1 alternating current density
Алюминиевая промышленность: плотность переменного токаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > alternating current density
2 alternating current density
Англо-русский глоссарий алюминиевой промышленности > alternating current density
3 current
1) поток
2) водоток
3) текущий
4) токовой
5) токовый
6) значение тока
7) имеющийся
8) <electr.> сила тока
9) сложившийся
10) течение
11) общеупотребительный
– absorption current
– alternating current
– antenna current
– ascending current
– avalanche current
– back current
– beam current
– bias current
– biasing current
– black current
– bunched current
– capacitive current
– Caribbean Current
– carry current
– carrying current
– charging current
– conduction current
– constant current
– consumption current
– control current
– convection current
– current algebra
– current amplification
– current balance
– current build-up
– current check
– current circuit
– current collector
– current consumption
– current crowding
– current density
– current distribution
– current divider
– current divides
– current drain
– current efficiency
– current events
– current feedback
– current gain
– current inrush
– current installing
– current instruction
– current intensity
– current limiter
– current limiting
– current margin
– current meter
– current noise
– current overload
– current path
– current production
– current protection
– current receiver
– current regulation
– current relay
– current rise
– current saturation
– current sensitivity
– current sheet
– current stabilization
– current stabilizer
– current standards
– current supply
– current task
– current transformer
– current triangle
– current vector
– current velocity
– current wave
– dark current
– decaying current
– descending current
– direct current
– discharge current
– displacement current
– double current
– drift current
– drop-out current
– dynode current
– eddy current
– emission current
– erasing current
– exchange current
– exciting current
– external current
– extraneous current
– fault current
– fault-to-earth current
– feed current
– feedback current
– field current
– filament current
– forward current
– full-select current
– fusing current
– gas current
– grid current
– half-select current
– holding current
– hole current
– in-phase current
– in-rush current
– induce current
– inhibit current
– input current
– instantaneous current
– ion current
– Kuroshio current
– large-scale air current
– large-scale current
– latching current
– leakage current
– let-go current
– line current
– load current
– loop current
– loss current
– magnetizing current
– marking current
– no-load current
– noise current
– non-sinusoidal current
– operate current
– operating current
– oscillating current
– Oudin current
– output current
– overload current
– partial-select current
– peak current
– penetration of current
– photocathode current
– plasma current
– plate current
– polarization current
– polyphase current
– preionization current
– primary current
– pulsating current
– pyroelectric current
– quiescent current
– r f current
– random current
– rated current
– read current
– recombination current
– rectified current
– rectify current
– residual current
– ringing current
– roaming current
– root-mean-square current
– saturation current
– saw-tooth current
– sea current
– sea current meter
– secondary current
– selection current
– self-inductance current
– set of current
– short-circuit current
– space-charge current
– speaking current
– spurious current
– standing current
– starting current
– stray current
– stream current
– strong current
– sweep current
– synchronizing current
– telluric current
– test current
– thermionic current
– three-phase current
– to be current
– transient current
– tunnel current
– wandering current
– welding current
– white current
– word current
– write current
alternating current motor — электродвигатель переменнего тока
amplitude of tidal current — <geogr.> амплитуда приливного течения
current regulator tube — <tech.> барретер, барретор, барреттер, токостабилизатор
equation for alternating current — уравнение переменного тока
short circuit current — <electr.> ток короткого замыкания
South Equatorial Current — <geogr.> течение Южное Пассатное
space-charge limited current — <electr.> ток ограниченный пространственным зарядом
variable current transformer — трансформатор переменного тока
zero signal current — <electr.> ток покоя
4 current
1) течение; поток4) вчт. текущая запись•-
absorption current
- ac anode current -
action current
active current
actuating current
admissible continuous current
air current
alongshore current
