1 alternative denial gate
inverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
coincidence gate — вентиль совпадения; схема совпадения
dispersion gate — схема функции Шеффера; вентиль НЕ-И
rejection gate — схема функции Вебба; вентиль ИЛИ-НЕ
2 alternative denial gate
схема функции отрицания дизъюнкцииБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > alternative denial gate
3 alternative denial gate
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > alternative denial gate
4 alternative denial gate
1) Техника: схема И-НЕ (логическая), элемент И-НЕ2) Вычислительная техника: схема "И НЕ", схема функции отрицания дизъюнкции3) Макаров: логический элемент И НЕУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > alternative denial gate
5 alternative denial gate
English-Russian electronics dictionary > alternative denial gate
6 alternative denial gate
The New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > alternative denial gate
7 alternative denial gate
English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > alternative denial gate
8 alternative denial
9 gate
1) ворота; калитка2) заслонка; задвижка; шибер; затвор; запорный элемент ( клапана); клапан3) штрек4) метал. питатель; литник; литниковая система5) пропуск, проход ( металла через валки)6) (гидротехнический) затвор || регулировать поток (гидротехническим) затвором; оборудовать ( сооружение) (гидротехническим) затвором8) ж.-д. шлагбаум11) электрон. временной селектор12) электрон. строб(-импульс), селекторный (стробирующий) импульс || стробировать13) затвор ( полевого транзистора)•gate with floating drum — секторный затвор с верховой осью вращения;-
add gate
air gate
aligner gate
alternation gate
alternative denial gate
AMIL gate
amplitude gate
AND gate
AND-NOT gate
AND-OR gate
AND-OR-invert gate
anode gate
anticoincidence gate
aperture gate
arc gate
automatic gate
automatic longitudinal gate
AVIO gate
backwater gate
balance gate
bale gate
ball gate
barrage gate
bascule gate
bear-trap gate
biconditional gate
bifurcation gate
bin gate
bottom gate
bottom outlet gate
buffer gate
bulkhead gate
Bureau of Reclamation drum gate
buried gate
burst gate
butterfly gate
caisson gate
carry gate
caterpillar gate
cathode gate
central gate
chain-operated gate
check gate
chute gate
circular-type gate
clamshell type gate
coaster gate
conduit slide gate
conjunction gate
control gate
Corps of Engineers bear-trap gate
counterbalanced gate
crest gate
crossing gate
current-mode gate
curved film gate
cutoff gate
cylinder gate
cylindrical drum gate
deep gate
deflecting gate
difference gate
discharge gate
disjunction gate
dispersion gate
distance gate
diversion gate
diversity gate
double-branch gate
double-leaf gate
down gate
dribble feed gate
dribble gate
drop gate
drum gate
dual gate
duplex-arc gate
early gate
electric gate
equality gate
equivalent gate
except gate
exclusive OR gate
exjunction gate
EXOR gate
expandable gate
exposure gate
face-type fixed-wheel gate
fan gate
feeder gate
film gate
filter gate
finger gate
fishbelly flap gate
fixed-hinge gate
flap gate
flat film gate
floating gate
flow gate
flushing gate
flush gate
flux gate
foam gate
frame gate
free-roller gate
grounded gate
ground gate
guard gate
half-way gate
high-pressure gate
hinged gate
hinged-flash gate
hook-type double-leaf gate
hopper gate
horn gate
hydraulic gate
ice gate
implication gate
inclusive OR gate
inequivalence gate
insulated gate
intensity gate
intersection gate
isolated gate
join gate
joint denial gate
joint gate
knife gate
late gate
lattice gate
level crossing gate
lever-operated gate
lift gate
liquid gate
lock check gate
lock gate
logic gate
logic product gate
logic sum gate
main gate
majority decision gate
majority gate
match gate
matrix gate
mechanical gate
mechanized gate
miter gate
mix gate
modulo-two sum gate
mother gate
movable-hinge gate
NAND gate
narrow gate
n-channel silicon gate
negative-OR gate
nonconjunction gate
nondisjunction gate
nonequality gate
NOR gate
NOT gate
NOT-AND gate
null gate
offset gate
OR gate
outlet gate
partial sum gate
parting gate
peg gate
penstock gate
picture gate
pneumatic gate
polysilicon gate
poly gate
