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См. также в других словарях:

  • exceptional — ex‧cep‧tion‧al [ɪkˈsepʆnəl] adjective 1. ACCOUNTING an exceptional cost etc is one that does not occur regularly: • a $34 million exceptional restructuring charge 2. very good, or much better than usual: • The last decade produced exceptional… …   Financial and business terms

  • excepţional — EXCEPŢIONÁL, Ă, excepţionali, e, adj. 1. Care face, care constituie o excepţie, care iese din comun; deosebit. 2. Foarte bun, excelent, extraordinar, remarcabil, grozav (3). ♦ (Adverbial; cu determinări introduse prin prep. de , formează… …   Dicționar Român

  • exceptional — exceptional, exceptionable These adjectives relate to different meanings of exception. Exceptional means ‘unusual, not typical’, i.e. ‘forming an exception’ in a favourable sense: • Schizophrenes are often held to be people of exceptional charm D …   Modern English usage

  • Exceptional education — Exceptional Education, also known as Exceptional Student Education (ESE), usually refers to both the education of gifted (also talented ) children and children with physical or mental disabilities. These programs are funded and supported outside… …   Wikipedia

  • exceptional loss — ➔ loss * * * exceptional loss UK US noun [C] ► ACCOUNTING a loss shown in a company s accounts that relates to an unusual event that does not happen regularly: »The group suffered a £6m exceptional loss on the sale of 90 stores …   Financial and business terms

  • exceptional — exceptional, exceptionable, although not synonyms, are liable to confusion. Something is exceptional which is itself an exception, and so is out of the ordinary, being either extraordinary or unusual {this is an exceptional opportunity} {the bath …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Exceptional Records — is a record label founded in London in 1999. It focuses on electronica, deep house, jazz, break beats, hip hop, broken beats and techno.Label overviewArtists on the label come from all across the globe. Notable signings include Plej, two Swedish… …   Wikipedia

  • Exceptional — Ex*cep tion*al, a. [Cf. F. exceptionnel.] Forming an exception; not ordinary; uncommon; rare; hence, better than the average; superior. Lyell. [1913 Webster] This particular spot had exceptional advantages. Jowett (Th. ) {Ex*cep tion*al*ly}, adv …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • exceptional — [adj1] irregular aberrant, abnormal, anomalous, atypical, deviant, distinct, extraordinary, inconsistent, infrequent, notable, noteworthy, odd, peculiar, phenomenal, rare, remarkable, scarce, singular, special, strange, uncommon, uncustomary,… …   New thesaurus

  • exceptional — [ek sep′shə nəl, iksep′shə nəl] adj. 1. constituting, or occurring as, an exception; not ordinary or average; esp., much above average in quality, ability, etc. [exceptional talents ] ☆ 2. needing special attention or presenting a special problem …   English World dictionary

  • exceptional child — exceptional child, Education. any child who deviates from mental, physical, or behavioral norms to the extent of needing special schooling, training, or treatment: »The state also is planning to help school systems meet the needs of the… …   Useful english dictionary

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