alternate current
anode current
arbitrary noise current
arc current
arc-back current
arcing ground fault current
armature current
ascending current
audio-frequency current
avalanche current
back current
back short circuit current
backward current
barogradient current
base current
beam current
bearing currents
beating current
beat current
biasing current
bias current
biphase current
bleeder current
blind current
blowing current
body current
bottom current
boundary current
braking current
branch current
break induced current
breakaway starting current
breakdown current
breaking current
bucking current
bulk current
bypass current
capacitance current
capacitive current
capacity current
carrier current
cathode current
channel current
charging current
circulating current
circumpolar current
collector current
complex sinusoidal current
complex current
conduction current
conjugate complex sinusoidal current
conjugate complex current
constant current
consumption current
continuous current
continuous traction current
control current
convection current
core-loss current
creeping current
critical current
cross current
crystal current
current of realm
current of run-unit
current of set
cutoff current
damped alternating current
damped current
dark current
deep-water current
deep current
delta currents
density current
descending current
design current
dielectric absorption current
dielectric current
diffusion current
direct current
direct-axis current
discharge current
discontinuous current
displacement current
downward current
drift current
drive current
drop-away current
earth current
earth fault current
eddy currents
effective current
electric current
electrode current
electrolysis current
electron current
electron-beam induced current
emission current
emitter current
equalizing current
equivalent input noise current
excess current
exchange current
excitation current
external current
extra current
extraction current
extraneous current
feedback current
field current
filament current
firing current
flood current
fluctuating current
focusing-coil current
focus current
fold back current
follow current
forced alternating current
forced current
foreign currents
forward current
Foucault currents
free alternating current
free current
full-load current
fusing current
galvanic current
gas current
gate current
gate nontrigger current
gate trigger current
gate turnoff current
generation-recombination current
gradient current
grib current
ground current
ground-return current
harmonic current
heat current
heater current
high-frequency current
high-level input current
high-level output current
holding current
hold current
hold-on current
hole current
idle current
image current
impressed current
incident current
induced current
initial current
injection current
inphase current
input current
input leakage current
input offset current
inrush current
inshore current
instantaneous carrying current
instantaneous current
insulation current
interference current
intermittent current
inverse current
ion production current
ionic current
ion current
ionization current
irradiation-saturation current
lagging current
latching current
leading current
leakage current
let-go current
light current
lightning current
line charging current
linear current
load current
locked-rotor current
loop current
loss current
low-level input current
low-level output current
magnetization current
majority-carrier current
majority current
make induced current
make-and-brake current
making current
maximum power current
minority-carrier current
minority current
motor inrush current
nearshore current
near-surface current
net current
neutral current
neutron current
neutron diffusion current
noise current
no-load current
nonsinusoidal current
nontrigger current
offset current
offshore current
off-state current
on-state current
open-circuit current
operating current
output current
overload current
parasitic current
peak arc current
peak current
peak switching current
peak withstand current
peak-point current
peak-to-peak current
perception current
periodic current
persistent current
phase current
phase-fault current
phasor current
photo-electric current
photo current
photo-generated current
photo-induced current
pickup current
piezoelectric current
pinch current
plasma current
polarization current
polyphase current
postarc current
power current
power follow current
prebreakdown current
preconduction current
primary current
principal current
probe current
pull-in current
pulsating current
pulse current
pyroelectric current
quadrature-axis current
quiescent current
rated current
rated temperature-rise current
reactive current
