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См. также в других словарях:

  • ELM — steht für: geographische Objekte Elm (Höhenzug), ein Höhenzug in Niedersachsen (Deutschland) Elm (Steiermark), Berg auf der steirischen Seite des Toten Gebirges ein waldreiches Gebiet im Naturpark Nördlicher Oberpfälzer Wald bei Vohenstrauß… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Elm (Schlüchtern) — Elm Stadt Schlüchtern Koordinaten …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Elm-Bergturnfest — Sportarten Leichtathletik Turnen Teiln …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Elm — steht für: geografische Objekte Elm (Höhenzug), ein Höhenzug in Niedersachsen (Deutschland) Elm (Steiermark), Berg auf der steirischen Seite des Toten Gebirges ein waldreiches Gebiet im Naturpark Nördlicher Oberpfälzer Wald bei Vohenstrauß… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • elm — /elm/, n. 1. any tree of the genus Ulmus, as U. procera (English elm), characterized by the gradually spreading columnar manner of growth of its branches. Cf. American elm, elm family. 2. the wood of such a tree. [bef. 1000; ME, OE; c. OHG elm;… …   Universalium

  • Elm Yellows — is a plant disease of elm trees that is spread by leafhoppers or root grafts. Elm Yellows. Elmcare.Com. 19 Mar. 2008 . ] Elm Yellows, also known as Elm Phloem Necrosis, is very aggressive and there are no known cure for it. Elm Yellows is known… …   Wikipedia

  • Elm — Elm, n. [AS. elm; akin to D. olm, OHG. elm, G. ulme, Icel. almr, Dan. & Sw. alm, L. ulmus, and E. alder. Cf. {Old}.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Ulmus}, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Elm beetle — Elm Elm, n. [AS. elm; akin to D. olm, OHG. elm, G. ulme, Icel. almr, Dan. & Sw. alm, L. ulmus, and E. alder. Cf. {Old}.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Ulmus}, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Elm borer — Elm Elm, n. [AS. elm; akin to D. olm, OHG. elm, G. ulme, Icel. almr, Dan. & Sw. alm, L. ulmus, and E. alder. Cf. {Old}.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Ulmus}, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Elm butterfly — Elm Elm, n. [AS. elm; akin to D. olm, OHG. elm, G. ulme, Icel. almr, Dan. & Sw. alm, L. ulmus, and E. alder. Cf. {Old}.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Ulmus}, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Elm moth — Elm Elm, n. [AS. elm; akin to D. olm, OHG. elm, G. ulme, Icel. almr, Dan. & Sw. alm, L. ulmus, and E. alder. Cf. {Old}.] (Bot.) A tree of the genus {Ulmus}, of several species, much used as a shade tree, particularly in America. The English elm… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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