1 alpha response
2 response
1. реакция; реагирование; отклик; ответ(ное действие); выходной сигнал; срабатывание; возмущенное движение <ЛА>/ реагировать; отвечать3. характеристика; зависимость; (динамические) характеристики4. приемистость < двигателя>5. эффективность < органа управления>response due to longitudinal stick commandresponse due to rudder inputresponse in sideslipresponse in turnresponse of stick position to stick forceresponse to turbulenceabrupt responseacceleration responseactuator responseaerodynamic responseaeroelastic responseaircraft responseairspeed responsealpha responsealpha-ramp responseamplitude responseangle-of-attack responseangular responseattitude to stick force responsebase-excitation responsebeam responseblade responsebrake responsebuffet responsebuffeting responseC* responsechord responseclosed-loop responseclosed-loop frequency responsecommand responsecommanded responsecomputer responsecomputer-triggered responsecontrol responsecontrol surface responsecontrol-system responsecoupled responsecrisp responsedamped responsedamper responsedead-beat responsedecoupled responsedisplacement responsedivergent responsediverging responsedoublet responseDutch roll responsedynamic responseedgewise responseelastic responseelastodynamic responseexperimental responsefilter responseflap responseflat amplitude responseflexible responseflight responseflight path to stick force frequency responseflight path responseflight path angle responseforced responsefracture responsefree responsefree-flight responsefrequency responsefull-scale responsefull-state responsefull-elevator responseg responseglideslope responsegust responseheave responseHeaviside responsehelicopter responsehigh-frequency responsehigh-overshoot responsehorizontal tail deflection responsehorizontal tail rate responseimpact responseimpulse responsein-phase responseindicial responseinelastic responseinstantaneous responsejamming responselanding gear responselarge-amplitude responselateral responselateral stick responselateral-directional responselead-lag responselift responselift coefficient responseload responseload factor responselong term responselong-period responselongitudinal responseloop frequency responselow-overshoot responsemaneuver responsemaneuvering responsemaximum control responsemid-frequency responsemodel responsemodel-following responsemotor responsenon-Gaussian responsenormal acceleration responsenz responseoff-axis responseon-axis responseopen-loop responseopen-loop frequency responseoscillatory responseout-of-phase responseoverly sensitive responsephase responsephugoid responsephysiologic responsepiloted responsepitch responsepitch axis responsepitch command responsepitch rate responsepitch attitude responsepointing responsepower responserate-independent plastic responseresonant responseresonator responserigid body mode responseroll responseroll axis responseroll rate responserolling responserolling axis responserough airfield responserudder pedal responsesharp responseshort term responseshort-period responseshort-period dynamic responseside-slip responsesideforce responsesimulated responsesimulator responsesluggish responsespectral responsespoiler responsesprung mass responsestatic responsesteady-state responsestep responsestep-function responsestrain responsestress responsestructural-acoustic responsesubharmonic responsethrust responsetime responsetorsional responsetracking responsetrailing-edge deflection responsetrailing-edge rate responsetransient responsetrim responseturbulence responseturbulence-excited responsetwo-per-rev responseundamped responseunstable responsevehicle responsevelocity responsevertical responsevestibular responsevibration responsevibrational responsevibratory responsewell-damped responsewing responsewing beam responsewing rock type responseyaw responseyawing response -
3 alpha-ramp response
4 system
1) система || системный3) вчт операционная система; программа-супервизор5) вчт большая программа6) метод; способ; алгоритм•system halted — "система остановлена" ( экранное сообщение об остановке компьютера при наличии серьёзной ошибки)
- CPsystem- H-system- h-system- hydrogen-air/lead battery hybrid system- Ksystem- Lsystem- L*a*b* system- master/slave computer system- p-system- y-system- Δ-system -
