1 airline technician
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > airline technician
2 technician
( технический) специалист, техникairborne radio and flight check panel operator technician — техник-оператор бортового радиооборудования и контрольных приборов
aircraft countermeasures maintenance technician — техник по обслуживанию (бортовой электронной аппаратуры создания помех
aircraft electronic navigation equipment maintenance technician — техник по обслуживанию бортового электронного навигационного оборудования
army aviation maintenance technician — техник по обслуживанию и ремонту авиационной техники армейской авиации
3 AS
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
4 As
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
5 MS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc. -
6 Ms
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. Milestone Scientific, Inc. -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Trans Activation Of Transcription2) Биология: thyrosine aminotransferase, toxin-antitoxin3) Авиация: Total Air Temperature (температура воздушного потока)4) Военный термин: Target Area Tactics, Technologies And Tactics, tactical air transport, tactical airlift technology, tactical armament turret, target aircraft transmitter, technical acceptance team, technical assistance and training, technical assistance team, temporary ambulance train, to accompany troops, transcontinental air transport, turnaround time, two-axis tracking5) Техника: television awareness training, terramycin animal formula, thinned aperture telescope, trace acceptance tester, transatlantic cable, type-approval test6) Шутливое выражение: The Almighty Teen7) Финансы: оборачиваемость активов (Total Assets Turnover)8) Сокращение: Tactical Armament Turret (USA), Tatar, Training Advisory Team (UK), Turnaround-Time, Total Aircraft Time (Общее время налета самолета), Tactical Analysis Team, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia - Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code), Tattoo, Technical Assessment Team, Technology Applications Team, Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association), Teens Against Television, Termination Attempt Trigger, Terrorist Action Team, Test Analysis Table, Test Auto Test, Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing), Tetanus Antitoxin, Text Attribute Table, The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden), Theoretical Arrival Time, Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model), Three Affiliated Tribes, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Time After Time (song), Time for Average Turnaround, Toshiba Authorized Technician, Totally Antisymmetric Tensor, Totally Awesome Trip (slang), Touraine Air Transport (airline), Tourism Authority of Thailand, Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable, Transgenic Arthropod Team, Transient Accommodations Tax, Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines), Transportation and Ammunition Tracking, Turbine Air Temperature, Turn Around Time, Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Tyumen Avia Trans9) Вычислительная техника: Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)10) Нефть: межремонтный срок службы (turnaround time), группа технической приёмки (technical acceptance team)11) Кардиология: Thrombin-antithrombin complex12) Иммунология: транс-действующий транскрипционный фактор (Trans-Activating Transcriptional regulation)13) СМИ: Truth About Tver14) Деловая лексика: время обработки заказа, turn-around time15) Полимеры: twist against twist16) Химическое оружие: toxic area training17) Авиационная медицина: target acquisition task, thematic apperception test18) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TA, trap-assisted tunneling19) Молекулярная биология: trans-activating transcriptional activator -
8 Tat
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Trans Activation Of Transcription2) Биология: thyrosine aminotransferase, toxin-antitoxin3) Авиация: Total Air Temperature (температура воздушного потока)4) Военный термин: Target Area Tactics, Technologies And Tactics, tactical air transport, tactical airlift technology, tactical armament turret, target aircraft transmitter, technical acceptance team, technical assistance and training, technical assistance team, temporary ambulance train, to accompany troops, transcontinental air transport, turnaround time, two-axis tracking5) Техника: television awareness training, terramycin animal formula, thinned aperture telescope, trace acceptance tester, transatlantic cable, type-approval