1 alum
2 alum
- alum
- n1. алюминиевые квасцы
2. алюминий
Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык. С.Н.Корчемкина, С.К.Кашкина, С.В.Курбатова. 1995.
3 alum
4 alum
alum квасцыEnglish-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > alum
5 alum
1) квасцовый
2) квасцевать
3) квасцовать
4) квасцы
– alum leather
– alum mordant
– alum tanning
– burnt alum
– chrome alum
– feather alum
– iron alum
– potash alum
– potassium alum
– Roman alum
– soda alum
ammonium chrome alum — <chem.> квасцы аммиачнохромовые
ammonium iron alum — <chem.> квасцы аммиачножелезные
6 alum
[ˈæləm]alum: alum attr.: alum earth = alumina alum квасцы alum: alum attr.: alum earth = alumina alum: alum attr.: alum earth = alumina alum: alum attr.: alum earth = alumina alumina: alumina окись алюминия; глинозем -
7 alum
8 alum
9 alum
квасцы, KA1(S04)2-12H20
ammonia (ammonium) alum см. tschermigite
capillary alum керамогалит, волосяная соль
feather alum 1. см. halotrichite 2. см. alunogen
iron alum см. halotrichite
potash (potassium) alum 1. см. kalinite 2. см. alum
rock alum горные квасцы
soda (sodium) alum натриевые квасцы, NaAl(SO,i)' •12Н20
10 alum
11 alum
n квасцыpotash alum — алюмокалиевые квасцы, KAl2
12 alum
potash alum — алюмокалиевые квасцы, KAl2
13 alum
14 alum
15 alum
ammonium alum
ammonium chromic alum
common alum
sodium alum -
16 alum
17 alum
Англо-русский словарь по полиграфии и издательскому делу > alum
18 alum
19 alum
I ['æləm] сущ.; хим. II [ə'lum] сущ.; амер.; разг.Syn: -
20 alum
См. также в других словарях:
Alum — unterscheidet: Alum Branch Alum Cave Branch Alum Cave Creek Alum Cave Run, ein Fluss im US Bundesstaat West Virginia Alum Creek Alum Dirt Branch, ein Fluss im US Bundesstaat Kentucky Alum Fork Alum Fork Saline River, ein Fluss im US Bundesstaat… … Deutsch Wikipedia
alum — ALUM. s. m. Espece de mineral, certain suc condensé qui se trouve dans les mines. Alum de roche. alum de plume. veines, miniere d alum. alum bruslé. eau d alum. laver un livre dans de l eau d alum … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
Alum — Al um, n. [OE. alum, alom, OF. alum, F. alun, fr. L. alumen alum.] (Chem.) A double sulphate formed of aluminium and some other element (esp. an alkali metal) or of aluminium. It has twenty four molecules of water of crystallization. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Alum — Al um, v. t. To steep in, or otherwise impregnate with, a solution of alum; to treat with alum. Ure. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
alum — (n.) late 14c., whitish mineral salt used as an astringent, dye, etc., from O.Fr. alum, from L. alumen alum, lit. bitter salt, cognate with Gk. aludoimos bitter and perhaps with English ALE (Cf. ale) … Etymology dictionary
alum — alum1 [al′əm] n. [ME & OFr < L alumen, alum: for IE base see ALE] 1. a double sulfate of a monovalent metal or radical (as sodium, potassium, or ammonium) with a trivalent metal (as aluminum, iron, or chromium): it is used as an astringent, as … English World dictionary
Alum — Alum, Name, so v.w. Alam (s.d.), besonders bei den Großmogulen, so: 1) A. Ghir, so v.w. Aurengzeyb. 2) Schah A. I., Sohn des Vorigen, Großmogul 1707–1711. 3) A. Ghir, Großmogul 1754–1760. 4) Schah A. II., Sohn des Vorigen, Großmogul seit 1759;… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
alum — (Ar., Mur.) m. Alumbre … Enciclopedia Universal
alum — ► NOUN ▪ a crystalline compound consisting of a double sulphate of aluminium and potassium, used in dyeing and tanning. ORIGIN Latin alumen … English terms dictionary
Alum — This article is about the chemical compound. For other uses, see Alum (disambiguation). Bulk alum Alum ( / … Wikipedia
alum — alum1 /al euhm/, n. Chem. 1. Also called potash alum, potassium alum. a crystalline solid, aluminum potassium sulfate, K2SO4·Al2(SO4)3·24H2O, used in medicine as an astringent and styptic, in dyeing and tanning, and in many technical processes. 2 … Universalium