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  • 1 entrance

    I 'entrəns noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) inngang, innkjørsel, innseiling
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) inntreden, inntog, entré
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) adgang, opptak(ing); adgangs-, opptaks-
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) henrive, henrykke, trollbinde
    subst. \/ˈentr(ə)ns\/
    1) inngang, entré, innkjørsel, innseiling, innfartsvei
    2) det å gå inn, det å komme inn, inntreden, entré (også teater)
    3) adgang
    apply for entrance at a school søke om opptak ved en skole
    force an entrance into tiltvinge seg adgang til, bryte seg inn i
    tiltvinge seg adgang til huset \/ bryte seg inn i huset
    free entrance fri\/gratis adgang
    make one's entrance gjøre sin entré holde sitt inntog
    pay one's entrance (fee) betale entré\/inngangspenger
    private entrance privat inngang
    separate entrance egen inngang
    verb \/ɪnˈtrɑːns\/, \/enˈtrɑːns\/
    1) henrive, trollbinde, henrykke
    2) få til å falle i trance, bringe i trance

    English-Norwegian dictionary > entrance

  • 2 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) indgang
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) entré
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) adgang; adgangs-
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) fortrylle; betage; fascinere
    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) indgang
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) entré
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) adgang; adgangs-
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) fortrylle; betage; fascinere

    English-Danish dictionary > entrance

  • 3 entrance

    I 'entrəns noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) entrada
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) entrada
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; (also adjective) an entrance exam.) entrada, admisión

    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) encantar
    entrance n entrada
    1 (way in) entrada; (door, gate) puerta, entrada; (hall) vestíbulo, hall nombre masculino, entrada
    where's the entrance? ¿dónde está la entrada?
    2 (act of entering) entrada; (on stage) entrada en escena, aparición nombre femenino
    3 (admission) entrada, admisión nombre femenino; (to school, university) ingreso
    entrance fee (of museum etc) entrada 2 (of club, society, etc) cuota, inscripción nombre femenino
    entrance hall vestíbulo
    main entrance puerta principal
    1 arrebatar, extasiar, encantar
    entrance [ɪn'trænts, ɛn-] vt, - tranced ; - trancing : encantar, embelesar, fascinar
    entrance ['ɛntrənts] n
    1) entering: entrada f
    to make an entrance: entrar en escena
    2) entry: entrada f, puerta f
    3) admission: entrada f, ingreso m
    entrance examination: examen de ingreso
    boca (Ingreso) s.f.
    casapuerta s.f.
    entrada s.f.
    ingreso s.m.
    zaguán s.m.
    arrobar v.
    embelesar v.
    encantar v.
    extasiar v.
    fascinar v.

    I 'entrəns
    a) c ( way in) entrada f

    at the entrance to the buildingen or a la entrada del edificio

    b) c ( foyer) hall m; (before n)

    entrance hallhall m, vestíbulo m

    c) u ( access) (frml) entrada f
    2) u (admission - to club, museum) entrada f; (- to school, university) ingreso m; (before n)

    entrance fee — ( for entry) (precio m de) entrada f; ( to join club) cuota f de ingreso or inscripción; (for exam, competition) cuota f or tasa f de inscripción

    3) c
    a) ( act of entering) entrada f

    to make one's entrance — hacer* su (or mi etc) entrada

    b) ( Theat) entrada f en escena

    II ɪn'træns, ɪn'trɑːns
    transitive verb embelesar, extasiar*

    I ['entrǝns]
    1. N
    1) (=way in) entrada f

    front/back entrance — entrada f principalasera

    2) (=act) entrada f ( into en); (into profession etc) ingreso m ; (Theat) entrada f en escena

    to make one's entrance — hacer su entrada; (Theat) entrar en escena

    3) (=right to enter) (derecho m de) entrada f

    to gain entrance to[+ a place] conseguir entrar en or acceder a; [+ a profession etc] conseguir ingresar en


    entrance exam(ination) N (to school) examen m de ingreso

    entrance fee N (to a show) (precio m de) entrada f ; (to a club, society etc) cuota f de ingreso

    entrance hall Nvestíbulo m, antesala f

    entrance qualifications NPL= entrance requirements

    entrance ramp N(US) (Aut) rampa f de acceso

    1) (=bewitch) encantar, hechizar
    2) (gen passive) (=captivate)
    * * *

    I ['entrəns]
    a) c ( way in) entrada f

    at the entrance to the buildingen or a la entrada del edificio

    b) c ( foyer) hall m; (before n)

    entrance hallhall m, vestíbulo m

    c) u ( access) (frml) entrada f
    2) u (admission - to club, museum) entrada f; (- to school, university) ingreso m; (before n)

    entrance fee — ( for entry) (precio m de) entrada f; ( to join club) cuota f de ingreso or inscripción; (for exam, competition) cuota f or tasa f de inscripción