test6) Шутливое выражение: The Almighty Teen7) Финансы: оборачиваемость активов (Total Assets Turnover)8) Сокращение: Tactical Armament Turret (USA), Tatar, Training Advisory Team (UK), Turnaround-Time, Total Aircraft Time (Общее время налета самолета), Tactical Analysis Team, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia - Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code), Tattoo, Technical Assessment Team, Technology Applications Team, Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association), Teens Against Television, Termination Attempt Trigger, Terrorist Action Team, Test Analysis Table, Test Auto Test, Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing), Tetanus Antitoxin, Text Attribute Table, The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden), Theoretical Arrival Time, Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model), Three Affiliated Tribes, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Time After Time (song), Time for Average Turnaround, Toshiba Authorized Technician, Totally Antisymmetric Tensor, Totally Awesome Trip (slang), Touraine Air Transport (airline), Tourism Authority of Thailand, Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable, Transgenic Arthropod Team, Transient Accommodations Tax, Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines), Transportation and Ammunition Tracking, Turbine Air Temperature, Turn Around Time, Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Tyumen Avia Trans9) Вычислительная техника: Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)10) Нефть: межремонтный срок службы (turnaround time), группа технической приёмки (technical acceptance team)11) Кардиология: Thrombin-antithrombin complex12) Иммунология: транс-действующий транскрипционный фактор (Trans-Activating Transcriptional regulation)13) СМИ: Truth About Tver14) Деловая лексика: время обработки заказа, turn-around time15) Полимеры: twist against twist16) Химическое оружие: toxic area training17) Авиационная медицина: target acquisition task, thematic apperception test18) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TA, trap-assisted tunneling19) Молекулярная биология: trans-activating transcriptional activator -
9 as
1) Общая лексика: англосаксонский2) Компьютерная техника: Activity Start, Amateur Satellite3) Биология: ammoniacal silver4) Авиация: accomplishment summary, aerospatiale, auto stabilization5) Медицина: aortic stenosis (стеноз аортального клапана)6) Латинский язык: Anno Societatis7) Военный термин: Aerial Surveillance, Air Service, Air Staff, Air Surveillance, Armed Services, Armed Services Committee, Army Security, Army Staff, Assault Shotgun, FAADC2I Simplified Handheld Terminal Unit, admiral superintendent, aerospace studies, air speed, air station, air superiority, air support, air-to-surface, ammunition storage, ammunition store, angle of sight, antenna site, apprentice seaman, area surveillance, arm of service, armament supplies, armor school, armored shop, army surplus, arsenal section, assistant secretary, atomic strike, automatic switching, Access System (JOPES)8) Техника: Automatically Switching, acquisition sensor, action statement, adaptive system, aerial shot, air glow spectrum, air supply, air-seasoned, alto-stratus, ampere-second, angle shot, anisotropic semiconductor, antenna systems, antisubmarine search, arithmetically symmetrical, asdic search, astronomical spectroscopy, atmosphere and space, audio sensitivity, auto sequential, automatic search, Австралийский стандарт (Australian Standard)9) Сельское хозяйство: astigmatic10) Шутливое выражение: After Sperry11) Химия: Ammonium Sulphate12) Математика: почти наверное (almost sure)13) Юридический термин: Alaska Statute, Alaska Statutes14) Коммерция: anticipated sales15) Экономика: aggregate supply16) Грубое выражение: Absolutely Stupid17) Оптика: angular sensitivity18) Политика: Australia19) Телекоммуникации: Autonomous System, Application System (SNA, APPN)20) Сокращение: Acquisition Strategy, Advanced Sensors, Aeronautical Standard, Air Search, Aircraft Standard, Aircraft Survivability, Airlift Squadron, Anglo-Saxon, Anti-Spoofing, Anti-Submarine, Assamese, Australia (NATO country code), Automatic Sprinkler, Submarine Tender (USA), airscoop, airspeed, ammeter switch, antisubmarine, artificial satellite, Academy of Science, aortic stenosis, (USN Rating) Aviation Support Equipment Technician, ATM Switch, Aanstaande, Abandon Ship, Ablaufsprache (German: Sequential Function Chart), Abstract Syntax, Academia Sinica (Taiwan), Access Stratum (3GPP), Access System, Acquisition/Application