read current
recombination current
rectified current
reflected current
regulated current
relative short-circuit current
release current
residual current
rest current
return current
reverse current
reverse-biased current
reverse-induced current
RF current
ringing current
rip current
ripple current
root-mean-square current
running current
rupturing current
saturated drain current
saturation current
saw-tooth current
secondary current
secondary-electron emission current
shaft currents
sheath current
shelf current
shield current
shock current
short-circuit current
short-noise current
short-time thermal current
short-time withstand current
sine-wave current
single-phase current
sinusoidal current
slope current
sneak current
spindle-motor current
split current
stalled-motor current
standby current
standing current
star currents
starter current
steady leakage current
steady surface current
steady volume current
steady-state current
stray current
stroke current
subsurface current
subsynchronous frequency current
subsynchronous current
subtransient armature current
superconduction current
superimposed current
supply current
surface current
surface-leakage current
surge current
suspension current
sustained current
sustaining current
switched current
switching current
symmetrical alternate current
synchronizing current
telluric current
test current
thermal current
thermal noise current
thermionic current
thermostimulated current
three-phase current
threshold current
through current
tidal current
tolerance current
traction current
traffic current
transfer current
transient current
transient-decay current
transmission-line current
trigger current
turbidity current
turnoff current
turn-on current
two-phase current
undulating current
unidirectional current
unsymmetrical currents
upward current
valley point current
variable current
vector current
virtual current
voice-frequency current
voltaic current
wattful current
wattless current
welding current
whirling currents
wind current
withdrawal current
working current
work current
Zener current
zero-sequence current -
5 current
1) течение2) струя3) ток (электр.)4) текущий -
6 current
течение; (электрический) ток; (воздушная) тяга; поток; струя; текущий; циркулирующий current of air воздушное течение; поток воздуха current alternate (alternating) - переменный или однофазный ток current convection - конвекционным поток или течение воздуха current density - плотный поток; поток, уплотненный взвешенными веществами current downward - of air нисходящий поток или струя воздуха current earth - ток замыкания на землю, ток заземления; токи в земле, блуждающие токи current eddy - круговой поток; водоворот; вихревое движение воды или воздуха current electric - электрический ток current fault - ток короткого замыкания current floor - поток воздуха, текущий по поверхности пола current fusing - плавящий ток (вызывающий перегорание предохранителя) current laminar - ламинарное течение current turbulent - турбулентный или вихревой поток current zero heat - отсутствие теплопередачи, нулевой тепловой поток -
7 plasma
1) плазма2) положительный столб ( тлеющего разряда), положительное тлеющее свечение•- activated plasma
- afterglow plasma
- alternating-current plasma
- anode plasma
- arc plasma
- arc-discharge plasma
- avalanche plasma
- background plasma
- bounded plasma
- cathode plasma
- cathode-spot plasma
- charge-exchange plasma
- cold plasma
- collapsing plasma
- collisionless plasma
- confined plasma
- constant-pressure plasma
- cosmic plasma
- Coulomb plasma
- counterstreaming plasma
- current-carrying plasma
- current-free plasma
- dense plasma
- diffused plasma
- diffusing plasma
- dilute plasma
- discharge plasma
- disturbed plasma
- drifting plasma
- electrodeless plasma
- electron plasma
- electron-hole plasma
- electron-ion plasma
- electron-positron plasma
- electron-proton plasma
- energetic plasma
- equilibrium plasma
- equipotential plasma
- exosphere plasma
- exploded-wire plasma
- exploding-wire plasma
- extraterrestial plasma
- free plasma
- free-carrier plasma
- fully ionized plasma
- fusion plasma
- gas plasma
- gas-discharge plasma
- gyroelectric plasma
- gyromagnetic plasma
- gyrotropic plasma
- helically rotating plasma
- high-beta plasma
- high-density plasma
- high-energy plasma
- high-frequency plasma
- high-temperature plasma
- hot plasma
- hot-electron cold-ion plasma
- hot-ion plasma
- hydrogen plasma
- impact-ionized plasma
- injected plasma
- interplanetary plasma
- interstellar plasma
- ion plasma
- ion-dominated plasma
- ion-electron plasma
- ion-ion plasma
- ionospheric plasma
- isothermal plasma
- isotropic plasma
- laminar plasma
