1 sensory information
• aisti-informaatio -
2 sensus
• aisti• aistimus• merkitys -
3 sense
• oivalluskyky• tolkku• intelligenssi• intellekti• järki• järjenjuoksu• tunto• tunne• tunnustella• tuntea• havaita• huomata• hoksottimet• aistia• aavistella• aistimiskyky• ajattelukyky• ajatus• ajatuksejuoksu• ajatuskyky• aistimin havaita• aisti• arvostelukyky• vaikutelma• vaistota• vaisto• tieto• tietoisuus• kognitio• merkitys• mieli• mielipide• tajunta• taju• tajunta (maltti)• tajuta• älykkyys• ymmärrys• älli• äly• käsityskyky* * *sens 1. noun1) (one of the five powers (hearing, taste, sight, smell, touch) by which a person or animal feels or notices.) aisti2) (a feeling: He has an exaggerated sense of his own importance.) tunto3) (an awareness of (something): a well-developed musical sense; She has no sense of humour.) taju4) (good judgement: You can rely on him - he has plenty of sense.) järki5) (a meaning (of a word).) merkitys6) (something which is meaningful: Can you make sense of her letter?) tolkku2. verb(to feel, become aware of, or realize: He sensed that she disapproved.) tuntea- senselessly
- senselessness
- senses
- sixth sense -
4 sensuous
• irstas• aisti-iloinen• aistillinen• aisti• aisteihin vaikuttava• lihallinen• seksikäs• maallinen• syntinen• synnillinen* * *'senʃuəs(affecting the senses pleasantly: Her sculptures have a sensuous quality.) aistillinen -
5 sensory
• tunto• aisti• aistinelinten• aisti-• aistimus-• aistin• sensorinen -
6 sensual
• hekumallinen• aistillinen• lihallinen• seksuaalinen• sensuelli• sensuaalinen• seksikäs* * *'sensuəl1) (of the senses and the body rather than the mind: sensual pleasures.) aisti-2) (having or showing a fondness for bodily pleasures: a sensual person.) aistillinen•- sensuality -
7 sixth sense
(an ability to feel or realize something apparently not by means of any of the five senses: He couldn't hear or see anyone, but a sixth sense told him that he was being followed.) kuudes aisti -
8 taste
• saada maistaa jotakin• hyvä maku• tyylitaju• aisti• kokea• kokeilla• mieltymys• maistua• maistella• makuaisti• maku• maistaa* * *teist 1. verb1) (to be aware of, or recognize, the flavour of something: I can taste ginger in this cake.) maistaa2) (to test or find out the flavour or quality of (food etc) by eating or drinking a little of it: Please taste this and tell me if it is too sweet.) maistaa3) (to have a particular flavour or other quality that is noticed through the act of tasting: This milk tastes sour; The sauce tastes of garlic.) maistua4) (to eat (food) especially with enjoyment: I haven't tasted such a beautiful curry for ages.) syödä5) (to experience: He tasted the delights of country life.) nauttia2. noun1) (one of the five senses, the sense by which we are aware of flavour: one's sense of taste; bitter to the taste.) makuaisti2) (the quality or flavour of anything that is known through this sense: This wine has an unusual taste.) maku3) (an act of tasting or a small quantity of food etc for tasting: Do have a taste of this cake!) maistiainen4) (a liking or preference: a taste for music; a queer taste in books; expensive tastes.) mieltymys5) (the ability to judge what is suitable in behaviour, dress etc or what is fine and beautiful: She shows good taste in clothes; a man of taste; That joke was in good/bad taste.) tyylitaju•- tasteful- tastefully
- tastefulness
- tasteless
- tastelessly
- tastelessness
- - tasting
- tasty
- tastiness
См. также в других словарях:
aisti — • maku, aisti, tyylitaju • aisti, aistimiskyky … Suomi sanakirja synonyymejä
aistimiskyky — • aisti, aistimiskyky … Suomi sanakirja synonyymejä
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истый — истовый, др. русск. исто капитал , укр. ïстий, iстний истинный, настоящий , ст. слав. истъ, истовъ истинный, сущий , болг. ист тот же самый , исто также , сербохорв. и̏сти̑ тот же самый , и̏сто̑ точно так же , словен. ȋsti тот же самый , чеш.… … Этимологический словарь русского языка Макса Фасмера
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