1) Компьютерная техника: Amateur Radio Society, Attend Read Skip, amateur radio station2) Медицина: acute rhinosinusitis (острый риносинусит (ОРС))3) Военный термин: Action Request System, Advanced Recovery System, Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance, Air Radio System, Airborne Receiver System, American Rocket Society, Army Radio School, Army Recreation Service, Army Relief Society, Army Reserve Sustainment, Army radio station, Artillery Rocket System, Automated Response System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, active radar seeker, advanced reconnaissance system, advanced record system, advanced rescue system, aerial reconnaissance and security, airborne ranging system, airborne relay squadron, aircraft repair section, airship, rigid, scouting, alert readiness status, area resupply, attack radar set, automatic reference system, awaiting repair storage4) Техника: Agricultural Research Station, active repeater satellite, acute radiation syndrome, advance record system, air return system, alpha-ray spectrometer, amplified response spectrum, auto restart, automatic recording spectrometer5) Юридический термин: Arizona Revised Statute, Arizona Revised Statutes6) Автомобильный термин: automatic restraint system7) Музыка: American Recorder Society9) Телекоммуникации: attended repeater station, ОУП, обслуживаемый усилительный пункт10) Сокращение: Action Request System (DISN), Acute radiation sickness, Address Recognition System (2002), Advanced Reconnaissance Satellite, Advanced Rocket System, Aerial Radiac System, Air Refuelling Squadron, Air Reinforcement Squadron, Air Rescue Service (USAF), Air Rescue Squadron, Argentine Peso, Attack Radar Set (USA), Automatic Recovery System, Automatic Reporting System, Salvage Ship (Heavy Lift; D), arsine, asbestos roof shingles, aircraft radio sight, auction-rate security, Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia11) Университет: Academic Resource System12) Физиология: Acute Retroviral Syndrome, Atypical Rheumatic Syndrome13) Электроника: Angle-resolved scattering14) Нефть: automatic residual statics15) Иммунология: AIDS-related syndrome16) Транспорт: Active Roll Stabilization, Adjustable Rate Suspension, Average Rectified Slope17) Воздухоплавание: Air Rescue Service18) Фирменный знак: Aon Risk Services19) Экология: Agricultural Research Service20) Валютные операции: аргентинское песо (Argentinian peso)21) Сетевые технологии: automatic route selection, автоматический выбор маршрута22) Автоматика: analog recording system, automatic retrieval system23) Химическое оружие: Acquisition Reporting Support, acoustic resonance spectroscopy24) Безопасность: Autonomously Replicating Sequence25) Расширение файла: Activity Reporting System (Unisys)26) Логистика: хранение предметов, подлежащих ремонту27) Фармация: Analytical Reference Standard28) Должность: Awards And Recognition Specialists29) Чат: Alt Religion Scientology -
6 ars
1) Компьютерная техника: Amateur Radio Society, Attend Read Skip, amateur radio station2) Медицина: acute rhinosinusitis (острый риносинусит (ОРС))3) Военный термин: Action Request System, Advanced Recovery System, Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance, Air Radio System, Airborne Receiver System, American Rocket Society, Army Radio School, Army Recreation Service, Army Relief Society, Army Reserve Sustainment, Army radio station, Artillery Rocket System, Automated Response System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, active radar seeker, advanced reconnaissance system, advanced record system, advanced rescue system, aerial reconnaissance and security, airborne ranging system, airborne relay squadron, aircraft repair section, airship, rigid, scouting, alert readiness status, area resupply, attack radar set, automatic reference system, awaiting repair storage4) Техника: Agricultural Research Station, active repeater satellite, acute radiation syndrome, advance record system, air return system, alpha-ray spectrometer, amplified response spectrum, auto restart, automatic recording spectrometer5) Юридический термин: Arizona Revised Statute, Arizona Revised Statutes6) Автомобильный термин: automatic restraint system7) Музыка: American Recorder Society9) Телекоммуникации: attended repeater station, ОУП, обслуживаемый усилительный пункт10) Сокращение: Action Request System (DISN), Acute radiation sickness, Address Recognition System (2002), Advanced Reconnaissance Satellite, Advanced Rocket System, Aerial Radiac System, Air Refuelling Squadron, Air Reinforcement Squadron, Air Rescue Service (USAF), Air Rescue Squadron, Argentine Peso, Attack Radar Set (USA), Automatic Recovery System, Automatic Reporting System, Salvage Ship (Heavy Lift; D), arsine, asbestos roof shingles, aircraft radio sight, auction-rate security, Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia11) Университет: Academic Resource System12) Физиология: Acute Retroviral Syndrome, Atypical Rheumatic Syndrome13) Электроника: Angle-resolved scattering14) Нефть: automatic residual statics15) Иммунология: AIDS-related syndrome16) Транспорт: Active Roll Stabilization, Adjustable Rate Suspension, Average Rectified Slope17) Воздухоплавание: Air Rescue Service18) Фирменный знак: Aon Risk Services19) Экология: Agricultural Research Service20) Валютные операции: аргентинское песо (Argentinian peso)21) Сетевые технологии: automatic route selection, автоматический выбор маршрута22) Автоматика: analog recording system, automatic retrieval system23) Химическое оружие: Acquisition Reporting Support, acoustic resonance spectroscopy24) Безопасность: Autonomously Replicating Sequence25) Расширение файла: Activity Reporting System (Unisys)26) Логистика: хранение предметов, подлежащих ремонту27) Фармация: Analytical Reference Standard28) Должность: Awards And Recognition Specialists29) Чат: Alt Religion Scientology -
