1 on
[on] 1. preposition1) (touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: The book was lying on the table; He was standing on the floor; She wore a hat on her head.) uz2) (in or into (a vehicle, train etc): We were sitting on the bus; I got on the wrong bus.) iekšā3) (at or during a certain day, time etc: on Monday; On his arrival, he went straight to bed.) (norāda laiku)4) (about: a book on the theatre.) par5) (in the state or process of: He's on holiday.) (norāda stāvokli)6) (supported by: She was standing on one leg.) uz7) (receiving, taking: on drugs; on a diet.) (norāda uz eksistences līdzekli vai veidu)8) (taking part in: He is on the committee; Which detective is working on this case?) (norāda līdzdalību)9) (towards: They marched on the town.) (norāda virzienu) uz10) (near or beside: a shop on the main road.) tuvu; pie11) (by means of: He played a tune on the violin; I spoke to him on the telephone.) (norāda darbības instrumentu)12) (being carried by: The thief had the stolen jewels on him.) (norāda lietotāju, valkātāju)13) (when (something is, or has been, done): On investigation, there proved to be no need to panic.) (norāda secību laikā) pēc; pēc tam kad14) (followed by: disaster on disaster.) (norāda atkārtošanos) pēc2. adverb1) ((especially of something being worn) so as to be touching, fixed to, covering etc the upper or outer side of: She put her hat on.) (norāda priekšmeta valkāšanu)2) (used to show a continuing state etc, onwards: She kept on asking questions; They moved on.) (norāda uz darbības turpināšanos)3) (( also adjective) (of electric light, machines etc) working: The television is on; Turn/Switch the light on.) (norāda ierīces ieslēgšanu vai funkcionēšanu)4) (( also adjective) (of films etc) able to be seen: There's a good film on at the cinema this week.) (norāda procesa iestāšanos un turpināšanos)5) (( also adjective) in or into a vehicle, train etc: The bus stopped and we got on.) (norāda darbības virzienu) iekšā3. adjective1) (in progress: The game was on.) (norāda procesa iestāšanos un turpināšanos)2) (not cancelled: Is the party on tonight?) (norāda procesa iestāšanos)•- oncoming- ongoing
- onwards
- onward
- be on to someone
- be on to
- on and on
- on time
- on to / onto* * *pie, uz ; uz ; par -
2 plaster
1. noun1) (( also adjective) (of) a substance put on walls, ceilings etc which dries to form a hard smooth surface: He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall; a plaster ceiling.) apmetums2) (( also adjective) (also plaster of Paris) (of) a similar quick-drying substance used for supporting broken limbs, making models etc: She's got her arm in plaster; a plaster model.) ģipsis3) ((also sticking-plaster; American Band-Aid) (a piece of) sticky tape (sometimes with a dressing) used to cover a wound etc: You should put a plaster on that cut.) plāksteris2. verb1) (to put plaster on: They plastered the walls.) apmest2) (to spread or apply rather too thickly: She'd look nicer if she didn't plaster so much make-up on her face.) uztriept•- plastic 3. adjective(easily made into different shapes.) plastisks* * *plāksteris; ģipsis; apmetums; sviests; banknote; uzlikt plāksteri; apmest; pārklāt; aplīmēt, nolīmēt; bombardēt, apšaudīt; sakaut; smagi sakaut -
3 reverse
[rə'və:s] 1. verb1) (to move backwards or in the opposite direction to normal: He reversed (the car) into the garage; He reversed the film through the projector.) virzīt atpakaļ; braukt atpakaļgaitā2) (to put into the opposite position, state, order etc: This jacket can be reversed (= worn inside out).) apgriezt otrādi3) (to change (a decision, policy etc) to the exact opposite: The man was found guilty, but the judges in the appeal court reversed the decision.) mainīt (uz pilnīgi pretējo)2. noun1) (( also adjective) (the) opposite: `Are you hungry?' `Quite the reverse - I've eaten far too much!'; I take the reverse point of view.) pretējais2) (a defeat; a piece of bad luck.) neveiksme; sakāve3) ((a mechanism eg one of the gears of a car etc which makes something move in) a backwards direction or a direction opposite to normal: He put the car into reverse; ( also adjective) a reverse gear.) atpakaļgaitas mehānisms4) (( also adjective) (of) the back of a coin, medal etc: the reverse (side) of a coin.) reverss•- reversal- reversed
- reversible
- reverse the charges* * *pretējais; otra puse; reverss; sakāve, neveiksme; reversēšana, virzienmaiņa; apgriezt otrādi; mainīt; anulēt, atcelt; dot atpakaļgaitu; apgriezts, pretējs -
4 olive
