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  • 1 altération

    zhoršení f
    porušení f
    změna (k horšímu) f
    překroucení f
    zkažení f

    Dictionnaire français-tchèque > altération

  • 2 alteration

    noun The alterations he has made to the play have not improved it.) úprava, změna
    * * *
    • změna
    • pozměnění
    • přizpůsobení
    • adaptace

    English-Czech dictionary > alteration

  • 3 altération des monnaies

    altération des monnaies
    padělání peněz

    Dictionnaire français-tchèque > altération des monnaies

  • 4 alter

    (to make or become different; to change: Will you alter this dress (to fit me)?; The town has altered a lot in the last two years.) upravit, změnit (se)
    * * *
    • změnit
    • pozměnit
    • proměnit
    • proměňovat
    • obměnit
    • měnit

    English-Czech dictionary > alter

  • 5 diversion

    1) (an alteration to a traffic route: There's a diversion at the end of the road.) objížďka, odklon
    2) ((an act of) diverting attention.) odvrácení
    3) ((an) amusement.) zábava
    * * *
    • objížďka

    English-Czech dictionary > diversion

  • 6 initial

    [i'niʃəl] 1. adjective
    (of, or at, the beginning: There were difficulties during the initial stages of building the house.) počáteční
    2. noun
    (the letter that begins a word, especially a name: The picture was signed with the initials JJB, standing for John James Brown.) iniciála
    3. verb
    (to mark or sign with initials of one's name: Any alteration on a cheque should be initialled.) parafovat


    1) (to start (eg a plan, scheme, changes, reforms etc): He initiated a scheme for helping old people with their shopping.) zahájit

    2) (to take (a person) into a society etc, especially with secret ceremonies: No-one who had been initiated into the society ever revealed the details of the ceremony.) přijmout (do)


    (a person who has been initiated (into a society etc).) zasvěcenec

    - initiation
    - initiative
    * * *
    • začáteční
    • počáteční
    • iniciála

    English-Czech dictionary > initial

  • 7 subject to

    1) (liable or likely to suffer from or be affected by: He is subject to colds; The programme is subject to alteration.) náchylný k; podléhající
    2) (depending on: These plans will be put into practice next week, subject to your approval.) podle

    English-Czech dictionary > subject to

См. также в других словарях:

  • altération — [ alterasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • v. 1260; bas lat. alteratio → altérer I ♦ 1 ♦ Rare (sauf emplois spéciaux) Changement, modification. « Ces altérations de sens des mots » (Proust). Géol. Transformation des roches, due à des facteurs chimiques et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • altération — ALTÉRATION. sub. fém. Changement dans l état d une chose. En ce sens il n est guère d usage que dans la Physique. L altération des qualités dans les corps.Altération, dans l usage ordinaire, se prend pour Changement de bien en mal dans l état d… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798

  • alteration — I noun adjustment, conversion, correction, difference, diversity, innovation, modification, modulation, reform, rehabilitation, reorganization, repair, revision, transition, transposition, variability, variance, variation associated concepts:… …   Law dictionary

  • Alteration — (von lat. alterare umstellen, verändern), bedeutet Alteration (Geologie), die Umwandlung von Mineralen in einem Gestein in Sekundärminerale Alteration (Medizin), die Verschlimmerung einer Krankheit (veraltet) oder die heftige Gemütsbewegung eines …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Alteration — Altération Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom …   Wikipédia en Français

  • alteration — Alteration. s f. v. Il a les significations de son verbe. L Alteration des qualitez. le mouvement d alteration. l alteration de la monnoye est un crime capital. ce discours causa une grande alteration dans les esprits, de l alteration dans sa… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • alteration — UK US /ˌɔːltərˈeɪʃən/ noun [C or U] ► a change in the appearance, character, or structure of something: an alteration to sth »Some alterations to our original plans might be necessary. »If you have made any alterations since you last saved the… …   Financial and business terms

  • Alteration — Al ter*a tion, n. [Cf. F. alt[ e]ration.] 1. The act of altering or making different. [1913 Webster] Alteration, though it be from worse to better, hath in it incoveniences. Hooker. [1913 Webster] 2. The state of being altered; a change made in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alteration — (n.) late 14c., action of altering, from O.Fr. alteracion (14c.) change, alteration, and directly from M.L. alterationem (nom. alteratio), noun of action from pp. stem of L.L. alterare (see ALTER (Cf. alter)). Meaning change in character or… …   Etymology dictionary

  • Alteration — (v. lat.), 1) Gemüthsbewegung, Ärger; 2) (Mus.), sonst Ab , Umwechselung, Verdoppelung des eigenthümlichen Werthes einer Note; daher Alterato (ital.), verändert …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Alteration — (lat.), Änderung (zum Schlimmern); Gemütsaufregung …   Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon

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