1 allocated repair rate
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > allocated repair rate
2 allocated repair rate
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > allocated repair rate
3 allocated repair rate
Контроль качества: распределённая частота ремонта -
4 allocated repair rate
The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > allocated repair rate
5 rate
1. норма; ставка; тариф; расценка; цена; стоимость; оценка || исчислять; оценивать2. степень3. разряд; сорт; класс || классифицировать4. темп, скорость, быстрота протекания какого-нибудь процесса5. величина, расход6. производительность, номинальные рабочие данные машины7. отношение; пропорция9. определять, измерять; устанавливать, подсчитывать; фиксировать ( значение величины)rate of water injection — скорость нагнетания [подачи] воды
* * *
1. скорость; темп; интенсивность; степень2. норма3. стоимость; оценка
* * *
1. норма; скорость, темп, производительность2. размер, мера, масштаб3. цена, стоимость; тариф
* * *
быстрота; частота; скорость; интенсивность; оценка; норма
* * *
1) скорость; темп; интенсивность; степень2) норма3) стоимость; оценка•- rate of advance
- rate of aeration
- rate of angle increase
- rate of attack
- rate of crack propagation
- rate of deformation
- rate of delivery
- rate of development
- rate of deviation change
- rate of dilution
- rate of divergence
- rate of feed
- rate of flow
- rate of formation influx
- rate of grout
- rate of hole angle charge
- rate of hole deviation change
- rate of inspection
- rate of linkage
- rate of net drilling
- rate of oil recovery
- rate of penetration
- rate of percolation
- rate of piercing
- rate of pressure rise
- rate of rise
- rate of sedimentation
- rate of setting
- rate of sinking
- rate of solidification
- rate of throughput
- rate of travel
- rate of wear
- rate of yield
- abort rate
- absolute drilling rate
- accelerated failure rate
- acceptable degradation rate
- acceptable failure rate
- acceptable hazard rate
- acceptable malfunction rate
- admissible flow rate
- admissible production rate
- age-specific failure rate
- age-wear-specific failure rate
- air rate
- allowable flow rate
- allowable production rate
- anticipated failure rate
- assessed failure rate
- average daily flow rate
- average daily production rate
- average injection rate
- average monthly flow rate
- average monthly production rate
- average penetration rate
- average well monthly production rate
- basic failure rate
- bathtub hazard rate
- block rate
- blowout rate
- build rate
- burn-in hazard rate
- catalyst circulation rate
- catastrophic failure rate
- chance failure rate
- change rate
- circulation rate
- collective failure rate
- complaint rate
- component failure rate
- condensate production rate
- conditional failure rate
- constant rate
- constant failure rate
- constant production rate
- corrosion rate
- counting rate
- crack growth rate
- critical production rate
- cumulative failure rate
- current production rate
- cutting rate
- daily flow rate
- daily production rate
- damage rate
- decline rate
- decreasing failure rate
- decreasing hazard rate
- defect rate
- degradation rate
- degradation failure rate
- depletion rate
- deterioration rate
- discharge rate
- dormant failure rate
- drill penetration rate
- drilling rate
- efficient production rate
- engineering maximum efficient rate
- estimated flow rate
- estimated production rate
- failure rate
- far count rate
- fault rate
- feed rate
- feed-out rate
- field rate
- field-usage failure rate
- fieldwide rate of production
- fieldwide rate of recovery
- film-drainage rate
- filtration rate
- final flow rate
- final production rate
- flame jet cutting rate
- flat rate
- flaw rate
- flexible rates
- flooding rate
- flow rate
- flowing production rate
- fluid-flow rate
- flush production rate
- forced outage rate
- formation fluid withdrawal rate
- gas flow rate
- gas leak rate
- gas-free production rate
- general failure rate
- hazard rate
- improvement rate
- in-commission rate
- in-service failure rate
- incentive rate
- increasing failure rate
- initial rate
- initial failure rate
- initial flow rate
- initial production rate
- injection rate
- input rate
- instantaneous failure rate
- interval rate of production
- levelized rate
- limiting failure rate
- log-data rate
- long-spacing detector counting rate