- laser-heated plasma
- laser-induced plasma
- laser-induced plasma created above surface
- laser-irradiated plasma
- laser-produced plasma
- linearly graded plasma
- longitudinally magnetized plasma
- Lorentz plasma
- low-beta plasma
- low-density plasma
- low-pressure plasma
- low-temperature plasma
- luminescent plasma
- luminous plasma
- magnetically confined plasma
- magnetized plasma
- magnetoactive plasma
- magnetoionic plasma
- magnetospheric plasma
- microwave plasma
- microwave-discharge plasma
- microwave-heated plasma
- monochromatic-electron plasma
- monocomponent plasma
- multicomponent plasma
- multipactoring plasma
- near-Earth plasma
- neutral plasma
- neutron-producing plasma
- nondegenerate plasma
- nonequilibrium plasma
- nonisothermal plasma
- nonneutral plasma
- nonrelativistic plasma
- one-carrier plasma
- one-fluid plasma
- opaque plasma
- optically excited plasma
- overdense plasma
- partially ionized plasma
- planar stratified plasma
- polycomponent plasma
- preionized plasma
- quasi-equilibrium plasma
- quasi-neutral plasma
- quiescent plasma
- radiating plasma
- radiation-produced plasma
- rarefied plasma
- recombining plasma
- reentry plasma
- residual plasma
- resistive plasma
- resonant plasma
- secondary plasma
- self-confined plasma
- self-generated plasma
- self-induced plasma
- self-pinched plasma
- self-sustaining plasma
- semiconductor plasma
- shock heated plasma
- shock-tube plasma
- solar plasma
- solar-wind plasma
- solid-state plasma
- stable plasma
- stationary plasma
- steady-state plasma
- streamer plasma
- stripped plasma
- supercooled plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermodynamically equilibrium plasma
- thermonuclear plasma
- theta-pinch plasma
- toroidal plasma
- toroidal octupole plasma
- toroidal quadrupole plasma
- transient plasma
- trapped plasma
- turbulent plasma
- two-carrier plasma
- uncompensated plasma
- undisturbed plasma
- unmagnetized plasma
- unstable plasma
- warm plasma
- weakly ionized plasma
- well-ionized plasma
- θ-pinch plasma -
8 plasma
1) плазма2) положительный столб ( тлеющего разряда), положительное тлеющее свечение•- accelerating plasma
- activated plasma
- afterglow plasma
- alternating-current plasma
- anode plasma
- arc plasma
- arc-discharge plasma
- avalanche plasma
- background plasma
- bounded plasma
- cathode plasma
- cathode-spot plasma
- charge-exchange plasma
- cold plasma
- collapsing plasma
- collisionless plasma
- confined plasma
- constant-pressure plasma
- cosmic plasma
- Coulomb plasma
- counterstreaming plasma
- current-carrying plasma
- current-free plasma
- dense plasma
- diffused plasma
- diffusing plasma
- dilute plasma
- discharge plasma
- disturbed plasma
- drifting plasma
- electrodeless plasma
- electron plasma
- electron-hole plasma
- electron-ion plasma
- electron-positron plasma
- electron-proton plasma
- energetic plasma
- equilibrium plasma
- equipotential plasma
- exosphere plasma
- exploded-wire plasma
- exploding-wire plasma
- extraterrestial plasma
- free plasma
- free-carrier plasma
- fully ionized plasma
- fusion plasma
- gas plasma
- gas-discharge plasma
- gyroelectric plasma
- gyromagnetic plasma
- gyrotropic plasma
- helically rotating plasma
- high-beta plasma
- high-density plasma
- high-energy plasma
- high-frequency plasma
- high-temperature plasma
- hot plasma
- hot-electron cold-ion plasma
- hot-ion plasma
- hydrogen plasma
- impact-ionized plasma
- injected plasma
- interplanetary plasma
- interstellar plasma
- ion plasma
- ion-dominated plasma
- ion-electron plasma
- ion-ion plasma
- ionospheric plasma
- isothermal plasma
- isotropic plasma
- laminar plasma
- laser-heated plasma
- laser-induced plasma created above surface
- laser-induced plasma
- laser-irradiated plasma
- laser-produced plasma
- linearly graded plasma
- longitudinally magnetized plasma
- Lorentz plasma
- low-beta plasma
- low-density plasma
- low-pressure plasma
- low-temperature plasma
- luminescent plasma
- luminous plasma
- magnetically confined plasma
- magnetized plasma
- magnetoactive plasma
- magnetoionic plasma
- magnetospheric plasma
- microwave plasma
- microwave-discharge plasma
- microwave-heated plasma
- monochromatic-electron plasma
- monocomponent plasma
- multicomponent plasma
- multipactoring plasma
- near-Earth plasma
- neutral plasma
- neutron-producing plasma
- nondegenerate plasma
- nonequilibrium plasma
- nonisothermal plasma
- nonneutral plasma
- nonrelativistic plasma
- one-carrier plasma
- one-fluid plasma
- opaque plasma
- optically excited plasma
- overdense plasma
- partially ionized plasma
- planar stratified plasma
