1 alkali halides
Общая лексика: щелочегалоиды (поваренная соль и т. п.) -
2 alkali
[ʹælkə|laı] n (pl тж. -lies [-{ʹælkə}laız]) хим.щёлочьalkali halides - щёлочегалоиды (поваренная соль и т. п.)
alkali soil - солончак, сильнощелочная почва
3 alkali
n хим. щёлочьСинонимический ряд:containing alkali (adj.) alkaline; antacid; basic; caustic; chemical; containing alkali; having a high ph; metal oxide; salty -
4 alkali
ˈælkəlaɪ сущ.;
хим. щелочь alkali soils ≈ солончаки(химическое) щелочь - * element щелочной металл - * halides щелочегалоиды (поваренная соль) - * soil солончак, сильнощелочная почва - * disease щелочная болезнь( животных)alkali (pl -s, -es) хим. щелочь~ attr.: ~ soils солончаки~ attr.: ~ soils солончаки
См. также в других словарях:
Alkali halide — The alkali halides are the family of ionic compounds with simple chemical formula X+Y or XY, where X is an alkali metal and Y is a halogen. One of the most well known of these is sodium chloride or common table salt.In standard room conditions… … Wikipedia
alkali metal — Chem. any of the group of univalent metals including potassium, sodium, lithium, rubidium, cesium, and francium, whose hydroxides are alkalis. [1880 85] * * * Any of the six chemical elements in the leftmost group of the periodic table (lithium,… … Universalium
Thallium halides — The thallium halides include monohalides, where thallium has oxidation state +1, trihalides where thallium generally has oxidation state +3 and some intermediate halides with mixed +1 and +3 oxidation states. Monohalides The monohalides all… … Wikipedia
Villiaumite — Catégorie III : halogénures[1] Villiaumite, Mont Saint Hilaire, MRC de Rouville, Monté … Wikipédia en Français
Cubic crystal system — A rock containing three crystals of pyrite (FeS2). The crystal structure of pyrite is simple cubic, and this is reflected in the cubic symmetry of its natural crystal facets … Wikipedia
Crossed molecular beam — experiments are chemical experiments where two beams of atoms or molecules are collided together to elucidate the dynamics of the chemical reaction, and can detect individual reactive collisions.[1] Technique In a crossed molecular beam apparatus … Wikipedia
Sodium chloride — NaCl redirects here. For the Google technology, see Google Native Client. This article is about the chemical compound. For sodium chloride in the diet, see Salt. For sodium chloride as a mineral, see Halite. Sodium chloride … Wikipedia
luminescence — luminescent, adj. /looh meuh nes euhns/, n. 1. the emission of light not caused by incandescence and occurring at a temperature below that of incandescent bodies. 2. the light produced by such an emission. [1885 90; < L lumin (see LUMEN) +… … Universalium
Rubidiumbromat — Strukturformel Allgemeines … Deutsch Wikipedia
Polyèdre de coordination — La notion de polyèdre de coordination est utilisée en cristallographie et en chimie pour décrire l environnement d une espèce chimique par ses ligands dans un cristal ou un complexe. Il s agit du polyèdre formé par les ligands autour de l espèce… … Wikipédia en Français
Molecular model — A molecular model, in this article, is a physical model that represents molecules and their processes. The creation of mathematical models of molecular properties and behaviour is molecular modelling, and their graphical depiction is molecular… … Wikipedia