1) Военный термин: WWMCCS Allocation and Assessment Model, Wide area Anti-Armor Munitions, wide-area antiarmor munitions2) Юридический термин: Women Against Abusive Men4) Сокращение: Wide Area Anti-Armour Munitions5) Университет: Wellesley Alumnae & Affiliates in Multimedia6) Профсоюзы: Worldwide Association of Artists and Musicians -
62 processor
1) обрабатывающая машина (напр. станок)2) процессор; микропроцессор3) микроЭВМ•- channel control processor
- CL exchange processor
- command generating processor
- communication processor
- communications processor
- computer access processor
- console command processor
- data communication processor
- database processor
- dedicated word processor
- distributed processor
- front-end processor
- gaging processor
- head-of-line central processor
- host processor
- industrial processor
- input-output processor
- job allocation processor
- language processor
- LSI-processor
- master processor
- math processor
- mathematical processor
- measurement processor
- microblock part processor
- model processor
- NC data dividing processor
- neighborhood processor
- numerical processor
- output processor
- PC processor
- pipeline processor
- receiving processor
- RISC processor
- sending processor
- statistical industrial processor
- subsumption architecture processor
- video processor
- vision processor
- voice information processor
- word processorEnglish-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > processor
63 analysis
1) анализ; исследование; подробное рассмотрение2) бухг. метод расчёта -
64 memory
память, реже запоминающее устройствообщий термин, обозначающий электронное устройство для оперативного (временного) или постоянного хранения данных. Этот вид памяти часто называют основной, или первичной памятью (primary memory), в отличие от вторичной (внешней) памяти, например жёстких дисков. Память характеризуется набором параметров, среди которых тип памяти, ёмкость, время доступа, скорость доступа, цена и др.Ant:см. тж. core memory, display memory, distributed memory, dual-ported memory, dynamic memory, embedded memory, EPROM, memory address, memory allocation, memory array, memory bandwidth, memory bank, memory block, memory bus, memory capacity, memory card, memory cell, memory check, memory chip, memory collision, memory controller, memory device, memory diagnostic, memory dump, memory footprint, memory interface, memory interleaving, memory leak, memory limitation, memory management, memory map, memory model, memory module, memory organization, memory parallelism, memory pool, memory protection, memory-resident, memory subsystem, memory system, memory test, memory width, PROM, RAM, ROM, segmented memory, semiconductor memory, shadow memory, shared memory, static memory, uncached memory, video memory, volatile memoryАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > memory
65 dynamic
66 layout
планировка имя существительное: -
67 compiler optimization
один из этапов компиляции, на котором с помощью методов оптимизации происходит преобразование программы, сохраняющее её семантику, но уменьшающее размер кода и/или время выполнения. Как правило, уменьшение размера кода увеличивает время выполнения, и наоборот. Поскольку ручная оптимизация программы стоит дорого и занимает много времени, а программисты, работающие на ЯВУ, обычно не знают тонкостей архитектуры конкретного целевого процессора, то сейчас кроме редких случаев используется оптимизация при компиляции, когда компилятор автоматически выбирает наиболее эффективный способ оптимизации и детали реализации в соответствии с заданным уровнем оптимизациисм. тж. antidependence, branch deletion, automatic parallelization, constant folding, constant propagation, control dependence, copy propagation, CSE, data dependence, dead statement, expression folding, fission by name, global forward substitution, GVN, hand optimization, intermediate representation, interprocedural optimization, jump threading, lazy evaluation, induction variable, instruction scheduling, instruction selection, local optimization, loop collapsing, loop invariant code motion, loop inversion, loop parallelization, loop optimization, loop peeling, loop skewing, loop splitting, loop tiling, loop transformation, loop unrolling, loop unrolling and jamming, loop unswitching, loop unwinding, loop vectorization, LNO, optimization, optimization technique, optimizing compiler, output dependence, partial evaluation, peephole optimization, polytope model, PRE, redundant-test elimination, register allocation, register spilling, scalar replacement, SSA, static analysis, strength reduction, strip mining, test promotion, trace scheduling, true dependence, two-version loop, vectorizationАнгло-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. > compiler optimization
68 matrix
1) мат. матрица || матричный2) форма, шаблон4) растр5) решётка6) таблица7) геол. материнская порода, основная масса ( породы)8) основа кристаллического вещества; кристаллическая решётка•- absolutely equivalent matrices - adjoint matrices - almost perfect matrix - almost periodic matrix - almost superdiagonal matrix - associative matrix - birth-death coefficient matrix - cocycle matrix - commutative matrix - commute matrices - commuting matrix - complex conjugate matrix - compound matrix - conjunctive matrices - consistently ordered matrix - constituent matrices - deficient matrix - doubly degenerated matrix - doubly stochastic matrix - encoding matrix - essentially positive matrix - magnetic core matrix - matrix of linear transformation - multiplicatively cogredient matrix - multiply degenerate matrix - mutually consistent matrices - nearly triangular matrix - negatively semidefinite matrix - nonnegatively semidefinite matrix - orthogonally similar matrices - positively definite matrix - positively semidefinite matrix - regularly partitioned matrix - strictly upper triangular matrix - strongly equivalent matrices - totally nonnegative matrix - totally positive matrix - totally unimodular matrix - uniformly tapered matrix - vertex incidence matrix - vertically symmetrical matrix - weakly cyclic matrix -
69 arbitrage pricing theory
Fina model of financial instrument and portfolio behavior that provides a benchmark of return and risk for capital budgeting and securities analysis. It can be used to create portfolios that track a market index, estimate the risk of an asset allocation strategy, or estimate the response of a portfolio to economic developments.
См. также в других словарях:
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Black-Litterman Model — An asset allocation model that was developed by Fischer Black and Robert Litterman of Goldman Sachs. The Black Litterman model is essentially a combination of two main theories of modern portfolio theory, the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM)… … Investment dictionary
Sex allocation — is the allocation of resources to male versus female reproduction in sexual species (Charnov 1982). Sex allocation depends upon the breeding system of a species, as well as how reproduction is carried out within each breeding system. Breeding… … Wikipedia
Task allocation and partitioning of social insects — Task allocation and partitioning refers to the way that tasks are chosen, assigned, subdivided, and coordinated (here, within a single colony of social insects). Closely associated are issues of communication that enable these actions to… … Wikipedia
Bag of words model in computer vision — This is an article introducing the Bag of words model (BoW) in computer vision, especially for object categorization. From now, the BoW model refers to the BoW model in computer vision unless explicitly declared.Before introducing the BoW model,… … Wikipedia
Lange Model — The Lange Model is an economic model which combines public ownership and a trial and error approach to determine output and equilibrium. The state owns non labor factors of production and consumer goods are allocated by market. In economic theory … Wikipedia