- polycomponent plasma
- preionized plasma
- quasi-equilibrium plasma
- quasi-neutral plasma
- quiescent plasma
- radiating plasma
- radiation-produced plasma
- rarefied plasma
- recombining plasma
- reentry plasma
- residual plasma
- resistive plasma
- resonant plasma
- secondary plasma
- self-confined plasma
- self-generated plasma
- self-induced plasma
- self-pinched plasma
- self-sustaining plasma
- semiconductor plasma
- shock heated plasma
- shock-tube plasma
- solar plasma
- solar-wind plasma
- solid-state plasma
- stable plasma
- stationary plasma
- steady-state plasma
- streamer plasma
- stripped plasma
- supercooled plasma
- thermal plasma
- thermodynamically equilibrium plasma
- thermonuclear plasma
- theta-pinch plasma
- toroidal octupole plasma
- toroidal plasma
- toroidal quadrupole plasma
- transient plasma
- trapped plasma
- turbulent plasma
- two-carrier plasma
- uncompensated plasma
- undisturbed plasma
- unmagnetized plasma
- unstable plasma
- warm plasma
- weakly ionized plasma
- well-ionized plasmaThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > plasma
9 meter
1. счётчик, измерительный прибор, расходомер2. дозировать3. измерять, замерять
* * *
* * *
2. счётчик, измерительный прибор, расходомер
* * *
измерительный прибор, счётчик
* * *
- borehole resistivity meter
- cable-tension meter
- cycloidal gas meter
- depth meter
- displacement meter
- downhole oil gravity-gas content-volume ratio meter
- downhole saturation meter
- down-the-hole flow meter
- dry gas meter
- field meter
- float-type flow meter
- flow meter
- fluid meter
- fluidity meter
- gas meter
- gas volume meter
- gravity meter
- head meter
- heave meter
- house service meter
- indicating flow meter
- large capacity meter
- liquid meter
- mass flow meter
- master meter
- nuclear density meter
- oil meter
- orifice flow meter
- positive displacement meter
- proportional gas meter
- rate-of-flow meter
- recording meter
- recording flow meter
- residential meter
- reverberation meter
- rotary gas meter
- tautness meter
- thermal meter
- torque meter
- vane gas meter
- velocity meter
- velocity-type meter
- Venture meter
- volume displacement meter
- volumetric displacement meter
- watercut meter
- water-sealed gas meter
- well production meter
- wet gas meter
- wide range orifice meter* * *• 1) метр; 2) измеритель• измерять -
10 function
1) функция2) функционировать; находиться в работоспособном состоянии3) выполнять функцию; играть роль4) (дополнительное) функциональное устройство, проф. функция ( в стандарте USB)5) вчт. отображение || отображать•- actuating transfer function
- additive function
- additive/multiplicative function
- admittance function
- advanced communication function
- affine Boolean function
- aggregate function
- algebraic function
- all-pass transfer function
- all-pole function
- all-zero function
- alternating function
- ambiguity function
- amplitude distribution function
- amplitude function
- AM-tive function additive/multiplicative function
- anode work function
- aperture phase function
- apodizing function
- application program function
- autocorrelation function
- automatic azimuth alignment function
- band-limited function
- base station control function
- basis function
- Bellman function
- bent function
- Bessel function of imaginary argument
- Bessel function
- beta function
- bijection function
- bijective function
- binary activation function
- binary sigmoid function
- binate function
- bipolar sigmoid function
- bi-state function
- bivariate distribution function
- Boolean function
- Bose-Einstein distribution function
- bounded function
- boxcar function
- Brillouin function
- built-in function
- Butterworth function
- carpet function
- carrier function
- cathode work function
- characteristic function
- circular function
- closed function
- closed-loop transfer function
- clutching function
- coherence function
- color matching functions
- comb function
- combination function
- combining function
- competitive function
- complementary error function
- complementary function
- composite function
- computable function
- concentrated likelihood function
- continuous function
- contrast transfer function
- control function
- convolution function
- correlation function
- cost function
- covariance generating function
- criterion function
- cross-correlation function - current potential function
- current transfer function
- curried function
- data communications function
- data-path function
- decision function
- degate function
- degating function
- delta function
- demand function
- density function
- descrambling function
- describing function