7 analysis
1) анализ; исследование; изучение2) разбор3) анализ, состав•analysis in time domain — матем. временной анализ
analysis is in control — хим. состав попадает в анализ
analysis situs — матем. топология
8 coding
1) кодированиеа) представление информации в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт программирование2) модуляция (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)•- adaptive coding - alpha-geometric coding
- alpha-photographic coding
- alternate mark inversion coding
- AMI coding
- angle coding
- angular coding
- antinoise coding
- automatic coding
- binary coding
- bipolar coding
- bit-by-bit coding
- biternary coding
- blink rate coding
- block coding
- block-to-block coding
- channel coding
- color coding
- component coding
- composite coding
- conditional replenishment coding
- contour coding
- convolution coding
- convolutional coding
- depth coding
- deviations from means coding
- digital coding
- direct-feedback coding
- display coding
- double-frequency coding
- duobinary coding
- eight-to-fourteen modulation coding
- entropy coding
- fractal coding
- fractal block coding
- fuzzy coding
- gap coding
- grid coding
- Hadamard transform image coding
- hash coding
- image coding
- image sequence coding
- interfield coding
- interframe coding
- interleaved coding
- intraframe coding
- linear coding
- luminance coding
- MIDI coding
- minimum-access coding
- modular coding
- multilevel coding
- numeric coding
- parametric coding
- partial-response coding
- picture coding
- plateau coding - program coding
- progressive coding
- pulse-width coding
- relative coding
- reply coding
- robust coding
- run-length coding
- run-length limited coding
- sequential coding
- serial coding
- shape coding
- slant transform coding
- size coding
- source coding
- space-time coding
- specific coding
- structured coding
- subsampling coding
- symbolic coding
- symbology coding
- transformation coding
- transition coding
- two-dimensional transform coding
- variable-length coding
- video coding
- Walsh coding
- waveform coding
- Weston coding
- width coding -
9 coding
1) кодированиеа) представление информации в виде последовательности элементов некоторой совокупности символов или сигналов по определённой системе правилб) вчт. программирование2) модуляция (напр. в системе с дельта-модуляцией)•- adaptive coding
- adaptive transform acoustic coding
- alphabetic coding
- alpha-geometric coding
- alpha-photographic coding
- alternate mark inversion coding
- AMI coding
- angle coding
- angular coding
- antinoise coding
- automatic coding
- binary coding
- bipolar coding
- bit-by-bit coding
- biternary coding
- blink rate coding
- block coding
- block-to-block coding
- channel coding
- color coding
- component coding
- composite coding
- conditional replenishment coding
- contour coding
- convolution coding
- convolutional coding
- depth coding
- deviations from means coding
- digital coding
- direct-feedback coding
- display coding
- double-frequency coding
- duobinary coding
- eight-to-fourteen modulation coding
- entropy coding
- fractal block coding
- fractal coding
- fuzzy coding
- gap coding
- grid coding
- Hadamard transform image coding
- hash coding
- image coding
- image sequence coding
- interfield coding
- interframe coding
- interleaved coding
- intraframe coding
- linear coding
- luminance coding
- MIDI coding
- minimum-access coding
- modular coding
- multilevel coding
- numeric coding
- parametric coding
- partial-response coding
- picture coding
- plateau coding
- precision adaptive subband coding
- predictive coding
- program coding
- progressive coding
- pulse-width coding
- relative coding
- reply coding
- robust coding
- run-length coding
- run-length limited coding
- sequential coding
- serial coding
- shape coding
- size coding
- slant transform coding
- source coding
- space-time coding
- specific coding
- structured coding
- subsampling coding
- symbolic coding
- symbology coding
- transformation coding
- transition coding
- two-dimensional transform coding
- variable-length coding
- video coding
- Walsh coding
- waveform coding
- Weston coding
- width codingThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > coding
10 function
