1 airline industry
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > airline industry
2 airline industry
1) Авиация: система авиатранспортных предприятий2) Экономика: авиалинии, компании авиатранспорта -
3 airline industry
1) компании авиатранспорта2) авиалинииАнгло-русский словарь по экономике и финансам > airline industry
4 airline industry
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > airline industry
5 industry
1) промышленность, индустрия2) стат. отрасль промышленности; отрасль экономической деятельности; отрасль экономики -
6 industry
7 авиакомпании авиатранспорта
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > авиакомпании авиатранспорта
8 авиалинии
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > авиалинии
1) Компьютерная техника: angle-of-launch2) Авиация: all operators letter3) Спорт: All Outa Luck4) Военный термин: Area of Limitation, absence over leave, absent over liberty5) Шутливое выражение: Acronym OverLoad, Agent Of Lucifer, Ain't On Line, Aliens On Line, Almost On Line, Always On Line, Amateurs On Line, America Off Line, America Outta Luck, American Old Ladies, Annoying Old Lame, Aol Owns Linux, Army Of Lamers, Automatically Off Line, Awful On Line6) Грубое выражение: Aggregation Of Losses, Aggregation of Lamers, Agoraphobes Or Losers, Alot Of Losers, Americas Old Losers, Anonymous Online Losers, Asshole On Lithium, Asshole Online Literally, Assholes Oddballs And Lunatics, Assholes On Line, Assholes Online Login, Association Of Losers7) Сокращение: Absent Over Leave, A'rea de Olho de Lombo, Acronym Over Load, Adjustable Overload Trip, Adventure of Link (video game; sequel to The Legend of Zelda), Age of Legends (Wheel of Time Series), Airborne Oceanographic LIDAR, Alarm on LAN, Alert on Lan, Algebra of Limits (mathematical analysis), All Operator Letter (airline industry), America Online, Inc., Angel of Light, Application Object Library, Assyria on Line, Asynchronous On-Line (training), Audio Output Left, area of limitation (US DoD)8) Вычислительная техника: язык описания мультипликационных изображений, America OnLine (Netzwerk, AOL), Absent Over Leave (see), служба AOL, america on-line, автоматизированная библиотека данных, язык описания анимации9) СМИ: Audio Over Lan10) Бурение: Aircraft Obstruction Light (Термин NOV)11) Сетевые технологии: All Others Left, Awake On Lan12) Расширение файла: America On-Line related file, America Online13) Чат: Always Off Line14) NYSE. America Online, Inc./ Time Warner15) Базы данных: Adventure Of Link -
10 aol
1) Компьютерная техника: angle-of-launch2) Авиация: all operators letter3) Спорт: All Outa Luck4) Военный термин: Area of Limitation, absence over leave, absent over liberty5) Шутливое выражение: Acronym OverLoad, Agent Of Lucifer, Ain't On Line, Aliens On Line, Almost On Line, Always On Line, Amateurs On Line, America Off Line, America Outta Luck, American Old Ladies, Annoying Old Lame, Aol Owns Linux, Army Of Lamers, Automatically Off Line, Awful On Line6) Грубое выражение: Aggregation Of Losses, Aggregation of Lamers, Agoraphobes Or Losers, Alot Of Losers, Americas Old Losers, Anonymous Online Losers, Asshole On Lithium, Asshole Online Literally, Assholes Oddballs And Lunatics, Assholes On Line, Assholes Online Login, Association Of Losers7) Сокращение: Absent Over Leave, A'rea de Olho de Lombo, Acronym Over Load, Adjustable Overload Trip, Adventure of Link (video game; sequel to The Legend of Zelda), Age of Legends (Wheel of Time Series), Airborne Oceanographic LIDAR, Alarm on LAN, Alert on Lan, Algebra of Limits (mathematical analysis), All Operator Letter (airline industry), America Online, Inc., Angel of Light, Application Object Library, Assyria on Line, Asynchronous On-Line (training), Audio Output Left, area of limitation (US DoD)8) Вычислительная техника: язык описания мультипликационных изображений, America OnLine (Netzwerk, AOL), Absent Over Leave (see), служба AOL, america on-line, автоматизированная библиотека данных, язык описания анимации9) СМИ: Audio Over Lan10) Бурение: Aircraft Obstruction Light (Термин NOV)11) Сетевые технологии: All Others Left, Awake On Lan12) Расширение файла: America On-Line related file, America Online13) Чат: Always Off Line14) NYSE. America Online, Inc./ Time Warner15) Базы данных: Adventure Of Link -
11 cargo
cargo; freight; air cargo (without mail)Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage.(AN 9; AN 17)The term air cargo is also used in a broader sense by the airline industry to mean any property (freight, express and mail) transported by air except baggage.Official definition added to AN 17 by Amdt 10 (1/07/2002).груз; авиагрузЛюбое перевозимое на борту воздушного судна имущество, за исключением почты, бортприпасов и сопровождаемого или засланного багажа.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > cargo
12 freight
cargo; freight; air cargo (without mail)Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage.(AN 9; AN 17)The term air cargo is also used in a broader sense by the airline industry to mean any property (freight, express and mail) transported by air except baggage.Official definition added to AN 17 by Amdt 10 (1/07/2002).груз; авиагрузЛюбое перевозимое на борту воздушного судна имущество, за исключением почты, бортприпасов и сопровождаемого или засланного багажа.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > freight
