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  • 121 Smoke

    P. and V. καπνός, ὁ.
    Thisk smoke: Ar. and V. λιγνύς, ἡ.
    Vapour: P. ἀτμίς, ἡ (Plat.), V. ἀτμός, ὁ.
    Incense smoke: P. and V. θυμιματα, τά.
    v. trans.
    Choke with smoke P. καπνίζειν, Ar. τφειν, ἐντφειν.
    Make black: V. αἰθαλοῦν.
    Make the altars smoke with offerings: V. κνισᾶν βωμούς (Eur., Alc. 1156; of. Ar., Av. 1233).
    V. intrans.
    Make a smoke: Ar. and V. τφειν.
    Be full of smoke: Ar. καπνίζειν.
    Smoulder: V. τφειν, τφεσθαι.
    Steam: P. and V. ἀτμίζειν (Xen., Soph., frag.).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Smoke

  • 122 Sprinkle

    v. trans.
    V. ῥαίνειν, παλνειν, Ar. πάσσειν, προσραίνειν.
    Wet: P. and V. τέγγειν (Plat.), ὑγραίνειν (Plat.), βρέχειν (Plat.), νοτίζειν (Plat. and Æsch., frag.), V. ὑδραίνειν, ὑγρώσσειν.
    Sprinkle in: P. ἐμπάσσειν.
    Sprinkle over: P. ἐπιπάσσειν, V. καταστάζειν.
    Sprinkle with blood: P. and V. καθαιμάσσειν (Plat.); see under Blood.
    Sprinkling with your hand the waters of Achelous from golden vessels: V. ἐκ χρυσηλάτων τευχέων χερὶ σπείρουσαν Ἀχελῴου δρόσον (Eur., And. 166).
    Sprinkling the altars with the same lustral water: Ar. μιᾶς ἐκ χέρνιβος βωμοὺς περιρραίνοντες (Lys. 1129).

    Woodhouse English-Greek dictionary. A vocabulary of the Attic language > Sprinkle