nounфункция fautocorrelation function автокорреляционная/корреляционная функцияautocovariance function автоковариационная/ковариационная функцияcadlag function кадлаг функция (непрерывная справа и имеющая конечные пределы слева)estimable function функция, допускающая несмещенную оценкуF-adapted function /"-адаптированная (F-согласованная) функцияhomogeneous isotropic correlation function однородная изотропная корреляционная функцияhomogeneous transition function однородная/стационарная переходная функцияridge function гребневая/хребтовая функцияsample function выборочная функция, траектория, реализацияstochastically continuous transition function стохастически непрерывная переходная функцияU-estimable function функция, допускающая несмещенную оценкуU-estimable linear function линейная функция, допускающая несмещенную оценкуАнглийский-русский словарь по теории вероятностей, статистике и комбинаторике > function
11 AER
1) Общая лексика: Alpha Epsilon Rho2) Медицина: Adverse Event Reporting3) Французский язык: Европейская ассоциация по изучению проблем беженцев (сокр.) (Association Européenne pour l’Etude de Problème des Réfugiés = European Association for the Study of Refugee Problems)4) Военный термин: Army Emergency Relief, Army Emergency Reserve, airman effectiveness report, army engineer regiment, azimuth, elevation, range, alteration equivalent to repair( сокр.) (переоборудование, эквивалентное ремонту)5) Техника: Applicant Environmental Report, Atomic energy research, alteration equivalent to repair, antenna effective resistance, auxiliary emergency relay, average estimated reliability6) Математика: Average Error Rate7) Экономика: American Economic Review (сокр.) (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам)8) Бухгалтерия: Annual Equivalent Rate9) Сокращение: Alliance to End Repression, after engine room, Association for Education by Radio (Ассоциация содействия распространению образования посредством радио (США, Великобритания)), aerodynamics (аэродинамика), aerodynamic (аэродинамический)10) Физиология: Aerosol Liquid, Auditory Evoked Response12) Банковское дело: ежегодная эквивалентная ставка ((AER - ежегодная эквивалентная ставка, обозначает процентную ставку, если она начисляется и выплачивается ежегодно)13) СМИ: The American Economic Review15) Автоматика: average evoke response (усреднённый отклик)16) Аэродинамика: area expansion ratio in wind tunnel (сокр.) (коэффициент расширения площади в аэродинамической трубе)17) Нефть и газ: Annual Environmental Report18) Аэропорты: Adler/ Sochi, Russia19) AMEX. Aegis Realty, Inc. -
12 IRF
1) Компьютерная техника: Inherited Rights And Filters2) Медицина: immature reticulocyte fraction3) Военный термин: Imagery Readiness Facility, Intelligence Readiness Facility, induced radiation flux, instant ready force, interrogation repetition frequency, interrupted rapid fire4) Техника: interference reduction factor5) Шутливое выражение: Invisible Robot Fish, Islamic Republic Of France6) Экономика: investment recovery factor, стоимость товара через какое-то время (т.е. объем возврата вложений)7) Сокращение: Immediate Reaction Force (NATO), International Road Federation, Instrument Response Function8) Физиология: Internal Rotation in Flexion9) Вычислительная техника: Integer Register File (DEC, Alpha, CPU), файл индексных регистров10) Социология: (International Renaissance Foundation, Ukrainian Soros Foundation МФВ11) СМИ: Interrupted Return Feed12) Деловая лексика: Initiation Response And Feedback13) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: information request form14) Нефтепромысловый: Международный форум регуляторов (International Regulators Forum)15) Сетевые технологии: Inherited Rights Filter, фильтр наследуемых полномочий16) Химическое оружие: Installation Reserve Force17) Макаров: infrared fluorescence18) Расширение файла: Intermediate Routing Function, Inheritance Rights Filter (Novell)19) Военно-политический термин: Immediate Reaction Force20) NYSE. International Rectifier Corporation -
13 aer
1) Общая лексика: Alpha Epsilon Rho2) Медицина: Adverse Event Reporting3) Французский язык: Европейская ассоциация по изучению проблем беженцев (сокр.) (Association Européenne pour l’Etude de Problème des Réfugiés = European Association for the Study of Refugee Problems)4) Военный термин: Army Emergency Relief, Army Emergency Reserve, airman effectiveness report, army engineer regiment, azimuth, elevation, range, alteration equivalent to repair( сокр.) (переоборудование, эквивалентное ремонту)5) Техника: Applicant Environmental Report, Atomic energy research, alteration equivalent to repair, antenna effective resistance, auxiliary emergency relay, average estimated reliability6) Математика: Average Error Rate7) Экономика: American Economic Review (сокр.) (наименование американского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам)8) Бухгалтерия: Annual Equivalent Rate9) Сокращение: Alliance to End Repression, after engine room, Association for Education by Radio (Ассоциация содействия распространению образования посредством радио (США, Великобритания)), aerodynamics (аэродинамика), aerodynamic (аэродинамический)10) Физиология: Aerosol Liquid, Auditory Evoked Response12) Банковское дело: ежегодная эквивалентная ставка ((AER - ежегодная эквивалентная ставка, обозначает процентную ставку, если она начисляется и выплачивается ежегодно)13) СМИ: The American Economic Review15) Автоматика: average evoke response (усреднённый отклик)16) Аэродинамика: area expansion ratio in wind tunnel (сокр.) (коэффициент расширения площади в аэродинамической трубе)17) Нефть и газ: Annual Environmental Report18) Аэропорты: Adler/ Sochi, Russia19) AMEX. Aegis Realty, Inc. -
14 dynamics
динамика; динамические характеристикиacceleration to stick force dynamicsactuator dynamicsaircraft dynamicsaircraft-surface dynamicsaircraft/FCS dynamicsairfoil dynamicsairframe dynamicsaltitude dynamicsanalytical dynamicsattitude dynamicsaugmented dynamicsautopilot/actuator dynamicsblade dynamicsbody dynamicsclosed-loop dynamicscommand dynamicscompensator dynamicscomputational fluid dynamicscontinuum dynamicscontrol law dynamicscontrolled element dynamicscoupled dynamicscoupled flap-lag-torsional dynamicscrash dynamicsdisplay dynamicsenergy dynamicsengine dynamicsequation dynamicserror dynamicsfast dynamicsfeed forward dynamicsfeedback dynamicsfeel system dynamicsflap dynamicsflapping dynamicsflexural-flexural-torsional dynamicsflight dynamicsflight measured dynamicsflight path dynamicsflight path angle dynamicsflow dynamicsforced dynamicsfree dynamicsgame dynamicsgas dynamicsheave dynamicshelicopter dynamicshigh-alpha dynamicshigh-angle-of-attack dynamicshigh-frequency dynamicshigh-order dynamicshovering dynamicshuman dynamicshuman operator dynamicsimpact dynamicsin-plane dynamicsinflow dynamicsinteraction dynamicsinverse dynamicslag dynamicslanding dynamicslateral dynamicslateral-directional dynamicslead-lag dynamicslead-lag mode dynamicslimb/manipulator dynamicslinear regulator dynamicslongitudinal dynamicsmaneuver dynamicsmodel dynamicsmotor dynamicsmultibody dynamicsneglected dynamicsneuromuscular dynamicsneuromuscular system dynamicsopen-loop dynamicsphugoid dynamicspilot dynamicspilot-vehicle dynamicspitch dynamicspitch loop dynamicspitch to stick force dynamicspitch axis dynamicsplant dynamicsposition dynamicsproprotor dynamicsrarefied-gas dynamicsresponse dynamicsresponse disturbance dynamicsrigid dynamicsrigid body dynamicsroll attitude dynamicsroll-yaw dynamicsrotational dynamicsrotor dynamicsrotor system dynamicsrotor-fuselage dynamicsrotor-pylon dynamicsrotorcraft dynamicssensor dynamicsshort period dynamicsshort-period-like dynamicsshort-term dynamicssimulator calculated dynamicsslow dynamicsspeed dynamicsspin dynamicsstall dynamicsstate dynamicsstick dynamicsstructural dynamicstorsional dynamicstracking dynamicsunmodeled dynamicsvehicle dynamicsvertical dynamicsvestibular dynamicsvibration dynamicsvortex dynamicswake dynamicswing rock dynamics -
15 APR
1) Общая лексика: Asian-Pacific Region2) Авиация: Auxiliary Power Reserve3) Медицина: Anatomical Programmable Radiography4) Американизм: Average Prime Rate5) Спорт: Arizona Pylon Racing, Average Penalty Received6) Военный термин: Annual Program Review, Army Public Relations, aerial photographic reconnaissance, agency progress report, air priority rating, airman performance report, annual progress report, armaments planning review, assigned procurement responsibility7) Техника: Army Power Reactor, adjustable rate mortgage, advance production release, advanced passive reactor, alternate-path retry, antenna pattern recorder, antenna position recorder, aromatic petroleum residues, automatic pattern recognition, automatic pressure relief, automatic programming and recording, avalanche photo resistor8) Химия: ammonium perrhenate9) Юридический термин: Admission to Practice Rules (court rules)10) Бухгалтерия: Annual Percentage Rates, Annual Performance Report, Annualized Percentage Rate, Automatic Payment Receipt, ставка процента в годовом исчислении (annualised percentage rate)11) Биржевой термин: annual percentage rate12) Ветеринария: American Pet Registry13) Телекоммуникации: Alarm Processing Remote14) Сокращение: Air Photo Reader (UK), Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest), Auto/Auxiliary Power Reserve, Азиатско-тихоокеанский регион (Asia Pacific region)15) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Placement and Routing, Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest), Advanced Port Replicator16) Нефть: a trademark for an annular pressure-responsive valve for a DST string, alpha-numeric, ароматические нефтяные остатки, богатые