1 alumina plant
2 alumina plant
Алюминиевая промышленность: глиноземный завод -
3 alumina plant/refinery
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > alumina plant/refinery
4 greenfield alumina plant (project)
Алюминиевая промышленность: новый завод по производству глинозёмаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > greenfield alumina plant (project)
5 greenfield alumina plant
Алюминиевая промышленность: (project) новый завод по производству глинозёмаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > greenfield alumina plant
6 greenfield alumina plant (project)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > greenfield alumina plant (project)
7 greenfield alumina plant (project)
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > greenfield alumina plant (project)
8 alumina production plant
English-Russian big medical dictionary > alumina production plant
9 alumina fusion and sintering plant
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > alumina fusion and sintering plant
10 alumina refinery plant
Горное дело: глиноземный завод, глиноземный комбинатУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > alumina refinery plant
11 глиноземный завод
1) General subject: alumina refinery (AD), refinery2) Mining: alumina refinery plant3) Aluminium industry: alumina plant, alumina refinery -
12 новый завод по производству глинозёма
Aluminium industry: greenfield alumina plant ( project)Универсальный русско-английский словарь > новый завод по производству глинозёма
13 Morrison, William Murray
[br]b. 7 October 1873 Birchwood, Inverness-shire, Scotlandd. 21 May 1948 London, England[br]Scottish pioneer in the development of the British aluminium industry and Highlands hydroelectric energy.[br]After studying at the West of Scotland Technical College in Glasgow, in January 1895 Morrison was appointed Engineer to the newly formed British Aluminium Company Limited (BAC); it was with this organization that he spent his entire career. The company secured the patent rights to the Héroult and Bayer processes. It constructed a 200 tonne per year electrolytic plant at Foyers on the shore of Loch Ness, together with an adjacent 5000 kW hydroelectric scheme, and it built an alumina factory at Larne Harbour in north-eastern Ireland. Morrison was soon Manager at Foyers, and he became the company's Joint Technical Adviser. In 1910 he was made General Manager, and later he was appointed Managing Director. Morrison successfully brought about improvements in all parts of the production process; between 1915 and 1930 he increased the size of individual electrolytic cells by a factor of five, from 8,000 to 40,000 amperes. Soon after 1901, BAC built a second works for electrolytic reduction, at Kinlochleven in Argyllshire, where the primary design originated from Morrison. In the 1920s a third plant was erected at Fort William, in the lee of Ben Nevis, with hydroelectric generators providing some 75 MW. Alumina factories were constructed at Burntisland on the Firth of Forth and, in the 1930s, at Newport in Monmouthshire. Rolling mills were developed at Milton in Staffordshire, Warrington, and Falkirk in Stirlingshire, this last coming into use in the 1940s, by which time the company had a primary-metal output of more than 30,000 tonnes a year. Morrison was closely involved in all of these developments. He retired in 1946 as Deputy Chairman of BAC.[br]Principal Honours and DistinctionsCommander of the Order of St Olav of Norway 1933 (BAC had manufacturing interests in Norway). Knighted 1943. Vice-Chairman, British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association, Faraday Society, Institute of Metals. Institute of Metals Platinum Medal 1942.Bibliography1939, "Aluminium and highland water power", Journal of the Institute of Metals 65:17– 36 (seventeenth autumn lecture),See also: Hall, Charles MartinJKABiographical history of technology > Morrison, William Murray
14 глиноземный комбинат
1) General subject: alumina refinery2) Mining: alumina refinery plantУниверсальный русско-английский словарь > глиноземный комбинат
15 установка плавления и спекания
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > установка плавления и спекания
16 установка плавления и спекания глинозёма
Универсальный русско-английский словарь > установка плавления и спекания глинозёма
17 кроме
. все, за исключением нескольких; все, кроме одного; если не считать; за исключением; не включая; помимо•This treatment is satisfactory at all but very high pressures.
•Processes in which the system might do work over and above that of expansion...
•Aside from (or Besides) 0.4-0.6% soda, calcine alumina contains...
•These miniatures compare in every way except size with the large connectors.
•Except for (or Apart from) bubble caps, the plant was constructed entirely from carbon steel.
•The resonator has the trivial resonance F1 = 0 in addition to the usual free-free resonances.