- low production rate
- maintenance action rate
- maintenance downtime rate
- malfunction rate
- mass rate
- maximum efficiency rate
- maximum efficient rate
- maximum permissible rate
- maximum recovery rate
- mean failure rate
- median failure rate
- metered rate
- monotone failure rate
- near count rate
- negotiated rate
- nominal failure rate
- norm rate
- normalized failure rate
- observed defect rate
- observed failure rate
- oil flow rate
- oil production rate
- optimum failure rate
- optimum flow rate
- optimum production rate
- outage replacement rate
- pellet rate
- pipeline rate
- potential production rate
- predicted failure rate
- preventive maintenance rate
- production rate
- production decline rate
- productive rate
- pump rate
- pump stroke rate
- pumping rate
- ready rate
- receiving rate
- recovery rate
- recurrence rate
- reduced rate
- reliability rate
- reservoir voidage rate
- residential rate
- retail rate
- rig day rate
- sampling rate
- search rate
- seasonal rate
- settled production rate
- settling rate
- shear rate
- shooting rate
- short-spacing detector counting rate
- stable flow rate
- stable production rate
- standard failure rate
- steady production rate
- step rate
- storage failure rate
- straight fixed variable rate
- subsequent production rate
- system failure rate
- tanker loading rate
- target failure rate
- threshold flow rate
- total failure rate
- total production rate
- unacceptable failure rate
- unit rate of flow
- unit dimensionless production rate
- unit production rate
- unmetered rate
- unpowered failure rate
- unsteady production rate
- upper critical failure rate
- utilization rate
- variable production rate
- voidage rate
- volume flow rate
- water-free production rate
- water-influx rate
- water-injection rate
- water-intake rate
- wear-out failure rate
- welding rate
- well flow rate
- well production rate
- withdrawal rate* * *• 1) норма; 2) скорость• глубина• измерять• ставка• темп -
6 AR
1) Общая лексика: ( as required) По требованию, appropriation request, ДЗ, дебиторская задолженность (accounts receivable), Addendum Report2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Reality, Attention Routine3) Авиация: Авиационный Регистр4) Медицина: андрогенный рецептор (androgen receptor)5) Американизм: Automatic Rejection6) Спорт: Assistant Referee, Autistic Referee7) Военный термин: Action Required, Agent Report, Air Reserve, Allowance Regulations, Armor, Army, Army Reserve, Army regulation, Repair Ship, acceptance readiness, acceptance review, acid-resistant, acknowledgement of receipt, acquisition radar (цели), action register, action tight, actual range, advanced readiness, aerial reconnaissance, aeronautical radio, aeronautical requirements, age replacement, air raid, air reconnaissance, air refueling, air rescue, aircraft reliability, aircraft requirements, aircraft rocket, airman records, airman recruit, airship, rigid, allocated reserve, ammunition reserve, amphibian reconnaissance, annual report, annual review, antiradar, antireflection, armored reconnaissance, armoured regiment, arrival and return, artillery radar, assault rifle, automatic rifle, automatic rifleman, automatic rim, Atlantic Resolve (exercise name)8) Техника: accumulator register, acoustic reflex, activity ratio, airport radar, amateur radio, amplitude ratio, analytical reagent grade, antireflective coating, area of resolution, aromatic, at-reactor, availability and reliability, avionics requirements, богатая смесь ( напр. горючая) (autorich mixture), (abrasion resistant)- износостойкий9) Химия: устойчивый к спиртосодержащим веществам, чда (analytical reagent), Aqua Regia, чистый для анализа10) Математика: Autoregressive, абсолютный ретракт (absolute retract), авторегрессионный (autoregressive)11) Метеорология: Active Rainfall12) Железнодорожный термин: Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad Company13) Юридический термин: Administration Report, Administrative Regulations14) Бухгалтерия: Account Review, Auto Regressive, audit risk, дебиторская задолженность (accounts receivable)15) Фармакология: analytical reference16) Финансы: Accounts receivable17) Политика: Antiwar Republican, Argentina18) Сокращение: Account Representative, Acquisition Radar, Advance Release, Aerial / Air Refuelling, Anti-Radiation, Anti-Reflective, Argentina (NATO country code), Arkansas (US state), Arkansas, Attack Reporting, Repair Ship (USA), air refuelling, annual return, aortic regurgitation, недостаточность аортального клапана, после заявки на скидку (after rebate), authorization renewal19) Физика: Absorptive Region20) Физиология: Acid Reflux, Active Resistance, Admitting Room, Anal Retentive, Anti Reflux, Apical Rate, Artificial Respiration, Assisted Respiration, At Risk21) Электроника: Aspect ratio, Audio Rate22) Вычислительная техника: Augmented Reality, address register, автоматическое восстановление, Aperture Ratio (DVD), Administrative Request (message, LFAP), уполномоченный поставщик лицензионных продуктов компании Microsofr (Authorized Replicator)23) Нефть: acid residue, as rolled, сборка и ремонт (assembly and repair), эксплуатационная готовность и надёжность (availability and reliability)24) Иммунология: antigen retrieval (восстановление антигена)25) Картография: airspace reservation26) Воздухоплавание: Aerial Refuelling27) Фирменный знак: Angstrom, Atlas Research28) Экология: Agricultural Residues29) Деловая лексика: дебиторская задолженность, (authorized representative) уполномоченный представитель30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric residue31) Образование: Accelerated Reading32) Сетевые технологии: automatic restoration33) ЕБРР: audit report, auditor's report34) Полимеры: acrylic rubber, analytical grade reagent, auto rich35) Программирование: Add Rows36) Контроль качества: assembly and repair37) Химическое оружие: assessment report38) Расширение файла: Arithmetic Register, Associative Register39) SAP.тех. автоматический ответ40) Логистика: железнодорожная перевозка41) Ядерное оружие: абсолютный риск42) Судостроение: площадь пера руля (area of rudder)43) Электротехника: automatic reclosing44) Фармация: adverse reaction, analytical report45) Общественная организация: American Rivers, Another Rainbow -
7 Ar
1) Общая лексика: ( as required) По требованию, appropriation request, ДЗ, дебиторская задолженность (accounts receivable), Addendum Report2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Reality, Attention Routine3) Авиация: Авиационный Регистр4) Медицина: андрогенный рецептор (androgen receptor)5) Американизм: Automatic Rejection6) Спорт: Assistant Referee, Autistic Referee7) Военный термин: Action Required, Agent Report, Air Reserve, Allowance Regulations, Armor, Army, Army Reserve, Army regulation, Repair Ship, acceptance readiness, acceptance review, acid-resistant, acknowledgement of receipt, acquisition radar (цели), action register, action tight, actual range, advanced readiness, aerial reconnaissance, aeronautical radio, aeronautical requirements, age replacement, air raid, air reconnaissance, air refueling, air rescue, aircraft reliability, aircraft requirements, aircraft rocket, airman records, airman recruit, airship, rigid, allocated reserve, ammunition reserve, amphibian reconnaissance, annual report, annual review, antiradar, antireflection, armored reconnaissance, armoured regiment, arrival and return, artillery radar, assault rifle, automatic rifle, automatic rifleman, automatic rim, Atlantic Resolve (exercise name)8) Техника: accumulator register, acoustic reflex, activity ratio, airport radar, amateur radio, amplitude ratio, analytical reagent grade, antireflective coating, area of resolution, aromatic, at-reactor, availability and reliability, avionics requirements, богатая смесь ( напр. горючая) (autorich mixture), (abrasion resistant)- износостойкий9) Химия: устойчивый к спиртосодержащим веществам, чда (analytical reagent), Aqua Regia, чистый для анализа10) Математика: Autoregressive, абсолютный ретракт (absolute retract), авторегрессионный (autoregressive)11) Метеорология: Active Rainfall12) Железнодорожный термин: Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad Company13) Юридический термин: Administration Report, Administrative Regulations14) Бухгалтерия: Account Review, Auto Regressive, audit risk, дебиторская задолженность (accounts receivable)15) Фармакология: analytical reference16) Финансы: Accounts receivable17) Политика: Antiwar Republican, Argentina18) Сокращение: Account Representative, Acquisition Radar, Advance Release, Aerial / Air Refuelling, Anti-Radiation, Anti-Reflective, Argentina (NATO country code), Arkansas (US state), Arkansas, Attack