  • 123 საკუთხევლები


    Georgian-English dictionary > საკუთხევლები

  • 124 Altare


    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Altare

  • 125 Altäre


    Deutsch-Englisches Wörterbuch > Altäre

  • 126 εὐχαριστία

    εὐχαριστία, ας, ἡ (s. prec. entry; since Hippocr. Comp. II 87f. Ps.-Menand. Fgm. 693 Kock; ins; PLond III, 1178, 25 p. 216 [194 A.D.]; LXX; Philo, Joseph., Just., Did.).
    the quality of being grateful, with implication of appropriate attitude, thankfulness, gratitude (an important component of Gr-Rom. reciprocity; s. decrees of the Byzantines in Demosth. 18, 91 [s. εὐχαριστέω 1]; Polyb. 8, 12, 8; Diod S 17, 59, 7; OGI 227, 6; 199, 31 [I A.D.] ἔχω πρὸς τ. μέγιστον θεόν μου Ἄρην εὐχαριστίαν; BGU 1764, 21 [I B.C.]; 2 Macc 2:27; Esth 8:12d; Philo, Leg. All. 1, 84) μετὰ πάσης εὐ. (cp. Orig., C. Cels. 7, 46, 8) with all gratitude Ac 24:3.
    the expression or content of gratitude, the rendering of thanks, thanksgiving (SIG 798, 5 [c. 37 A.D.] εἰς εὐχαριστίαν τηλικούτου θεοῦ εὑρεῖν ἴσας ἀμοιβάς; Wsd 16:28; Sir 37:11; Philo, Spec. Leg. 1, 224; Jos., Ant. 1, 156; 2, 346; 3, 65; 4, 212) abs. Eph 5:4 (s. OCasel, BZ 18, 1929, 84f, who, after Origen, equates εὐχαριστία w. εὐχαριτία=‘the mark of fine training’). τῷ θεῷ toward God 2 Cor 9:11. μετὰ εὐχαριστίας with thanksgiving (Philo, Spec. Leg. 1, 144) Phil 4:6; 1 Ti 4:3f; ἐν εὐ. Col 4:2. περισσεύειν ἐν εὐ. overflow w. thanksg. 2:7; περισσεύειν τὴν εὐ. increase the thanksg. 2 Cor 4:15. εὐχαριστίαν τῷ θεῷ ἀνταποδοῦναι περὶ ὑμῶν render thanks to God for you 1 Th 3:9. Also εὐ. διδόναι (Theodor. Prodr. 8, 414 H. θεοῖς) Rv 4:9. Esp. prayer of thanksgiving (Herm. Wr. 1, 29) 1 Cor 14:16; Rv 7:12. Pl. 2 Cor 9:12; 1 Ti 2:1.
    the observance and elements of the Eucharist, Lord’s Supper, Eucharist ποτήριον τῆς εὐχ. 1 Cor 10:16 v.l.—D 9:1, 5 JClabeaux, in: Prayers fr. Alexander to Constantine, ed. MKiley, ’97, 260–66; IEph 13:1; IPhld 4; ISm 8:1. W. προσευχή 7:1. Cp. Just., A I, 65, 3; 66, 1; Orig., C. Cels. 57, 20; RKnopf, Hdb. on D 9:1.—JRéville, Les origines de l’Eucharistie 1908; MGoguel, L’Euch. des origines à Justin mart. 1909; FWieland, D. vorirenäische Opferbegriff 1909; GLoeschcke, Zur Frage nach der Einsetzung u. Herkunft der Eucharistie: ZWT 54, 1912, 193–205; ALoisy, Les origines de la Cène euch.: Congr. d’Hist. du Christ. I 1928, 77–95. GMacGregor, Eucharistic Origins 1929; KGoetz, D. Ursprung d. kirchl. Abendmahls 1929; HHuber, D. Herrenmahl im NT, diss. Bern 1929; WGoossens, Les origines de l’Euch. ’31; RHupfeld, D. Abendmahlsfeier, ihr ursprüngl. Sinn usw., ’35; JJeremias, D. Abendmahlsworte Jesu ’35, 2’49, 3’60 (Eng. tr., The Eucharistic Words of Jesus, AEhrhardt ’55; s. also KKuhn, TLZ 75, ’50, 399–408), D. paul. Abdm.—eine Opferdarbietung?: StKr 108, ’37, 124–41; AArnold, D. Ursprung d. Chr. Abdmahls ’37, 2’39; LPoot, Het oudchristelijk Avondmaal ’36; ELohmeyer, D. Abdm. in d. Urgem.: JBL 56, ’37, 217–52; EKäsemann, D. Abdm. im NT: Abdm. gemeinschaft? ’37, 60–93; HSasse, D. Abdm. im NT: V. Sakr. d. Altars ’41, 26–78; EGaugler, D. Abdm. im NT ’43; NJohansson, Det urkristna nattvardsfirandet ’44; ESchweizer, D. Abdm. eine Vergegenwärtigung des Todes Jesu od. e. eschatalogisches Freudenmahl?: TZ 2, ’46, 81–101; TPreiss, TZ 4, ’48, 81–101 (Eng. tr., Was the Last Supper a Paschal Meal? in Life in Christ, chap. 5, ’54, 81–99); F-JLeenhardt, Le Sacrement de la Sainte Cène, ’48; GWalther, Jesus, das Passalamm des Neuen Bundes usw., ’50; RBultmann, Theol. of the NT (tr. KGrobel), ’51, I, 144–52; AHiggins, The Lord’s Supper in the NT, ’52; OCullmann, Early Christian Worship (transl. ATodd and JTorrance), ’53; HLessig, D. Abendmahlsprobleme im Lichte der NTlichen Forschung seit 1900, diss. Bonn, ’53; ESchweizer, TLZ 79, ’54, 577–92 (lit.); GBornkamm, Herrenmahl u. Kirche bei Paulus, NTS 2, ’55/56, 202–6; CMoule, The Judgment Theme in the Sacraments, in Background of the NT and Its Eschatology (CDodd Festschr.) ’56, 464–81; MBlack, The Arrest and Trial of Jesus and the Date of the Last Supper, in NT Essays (TManson memorial vol.) ’59, 19–33; PNeuenzeit, Das Herrenmahl, ’60; The Eucharist in the NT, five essays tr. fr. French by EStewart, ’64; EKilmartin, The Eucharist in the Primitive Church, ’65; BIersel, NovT 7, ’64/65, 167–94; HBraun, Qumran II, ’66, 29–54; JAudet, TU 73, ’59, 643–62; HSchürmann, D. Paschamahlbericht, ’53, D. Einsetzungsbericht, ’55, Jesu Abschiedsrede, ’57 (all Lk 22); HPatsch, Abendmahl u. Historischer Jesus, ’72; FHahn RGG4, I, 10–15 (NT); CMarkschies, ibid., 15–21 (early church). S. also the lit. on ἀγάπη 2.—M-M. TW.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > εὐχαριστία

  • 127 κατασκάπτω

    κατασκάπτω (s. σκάπτω) fut. κατασκάψω LXX; 1 aor. κατέσκαψα. Pass.: fut. 3 sg. κατασκαφήσεται LXX; aor. κατεσκάφην; pf. ptc. κατεσκαμμένος LXX tear down, raze to the ground (so Trag., Hdt. et al.; ins, LXX; Philo, Leg. ad Gai. 132; Ath., R. 19 p. 72, 29) τὶ someth. cities (Hdt. 7, 156; Ael. Aristid. 32 p. 604 D.; SIG 344, 7; Jos., Ant. 4, 313; 8, 128) 1 Cl 6:4 v.l. Altars Ro 11:3 (3 Km 19:10). τὰ κατεσκαμμένα αὐτῆς the parts of it that had been torn down Ac 15:16 (s. ἀνασκάπτω and καταστρέφω 2).—M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > κατασκάπτω