['oliv]1) (a type of edible fruit which is used as a garnish etc and which gives oil used for cooking: He put an olive in her cocktail; ( also adjective) an olive tree; olive oil.) olīva2) (the tree on which it grows: a grove of olives.) olīvkoks3) ((also olive-green) the brownish-green or yellowish-green colour of the fruit: They painted the room olive; ( also adjective) She wore an olive-green hat.) olīvkrāsa4) ((also olive-wood) the wood of the tree.) olīvkoks (koksne)•* * *olīva; olīvas zars; olīvkrāsa; olīvveida poga; sīpolos un zaļumos sautēta liellopu gaļa; olīvu; olīvkrāsas -
5 birch
[bə: ]1) ((also birch tree) a kind of small tree with pointed leaves valued for its wood: That tree is a birch; ( also adjective) birch leaves.) bērzs; bērza-2) (its wood: a desk made of birch; ( also adjective) a birch desk.) bērzs; bērza-* * *bērzs; bērza žagars; pērt ar žagaru -
6 mahogany
[mə'hoɡəni]1) (the wood of a tropical American tree, much used for making furniture: This table is made of mahogany; ( also adjective) a mahogany table.) mahagonijs, sarkankoks2) (( also adjective) (of) its dark brown colour.) sarkanbrūna krāsa3) ((also mahogany tree) the tree.) mahagonijs, sarkankoks* * *mahagonijs, sarkankoks; ēdamgalds; sarkanbrūna krāsa -
7 singles
1) (( also noun singular) in tennis etc, a match or matches with only one player on each side: The men's singles are being played this week; ( also adjective) a singles match.) vienspēle2) ((especially American) unmarried (usually young) people: a bar for singles; ( also adjective) a singles holiday/club.) neprecējies cilvēks -
8 consultant
1) (a person who gives professional advice: He is consultant to a firm of engineers; ( also adjective) a consultant engineer.) konsultants; konsultējošs2) (a senior hospital doctor specializing in a particular branch of medicine: His condition is so serious that they have sent for the consultant; ( also adjective) a consultant physician.) konsultants; konsultējošs* * *konsultants -
9 embryo
['embriəu]plural - embryos; noun1) (a young animal or plant in its earliest stages in seed, egg or womb: An egg contains the embryo of a chicken; ( also adjective) the embryo child.)2) (( also adjective) (of) the beginning stage of anything: The project is still at the embryo stage.)•- embryological
- embryologist
- embryonic* * *embrijs -
10 family
['fæməli]plural - families; noun1) ((singular or plural) a man, his wife and their children: These houses were built for families; The (members of the) Smith family are all very athletic; ( also adjective) a family holiday.) ģimene; ģimenes-2) (a group of people related to each other, including cousins, grandchildren etc: He comes from a wealthy family; ( also adjective) the family home.) dzimta3) (the children of a man and his wife: When I get married I should like a large family.) (vienas ģimenes) bērni un sieva4) (a group of plants, animals, languages etc that are connected in some way: In spite of its name, a koala bear is not a member of the bear family.) (dzīvnieku, augu) dzimta; (valodu) saime•- family tree* * *naudas pabalsts ģimenei; ģimene; dzimta, cilts; bērni; dzimta; saime; sindikāts, ģimene -
11 front
1) (the part of anything (intended to be) nearest the person who sees it; usually the most important part of anything: the front of the house; the front of the picture; ( also adjective) the front page.) fasāde; priekša; priekšpuse; priekšējais; priekš-2) (the foremost part of anything in the direction in which it moves: the front of the ship; ( also adjective) the front seat of the bus.) priekša; priekšgals; priekšējais3) (the part of a city or town that faces the sea: We walked along the (sea) front.) krastmala4) ((in war) the line of soliers nearest the enemy: They are sending more soldiers to the front.) fronte5) (a boundary separating two masses of air of different temperatures: A cold front is approaching from the Atlantic.) fronte6) (an outward appearance: He put on a brave front.) izturēties droši/varonīgi7) (a name sometimes given to a political movement: the Popular Front for Liberation.) fronte•- frontage- frontal
- at the front of
- in front of
- in front* * *priekša, priekšpuse; fasāde; fronte, priekšpozīcija; fronte, vienotība; piere, vaigs; piejūras bulvāris, krastmala; stīvināta kreklpriekša; liekie mati uz pieres; fronte; būt vērstam uz; atrasties pretī; priekš, priekšējais -
12 gold
[ɡould]1) (an element, a precious yellow metal used for making jewellery etc: This watch is made of gold; ( also adjective) a gold watch.) zelts; zelta-2) (coins, jewellery etc made of gold.) zelts3) (the colour of the metal: the shades of brown and gold of autumn leaves; ( also adjective) a gold carpet.) zelta krāsa; zelta krāsas-•- golden- goldfish
- gold-leaf
- gold medal
- gold-mine
- gold-rush
- goldsmith
- as good as gold