ароматическими соединениями нефтяные остатки (aromatic petroleum residues)17) Банковское дело: процентная ставка в годовом исчислении (annual percentage rate)18) Транспорт: Advisory and Payment Request19) СМИ: Always Playing Roots20) Деловая лексика: Accredited Public Relations, годовая процентная ставка (annual percentage rate)21) Химическое оружие: Air-purifying respirator22) Макаров: acoustic paramagnetic resonance, airborne profile recorder, alphameric, alphanumeric, avalanche photoresistor23) Расширение файла: Alternate Path Retry, Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser), Data (Lotus Approach 97)24) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) annulus pressure response = управляемый затрубным давлением (о внутрискважинном оборудовании для испытания скважин)25) МИД: Asia-Pacific Region26) NYSE. American Precision Industries, Inc.27) Программное обеспечение: Apache Portable Runtime28) AMEX. Automatic Picture Replacement -
16 Apr
1) Общая лексика: Asian-Pacific Region2) Авиация: Auxiliary Power Reserve3) Медицина: Anatomical Programmable Radiography4) Американизм: Average Prime Rate5) Спорт: Arizona Pylon Racing, Average Penalty Received6) Военный термин: Annual Program Review, Army Public Relations, aerial photographic reconnaissance, agency progress report, air priority rating, airman performance report, annual progress report, armaments planning review, assigned procurement responsibility7) Техника: Army Power Reactor, adjustable rate mortgage, advance production release, advanced passive reactor, alternate-path retry, antenna pattern recorder, antenna position recorder, aromatic petroleum residues, automatic pattern recognition, automatic pressure relief, automatic programming and recording, avalanche photo resistor8) Химия: ammonium perrhenate9) Юридический термин: Admission to Practice Rules (court rules)10) Бухгалтерия: Annual Percentage Rates, Annual Performance Report, Annualized Percentage Rate, Automatic Payment Receipt, ставка процента в годовом исчислении (annualised percentage rate)11) Биржевой термин: annual percentage rate12) Ветеринария: American Pet Registry13) Телекоммуникации: Alarm Processing Remote14) Сокращение: Air Photo Reader (UK), Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest), Auto/Auxiliary Power Reserve, Азиатско-тихоокеанский регион (Asia Pacific region)15) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Placement and Routing, Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest), Advanced Port Replicator16) Нефть: a trademark for an annular pressure-responsive valve for a DST string, alpha-numeric, ароматические нефтяные остатки, богатые ароматическими соединениями нефтяные остатки (aromatic petroleum residues)17) Банковское дело: процентная ставка в годовом исчислении (annual percentage rate)18) Транспорт: Advisory and Payment Request19) СМИ: Always Playing Roots20) Деловая лексика: Accredited Public Relations, годовая процентная ставка (annual percentage rate)21) Химическое оружие: Air-purifying respirator22) Макаров: acoustic paramagnetic resonance, airborne profile recorder, alphameric, alphanumeric, avalanche photoresistor23) Расширение файла: Alternate Path Retry, Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser), Data (Lotus Approach 97)24) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) annulus pressure response = управляемый затрубным давлением (о внутрискважинном оборудовании для испытания скважин)25) МИД: Asia-Pacific Region26) NYSE. American Precision Industries, Inc.27) Программное обеспечение: Apache Portable Runtime28) AMEX. Automatic Picture Replacement -
17 apr
1) Общая лексика: Asian-Pacific Region2) Авиация: Auxiliary Power Reserve3) Медицина: Anatomical Programmable Radiography4) Американизм: Average Prime Rate5) Спорт: Arizona Pylon Racing, Average Penalty Received6) Военный термин: Annual Program Review, Army Public Relations, aerial photographic reconnaissance, agency progress report, air priority rating, airman performance report, annual progress report, armaments planning review, assigned procurement responsibility7) Техника: Army Power Reactor, adjustable rate mortgage, advance production release, advanced passive reactor, alternate-path retry, antenna pattern recorder, antenna position recorder, aromatic petroleum residues, automatic pattern recognition, automatic pressure relief, automatic programming and recording, avalanche photo resistor8) Химия: ammonium perrhenate9) Юридический термин: Admission to Practice Rules (court rules)10) Бухгалтерия: Annual Percentage Rates, Annual Performance Report, Annualized Percentage Rate, Automatic Payment Receipt, ставка процента в годовом исчислении (annualised percentage rate)11) Биржевой термин: annual percentage rate12) Ветеринария: American Pet Registry13) Телекоммуникации: Alarm Processing