positive AND gate
positive NAND gate
positive OR gate
printing gate
proportioning gate
pulse gate
quencher gate
range gate
recessed gate
rejection gate
removable film gate
retractable film gate
ring gate
roadway gate
roller gate
roller-drum gate
roof gate
rotary gate
Schottky-barrier gate
Schottky gate
sector gate
self-aligned gate
service gate
Sheffer stroke gate
shutter gate
shuttle gate
single-arc gate
skimmer gate
slide gate
sluice gate
spillway gate
spinner gate
stoplog gate
straight film gate
supply gate
swing gate
synchronous gate
tail gate
Tainter gate
threshold gate
time gate
top gate
tractor gate
turbine gate
union gate
unloading gate
valve gate
vertical-lift gate
waste gate
waste-flue gate
water gate
wedge gate
wet gate
wharf gate
wicket gate
XOR gate -
10 gate
1) логический элемент, ЛЭ; (логическая) схема; проф. вентиль; шлюз || управлять (напр. работой устройства) с помощью логических элементов или логических схем; использовать логические элементы или логические схемы2) селекторный импульс, стробирующий импульс, строб-импульс || осуществлять селекцию во времени; стробировать4) затвор (напр. полевого транзистора)5) пп управляющий электрод (напр. тиристора)•to gate in — вводить ( сигнал)
to gate out — выделять ( сигнал)
- gate A20- alternative denial gate
- amplitude gate
- AND gate
- AND-NOT gate
- anode gate
- back gate
- biconditional gate
- binary-logic gate
- bottom gate
- burst gate
- call gate
- capacitor-resistor-diode gate
- cathode gate
- clocked gate
- CML gate
- coincidence gate
- complement gate
- conjunction gate
- control gate
- CRD gate
- current-field-access swap gate
- current-mode gate
- current-mode logic gate
- difference gate
- diode gate
- diode-transistor logic gate
- discrete gate
- disjunction gate
- dispersion gate
- diversity gate
- DTL gate
- dual gate
- EITHER-OR gate
- emitter-coupled gate
- enabling gate
- equality gate
- equivalence gate
- equivalent gate
- except gate
- exclusive NOR gate
- exclusive OR gate
- fault-free gate
- faulty gate
- ferroelectric light gate
- film gate
- floating gate
- flux gate
- GaAs logic gate
- guard gate
- IC logic gate
- identity gate
- if-A-then-NOT-B gate
- I2L gate
- in gate
- inclusive NOR gate
- inclusive OR gate
- indicator gate
- information gate
- inhibition gate
- input gate
- insulated gate
- integrated injection logic gate
- interrupt gate
- inverting logic gate
- joint denial gate
- Josephson logic gate
- Josephson-junction logic gate
- junction gate
- latching Boolean gate
- logic gate
- logical gate
- magnetic gate
- majority gate
- match gate
- meshed gate
- metal gate
- metal-oxide-semiconductor gate
- mix gate
- molibdenum gate
- MOS gate
- multiemitter gate
- multiple-level gate
- multiple-level logic gate
- NAND gate
- n-channel silicon gate
- negation gate
- negative AND -gate
- negative OR gate
- negative unate gate
- N-input gate
- nitride gate
- NMOS silicon gate
- noise gate
- nonconjunction gate
- nondisjunction gate
- nonequality gate
- nonequivalence gate
- nonunate gate
- NOR gate
- NOT gate
- NOT-AND gate
- one-nanosecond gate
- opaque gate
- optical gate
- OR gate
- OTHER-OR gate
- out gate
- outer gate
- overlapping gates
- p-channel silicon gate
- PMOS silicon gate
- p-n junction gate
- polysilicon gate
- positive unate gate
- primitive logic gate
- pulse gate
- range gate
- readout gate
- refractory gate
- replicate gate
- resistive insulated gate
- resistively connected gates
- resistor-transistor logic gate
- RTL gate
- sampling gate
- scan gate
- sealed gate
- searching gate
- self-aligned gate
- self-registered gate
- Shottky gate
- Shottky-barrier gate
- silicon gate
- stacked gate
- stated gate
- stateful gate
- stateless gate
- storage gate
- substrate gate
- swap gate
- synchronous gate
- task gate
- threshold gate
- thyratron gate
- time gate
- T2L gate
- top gate
- transfer gate
- transistor-transistor logic gate
- trap gate
- TTL gate
- tunneling cryotron gate
- variable-threshold gate
- V-groove MOS gate
- video gate
- VMOS gate
- write gate
- XNOR gate
- XOR gate
- zero-match gate -
11 gate