- golden opportunity* * *zelts; zelta monētas, zelts; zelta krāsa, zeltainums; mērķa centrs; zelta -
13 kid
I [kid] noun1) (a popular word for a child or teenager: They've got three kids now, two boys and a girl; More than a hundred kids went to the disco last night; ( also adjective) his kid brother (= younger brother).) jaunākais brālis2) (a young goat.) kazlēns3) (( also adjective) (of) the leather made from its skin: slippers made of kid; kid gloves.) smalkāda; smalkādas-II [kid] past tense, past participle - kidded; verb(to deceive or tease, especially harmlessly: We were kidding him about the girl who keeps ringing him up; He kidded his wife into thinking he'd forgotten her birthday; He didn't mean that - he was only kidding!)* * *kazlēns; smalkāda; bērns, mazulis; jaunietis; mānīties, krāpties -
14 main
[mein] 1. adjective(chief, principal or most important: the main purpose; the main character in the story.) galvenais2. noun((also mains) the chief pipe or cable in a branching system of pipes or cables: The water's been turned off at the main(s); ( also adjective) the mains electricity supply.) maģistrāle- mainly- mainland
- mainspring
- mainstream* * *maģistrāle; atklāta jūra; pamata, galvenais -
15 model
['modl] 1. noun1) (a copy or representation of something usually on a much smaller scale: a model of the Taj Mahal; ( also adjective) a model aeroplane.) modelis; makets2) (a particular type or design of something, eg a car, that is manufactured in large numbers: Our car is a 1999 model.) modelis3) (a person who wears clothes etc so that possible buyers can see them being worn: He has a job as a male fashion model.) manekens; modeļu demonstrētājs4) (a person who is painted, sculpted, photographed etc by an artist, photographer etc: I work as an artist's model.) modelis; pozētājs5) (something that can be used to copy from.) šablons6) (a person or thing which is an excellent example: She is a model of politeness; ( also adjective) model behaviour.) paraugs2. verb1) (to wear (clothes etc) to show them to possible buyers: They model (underwear) for a living.) demonstrēt modeļus2) (to work or pose as a model for an artist, photographer etc: She models at the local art school.) strādāt par modeli3) (to make models (of things or people): to model (the heads of famous people) in clay.) veidot; modelēt4) (to form (something) into a (particular) shape: She modelled the clay into the shape of a penguin; She models herself on her older sister.) veidot; ņemt par paraugu; atdarināt•* * *makets, modelis; šablons, paraugs; modelis; manekene, modeļu demonstrētāja; precīza kopija; modelēt, veidot; formēt; ņemt par paraugu, atdarināt; strādāt par modeli, strādāt par modeļu demonstrētāju; priekšzīmīgs -
16 on the spot
1) (at once: She liked it so much that she bought it on the spot; ( also adjective) an on-the-spot decision.) tūlīt pat; uz vietas2) (in the exact place referred to; in the place where one is needed: It was a good thing you were on the spot when he had his heart attack; ( also adjective) tour on-the-spot reporter.) tepat; klāt3) ((especially with put) in a dangerous, difficult or embarrassing position: The interviewer's questions really put the Prime Minister on the spot.) nostādīt nepatīkamā stāvoklī* * *ķezā; tūlīt pat; uz vietas -
17 peach
[pi: ]1) (a kind of juicy, soft-skinned fruit: She doesn't like peaches; ( also adjective) a peach tree.) persiks2) (( also adjective) (of) the orange-pink colour of the fruit: Would you call that colour peach?; The walls are painted peach.) dzeltensārta/persiku krāsa* * *persiks; persikkoks; daiļava; amfetamīns; nosūdzēt -
18 pet
[pet] 1. noun1) (a tame animal etc, usually kept in the home: She keeps a rabbit as a pet; ( also adjective) a pet rabbit/goldfish.) mājdzīvnieciņš2) ((especially of children) a delightful or lovely person (used also as a term of affection): Isn't that baby a pet?; Would you like some ice-cream, pet?) mīļumiņš, mīlulītis2. adjective(favourite; greatest: What is your pet ambition/hate?) iemīļotākais; lielākais3. verbpast tense, past participle petted)1) (to stroke or caress (an animal) in a loving way: The old lady sat by the fire petting her dog.) glāstīt, apmīļot2) ((slang) to kiss, hug and caress: They were petting (each other) in the back seat.) maigoties•- pet name* * *īgnums, slikts garastāvoklis; iemīļots dzīvnieks; luteklis, mīlulis; apmīļot; mājas; iemīļots, mīļākais -
19 picket