Remote14) Сокращение: Air Photo Reader (UK), Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest), Auto/Auxiliary Power Reserve, Азиатско-тихоокеанский регион (Asia Pacific region)15) Вычислительная техника: Automatic Placement and Routing, Annual Percentage Rate (as in loan interest), Advanced Port Replicator16) Нефть: a trademark for an annular pressure-responsive valve for a DST string, alpha-numeric, ароматические нефтяные остатки, богатые ароматическими соединениями нефтяные остатки (aromatic petroleum residues)17) Банковское дело: процентная ставка в годовом исчислении (annual percentage rate)18) Транспорт: Advisory and Payment Request19) СМИ: Always Playing Roots20) Деловая лексика: Accredited Public Relations, годовая процентная ставка (annual percentage rate)21) Химическое оружие: Air-purifying respirator22) Макаров: acoustic paramagnetic resonance, airborne profile recorder, alphameric, alphanumeric, avalanche photoresistor23) Расширение файла: Alternate Path Retry, Employee performance review (Employee Appraiser), Data (Lotus Approach 97)24) Нефть и газ: (сокр. от) annulus pressure response = управляемый затрубным давлением (о внутрискважинном оборудовании для испытания скважин)25) МИД: Asia-Pacific Region26) NYSE. American Precision Industries, Inc.27) Программное обеспечение: Apache Portable Runtime28) AMEX. Automatic Picture Replacement -
18 ARS
1. active radar seeker - активная радиолокационная головка самонаведения;2. active repeater satellite - активный спутник-ретранслятор;3. acute radiation syndrome - острый лучевой синдром;4. advance record system - система заблаговременной записи;5. advanced reconnaissance satellite - перспективный разведывательный искусственный спутник Земли;6. advanced reconnaissance system - перспективная разведывательная система;7. advanced record system - усовершенствованная система регистрации;8. Agricultural Research Station - научно-исследовательская сельскохозяйственная станция;9. air return system - система рециркуляции воздуха;10. alpha-ray spectrometer - спектрометр альфа-лучей;11. amplified response spectrum - усиленный спектр отклика;12. analog recording system - система записи аналоговых данных; аналоговая регистрирующая система;13. Army radio station - радиостанция сухопутных войск;14. asbestos roof shingles - асбестовые кровельные плитки;15. automatic recording spectrometer - самопишущий спектрометр;16. automatic retrieval system - система автоматического поиска;17. automatic route selection - автоматический выбор маршрута в сети;18. auto restart - автоматический повторный старт программы -
19 gene
- additive gene
- alpha gene
- ancestral gene
- antimorphic gene
- artificial gene
- beta gene
- block genes
- buffer gene
- buffering gene
- chimeric gene
- chromosomal gene
- complementary gene
- complex genes
- compound gene
- cryptomeric gene
- delta gene
- diagynic gene
- diandric gene
- differential sex genes
- dominant gene
- donor gene
- duplicate cumulative genes
- duplicate genes
- elementary gene
- epistatic gene
- equilocal genes
- extension gene
- extrachromosomal gene
- extranuclear gene
- F gene
- functional gene
- gamma gene
- haploid-insufficient genes
- haploid-sufficient genes
- haplo-insufficient genes
- haplo-sufficient genes
- heat shock gene
- heterochromatic gene
- holandric gene
- homeotic gene
- homodynamic genes
- homologous genes
- housekeeping gene
- hyparchic gene
- hypomorphic gene
- immune response gene
- immunosuppression gene
- incompatibility genes
- inconstant gene
- independent gene
- inducible gene
- inert gene
- inhibiting gene
- intensifying gene
- intermediate gene
- interspecific genes
- invisible gene
- Ir gene
- Is gene
- isolation genes
- isomorphic gene
- jumping gene
- key gene
- labile gene
- lethal gene
- linked genes
- lysis gene
- major gene
- master gene
- maternal gene
- mimic genes
- minor gene
- modifier gene
- mosaic gene
- mutable gene
- mutator gene
- neomorphic gene
- operator gene
- overlapping gene
- para-allelic genes
- paternal gene
- pleiotropic gene
- polymeric genes
- polymitotic gene
- precursor gene
- pre-early gene
- preimmune gene
- rate gene
- rearranged immunoglobulin gene
- recessive gene
- regulatory gene
- restriction gene
- scrambler gene
- secretor gene
- semiallelic genes
- semilethal gene
- sex-controlled gene
- sex-limited gene
- sex-linked gene
- silent gene
- single-copy gene
- split gene
- sterility gene
- structural gene
- substitution gene
- supplementary gene
- switch gene
- triplicate gene
- twin genes* * * -
20 error
1) ошибка; погрешность2) рассогласование; сигнал рассогласования3) отклонение; расхождение; невязка•- error in subtraction
- errors in variables
- error of measurement
- error of position
- error of the first kind
- error of the second kind
- absolute error
- accidental error
- accumulated error