System, Acrylonitrile Styrene, Action Script (scripting language used in flash, similar to Java), Activesync (Microsoft software), Activity Start (ITU-T), Acute Sinusitis, Adam Sandler (actor), Additional Shift (used on overtime forms), Additive Solution (preservative to extend life of red blood cells), Address Strobe, Administrative Simplification, Administrative Site, Administrative Support, Administrative System (Bellcore), Adopted Son, Adult Situations, Adult Swim (Cartoon Network programming block), Advanced Schottky, Advanced Server (Microsoft Windows), Advanced Subsidiary level (UK), Advanced Switching, Aeronautical Science (Flight Major), Aerospace Corporation, Aerospace Society, Aerospace Standards, Aes Sedai (Wheel of Time book series), Aft Shroud, After-Sales Service, AfterStep (Window Manager for X), Agency Services, Agent Society (International Society on Intelligent Agent Technologies), Aggregate Subbase (construction), Aggregate Supply (economics), Aggressor Squadron, Agrarian System, Air Sampling (station), Air Sealed, Air Seasoned Timber, Airfield Services, Aksje Selskap (Norwegian: Limited Company), Alarm Surveillance, Alaska Airlines, Inc., Alaska (IATA airline code), Alessandro Scarlatti (classical composer), Alignment Signal (ITU-T), Alka-Seltzer, All Source, All Star (sports), All Stars (Disney resort), Allowance Standard, Alpha Smart (electronic keyboard), Alto Saxophone, Altostratus (cloud formation), American Samoa (US postal abbreviation), American Singles, Amino Salicylic Acid, Ammunition Specialist, Ampere Sensor, Ampere Switch, Anaerobic Seeder, Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars Character), Anal Seepage, Analog Switch, Analysis Subsystem, Anatolian Studies, Ancillary Services, Angel Sanctuary (Manga), Angelman Syndrome, Angle Slam (wrestling finishing move), Angled Single, Ankylosing Spondylitis (chronic inflammatory form of arthritis affecting the spine), Anno Satanas, Annual Summary, Anonim Sirketi (Turkish: Joint Stock Company), Anonymous Sender, Another Subject, Answer Supervision, Anti Static, Anti Surge (type of electric fuse), Anti Sweat, Anti-Scintillation, Anti-Social, Antichrist Superstar (Marilyn Manson album), Aperture Stop, AppleScript, AppleShare, Applicability Statement, Application Software (NEC), Application System, Applied Science, Approaches Standards (school grading system), Aqueous Solution, Archive Server, Area Security, Area Source, Area Supervisor (FAA ARTCC Area Supervisor 1 or more Sector Suites), Arme'e du Salut (Salvation Army), Arnold Schwarzenegger (body builder, actor, politician), Arsenal Ship, Articulation Score, Artificial Stupidity, As Stated, Asbestos Survey, Ascent Stage, Asian Sensation, Asperger Syndrome (Asperger's Disorder), Aspheric Subassembly, Assassin/Assassination, Assault Support, Assault at Selonia (Star Wars novel), Assigned (Telabs), Assistant Referee (Soccer), Associate in Science, Associate of Science, Associated Students, Associated Support, Associazione Sportiva (Italian: sports club), Athletics (Oakland baseball team), Attachment Sheet, Audioslave (band), Auger Spectroscopy, Auris Sinister (Latin: Left Ear), Austin Servers (online gaming community), Australia (including Ashmore, Cartier & Coral Sea Islands), Australian Shepherd (dog breed), Australian Standard, Authentication Server, Authentication Service, Author Space (webcomic), Authorization Subsystem, Automation Specialist, Autonomous System (ATM), Autosavants.com (car enthusiasts), Auxiliary Steam, Auxiliary Submarine, Aviation Safety, Complex Antenna, Submarine Tender, Wait (logging abbreviation), analog secure (US DoD), aviation ship (US DoD), active substance21) Физиология: Anal sphincter, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Arteriosclerosis, Auris Sinistra (left Ear)22) Вычислительная техника: Architectural Simulator, add-subtract, automated software distribution, Authentication Service (DCE), Autonomous System (IP, Internet, RFC 1930), Advanced Server (MS, Windows, NT), (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) Advanced Server (RedHat, Linux), архитектурный имитатор23) Нефть: absorption spectroscopy, after shot, anhydrite stringer, после перфорирования, после торпедирования (after shot), пропласток ангидрита (anhydrite seam), Array Sonic24) Связь: Access Switch / Access Server25) Банковское дело: по предъявлении (after sight)26) Деловая лексика: Allocation Status, после предъявления (after sight), отчёт о продаже товара (account sales)27) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: amine sewer (system), (LSS) array sonic (long-spaced