•No special attention is required other than careful and frequent inspection.
•There was little doubt about the good process performance of all the functional elements with the exception of the fluidized bed itself.
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > кроме
18 кроме
. все, за исключением нескольких; все, кроме одного; если не считать; за исключением; не включая; помимо•This treatment is satisfactory at all but very high pressures.
•Processes in which the system might do work over and above that of expansion...
•Aside from (or Besides) 0.4-0.6% soda, calcine alumina contains...
•These miniatures compare in every way except size with the large connectors.
•Except for (or Apart from) bubble caps, the plant was constructed entirely from carbon steel.
•The resonator has the trivial resonance F1 = 0 in addition to the usual free-free resonances.
•No special attention is required other than careful and frequent inspection.
•There was little doubt about the good process performance of all the functional elements with the exception of the fluidized bed itself.
* * *Кроме -- aside from, in addition to, besides, other than, beyond, butFor most convective heat transfer processes ( aside from the liquid metal range), f(Pr) = Prm.The turbine expander drives an electric generafor, in addition to the compressor.There are no special working fluid restrictions other than the mutual compatibility for the cycle application.Beyond the refunding of test payments, Educational Testing Service is not liable for any inconvenience incurred by examinees because of a test date change.Figure shows that reasonably good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained at all but the highest eccentricity. (... при всех эксцентриситетах, кроме самого большого)Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика > кроме
19 memory
- use up almost all of memory- acoustic memory
- active memory
- activity memory
- add-in memory
- add-on memory
- addressable memory
- addressed memory
- address-map memory
- adequate memory
- analog memory
- annex memory
- artificial memory
- associative memory
- auxiliary memory
- available memory
- backing memory
- beam-addressable memory
- bipolar memory
- bit-organized memory
- block-oriented memory
- bootstrap memory
- braid memory
- braided-wire memory
- bubble memory
- buffer memory
- bulk memory
- byte-organized memory
- byte-wide memory
- cache memory
- capacitor memory
- card memory
- carousel memory
- carrousel memory
- cassette memory
- catalog memory
- cathode-ray tube memory
- cathode-ray memory
- central memory
- character format memory
- character-organized memory
- charge-coupled device memory
- charge-storage memory
- chemical memory
- circulating memory
- C-MOS memory
- color-coded memory
- common memory
- computer memory
- content addressed memory
- content-addressable memory
- continuous sheet memory
- control memory
- conventional memory
- core memory
- cryoelectric memory
- cryogenic continuous film memory
- cryogenic memory
- cryosar memory
- cryotron memory
- current-access memory
- cyclic memory
- cylindrical magnetic film memory
- cylindrical film memory
- cylindrical domain memory
- data addressed memory
- data memory
- dedicated memory
- delay-line memory
- delay memory
- demand-paged memory
- destructive read-out memory
- destructive memory
- destructive readout memory
- dicap memory
- direct access memory
- direct addressable memory
- disk memory
- display-list memory
- distributed logic memory
- distributed memory
- domain memory
- domain-tip memory
- DOS memory
- DOT memory
- DRO memory
- dual port memory
- dual-ported memory
- duplex memory
- dynamic memory
- eddy-card memory
- electrically alterable read-only memory
- electrostatic memory
- energy-conscious memory
- expanded memory
- external cache memory
- external memory
- fast memory
- fast-access memory
- ferrite core memory
- ferrite memory
- ferrite plate memory
- ferrite sheet memory
- ferroelectric memory
- fiber-optic memory
- field-access memory
- FIFO memory
- file memory
- film memory
- finite memory
- first-in first-out memory
- fixed memory
- fixed-head disk memory
- fixed-tag associative memory
- flip-flop memory
- floating-head disk memory
- floppy disk memory
- frame memory
- frame-buffer memory
- frequency memory
- fully associative memory
- fully interrogable associative memory
- general-purpose memory
- ghostable memory
- glitch memory
- global memory
- graphics memory
- head-per-track disk memory
- heap-allocated memory
- hierarchical memory
- high memory
- high-capacity memory
- high-density memory