- accuracy error
- actual error
- admissible error
- aliasing error
- alignment error
- alpha-error
- altering error
- angular error
- antenna tilt error
- associated error
- asymptotic standard error
- autoregressive errors
- average error
- beam pointing error
- beamwidth error
- bearing error
- beta-error
- biased error
- bit error
- boresight error
- burst error
- can't happen error
- channel errors
- checksum error
- chip error
- circular probable error
- closing error
- closure error
- CMOS checksum error
- code error
- coefficient standard error
- common error
- common-mode error
- compile time error
- conformance error
- connectivity error
- constant error
- contributory error
- copying error
- correctable error
- course error
- cratered error
- critical error
- crude error
- curved-path error
- data error
- data-boundary error
- decoding error
- double error
- design error
- detectable error
- deterministic error
- disk error
- dropout error
- dynamic error
- electrostatic error
- equilibrium error
- essential error
- estimation error
- experimental error
- fatal error
- FDD controller error
- fencepost error
- fixed error
- floating point error
- floppy disk controller error
- forecast error
- fractional error
- framing error
- full-scale error
- generalization error
- geometric errors
- grammatical error
- grouping error
- guidance error
- hard error
- hard disk controller error
- hardware error
- HDD controller error
- heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation consistent standard error
- heteroscedasticity consistent standard error
- homophone error
- human error
- hysteresis error
- identification error
- image reconstruction error
- implementation error
- inherent error
- inherited error
- input/output error
- instrumental error
- intentional error
- intermittent error
- interpolation error
- introduced error
- ionosphere error
- keyboard error
- keyboarding error
- lateral tracking angle error
- linearity error
- literal error
- l-multiple error
- loading error
- logic error
- logical error
- loop error
- machine error
- marginal error
- matching error
- mean error
- mean absolute percentage error
- mean-root-square error
- mean-squared error
- measurement error
- memory parity error
- meter error
- metering error
- minimum-mean-square error
- mismatch error
- moving-average errors
- multiple error
- Newey-West standard error
- nondetectable error
- nonrecoverable error
- nonrecoverable read errors per bits read
- numeric error
- observable error
- observational error
- octantal error
- off-board parity error
- off-by-one error
- omission error
- on-board parity error
- one-multiple error
- operator error
- output error
- parity error
- permanent error
- permissible error
- personal error
- phase error
- pointing error
- polarization error
- positional error
- positioning error
- prediction error
- predictive error
- printer's error
- probable error
- processing error
- programming error
- program-sensitive error
- propagated error
- propagation error
- propagation-velocity error
- pulse-duration error
- quadrantal error
- quantization error
- random error
- range error
- range-rate error
- read error
- recoverable error
- recoverable read errors per bits read
- recurrent error
- reflection error
- registration error
- relative error
- repeatability error
- repetitive error
- residual error
- resolution error
- response error
- resultant error
- RMS error
- root-mean-square error
- rounding error
- round-off error
- run-time error
- sample error
- sampling error
- seek error
- seek errors per seek
- select error
- semantic error
- sequence error
- severe error
- ship error
- sighting error
- single error
- site error
- sky error
- sky-wave station error
- smoothing error
- socket error
- soft error
- software error
- specification error
- spelling error
- spot-size error
- square error
- standard error
- static error
- statistical error
- stationary error
- status error
- steady-state error
- step-and-repeat error
- stochastic error
- subjective error
- sum-squared error
- synchronization error
- syntax error
- system error
- systematic error
- tape-speed error
- target error
- temporary error
- terminal error
- terrain error
- tilt error
- timeout error
- timing error
- tolerated error
- topological error
- total error
- tracking error
- transient error
- transmission errors
- truncation error
- tuning error
- type I-error
- type II error
- typographic error
- unbiased error
- uncorrectable data error
- undefined error
- undetectable error
- unrecoverable error
- velocity error
- vertical tracking angle error
- white noise errors
- White standard error
- write error
- write-protect error
- zero error
- zero-drift error
- 1
- 2
См. также в других словарях:
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