Reporting, Repair Ship (USA), air refuelling, annual return, aortic regurgitation, недостаточность аортального клапана, после заявки на скидку (after rebate), authorization renewal19) Физика: Absorptive Region20) Физиология: Acid Reflux, Active Resistance, Admitting Room, Anal Retentive, Anti Reflux, Apical Rate, Artificial Respiration, Assisted Respiration, At Risk21) Электроника: Aspect ratio, Audio Rate22) Вычислительная техника: Augmented Reality, address register, автоматическое восстановление, Aperture Ratio (DVD), Administrative Request (message, LFAP), уполномоченный поставщик лицензионных продуктов компании Microsofr (Authorized Replicator)23) Нефть: acid residue, as rolled, сборка и ремонт (assembly and repair), эксплуатационная готовность и надёжность (availability and reliability)24) Иммунология: antigen retrieval (восстановление антигена)25) Картография: airspace reservation26) Воздухоплавание: Aerial Refuelling27) Фирменный знак: Angstrom, Atlas Research28) Экология: Agricultural Residues29) Деловая лексика: дебиторская задолженность, (authorized representative) уполномоченный представитель30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric residue31) Образование: Accelerated Reading32) Сетевые технологии: automatic restoration33) ЕБРР: audit report, auditor's report34) Полимеры: acrylic rubber, analytical grade reagent, auto rich35) Программирование: Add Rows36) Контроль качества: assembly and repair37) Химическое оружие: assessment report38) Расширение файла: Arithmetic Register, Associative Register39) SAP.тех. автоматический ответ40) Логистика: железнодорожная перевозка41) Ядерное оружие: абсолютный риск42) Судостроение: площадь пера руля (area of rudder)43) Электротехника: automatic reclosing44) Фармация: adverse reaction, analytical report45) Общественная организация: American Rivers, Another Rainbow -
8 ar
1) Общая лексика: ( as required) По требованию, appropriation request, ДЗ, дебиторская задолженность (accounts receivable), Addendum Report2) Компьютерная техника: Artificial Reality, Attention Routine3) Авиация: Авиационный Регистр4) Медицина: андрогенный рецептор (androgen receptor)5) Американизм: Automatic Rejection6) Спорт: Assistant Referee, Autistic Referee7) Военный термин: Action Required, Agent Report, Air Reserve, Allowance Regulations, Armor, Army, Army Reserve, Army regulation, Repair Ship, acceptance readiness, acceptance review, acid-resistant, acknowledgement of receipt, acquisition radar (цели), action register, action tight, actual range, advanced readiness, aerial reconnaissance, aeronautical radio, aeronautical requirements, age replacement, air raid, air reconnaissance, air refueling, air rescue, aircraft reliability, aircraft requirements, aircraft rocket, airman records, airman recruit, airship, rigid, allocated reserve, ammunition reserve, amphibian reconnaissance, annual report, annual review, antiradar, antireflection, armored reconnaissance, armoured regiment, arrival and return, artillery radar, assault rifle, automatic rifle, automatic rifleman, automatic rim, Atlantic Resolve (exercise name)8) Техника: accumulator register, acoustic reflex, activity ratio, airport radar, amateur radio, amplitude ratio, analytical reagent grade, antireflective coating, area of resolution, aromatic, at-reactor, availability and reliability, avionics requirements, богатая смесь ( напр. горючая) (autorich mixture), (abrasion resistant)- износостойкий9) Химия: устойчивый к спиртосодержащим веществам, чда (analytical reagent), Aqua Regia, чистый для анализа10) Математика: Autoregressive, абсолютный ретракт (absolute retract), авторегрессионный (autoregressive)11) Метеорология: Active Rainfall12) Железнодорожный термин: Aberdeen and Rockfish Railroad Company13) Юридический термин: Administration Report, Administrative Regulations14) Бухгалтерия: Account Review, Auto Regressive, audit risk, дебиторская задолженность (accounts receivable)15) Фармакология: analytical reference16) Финансы: Accounts receivable17) Политика: Antiwar Republican, Argentina18) Сокращение: Account Representative, Acquisition Radar, Advance Release, Aerial / Air Refuelling, Anti-Radiation, Anti-Reflective, Argentina (NATO country code), Arkansas (US state), Arkansas, Attack Reporting, Repair Ship (USA), air refuelling, annual return, aortic regurgitation, недостаточность