- difference transfer function
- differentiable function
- digamma function
- Dirac delta function
- Dirac function
- disconnect-reconnect function
- discriminant function
- distribution function
- driving-point function
- eikonal function
- electron wave function
- embedding function
- encryption function
- ergodic function
- error function
- excitation function
- explicit function
- exponential function
- extensional function
- external function
- failure density function
- feedback transfer function
- Fermi function
- Fermi-Dirac distribution function
- force function
- forward transfer function
- frequency function
- frequency-generating function
- frequency-response function
- friend function
- FS function
- full-speed function
- fuzzy function
- fuzzy objective function
- fuzzy utility function
- gage function
- Gaussian function
- Gaussian radial basis function
- generalized function
- generic function
- global implicit function
- global inverse function
- Green functions
- Green's function
- Hamilton function
- Hankel function
- hard limit activation function - hazard function
- head-related transfer function
- Heaviside step function
- Huber function
- hyperbolic function
- hyperbolic tangent activation function
- idempotent function
- image function
- impedance function
- implicit function
- injection function
- injective function
- inline function
- intensional function
- interference function
- interworking function
- inverse distribution function
- inverse function
- invertible mapping function
- inverting function
- kernel function
- Lagrange's function
- Langevin function
- latent function
- Legendre associated function of the first kind
- Legendre associated function of the second kind
- Legendre function of the first kind
- Legendre function of the second kind
- lexical function
- likelihood function
- line search function
- linear function
- linear logic function
- logic function
- logistic function
- logistic sigmoid function
- log-likelihood function
- log-linear function
- log-log function
- look-up function
- loss function
- low-speed function
- LS function
- luminosity function
- macro function
- main function
- maintenance entity function
- majorized function
- majorizing function
- mapping function
- Markov function
- mathematical function
- member function
- membership function
- memo function
- memoised function
- memoized function
- minorized function
- minorizing function
- modified Bessel function
- modular hash-function
- modulating function
- modulation transfer function
- moment-generating function
- monotonic function
- Morse function
- multi-input multi-output transfer function
- multi-valued function
- multivariate distribution function
- mutual coherence function
- natural trigonometric function
- never-decreasing function
- never-increasing function
- non-decreasing function
- non-increasing function
- nonlinear function
- normalized Gaussian radial basis function
- normalized radial basis functions with equal heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal volumes
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths and heights
- normalized radial basis functions with equal widths
- normalized radial basis functions with unequal widths and heights
- objective function
- one-one function
- one-to-one function
- one-way function
- one-way hash function
- open-loop transfer function
- optical transfer function
- ordinary Gaussian radial basis function
- ordinary radial basis functions with equal widths
- ordinary radial basis functions with unequal widths
- orthogonal functions
- overlapped functions
- partial autocorrelation function
- penalty function
- perfect hash-function
- phase transfer function
- photoelectric work function
- photopic response function
- piecewise constant function
- piecewise linear function
- piecewise polynomial function
- Pierce function
- point-spread function
- polynomial function
- positive linear function
- postsynaptic potential function
- power function of test
- power function
- predefined function
- predicate function
- probability density function
- probability function
- probability mass function
- production function
- projection function
- projective function
- propagation function
- propositional function
- PSP function
- pulsating function
- pure virtual function
- quadratic error function
- radial basis function
- radial combination function
- ramp function
- range weighting function
- reactance function
- register function
- regression function
- resolvent function
- response function
- restricted function
- risk function
- saturating linear function
- scalar function
- scaling function
