Перевод: с английского на ирландский

с ирландского на английский


См. также в других словарях:

  • all-out — UK US /ˈɔːlˌaʊt/ adjective [before noun] ► complete and using as much effort as possible: »an all out price war/trade war an all out bid/campaign/effort »US trade officials are making an all out effort to promote commercial relations with Brazil …   Financial and business terms

  • all-out — adjective 1. ) an all out effort involves all of someone s energy, strength, and determination: There was an all out push to get the applications in on time. 2. ) an all out war or attack involves all the forces that are available: an all out… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • all-out — adj [only before noun] done in a very determined way, and involving a lot of energy or anger all out war/attack/offensive etc ▪ an all out effort to win >all out adv ▪ Canada will have to go all out on the ice if they want to win …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • all-out — adj. 1. 1 using all available resources. all out war Syn: full scale. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • all-out — all your effort, go all out    We looked day and night for the lost girl. It was an all out effort …   English idioms

  • all-out — [ôl′out′] adj. complete or wholehearted [an all out effort] …   English World dictionary

  • all-out — all out·er; all out; …   English syllables

  • all-out|er — «L OW tuhr», noun. Informal. an all out devotee, supporter, follower, or the like …   Useful english dictionary

  • all out — ► all out using all one s strength or resources. Main Entry: ↑all …   English terms dictionary

  • all-out — all′ out adj. using all one s resources; complete • Etymology: 1905–10 …   From formal English to slang

  • all-out — index outright Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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