1) логический элемент, ЛЭ; (логическая) схема; проф. вентиль; шлюз || управлять (напр. работой устройства) с помощью логических элементов или логических схем; использовать логические элементы или логические схемы2) селекторный импульс, стробирующий импульс, строб-импульс || осуществлять селекцию во времени; стробировать4) затвор (напр. полевого транзистора)5) пп. управляющий электрод (напр. тиристора)•to gate in — вводить ( сигнал)
- amplitude gateto gate out — выделять ( сигнал), to gate through пропускать ( сигнал)
- AND gate
- AND-NOT gate
- anode gate
- back gate
- biconditional gate
- binary-logic gate
- bottom gate
- burst gate
- call gate
- capacitor-resistor-diode gate
- cathode gate
- clocked gate
- CML gate
- coincidence gate
- complement gate
- conjunction gate
- control gate
- CRD gate
- current-field-access swap gate
- current-mode gate
- current-mode logic gate
- difference gate
- diode gate
- diode-transistor logic gate
- discrete gate
- disjunction gate
- dispersion gate
- diversity gate
- DTL gate
- dual gate
- EITHER-OR gate
- emitter-coupled gate
- enabling gate
- equality gate
- equivalence gate
- equivalent gate
- except gate
- exclusive NOR gate
- exclusive OR gate
- fault-free gate
- faulty gate
- ferroelectric light gate
- film gate
- floating gate
- flux gate
- GaAs logic gate
- gate A20
- guard gate
- I2L gate
- IC logic gate
- identity gate
- if-A-then-NOT-B gate
- in gate
- inclusive NOR gate
- inclusive OR gate
- indicator gate
- information gate
- inhibition gate
- input gate
- insulated gate
- integrated injection logic gate
- interrupt gate
- inverting logic gate
- joint denial gate
- Josephson logic gate
- Josephson-junction logic gate
- junction gate
- latching Boolean gate
- logic gate
- logical gate
- magnetic gate
- majority gate
- match gate
- meshed gate
- metal gate
- metal-oxide-semiconductor gate
- mix gate
- molibdenum gate
- MOS gate
- multiemitter gate
- multiple-level gate
- multiple-level logic gate
- NAND gate
- n-channel silicon gate
- negation gate
- negative AND-gate
- negative OR gate
- negative unate gate
- N-input gate
- nitride gate
- NMOS silicon gate
- noise gate
- nonconjunction gate
- nondisjunction gate
- nonequality gate
- nonequivalence gate
- nonunate gate
- NOR gate
- NOT gate
- NOT-AND gate
- one-nanosecond gate
- opaque gate
- optical gate
- OR gate
- OTHER-OR gate
- out gate
- outer gate
- overlapping gates
- p-channel silicon gate
- PMOS silicon gate
- p-n junction gate
- polysilicon gate
- positive unate gate
- primitive logic gate
- pulse gate
- range gate
- readout gate
- refractory gate
- replicate gate
- resistive insulated gate
- resistively connected gates
- resistor-transistor logic gate
- RTL gate
- sampling gate
- scan gate
- sealed gate
- searching gate
- self-aligned gate
- self-registered gate
- Shottky gate
- Shottky-barrier gate
- silicon gate
- stacked gate
- stated gate
- stateful gate
- stateless gate
- storage gate
- substrate gate
- swap gate
- synchronous gate
- T2L gate
- task gate
- threshold gate
- thyratron gate
- time gate
- top gate
- transfer gate
- transistor-transistor logic gate
- trap gate
- TTL gate
- tunneling cryotron gate
- variable-threshold gate
- V-groove MOS gate
- video gate
- VMOS gate
- write gate
- XNOR gate
- XOR gate
- zero-match gateThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > gate
12 gate
1) вентиль; (вентильная) схема; логический элемент2) стробирующий импульс; строб-импульс || стробировать; пропускать; управлять пропусканием; управлять отпиранием•- gate through- A AND-NOT B gate
- A except B gate
- A ignore B gate
- A ignore B negative gate
- A implies B gate
- A implies B negative gate
- A OR-NOT B gate
- add gate
- add without carry gate
- addend-in gate
- adder gate
- all or nothing gate
- alternation gate
- alternative denial gate
- amplitude gate
- AND - NOT gate
- AND gate
- AND-to-AND gate
- AND-to-OR gate
- anticoincidence gate
- any but not all gate
- any or all gate
- augend-in gate
- B AND-NOT A gate
- B except A gate
- B ignore A gate
- B ignore A negative gate
- B implies A gate
- B implies a negative gate
- B OR-NOT A gate
- basic gate
- biconditional gate
- Boolean gate
- bud isolation gates
- carry gate