- scattering function
- scedastic function
- Schrödinger wave function
- scrambling function
- screen size-viewing distance function
- self-inverse function
- semilinear function
- sensing function
- sentential function
- shape function
- sigmoid activation function
- sigmoid function
- sign function
- signal function
- signum activation function
- signum function
- smooth function
- socket library function
- softmax activation function
- spectral density function
- spectral function
- spectral radiance function
- spline function
- spot function
- spread function
- square-integrable function
- square-law transfer function
- squashed sign function
- squashing function
- state function
- state query function
- steering function
- step function
- stream function
- summing function
- support entity function
- support function
- supported function
- surjection function
- surjective function
- survival function
- switch function
- switching function
- switch-type function
- symmetric saturating linear function
- tame function
- tan-sigmoid activation function
- target function
- tensor function
- tesseral function
- testing function
- tetragamma function
- thermionic work function
- threshold function
- through transfer function
- transcendental function
- transfer function
- trial function
- trigamma function
- trigonometric function
- tri-state function
- typematic function
- unate function
- uncurried function
- unit impulse function
- unit step function
- unsupported function
- user-defined function
- utility function
- vector function
- virtual function
- visibility function
- voltage potential function
- voltage transfer function
- Walsh functions
- wave function
- wave-number limited function
- weighting function
- window function
- work functionThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > function
См. также в других словарях:
Alternating current — (green curve). The horizontal axis measures time; the vertical, current or voltage. In alternating current (AC, also ac) the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction. In direct current (DC, also dc), the flow of electric charge … Wikipedia
current — currently, adv. /kerr euhnt, kur /, adj. 1. passing in time; belonging to the time actually passing: the current month. 2. prevalent; customary: the current practice. 3. popular; in vogue: current fashions. 4. new; present; most recent: the… … Universalium
Current sea level rise — This article is about the current and future rise in sea level associated with global warming. For sea level changes in Earth s history, see Sea level#Changes through geologic time. Sea level measurements from 23 long tide gauge records in… … Wikipedia
Electric current — Electromagnetism … Wikipedia
Inrush current — or input surge current refers to the maximum, instantaneous input current drawn by an electrical device when first turned on. For example, incandescent light bulbs have high inrush currents until their filaments warm up and their resistance… … Wikipedia
ocean current — Horizontal and vertical circulation system of ocean waters, produced by gravity, wind friction, and water density variation. Coriolis forces cause ocean currents to move clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern… … Universalium
electricity — /i lek tris i tee, ee lek /, n. 1. See electric charge. 2. See electric current. 3. the science dealing with electric charges and currents. 4. a state or feeling of excitement, anticipation, tension, etc. [1640 50; ELECTRIC + ITY] * * *… … Universalium
Electric motor — For other kinds of motors, see motor (disambiguation). For a railroad electric engine, see electric locomotive. Various electric motors. A 9 volt PP3 transistor battery is in the center foreground for size comparison. An electric motor converts… … Wikipedia
Glossary of fuel cell terms — The Glossary of fuel cell terms lists the definitions of many terms used within the fuel cell industry. The terms in this glossary may be used by fuel cell industry associations, in education material and fuel cell codes and standards to name but … Wikipedia
Skin effect — Skin depth redirects here. For the depth (layers) of biological/organic skin, see skin. Skin effect is the tendency of an alternating electric current (AC) to distribute itself within a conductor with the current density being largest near the… … Wikipedia
Transformer — This article is about the electrical device. For the toy line franchise, see Transformers. For other uses, see Transformer (disambiguation). Pole mounted distribution transformer with center tapped secondary winding. This type of transformer is… … Wikipedia