sonic), (LSS) многозондовый акустический каротаж (с большим радиусом исследования), (WFT) array sonic (full waveform tool)28) Образование: American Standard Code for Safety Glazing Materials29) Инвестиции: after sight30) Сетевые технологии: Add Subnet, Appliance Server, Application Server, сервер приложений, (autonomus system) АС (автономная система) (объединение сетей с одинаковой маршрутизационной политикой и общей администрацией; состоит из одной или нескольких систем), (autonomus system) автономная система (АС)31) Полимеры: American standard32) Программирование: Add Sideways33) Автоматика: Automation System (система автоматизации)34) Контроль качества: aerospace standard35) Макаров: active space, активные пространства, (active space) активное пространство36) Золотодобыча: Alex Stewart Assayers, компания Alex Stewart Assayers (AS)37) Расширение файла: Autonomous System (Internet)38) Электротехника: amperemeter switch39) США: American Samoa40) Программное обеспечение: Advanced Solutions -
10 mS
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. 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1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Mad Scientist, hum. сокр. Mass Spectrometry, множественный склероз2) Компьютерная техника: Master Slave, Memory Scrubbing, Message Size, Morphy Synthesis, Multiple Stream, Munter System, memory stick, карта памяти3) Геология: Martensite, Mount Shasta4) Медицина: митральный стеноз (mitral stenosis), рассеянный склероз (multiple sclerosis), multiple sclerosis (рассеянный склероз)5) Американизм: Mail Slot6) Спорт: Men's Soccer, Much Stamina7) Военный термин: Medical Service, Mess Specialist, Mil Spec, Military Secretary, Military Security, Military Service, Military Stone, Mobile Suit, Modular System, Moral Support, main stage (ракеты), maintenance and service, maintenance service, maintenance squadron, maintenance standard book, maintenance standards, major subject, manufacturing specification, manufacturing standard, master-sergeant, material specification, material support, materiel squadron, materiel support, measuring set, measuring system, medical services, medical staff, medical supplies, medical survey, medium speed, mess sergeant, military science, military specifications, military standard, military survivor, missile site, missile station, missile system, mission simulation, mission simulator, mobile searchlight, mobile system, mobility support8) Техника: Metal Spiral, Mid Side, magnetic semiconductor, mass splitting, maximum security, mean-square, medium shot, medium strong, message, microsphere, microspheric, mid-shot, midcourse surveillance, mitigation system, moisture separator, more significant, multispectral scanner, обозначение для судовых радиостанций9) Сельское хозяйство: Machine Stripping10) Шутливое выражение: Magic Shield, Minions Of Satan, Mohd Sultan, More Shit12) Математика: Magic Sum, Matrix Scalar, Multi Set, более значащий (more significant), математическая система (mathematical system), мультипликативная система (multiplicative system), средний квадрат (mean square), старший (о разряде)13) Религия: Mighty Soul, Mighty Spirit14) Метеорология: Monitoring the Stratosphere15) Железнодорожный термин: Michigan Shore Railroad Incorporated16) Юридический термин: Man Stuck, Midnight Special, Most Specific, Mystery Solved, manuscript17) Бухгалтерия: Money Supply, milestone (научно-исследовательской работы)18) Астрономия: Main Sequence, Meteor Scatter, Morning Star19) Ветеринария: Mongrel Soft, Multi Species20) Грубое выражение: My Scrotum21) География: Миссисипи (штат США)22) Музыка: Musical Similarities23) Телекоммуникации: Modified Service24) Сокращение: Main Station, Malay, Maritime Surveillance, Master of Science, Measurement Systems Inc. (USA), Message Switch, Metallurgical Society, Methyl Salicylate, Military Secretary, Department of (UK), Military Standards (USA), Minesweeper, Missile Support, Mississippi (US state), Mississippi, Montserrat, MultiSpectral, machine steel, magnetostriction, main switch, maintenance and supply, mark sensing, master schedule, meteorological system, minus, most significant, motor ship, military standard (sheet), Mental Status, Multiple Sclerosis, Egyptair (IATA airline code), Mad Scientist, Magestorm (game), Maggie Simpson, Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game), Mail Stop, Mail Store, Main Satellite, Main Spring, Main Steam, Maintenance Shelter, Maintenance Shop, Maintenance Standard, Major System, Male Sterile, Mammal Society, Man System (CASI), Management Science, Mandatory Supervision (type of parole), Manganese Steel, Manta Sonica (band), Manual Sweep (Agilent), Manual Switch, Manufacturing Specialist, Manufacturing Strategy, Maple Story (computer game), Mara Salvatrucha (gang), Marge Simpson, Margin of Safety (structural engineering term), Marine Safety, Marine Science Technician, Mariners (Seattle baseball team), Mario Sunshine (video game), Market Segmentation, Market Share, Market Surveillance, Market Survey, Marketing Society, Marking Scheme (examinations), Markov Switching, Marks and Spencer (UK department store), Martin Scorsese (film director), Marus Seru (Everquest), Mass Shareware, Mass Spectroscopy, Mass Storage, Massa, Toscana (Italian province), Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank), Master Shake (cartoon character), Master Smith (bladesmithing), Master Sommelier, Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game), Master System (Sega), Master of Sports, Master of Surgery, Masters of Science (less common), Matched Set (philately), Maternal Sire, Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil), Matrix Spike, Maybe So, McLean Symphony (McLean, VA), Measurement Signal, Mechanics Service, Media Server, Medical Service Corps, Medical Student, Medical Surgical, Mediterranean Sea, Medium Shot (cinematography), Medium Steel, Meets Standards (school grading system), Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems), Mega Second (1, 000, 000 seconds), Member States (EU), Memory Store (calculator button), Memory System, Memoserv (IRC Memo Server), Merchant Shipping, Merge Specification, Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating), Message System, Meta Signaling, Metabolic Syndrome, Metal Slug (game), Metal Sonic (gaming character), Meteor Scattering (ham radio), Michael Schumacher (F1 driver), Michael Shanks (actor), Michele Soavi (film director), Michigan Shore Railroad, Michigan Southern Railway, Microprocessor System (AT&T), Microwave Sensor, Microwave Subsystem, Microwave System, Mid-Side (stereo sound recording), Middle School, Midnight Sun (band), Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade), Mildly Susceptible, Milestone, Milieuschadelijkheid (Dutch: environmental harmfulness), Military Shipping, Military Standard/Service/Specification, Milksolids, Millenial Star (LDS Church), Million Samples (sampling rate), Minimal Subtraction, Minimum Stockage, Mint Sheet (of stamps), Mint State (highest quality of coin), Mirage Studios, Mirror Subassembly, MirrorSoft (former game maker), Mirrored System, Missile Squadron, Missile Station (linear measurement reference to key points on a missile), Mission Scanner, Mission Schedule, Mission Specialist, Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida), Missionaries of Our Lady of Lasalette (religious order), Mobile Subscriber, Mobile Suit (Gundam World), Mobility Solutions (Lucent), Mobilization Station, Mode Select, Model Station, Moderately Susceptible, Modern Studies (school subject), Module Signaling, Monitor Station, Monitor Statistica, Monitored Seconds, Monitoring Subsystem, Monitoring System, Mono Stereo, Monopolio Statale, More Stuff (polite form), Morgan Stanley (investment bank), Morphine Sulfate, Mother Ship (game), Motor Saw, Motor Signal, Motorschiff (German: motor vessel), Motorschip (Dutch), Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement), Multi-Spectral, Multidimensional Scaling, Multilateral Staff, Multiple Elastic Scattering, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, Multiplex Section, Munchausen's Syndrome, Murashige and Skoog (basal medium), Musculo-Skeletal, Music Scholar (Eton College), Music/Speech (broadcasting), MySpace, Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes), Manual Series25) Университет: Meet Students26) Физика: Mean Squared, Microphotography Standard, Multi State, Multiple Surface27) Физиология: Mainstream Smoke, Many Symptoms, Menstrual Syndrome, Minor Surgery, Missing Sense, Morphine Sulphate28) Вычислительная техника: mirrored server, mobile station, Meta Signaling (ATM, ???), Mobile Station (GSM, Mobile-Systems), MicroSoft (Hersteller, MS), магнитное запоминающее устройство29) Нефть: metal seal, запас прочности (margin of safety), микросферический (о катализаторе), коэффициент надёжности (margin of safety)30) Стоматология: механически обработанная поверхность имплантата31) Транспорт: Multi Speed32) Пищевая промышленность: Miracle Strength, Moggy Soft33) Парфюмерия: масс-спектрометрия34) Фирменный знак: Marks And Spencers, Micro- Switch, Microsoft Systems, Mortgage Servicer35) Холодильная техника: страна-член ЕС (Member State)37) Деловая лексика: Mail For Staff, Marketing Strategy, Minor