  • 128 τίμιος

    τίμιος, α, ον (τιμή; Hom.+) gener. ‘held in honor’ (Herodas 4, 5 of altars)
    pert. to being of exceptional value
    costly, precious Plut., Mor. 486b λίθος Rv 17:4; 18:12a, 16; 21:19; AcPl Ha 1, 11 (cp. Tob 13:17 S; JosAs 2:3; 18:4). Superl. (Jos., Ant. 17, 225 φίλον τιμιώτατον) λίθος τιμιώτατος Rv 21:11. Pl. λίθοι τίμιοι 1 Cor 3:12 (s. λίθος 2b and the lit. s.v. ἀμέθυστος). ξύλον τιμιώτατον Rv 18:12b (on the elative force s. Mussies 71, 128). τίμια ἀρώματα MPol 15:2.
    of great worth/value, precious of the blood of Jesus τίμιον αἷμα 1 Pt 1:19; τίμιον τῷ θεῷ precious to God 1 Cl 7:4. τίμιος καρπὸς τῆς γῆς Js 5:7. τὰ τίμια καὶ μέγιστα ἐπαγγέλματα 2 Pt 1:4. τιμίαν ταύτην νηστείαν AcPl Ha 6, 24. Comp. τιμιώτερος w. gen. (Eur., Alc. 301; Menand., Mon. 482; 552 Meinecke [715; 843 Jaekel]): of a martyr’s bones τιμιώτερα λίθων πολυτελῶν (Pr 3:15; ApcEsdr 6:15 p. 33, 2 Tdf. τὸ τίμιον … αὐτοῦ σῶμα) MPol 18:1. Of the δοκίμιον τῆς πίστεως: πολὺ τιμιώτερον χρυσίου 1 Pt 1:7 v.l. (on τιμιώτερον χρυς. cp. Diog. L. 8, 42; EpArist 82; Philo, Sacr. Abel. 83, Det. Pot. Ins. 20; Theophyl. Sim., Ep. 81; cp. PsSol 17:43 χρυσίον τὸ πρῶτον τίμιον).
    held in honor, respected (τιμή 2c) τίμιος ὁ γάμος Hb 13:4.
    For οὐδενὸς λόγου ποιοῦμαι τὴν ψυχὴν τιμίαν ἐμαυτῷ Ac 20:24 cp. λόγος 1aα, end.
    pert. to high status that merits esteem, held in honor/ high regard, respected (oft. in the salutations of papyrus letters; cp. the greeting τιμιώτατε πάτερ TestAbr A 2 p. 78, 21 [Stone p. 4]; τ. Ἀβραάμ 7 p. 84, 24 [St. p. 16] and τίμιε Ἀβραάμ 16 p. 97, 21 [St. p. 42]) τινί by someone (Jos., Bell. 5, 527 τῷ δήμῳ τίμιος, Ant. 1, 273) Ac 5:34; 17:34 v.l.—DELG s.v. τιμή. M-M.

    Ελληνικά-Αγγλικά παλαιοχριστιανική Λογοτεχνία > τίμιος

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Altars of Madness — Studioalbum von Morbid Angel Veröffentlichung 1989 (Europa), 1990 (USA) Label Earache Records …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Altars (in the Greek Churches) —     Altars (in the Greek Churches)     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Altars (in the Greek Churches)     The word altar (sometimes spelled oltar) is used in the Old Slavonic and Russian languages to denote the entire space surrounding what we know as… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altars of Madness — Album par Morbid Angel Sortie 12 mai 1989 Enregistrement 1988 Durée 51:27 Genre Death metal Producteur Digby Pearson …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Altars \(in the Greek Churches\) — • The altar of the Russian Orthodox or the Ruthenian Greek Catholic churches means the sanctuary, and not merely the altar known to Latin churches Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altars \(in Scripture\) — • Describes several biblical uses of the word Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Altars in Latin America — The history of altars in Latin America is complex and is often deemed paradoxical; as its original purpose was for the worshipping of pagan gods and human sacrifice. Ironically enough, the altar transitioned from being a symbol of paganism to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Altars of Madness — Infobox Album | Name = Altars of Madness Type = studio Artist = Morbid Angel |225px Released = May 12, 1989 Recorded = 1988 Genre = Death metal, Thrash Metal Length = 51:27 Label = Earache Producer = Digby Pearson Reviews = *Allmusic Rating|3|5… …   Wikipedia

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