['pikit] 1. noun1) ((any one of) a number of people employed at a factory etc who are on strike and who try to persuade workers not to go to work there, not to deliver goods there etc: The men set up a picket to stop lorries getting into the factory; ( also adjective) a picket line.) pikets2) (a soldier or a small group of soldiers on special duty, usually to guard against a sudden attack by the enemy: The commander placed pickets at various points round the camp; ( also adjective) picket duty.) sardze; postenis2. verb1) (to place a group of soldiers, strikers etc somewhere as a picket: The strikers' leaders decided to picket the factory; The commander picketed the camp.) piketēt; izlikt sardzi/posteņus2) (to act as a picket (at): In this country, strikers have the legal right to picket; The soldiers picketed the camp.)* * *miets; pikets; patruļa, postenis, sardze; iežogot ar mietiem; piesiet pie mieta; piketēt; izvietot sardzi, patrulēt -
20 relief
[rə'li:f]1) (a lessening or stopping of pain, worry, boredom etc: When one has a headache, an aspirin brings relief; He gave a sigh of relief; It was a great relief to find nothing had been stolen.) atvieglojums2) (help (eg food) given to people in need of it: famine relief; ( also adjective) A relief fund has been set up to send supplies to the refugees.) palīdzība; pabalsts3) (a person who takes over some job or task from another person, usually after a given period of time: The bus-driver was waiting for his relief; ( also adjective) a relief driver.) maiņa; pārinieks4) (the act of freeing a town etc from siege: the relief of Mafeking.) atbrīvošana; aplenkuma pārraušana5) (a way of carving etc in which the design is raised above the level of its background: a carving in relief.) reljefs•- relieve- relieved* * *atvieglojums; cilnis, reljefs; kontrasts; pabalsts, palīdzība; dažādība, pārmaiņa; atbrīvošana; maiņa; pastiprinājums; aplenkuma izbeigšana
См. также в других словарях:
adjective — 1. general. The term adjective was itself an adjective for a hundred years before it became used as a noun for one of the parts of speech. Joseph Priestley, in The Rudiments of English Grammar (1761), was perhaps the first English grammarian to… … Modern English usage
adjective law — ad·jec·tive law / a jik tiv / n: the portion of the law that deals with the rules of procedure governing evidence, pleading, and practice compare substantive law Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
Adjective — Ad jec*tive, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Adjectived}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Adjectiving}.] To make an adjective of; to form or change into an adjective. [R.] [1913 Webster] Language has as much occasion to adjective the distinct signification of the verb,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
adjective — late 14c., as an adjective, adjectival, in noun adjective, from O.Fr. adjectif (14c.), from L. adjectivum that is added to (the noun), neut. of adjectivus added, from pp. of adicere to throw or place (a thing) near, from ad to (see AD (Cf. ad ))… … Etymology dictionary
adjective group — adjective groups N COUNT An adjective group or adjectival group is a group of words based on an adjective, such as very nice or interested in football . An adjective group can also consist simply of an adjective … English dictionary
Adjective — Examples That s an interesting idea. (attributive) That idea is interesting. (predicative) Tell me something interesting. (postpositive) The good, the bad, and the ugly. (substantive) In grammar, an adjective is a describing word; the main… … Wikipedia
adjective law — The aggregate of rules of procedure or practice. Also called adjectival law, as opposed to that body of law which the courts are established to administer (called substantive law ), it means the rules according to which the substantive law is… … Black's law dictionary
adjective law — The aggregate of rules of procedure or practice. Also called adjectival law, as opposed to that body of law which the courts are established to administer (called substantive law ), it means the rules according to which the substantive law is… … Black's law dictionary
Proper adjective — In English usage, a proper adjective is an adjective that takes an initial capital letter. A common adjective is an adjective that is not a proper adjective. The term is used informally only; it is not used by grammarians or linguists. Contents 1 … Wikipedia
Possessive adjective — Examples Do you like my new dress? Please wash your hands. Her train leaves in an hour. English grammar series English grammar Contraction … Wikipedia
Japanese verb conjugations and adjective declensions — This page is a list of Japanese verb and adjective conjugations. Since these are almost all regular, they can all be included on one page. Japanese verb conjugation is the same for all subjects, first person ( I , we ), second person ( you , ye ) … Wikipedia