    3) c
    a) ( act of entering) entrada f

    to make one's entrance — hacer* su (or mi etc) entrada

    b) ( Theat) entrada f en escena

    II [ɪn'træns, ɪn'trɑːns]
    transitive verb embelesar, extasiar*

    English-spanish dictionary > entrance

  • 4 entrance

    I noun
    1) (entering) Eintritt, der ( into in + Akk.); (of troops) Einzug, der; (of vehicle) Einfahrt, die
    2) (on to stage, lit. or fig.) Auftritt, der

    make an or one's entrance — seinen Auftritt haben

    3) (way in) Eingang, der (to Gen. od. zu); (for vehicle) Einfahrt, die
    4) no pl., no art. (right of admission) Aufnahme, die (to in + Akk.)

    entrance to the concert is by ticket onlyman kommt nur mit einer Eintrittskarte in das Konzert

    5) (fee) Eintritt, der
    II transitive verb
    hinreißen; bezaubern

    be entranced by or with something — von etwas hingerissen od. bezaubert sein

    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) der Eingang
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) der Auftritt
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) der Zutritt
    - academic.ru/24559/entrant">entrant
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) entzücken
    * * *
    1. (door) Eingang m; (for vehicle) Einfahrt f
    back/front/side \entrance Hinter-/Vorder-/Seiteneingang m
    2. (act of entering) Eintritt m, Eintreten nt kein pl; THEAT Auftreten nt kein pl, Betreten nt der Bühne
    she likes to make an \entrance sie setzt sich gerne in Szene
    to make one's \entrance THEAT auftreten
    3. (right to enter) Eintritt m, Einlass m; (right to admission) Aufnahme f
    to gain \entrance to a university an einer Universität aufgenommen werden
    to grant/refuse \entrance to sb jdm den Zutritt gewähren/verweigern
    [ɪnˈtrɑ:n(t)s, AM enˈtræn(t)s]
    vt (delight)
    to \entrance sb jdn entzücken
    to be \entranced by sth von etw dat hingerissen sein
    \entranced with joy außer sich dat vor Freude
    * * *
    I [ɪn'trAːns]
    in Entzücken or Verzückung versetzen

    to be entranced by/with sth — von etw entzückt sein

    II ['entrəns]
    1) (= way in) Eingang m; (for vehicles) Einfahrt f; (= hall) Eingangshalle f, Entree nt (geh)
    2) (= entering) Eintritt m; (THEAT) Auftritt m

    on his entrance — bei seinem Eintritt/Auftritt

    he likes to make an entranceer setzt sich gern in Szene

    to make one's entrance (Theat) — auftreten; (fig) erscheinen

    3) (= admission) Eintritt m (to in +acc); (to club etc) Zutritt m (to zu); (to school) Aufnahme f (to in +acc)

    children get free entrance (to the zoo) — Kinder haben freien Eintritt (im Zoo)

    * * *
    entrance1 [ˈentrəns] s
    1. a) Eintreten n, Eintritt m: we could not talk about the matter because of Peter’s entrances and exits weil Peter ständig hereinkam
    b) SCHIFF, BAHN Einlaufen n, Einfahrt f
    c) FLUG Einflug m:
    entrance duty WIRTSCH Eingangszoll m;
    entrance zone FLUG Einflugzone f;
    make one’s entrance eintreten, erscheinen ( 6)
    2. a) Ein-, Zugang m ( beide:
    to zu)
    b) Zufahrt f:
    entrance hall (Eingangs-, Vor)Halle f, (Haus)Flur m;
    at the entrance am Eingang, an der Tür
    3. SCHIFF (Hafen)Einfahrt f
    4. fig Antritt m:
    entrance (up)on an office Amtsantritt;
    entrance (up)on an inheritance Antritt einer Erbschaft
    5. Eintritt(serlaubnis) m(f), Zutritt m, Einlass m:
    a) Eintritt(sgeld) m(n),
    b) Aufnahmegebühr f;
    have free entrance freien Zutritt haben;
    “no entrance” „Zutritt verboten!“;
    “no entrance except on business” „Zutritt für Unbefugte verboten!“
    6. THEAT Auftritt m:
    make one’s entrance auftreten ( 1)
    7. Beginn m (to gen)
    entrance2 [ınˈtrɑːns; US ınˈtræns] v/t
    1. jemanden in Verzückung versetzen, entzücken, hinreißen:
    entranced entzückt, hingerissen ( beide:
    at, by von)
    2. überwältigen:
    entranced außer sich ( with vor dat);
    entranced with joy freudetrunken
    3. in Trance versetzen
    e. abk
    * * *
    I noun
    1) (entering) Eintritt, der ( into in + Akk.); (of troops) Einzug, der; (of vehicle) Einfahrt, die
    2) (on to stage, lit. or fig.) Auftritt, der

