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  • Water supply and sanitation in Saudi Arabia — differs from most other countries in three significant aspects. First, it relies almost exclusively on two sources that are absent in most other countries: desalination and fossil water. Second, given the substantial oil wealth of the country,… …   Wikipedia

  • Alluvial — Al*lu vi*al, a. [Cf. F. alluvial. See {Alluvion}.] Pertaining to, contained in, or composed of, alluvium; relating to the deposits made by flowing water; washed away from one place and deposited in another; as, alluvial soil, mud, accumulations,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Water deer — Conservation status Vulnerable (IUCN 3.1) …   Wikipedia

  • Alluvial fan — An alluvial fan is a fan shaped deposit formed where a fast flowing stream flattens, slows, and spreads typically at the exit of a canyon onto a flatter plain. A convergence of neighboring alluvial fans into a single apron of deposits against a… …   Wikipedia

  • alluvial fan — Physical Geog. a fan shaped alluvial deposit formed by a stream where its velocity is abruptly decreased, as at the mouth of a ravine or at the foot of a mountain. Also called alluvial cone. [1870 75] * * * ▪ geological feature  unconsolidated… …   Universalium

  • Alluvial plain — An alluvial plain is a relatively flat landform created by the deposition of sediment over a long period of time by one or more rivers coming from highland regions, from which alluvial soil forms. A floodplain is part of the process, being the… …   Wikipedia

  • alluvial plain — noun a flat resulting from repeated deposits of alluvial material by running water • Syn: ↑alluvial flat • Hypernyms: ↑flat * * * noun 1. : a level or gently sloping flat or a slightly undulating land surface resulting from extensive deposition… …   Useful english dictionary

  • water supplies —    In the Stone Age, when people first began settling on the alluvial plains of Mesopotamia, perhaps their single most immediate concern was finding reliable sources of freshwater for drinking and watering their crops and animals. At first, the… …   Ancient Mesopotamia dictioary

  • alluvial — [19] Alluvial material is material that has been washed down and deposited by running water. Hence the term; for its ultimate source, Latin lavere (a variant of lavāre, which produced English latrine, laundry, lava, lavatory, lavish, and lotion) …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

  • alluvial — [19] Alluvial material is material that has been washed down and deposited by running water. Hence the term; for its ultimate source, Latin lavere (a variant of lavāre, which produced English latrine, laundry, lava, lavatory, lavish, and lotion) …   Word origins

  • alluvial — /əˈluviəl / (say uh loohveeuhl) adjective 1. of or relating to alluvium. 2. of or relating to a mine, claim, diggings, etc., on alluvial soil. –noun 3. soil deposited by flowing water. 4. the alluvial, gold bearing alluvial ground. {Latin… …  

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