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  • alarum — 1. noun a) A danger signal or warning. (stage direction) A camp near Forres. Alarum within. b) A call to arms. It seems to me that by the same process they are also made less real distinguished, in part, by the physical size of the television… …   Wiktionary

  • alarum — I. noun see alarm I II. transitive verb see alarm II …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • alarum — (Roget s Thesaurus II) noun A signal that warns of imminent danger: alarm, alert, tocsin, warning. See WARN …   English dictionary for students

  • alarum — [ə lα:rəm] noun archaic term for alarm. Phrases alarums and excursions humorous confused activity and uproar …   English new terms dictionary

  • alarum — /əˈlarəm/ (say uh lahruhm) noun 1. Archaic alarm. 2. Horology a. a device designed to ring a warning bell at a certain hour. b. the bell itself. –phrase 3. alarums and excursions, noisy and threatening activity. {Phrase Origin: from an… …  

  • air alert — noun 1. the time period during which military and civilian agencies are prepared for an enemy air attack • Hypernyms: ↑time period, ↑period of time, ↑period 2. the condition in which combat aircraft are airborne and ready for an operation… …   Useful english dictionary

  • burglar alarm — noun 1. a loud warning signal produced by a burglar alarm they could hear the burglar alarm a mile away • Hypernyms: ↑alarm, ↑alert, ↑warning signal, ↑alarum 2. a warning device that is tripped off by the occurrence of a burglary • Hypernyms: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • fire alarm — noun 1. a shout or bell to warn that fire has broken out • Hypernyms: ↑alarm, ↑alert, ↑warning signal, ↑alarum 2. an alarm that is tripped off by fire or smoke • Syn: ↑smoke alarm • Hyperny …   Useful english dictionary

  • signaling — noun any nonverbal action or gesture that encodes a message (Freq. 1) signals from the boat suddenly stopped • Syn: ↑signal, ↑sign • Derivationally related forms: ↑sign (for: ↑sign) …   Useful english dictionary

  • larum — noun Etymology: short for alarum Date: 15th century archaic alarm …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • alarm bell — noun the sound of an alarm (usually a bell) • Syn: ↑tocsin • Hypernyms: ↑alarm, ↑alert, ↑warning signal, ↑alarum …   Useful english dictionary

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