    make an or one's entrance — seinen Auftritt haben

    3) (way in) Eingang, der (to Gen. od. zu); (for vehicle) Einfahrt, die
    4) no pl., no art. (right of admission) Aufnahme, die (to in + Akk.)
    5) (fee) Eintritt, der
    II transitive verb
    hinreißen; bezaubern

    be entranced by or with something — von etwas hingerissen od. bezaubert sein

    * * *
    Eingang -¨e m.
    Einstieg -e m.
    Eintritt -e m.
    Zugang -¨e m.

    English-german dictionary > entrance

  • 5 entrance

    I ['entrəns]
    1) (door, act of entering) entrata f., ingresso m.

    to make an entranceteatr. entrare in scena (anche fig.)

    2) (admission) ammissione f.

    to gain entrance to — essere ammesso a [club, university]

    to deny o refuse sb. entrance — non ammettere qcn

    II [ɪn'trɑːns] [AE -'træns]
    verbo transitivo estasiare, rapire
    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.)
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.)
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.)
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.)
    * * *
    I ['entrəns]
    1) (door, act of entering) entrata f., ingresso m.

    to make an entranceteatr. entrare in scena (anche fig.)

    2) (admission) ammissione f.

    to gain entrance to — essere ammesso a [club, university]

    to deny o refuse sb. entrance — non ammettere qcn

    II [ɪn'trɑːns] [AE -'træns]
    verbo transitivo estasiare, rapire

    English-Italian dictionary > entrance

  • 6 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) entrada
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) entrada
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) admissão
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) deliciar
    * * *
    ['entr2ns] n 1 entrada, permissão para entrar. no entrance / entrada proibida. 2 ação de entrar. university entrance examination / exame vestibular para ingresso na universidade. 3 porta, abertura, portão. carriage entrance / portão, entrada para veículos. 4 Theat entrada em cena. theatrical entrance / entrada teatral. entrance into office posse em um cargo.
    [intr'a:ns; intr'æns] vt arrebatar, enlevar, extasiar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > entrance

  • 7 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) vhod
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) vstop
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) sprejem
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) prevzeti
    * * *
    I [éntrəns]
    (to) vstop, vhod; nastop; ustje; začetek; vpis, prijava, registracija, deklaracija; žrelnica (v panju)
    to make one's entrance — vstopiti, nastopiti
    no entrance!vstop prepovedan!
    to give entrance to s.o. — dovoliti komu, da vstopi
    II [intrá:ns]
    transitive verb
    prevze(ma)ti, očarati, začarati, hipnotizirati; navdušiti

    English-Slovenian dictionary > entrance

  • 8 entrance

    felvétel, egyetemi felvétel, bejárat, belépés to entrance: elragad, elbájol
    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) bejárat
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) belépés
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) felvétel
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) elbájol

    English-Hungarian dictionary > entrance

  • 9 entrance

    1. ['ɛntrns] n 2. [ɪn'trɑːns] vt

    to gain entrance to( university) dostawać się (dostać się perf) na +acc; ( profession) uzyskiwać (uzyskać perf) wstęp do +gen

    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) wejście
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) wejście
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) wstęp
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) zachwycać się

    English-Polish dictionary > entrance

  • 10 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.)
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.)
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.)
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) hrífa, heilla

    English-Icelandic dictionary > entrance

  • 11 entrance

    n. giriş, girme, kapı, antre, sahneye çıkma, atılma
    v. büyülemek, mest etmek, hayran bırakmak, kendinden geçirmek
    * * *
    1. ilgi uyandır (v.) 2. giriş (n.)
    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) giriş, girme
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) giriş
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) girme (hakkı)
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) hayran etmek, büyülemek

    English-Turkish dictionary > entrance

  • 12 entrance

    • ovi
    • saapuminen
    • tulo-
    • tulo
    • ilmoittautuminen
    • järkyttää
    • hypnotisoida
    • eteinen
    • sisäänkäytävä
    • sisäänkäynti
    • sisäänastuminen
    • sisäänvienti
    • sisääntulo
    • porstua
    • portti
    • pääsymaksu
    • pääsy
    • kiusata
    • saattaa hurmostilaan
    • suu
    • suu-
    • syöttö-
    * * *
    I 'entrəns noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) sisäänkäynti
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) sisääntulo
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) pääsy, sisäänpääsy
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) saattaa haltioihinsa