Setback, Multi Strategy38) Бурение: магистр наук (Master of Science; точных), метрическая система (metric system)39) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: mechanical completion, meter station, surface wave (equivalent to MLV)40) Образование: Millennial Star, ученая степень, Магистр наук. (сокращение от Master of Science)41) Сетевые технологии: Merchant Server, Microsoft, magnetic storage, main storage, management services, management system, message server, message store42) Полимеры: margin of safety, maximum stress, medium-soft, mediumshock, metric system, mild steel, molar substitution43) Автоматика: manufacturing system, mounting surface, move and stop44) Контроль качества: mean square, military specification45) Океанография: Microwave Scanner46) Химическое оружие: Mass selective, Mass spectrometer, Mass spectrometry47) Авиационная медицина: motion sickness, musculoskeletal system48) Макаров: multiple scattering49) Безопасность: Malicious System50) Расширение файла: Formatted manual page with Microsoft macros, Microsecond, Microsoft Corporation, Modula-3 Intermediate assembly file, Microsoft antivirus report (MSAV), Worksheet (Maple)51) Нефть и газ: medium pressure steam, metal siding52) Электротехника: magnetostatic, making switch, master switch53) Имена и фамилии: Martha Stewart, Michael Schumacher, Mohammed Saber54) Общественная организация: Mercy Ships55) Должность: Management Systems, Mathematical Sciences, Mean Salary, Multidisciplinary Studies56) Чат: Mighty Special57) Правительство: Mid South58) Программное обеспечение: Microcomputer Software59) Хобби: Miniature Smooth, Mint State60) Федеральное бюро расследований: Missing61) Единицы измерений: Milli Seconds62) AMEX. 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1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Trans Activation Of Transcription2) Биология: thyrosine aminotransferase, toxin-antitoxin3) Авиация: Total Air Temperature (температура воздушного потока)4) Военный термин: Target Area Tactics, Technologies And Tactics, tactical air transport, tactical airlift technology, tactical armament turret, target aircraft transmitter, technical acceptance team, technical assistance and training, technical assistance team, temporary ambulance train, to accompany troops, transcontinental air transport, turnaround time, two-axis tracking5) Техника: television awareness training, terramycin animal formula, thinned aperture telescope, trace acceptance tester, transatlantic cable, type-approval test6) Шутливое выражение: The Almighty Teen7) Финансы: оборачиваемость активов (Total Assets Turnover)8) Сокращение: Tactical Armament Turret (USA), Tatar, Training Advisory Team (UK), Turnaround-Time, Total Aircraft Time (Общее время налета самолета), Tactical Analysis Team, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tatry/Poprad, Slovakia - Tatry/Poprad (Airport Code), Tattoo, Technical Assessment Team, Technology Applications Team, Teenage Travelers (Family Motor Coach Association), Teens Against Television, Termination Attempt Trigger, Terrorist Action Team, Test Analysis Table, Test Auto Test, Testing and Training (SW Development and QA Testing), Tetanus Antitoxin, Text Attribute Table, The Astonishing Tribe (Sweden), Theoretical Arrival Time, Thermally-Activated Time-Dependent (reliability model), Three Affiliated Tribes, Tiffani-Amber Thiessen, Time After Time (song), Time for Average Turnaround, Toshiba Authorized Technician, Totally Antisymmetric Tensor, Totally Awesome Trip (slang), Touraine Air Transport (airline), Tourism Authority of Thailand, Trans-Atlantic Telephone cable, Transgenic Arthropod Team, Transient Accommodations Tax, Transitional Automated Ticket (airlines), Transportation and Ammunition Tracking, Turbine Air Temperature, Turn Around Time, Tyrosine Aminotransferase, Tyumen Avia Trans9) Вычислительная техника: Theoretical Arrival Time (GCRA)10) Нефть: межремонтный срок службы (turnaround time), группа технической приёмки (technical acceptance team)11) Кардиология: Thrombin-antithrombin complex12) Иммунология: транс-действующий транскрипционный фактор (Trans-Activating Transcriptional regulation)13) СМИ: Truth About Tver14) Деловая лексика: время обработки заказа, turn-around time15) Полимеры: twist against twist16) Химическое оружие: toxic area training17) Авиационная медицина: target acquisition task, thematic apperception test18) Макаров: toxin-antitoxin, TA, trap-assisted tunneling19) Молекулярная биология: trans-activating transcriptional activator
См. также в других словарях:
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