аортального клапана, после заявки на скидку (after rebate), authorization renewal19) Физика: Absorptive Region20) Физиология: Acid Reflux, Active Resistance, Admitting Room, Anal Retentive, Anti Reflux, Apical Rate, Artificial Respiration, Assisted Respiration, At Risk21) Электроника: Aspect ratio, Audio Rate22) Вычислительная техника: Augmented Reality, address register, автоматическое восстановление, Aperture Ratio (DVD), Administrative Request (message, LFAP), уполномоченный поставщик лицензионных продуктов компании Microsofr (Authorized Replicator)23) Нефть: acid residue, as rolled, сборка и ремонт (assembly and repair), эксплуатационная готовность и надёжность (availability and reliability)24) Иммунология: antigen retrieval (восстановление антигена)25) Картография: airspace reservation26) Воздухоплавание: Aerial Refuelling27) Фирменный знак: Angstrom, Atlas Research28) Экология: Agricultural Residues29) Деловая лексика: дебиторская задолженность, (authorized representative) уполномоченный представитель30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: atmospheric residue31) Образование: Accelerated Reading32) Сетевые технологии: automatic restoration33) ЕБРР: audit report, auditor's report34) Полимеры: acrylic rubber, analytical grade reagent, auto rich35) Программирование: Add Rows36) Контроль качества: assembly and repair37) Химическое оружие: assessment report38) Расширение файла: Arithmetic Register, Associative Register39) SAP.тех. автоматический ответ40) Логистика: железнодорожная перевозка41) Ядерное оружие: абсолютный риск42) Судостроение: площадь пера руля (area of rudder)43) Электротехника: automatic reclosing44) Фармация: adverse reaction, analytical report45) Общественная организация: American Rivers, Another Rainbow
См. также в других словарях:
Morse Dry Dock and Repair Company — Former type Private, later public Industry Shipbuilding Genre Industrial Fate Merged Predecessor Morse Iron Works and Dry Dock Company Successo … Wikipedia
распределённая частота ремонтов — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN allocated repair rate … Справочник технического переводчика
Spurious trip level — (STL) is defined as a discrete level for specifying the spurious trip requirements of safety functions to be allocated to safety systems. An STL of 1 means that this safety function has the highest level of spurious trips. The higher the STL… … Wikipedia
china — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. a translucent ceramic material, biscuit fired at a high temperature, its glaze fired at a low temperature. 2. any porcelain ware. 3. plates, cups, saucers, etc., collectively. 4. figurines made of porcelain or ceramic material … Universalium
China — /chuy neuh/, n. 1. People s Republic of, a country in E Asia. 1,221,591,778; 3,691,502 sq. mi. (9,560,990 sq. km). Cap.: Beijing. 2. Republic of. Also called Nationalist China. a republic consisting mainly of the island of Taiwan off the SE coast … Universalium
education — /ej oo kay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgment, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. 2. the act or process of… … Universalium
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 — Stimulus bill redirects here. For other uses, see Stimulus bill (disambiguation). ARRA redirects here. For other uses, see ARRA (disambiguation). American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Full title An act making supplemental appropriations… … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Iran — /i ran , i rahn , uy ran /, n. a republic in SW Asia. 67,540,002; ab. 635,000 sq. mi. (1,644,650 sq. km). Cap.: Teheran. Formerly (until 1935), Persia. * * * Iran Introduction Iran Background: Known as Persia until 1935, Iran became an Islamic… … Universalium
Russia — /rush euh/, n. 1. Also called Russian Empire. Russian, Rossiya. a former empire in E Europe and N and W Asia: overthrown by the Russian Revolution 1917. Cap.: St. Petersburg (1703 1917). 2. See Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. 3. See Russian… … Universalium
Mexico — /mek si koh /, n. 1. a republic in S North America. 97,563,374; 761,530 sq. mi. (1,972,363 sq. km). Cap.: Mexico City. 2. a state in central Mexico. 6,245,000; 8268 sq. mi. (21,415 sq. km). Cap.: Toluca. 3. Gulf of, Mexican, Golfo de México /gawl … Universalium