    English-Finnish dictionary > entrance

  • 13 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) ieeja; durvis; vārti
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) ieiešana; (aktiera) uznākšana uz skatuves
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) iestāšanās
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) aizraut; sajūsmināt
    * * *
    ieiešana; durvis, vārti, ieeja; uznākšana uz skatuves; iestāšanās; stāšanās; novest transā; aizraut

    English-Latvian dictionary > entrance

  • 14 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) durys, vartai
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) išėjimas (į sceną)
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) įstojimas; stojamasis
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) sukelti ekstazę

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > entrance

  • 15 entrance

    n. ingång, inträde
    v. försätta i trans
    * * *
    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) ingång, entré
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) entré, inträdande
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) inträde, tillträde
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) hänföra

    English-Swedish dictionary > entrance

  • 16 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) vjezd, vstup
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) vstup, výstup
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) přijetí; přijímací
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) uchvátit
    * * *
    • vchod
    • vstupní

    English-Czech dictionary > entrance

  • 17 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) vchod
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) výstup
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) prijatie; prijímací
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) uchvátiť
    * * *
    • vchod
    • vstupný
    • uviest do vytrženia
    • prístup
    • dvere

    English-Slovak dictionary > entrance

  • 18 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) intrare
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) intrare
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) (de) admitere
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) a fermeca

    English-Romanian dictionary > entrance

  • 19 entrance

    I ['entrəns] noun
    1) (a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc: the entrance to the tunnel; The church has an impressive entrance.) είσοδος
    2) ((an) act of entering: Hamlet now makes his second entrance.) είσοδος
    3) (the right to enter: He has applied for entrance to university; ( also adjective) an entrance exam.) εισδοχή
    II verb
    (to fill with great delight: The audience were entranced by her singing.) γοητεύω

    English-Greek dictionary > entrance

  • 20 entrance

    I [ˈentrəns] noun
    1) a place of entering, eg an opening, a door etc:

    The church has an impressive entrance.

    2) (an) act of entering:

    Hamlet now makes his second entrance.

    3) the right to enter:

    ( also adjective) an entrance exam.

    حَق الدُّخول II [ɪnˈtraːns] verb
    to fill with great delight:

    The audience were entranced by her singing.

    يَسْلُب اللُّب، يَسْحَر، يُبْهِج

    Arabic-English dictionary > entrance

См. также в других словарях:

  • impressive — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look, seem, sound ▪ become ▪ remain ▪ make sth ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • entrance — I UK [ˈentrəns] / US noun Word forms entrance : singular entrance plural entrances *** [countable] the place where you can enter a room, building, or area I ll meet you at the main entrance at six o clock. entrance to/of: The statue of the Little …   English dictionary

  • entrance — en|trance1 [ entrəns ] noun *** count the place where you can enter a room, building, or area: I ll meet you at the main entrance at six o clock. entrance to/of: The statue of the Little Mermaid stands at the entrance to the harbor. a. usually… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Tower of David — The tower of David and the City walls Jaffa Gat …   Wikipedia

  • Maiden Castle, Dorset — For other places with the same name, see Maiden Castle. Maiden Castle Maiden Castle in 1934 …   Wikipedia

  • National Stadium, Singapore — National Stadium Location Kallang, Singapore Broke ground 1966 …   Wikipedia

  • Stathatos Mansion — The Stathatos building ( Megaron Stathatou ) is a neo classical villa on the Vasilissis Sophias Avenue. It was built in 1895 by the Saxon Greek architect Ernst Ziller for the Stathatos Family.HistoryThe house was donated by the Stathatos family… …   Wikipedia

  • Sauber — Former F1 team Short name = Sauber Long name = Sauber Petronas Base = Hinwil, Switzerland Founders = Peter Sauber Staff = Drivers = flagicon|Austria Karl Wendlinger flagicon|Finland JJ Lehto flagicon|Germany Heinz Harald Frentzen flagicon|UK… …   Wikipedia

  • Union Street, Aberdeen — Union Street is a major street and shopping thoroughfare in Aberdeen, Scotland.It was built, along with the adjoining King Street, in the beginning of the 19th Century under plans suggested by Charles Abercrombie to provide an impressive entrance …   Wikipedia

  • Valhalla Memorial Park Cemetery — is located at 10621 Victory Boulevard in North Hollywood, California.The cemetery has a special section called the Portal of Folded Wings Shrine to Aviation that is the final resting place for a number of aviation pioneers barnstormers,… …   Wikipedia

  • Cliveden — This article is about the British mansion. For Benjamin Chew s mansion in Germantown, Pennsylvania, see Cliveden (Benjamin Chew House). View looking north from the Ring in the Parterre showing Terrace Pavilion and Clock Tower to the left with… …   Wikipedia

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