- high-performance memory
- high-speed memory
- holographic memory
- honeycomb memory
- hybrid associative memory
- image memory
- immediate-access memory
- immediate memory
- inernal cache memory
- instantaneous memory
- insufficient memory
- integrated circuit memory
- intelligent memory
- interleaved memory
- intermediate memory
- intermediate storage memory
- internal memory
- keystroke memory
- large-capacity memory
- large memory
- laser memory
- laser-addressed memory
- least frequently used memory
- least recently used memory
- LFU memory
- linkage memory
- local memory
- logic-in memory
- long-access memory
- long-term memory
- long-time memory
- low memory
- low-capacity memory
- LRU memory
- magnetic bubble domain memory
- magnetic card memory
- magnetic core memory
- magnetic disk memory
- magnetic drum memory
- magnetic film memory
- magnetic memory
- magnetic plate memory
- magnetic rod memory
- magnetic strip memory
- magnetic tape memory
- magnetooptic memory
- mainframe memory
- main memory
- MAS memory
- massive memory
- mass memory
- matrix memory
- medium-capacity memory
- medium-speed access memory
- megabit memory
- memory shortage
- memory stack
- memory upgrade
- memory width
- metal-alumina-semiconductor memory
- metal-oxide-semiconductor memory
- microassociative memory
- microinstruction memory
- microprogram memory
- MNOS memory
- modular memory
- MOS memory
- MOS transistor memory
- movable-head disk memory
- multibank memory
- multibit-per-pixel display memory
- multidrive disk memory
- multiple-coincidence magnetic memory
- multiple-fixed tag associative memory
- multiport memory
- name memory
- n-channel MOS memory
- NDRO memory
- nesting memory
- nonaddressable memory
- nondestructive readout memory
- nondestructive memory
- nonvolatile memory
- no-wait memory
- no-wait-state memory
- N-wire memory
- off-chip memory
- off-screen memory
- on-board memory
- on-chip memory
- one-level memory
- optical memory
- optically accessed memory
- optically read memory
- optoelectronic memory
- orthogonal memory
- out of memory
- overlay memory
- page memory
- paged memory
- parallel memory
- parallel-access memory
- parallel-by-bit parallel-by-word associative memory
- parallel-search memory
- partial tag memory
- patch memory
- peripheral memory
- permanent memory
- persistent current memory
- phantom memory
- phased memory
- photoelectric memory
- photo-optic memory
- piggyback memory
- plant's memory
- plated-wire memory
- primary memory
- private memory
- program memory
- programmable read-only memory
- protected memory
- pseudostatic memory
- push-down memory
- quick-access memory
- R/W memory
- random-access memory
- rapid memory
- rapid-access memory
- rapid-random-access memory
- read/write memory
- read-mostly memory
- read-only memory
- real memory
- redial memory
- refresh memory
- regenerative memory - reprogrammable memory
- rotating memory
- rule memory
- Schottky bipolar memory
- scratch-pad memory
- screen memory
- search memory
- secondary memory
- secure memory
- segmentable memory
- segmented memory
- semiconductor memory
- semipermanent memory
- semirandom-access memory
- sequential access memory
- serial memory
- serial-access memory
- shareable memory
- shared memory
- sheet memory
- short-access memory
- short-term memory
- short-time memory
- slave memory
- slow memory
- small memory
- small-capacity memory
- smart memory
- special-purpose memory
- speech memory
- stable memory
- staged memory
- static memory
- static n-channel MOS memory
- structure memory
- superconducting memory
- switch memory
- symbol memory
- system configuration memory
- system memory
- table memory
- tag memory
- teaching memory
- tertiary memory
- text memory
- thermomagnetic writing memory
- thermooptic memory
- thin-film memory
- three-dimensional memory
- time-varying memory
- token memory
- trace memory
- translation memory
- tunnel-diode memory
- twistor memory
- two-dimensional memory
- two-dimensional word selection memory
- two-level memory
- ultrahigh-access memory
- ultraviolet erasable read-only memory
- unsecure memory
- user memory
- user-available memory
- variable-tag associative memory
- vector memory
- video memory
- virtual memory
- volatile memory
- word memory
- word-organized memory
- word-wide memory
- working memory
- woven plated-wire memory
- woven wire memory
- writable memory
- write-once memory
- write-protected memory
- zero-access memoryEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > memory
20 activated
- 1
- 2
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