- cascaded gates
- C-gate
- coincidence gate
- complement gate
- conditional implication gate
- conjunction gate
- controllable gate
- crowded gate
- decision gate
- difference gate
- differential gate
- diode gate
- disjunction gate
- dispersion gate
- distance gate
- diversity gate
- don't care gate
- double-input gate
- dual gate
- EITHER-OR gate
- emitter-coupled gate
- equality gate
- equivalence gate
- equivalent gate
- eraser gate
- except gate
- exclusive NOR gate
- exclusive OR gate
- exjunction gate
- fault tree gate
- front-end gate
- gate between channels
- generator gate
- glue-type gate
- identity gate
- if A then B gate
- if A then NOT B gate
- IF-THEN gate
- ignore gate
- implication gate
- inclusion gate
- inclusive NOR gate
- inclusive OR gate
- inequivalence gate
- inhibitory gate
- insulated gate
- intersection gate
- inverted AND gate
- inverting gate
- isolated gate
- join gate
- joint denial gate
- locking gate
- logic product gate
- logic sum gate
- logical gate
- logic gate
- low-power gate
- majority decision gate
- majority gate
- match gate
- matrix gate
- mix gate
- modulo-two sum gate
- multiplicand gate
- NAND gate
- negation gate
- negative AND gate
- negative OR gate
- N-input gate
- nonconjunctive gate
- nondisjunction gate
- nonequality gate
- nonequivalence gate
- NOR gate
- NOT gate
- NOT-AND gate
- NOT-both gate
- NOT-IF-THEN gate
- null gate
- one gate
- open-collector gate
- OR gate
- OR-ELSE gate
- OR-to-AND gate
- OR-to-OR gate
- partial sum gate
- positive AND gate
- positive OR gate
- priority AND gate
- pulse gate
- pulse-train gate
- quad gate
- readout gate
- reconvergent gate
- rejection gate
- self-aligned gate
- Sheffer stroke gate
- shift gate
- silicon gate
- spare gate
- special gate
- sum readout gate
- sum-out gate
- swap gate
- symmetric difference gate
- threshold gate
- time gate
- true gate
- two-input gate
- union gate
- voltage sensitive gate
- wired gate
- zero gate
- zero-match gateEnglish-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming > gate
13 denial
1. n отрицание, опровержение; возражение; отклонение, отводto make a denial of a statement, to give a denial to a statement — опровергнуть утверждение, опубликовать опровержение утверждения
2. n юр. отрицание виновности; отрицание причастности к преступлению; отказ сознаться3. n отказ, несогласиеdenial of right — отказ в праве; умаление права
4. n отказ, лишение5. n отречение6. n самоотречение, самоограничение7. n запрещениеСинонимический ряд:1. contradiction (noun) contradiction; disavowal; disclaimer; dismissal; disproof; foreswearing; gainsaying; negation; refutation; repudiation2. disbelief (noun) disbelief; doubt; skepticism3. prohibition (noun) prohibition; veto4. refusal (noun) disallowance; disapproval; dissent; no; refusal; rejection; turndown5. renunciation (noun) abnegation; renouncement; renunciation; self-abnegation; self-denial; self-renunciationАнтонимический ряд:acceptance; admission; conviction -
14 gate
1. n ворота; калиткаan iron gate into the courtyard — железные ворота, ведущие во двор
2. n вход, выходgate five is now open for flight 509 to London, flight 509 to London now boarding at gate five — производится посадка на самолёт, следующий рейсом 509 в Лондон, просьба пройти к выходу номер пять
to pay at the gate — платить при входе, вход платный
3. n врата4. n застава, шлагбаум5. n горный проход6. n гидр. щит, затвор7. n гидр. шлюзные воротаheave gate — ворота, открываемые поднятием вверх
gate width — ширина ворот; ширина пропускания
8. n гидр. количество зрителейthere was a gate of 5,000 — на трибунах было 5 тысяч зрителей
9. n гидр. унив. жарг. часы, когда ворота колледжа запираются на ночь10. n гидр. тех. заслонка, задвижка11. n гидр. горн. штрек; откаточная выработка12. n гидр. кино кадровое окно13. n гидр. метал. литник14. n гидр. радио стробимпульс15. n элк. вентиль, вентильная схемаinverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
16. n элк. затвор17. v не выпускать студентов с территории колледжаdispersion gate — схема функции Шеффера; вентиль НЕ-И
18. v кино, радио стробировать19. n ист. путь, дорогаthis gate — этим путём, этой дорогой
