1 allowable level
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > allowable level
2 allowable level
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > allowable level
3 allowable level
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > allowable level
4 allowable level
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > allowable level
5 allowable level
6 allowable level
1) Медицина: допустимый уровень (напр. шума)2) Авиационная медицина: допустимый уровень (воздействий, помех)3) Макаров: допустимый уровень (загрязнения) -
7 allowable level
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > allowable level
8 allowable level
9 allowable level
допустимый уровеньEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > allowable level
10 allowable level
11 Allowable Emission (Emission above the allowable level)
Англо-русский словарь по проекту Сахалин II > Allowable Emission (Emission above the allowable level)
12 allowable level of armaments
Дипломатический термин: допустимый уровень вооруженийУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > allowable level of armaments
13 allowable level of armaments
Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > allowable level of armaments
14 allowable level of armaments
English-Russian military dictionary > allowable level of armaments
15 allowable level of armaments
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > allowable level of armaments
16 Temporary Allowable Level, TAL
Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: ориентировочно безопасный уровень воздействия (Экоцентр)Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Temporary Allowable Level, TAL
17 emission above the allowable level
Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: сверхнормативный выбросУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > emission above the allowable level
18 maximum allowable level
1) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: максимально допустимый уровень (MAL; МДУ)2) Химическое оружие: предельно допустимый уровеньУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > maximum allowable level
19 temporary allowable level
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > temporary allowable level
20 theoretical allowable level
Контроль качества: теоретически допустимый уровеньУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > theoretical allowable level
См. также в других словарях:
allowable — al‧low‧a‧ble [əˈlaʊəbl] adjective 1. acceptable according to the rules: • The government has cut by 35% this year s allowable catch of fish. 2. ACCOUNTING an allowable amount, cost, or expense does not need to be counted as part of income or… … Financial and business terms
allowable laser radiation level — leidžiamasis lazerio spinduliuotės lygis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. allowable laser radiation level; permissible laser radiation level vok. zulässige Laserintensitätsgrenze, f rus. максимально допустимый уровень… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
level — Used in the context of general equities. Price measure of an indication. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. level lev‧el 1 [ˈlevl] noun 1. [countable] the measured amount of something that exists at a particular time or in a particular… … Financial and business terms
permissible laser radiation level — leidžiamasis lazerio spinduliuotės lygis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. allowable laser radiation level; permissible laser radiation level vok. zulässige Laserintensitätsgrenze, f rus. максимально допустимый уровень… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Moisture Sensitivity Level — relates to the packaging and handling precautions for some semiconductors. The MSL is an electronic standard for the time period in which a moisture sensitive device can be exposed to ambient room conditions (approximately 30°C/60%RH).… … Wikipedia
ultrasonics — /ul treuh son iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the branch of science that deals with the effects of sound waves above human perception. [1930 35; see ULTRASONIC, ICS] * * * Vibrational or stress waves in elastic media that have a frequency above… … Universalium
Mercury regulation in the United States — is a set of laws and regulations limiting the maximum concentrations of mercury (Hg) that is permitted in air, water, soil, food and drugs. These laws and regulations are promulgated by U.S. Federal Agencies such as the Environmental Protection… … Wikipedia
H. Kramer and Company — is a brass smelting company located in the Pilsen neighborhood of Chicago, Illinois, United States. The company has come under pressure from local neighborhood residents and the Illinois EPA for lead pollution.In the March 2005, Pilsen residents… … Wikipedia
Church Rock uranium mill spill — United Nuclear Corp. Church Rock Superfund site The United Nuclear Corporation Site near Church Rock in McKinley County, New Mexico Geography … Wikipedia
Disability fraud — is the receipt of payment(s) intended for the disabled from a government agency or private insurance company by one who should not be receiving them or the receipt of a higher amount than one who is entitled to them should be receiving. There are … Wikipedia
TALFF — • Total Allowable Level of Foreign Fishing … Maritime acronyms and abbreviations