econometric model
- elaborate model
- elemental-equivalent model
- entity set model
- entity-relationship model
- equilibrium model
- estimation model
- exhaustive fault model
- exogenous priority model
- external model
- fault model
- fault-effect model
- finite element model
- fixed cascade delay model
- fixed gate delay model
- flow-oriented model
- forecasting model
- formal model
- frame-based model
- functional model
- gaming model
- gate-based model
- gate-level model
- generalized model
- generic model
- geometrical model
- graph model
- hardware model
- hazard function model
- hazard model
- heuristic model
- hierarchical model
- iconographic model
- internal model
- layout model
- level-based model
- linear programming model
- linear word-level model
- many-server model
- mental model
- MILP model
- model of calculation
- model of knowledge
- Monte-Carlo model
- multiple model
- multivariate model
- network model
- object model
- object-centric model
- OSI reference model
- pandemonium model
- performance-based model
- phenomenological model
- pictorial model
- pilot model
- pin fault model
- predictive model
- preemptive model
- preliminary model
- preproduction model
- priority model
- probabilistic model
- problem model - quantitative model
- queueing model
- real world model
- relational model
- relative model
- reliability model
- role-playing model
- scaling model
- scheduling model
- security model
- semi-Markov model
- seven-layer model
- shaded model
- simplified model
- simulation model
- single-stuck fault model
- singular model
- software model
- solid model
- sophisticated model
- state-space model
- statistical model
- stochastic model
- stream of characters model
- structural model
- stuck-at model
- suspect/monitor model
- symbolic model
- table model
- task-network model
- timing model
- transformational model
- typewriter model
- vocal-tract model
- waiting line model
- waterfall model
- wire-frame model
- word-level model
- world modelEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > model
20 model
1) макет; модель || моделировать2) образец4) модель, тип ( изделия)5) шаблон•- countably saturated model - countably uniform model - coupled channels model - finite state model - finitely generated model - game-theory model - random trial increment model - random walk model - sampling model
См. также в других словарях:
Analytical psychology — Part of a series of articles on Psychoanalysis … Wikipedia
Model audit — A model audit is the colloquial term for the tasks performed when conducting due diligence on a financial model, in order to eliminate spreadsheet error. (Also known as Model Review in some areas). A study in 1998 concluded that even MBA students … Wikipedia
Runoff model (reservoir) — A runoff model is a mathematical model describing the rainfall runoff relations of a rainfall catchment area or watershed. More precisely, it produces the surface runoff hydrograph as a response to a rainfall hydrograph as input. In other words,… … Wikipedia
MASTAR MOSFET Model — The MASTAR (Model for Analog and digital Simulation of mos TrAnsistoRs) [Citation last1=Skotnicki first1=T. last2=Merckel first2=G. last3=Denat first3=C. author link= publication date=May 14 15, 1993 date= year=1993 title=A Model For Analog… … Wikipedia
dynamic pool model — analytical yield per recruit types of fisheries models describing how growth, recruitment and mortality interact, resulting in biomass and yields … Dictionary of ichthyology
Online analytical processing — In computing, online analytical processing, or OLAP ( /ˈoʊlæ … Wikipedia
Core Architecture Data Model — Example of a CADM Diagram for Overview and Summary Information (AV 1) of the DoDAF.[1] Core Architecture Data Model (CADM) in Enterprise Architecture is a logical data model of information used to describe and build architectures … Wikipedia
Mobility model — Mobility models represent the movement of mobile users, and how their location, velocity and acceleration change over time. Such models are frequently used for simulation purposes when new communication or navigation techniques are investigated.… … Wikipedia
Cognitive model — A cognitive model is an approximation to animal cognitive processes (predominantly human) for the purposes of comprehension and prediction. Cognitive models can be developed within or without a cognitive architecture, though the two are not… … Wikipedia
Computational model — For mathematical models of computers, see Model of computation. A computational model is a mathematical model in computational science that requires extensive computational resources to study the behavior of a complex system by computer… … Wikipedia
Ship model — This article is concerned primarily with static models. For operating models see model yachting or radio controlled boat, Model of a 19th century vessel in the Bishop Museum, Hawaii … Wikipedia