opening the gate for — открывающий путь; открытие пути
20. n диал. образ действий; манера поведенияСинонимический ряд:1. booth (noun) booth; box office; turnstile2. entry (noun) access; door; doorway; entrance; entry; inlet; opening; passage; portal3. faucet (noun) cock; faucet; hydrant; petcock; spigot; stopcock; tap; valve4. means of access (noun) barrier; ingress; means of access; port; sluice; weir -
15 denial
English-Russian dictionary of Information technology > denial
16 diode gate
диодный вентиль; диодная схемаinverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
17 disjunction gate
схема логического сложения; схема функции дизъюнкцииinverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
exclusive or gate — логический элемент "исключающий или"
coincidence gate — вентиль совпадения; схема совпадения
18 equality gate
схема функции эквивалентности; схема функции равнозначностиinverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
coincidence gate — вентиль совпадения; схема совпадения
dispersion gate — схема функции Шеффера; вентиль НЕ-И
19 equivalence gate
схема функции эквивалентности; схема функции равнозначностиinverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
coincidence gate — вентиль совпадения; схема совпадения
dispersion gate — схема функции Шеффера; вентиль НЕ-И
20 implication gate
inverting gate — инвертирующий вентиль; инвертирующая схема
coincidence gate — вентиль совпадения; схема совпадения
dispersion gate — схема функции Шеффера; вентиль НЕ-И
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
Sheffer stroke — This article is about the logical NAND operator. For the electronic NAND gate, see Negated AND gate. For other uses, see Nand (disambiguation). Venn diagram of In Boolean functions and propositional calculus, the Sheffer stroke, named after … Wikipedia
literature — /lit euhr euh cheuhr, choor , li treuh /, n. 1. writings in which expression and form, in connection with ideas of permanent and universal interest, are characteristic or essential features, as poetry, novels, history, biography, and essays. 2.… … Universalium
Temple in Jerusalem — Main articles: Solomon s Temple, Second Temple, and Third Temple A model of Herod s Temple adjacent to the Shrine of the Book exhibit at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem … Wikipedia
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA — UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, country in N. America. This article is arranged according to the following outline: introduction Colonial Era, 1654–1776 Early National Period, 1776–1820 German Jewish Period, 1820–1880 East European Jewish Period,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
applied logic — Introduction the study of the practical art of right reasoning. The formalism (formal logic) and theoretical results of pure logic can be clothed with meanings derived from a variety of sources within philosophy as well as from other… … Universalium
Criticism of the Israeli government — State of Israel … Wikipedia
performing arts — arts or skills that require public performance, as acting, singing, or dancing. [1945 50] * * * ▪ 2009 Introduction Music Classical. The last vestiges of the Cold War seemed to thaw for a moment on Feb. 26, 2008, when the unfamiliar strains … Universalium
HISTORICAL SURVEY: THE STATE AND ITS ANTECEDENTS (1880–2006) — Introduction It took the new Jewish nation about 70 years to emerge as the State of Israel. The immediate stimulus that initiated the modern return to Zion was the disappointment, in the last quarter of the 19th century, of the expectation that… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
David Irving — For other uses, see David Irving (disambiguation). David Irving … Wikipedia
Barbed wire — For other uses, see Barb wire (disambiguation). A close up view of a barbed wire barb … Wikipedia
Hippie — For the British TV show, see Hippies (TV series). For the Harlem album, see Hippies (album). Hippie giving a peace sign, Los Angeles, 1969 The hippie subculture was originally a youth movement that arose in the United States during the mid 1960s… … Wikipedia