13 air cargo (without mail)
cargo; freight; air cargo (without mail)Any property carried on an aircraft other than mail, stores and accompanied or mishandled baggage.(AN 9; AN 17)The term air cargo is also used in a broader sense by the airline industry to mean any property (freight, express and mail) transported by air except baggage.Official definition added to AN 17 by Amdt 10 (1/07/2002).груз; авиагрузЛюбое перевозимое на борту воздушного судна имущество, за исключением почты, бортприпасов и сопровождаемого или засланного багажа.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > air cargo (without mail)
14 connect
1. IIconnect in some manner connect well (firmly, loosely, etc.) хорошо /плотно/ и т. д. соединяться; the two parts do not connect properly эти две части не соединяются / не подогнаны/ как следует2. IIIconnect smth., smb. connect pipes (the two wires, circuits, two buildings, two banks of a river, two families, etc.) соединять трубы и т. д.3. IVconnect smth. at some time I have never connected these two ideas я никогда не связывал вместе эти два понятия4. XI1) be connected is the gas (the telephone, etc.) connected? газ и т. д. подключен?; you are connected соединяю, говорите (слова телефонистки)', be connected to smb., smth. I was again connected to the wrong person меня опять неправильно соединили, я не туда попал (о разговоре по телефону), be connected in some manner make sure the machine is connected properly before you press the button прежде чем нажимать кнопку, проверьте, правильно ли машина включена в сеть2) be connected in some manner be closely (remotely, indissolubly, etc.) connected быть тесно и т. д. связанным, иметь непосредственное и т. д. отношение (к чему-л.); the two words are etymologically connected эти два слова этимологически связаны; be well connected a) иметь хорошие связи; б) иметь влиятельных родственников; be highly connected а) иметь связи в высоких /в высших/ сферах; б) иметь высокопоставленных родственников; these events are not in any way connected эти события никак не связаны между собой; be connected by smth. the two towns are connected by a railway эти два города соединены /соединяются/ железной дорогой; these islands are connected by telegraph между этими островами есть телеграфная связь; be connected with smth. be connected with a newspaper (with the iron industry, with a banking house, with a foreign firm, with astronomy, etc.) быть связанным с газетой и т. д., иметь отношении к газете и т. д., industries connected with transport отрасли промышленности, связанные с транспортом; what firm are you connected with? в какой фирме вы работаете?, с какой фирмой вы связаны?; he asked questions connected with this matter он задавал вопросы, имеющие отношение к этому делу; be connected with smb. be connected with the family (with these people, with the Smiths, etc.) иметь родственные связи с этой семьей и т. д.; I am only distantly connected with her она приходится мне дальней родственницей; be connected by smth. the two families are connected by marriage эти семьи состоят в свойстве; be connected with smb., smth. by smth. be connected with her (him) by marriage находиться в родственных отношениях /быть родственниками/ по мужу (жене); be connected with him by close ties of friendship быть связанным с ним тесными узами дружбы; he's connected with his friends by telephone он общается со своими друзьями по телефону; be connected with the lilainland by a steamer service (with the country by a motor-bus service, etc.) быть связанным с материком пароходным сообщением и т. д.3) be connected with smth., smb. there are many traditions connected with marriage со свадьбой связано множество традиций; this technique is connected with the name of Dickens этот прием связан с именем Диккенса; he is connected with this family он имеет отношение к этой семье; be connected somewhere these two things are always connected in my mind я всегда мысленно связываю эти две вещи, эти две вещи у меня всегда ассоциируются5. XVI1) connect with smth. connect with the main street (with the bathroom, with the study, etc.) соединяться с центральной улицей и т. д., side streets that connect with the main arteries переулки, которые вливаются в /выходят на/ главную магистраль; this sentence doesn't seem to connect with the context это предложение, по-моему, не связано с текстом2) connect with smth. the train (the bus, the steamer, etc) connects with local buses (with another train, etc.) расписание поезда и т. д. согласовано с расписанием местных автобусов и т. д.; connect at some place these trains connect at New York в Нью-Йорке можно пересесть с этого поезда на тот; all trains connect with buses at this station на этой станции ко всем поездам подаются автобусы6. XVIIIconnect oneself with smth. connect oneself with this firm (with industry, with aviation, etc.) быть связанным по работе с этой фирмой и т. д.7. XXI1№. connect smth. with smth. this airline connects Paris with all the large towns (the islands with mainland telegraphically, etc.) эта авиалиния соединяет Париж со всеми крупными городами и т. д.; connect the gas stove with the gas pipe подключать плиту к газовой трубе; connect theory with practice (science with industry, etc.) соединять /сочетать/ теорию с практикой и т д.; the traditions that connect the present with the past традиции, которые связывают настоящее с прошлым; connect smb. with smb., smth. connect smb. with his chief (with the office, etc.) соединять кого-л. с начальником и т. д.; please connect me with Mr. Smith (with the hospital, etc.) пожалуйста, соедините меня с мастером Смитом и т. д.; connect smth. by smth. connect two buildings by a gallery (the two wings by a vaulted passage, the parks by a covered walk, two banks of a river by a bridge, two towns by a railway line, two families by marriage, etc.) соединять /связывать/ два здания галереей и т. д.; connect smth. to smth. please connect these wires to the battery пожалуйста, присоедините эти провода к батарее; connect the set to earth заземлить приемник2)connect smth., smb. with smth., smb. connect war with fascism (Malays with rubber and tin, etc.) ассоциировать /связывать/ войну с фашизмом и т. д.; connect smb. with theatre (with these events, etc.) связывать /ассоциировать/ кого-л. с театром и т. д.; we connect the suffix connected with the idea of past action суффикс -ed связывается с понятием о действии, совершенном в прошлом; we connect American car industry with Ford у нас американская автомобильная промышленность связывается с именем Форда -
15 cost
16 service
1. сущ.1) общ. услуга, одолжение; помощьIt was of great service to him during his illness. — Это была огромная помощь для него во время болезни.
to be out of service — быть без работы, бездельничать
My friend did me a service in fixing the door. — Мой друг оказал мне услугу, починив дверь.
2)а) эк. услуга, услуги, обслуживание, сервис (работа, осуществляемая для заказчика в процессе экономической деятельности компании или организации); предоставление услуг ( деятельность в сфере услуг)ATTRIBUTES:
high service — обслуживание [сервис\] на высоком уровне
premium quality [premium grade\] service — услуга премиального качества
to provide a service — оказывать услугу, обслуживать
See:accessorial services, ancillary service, a la carte service, account reconcilement service, accounting service 1), actual service 3), advertising services, advisory service 2), ancillary service 1), assurance services, augmented service, banking services, business reply service, business reply service, carry-out service, consumer service 2), consumer services, contract services, core service, 1), 3), dealer service, delivery service 1), factor services, field service 1), financial intermediation services indirectly measured, financial services, freight services, free services, freight services, full service, home service 1), 2), 3), in-flight service, investment-related services, legal services, limited service, managerial services, market services, medical service, 1), &2 non-factor services, non-market services, non-material services, non-productive services, passenger services, productive services, tax services, trade-related services, balance of services, contract for services, exports of services, quality of service, range of services, service account, service dealer, service dumping, service export, service firm, service import, service mark, services account, services deficit, service director, service manager, services market, services marketing, services surplus, services trade, service worker а), trade in services, balance on goods and services, exports of goods and services, final goods and services, goods and service tax, Bank Export Services Act, Extended Balance of Payments Services Classification, FIATA Model Rules for Freight Forwarding Services, Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980, Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act, 1980б) эк. техническое обслуживание (установка, подготовка к эксплуатации, сервисное обслуживание, чистка, ремонт оборудования или иной техники)COMBS:
Syn:See:, service history, maintenance 3)в) эк. обслуживание (за столом) (накрывание стола, подача еды и т. д., напр., услуги официанта, бармена); прислуживание (работа на кого-л. вышестоящего по положению или должности; обычно: работа домашней прислуги)They complained of poor bar service. — Они пожаловались на плохое обслуживание в баре.
I found the butler's service to be excellent. — На мой взгляд, дворецкий выполнял свои обязанности безукоризненно.
See:3)а) эк. служба, работа ( работа по найму в частной компании или в государственном учреждении)COMBS:
service crime — служебное преступление, преступление по службе
duty of service — служебная [воинская\] обязанность
record of service, service record — послужной список
condition of service — условия работы [прохождения службы\]
to go out of service, to leave the service — уйти с работы
He has been in the company's service for 15 years. — Он работает в этой компании уже 15 лет.
See:active service 2), actual service 1), administrative service 1), a continuous service, full-time service, labour service 2), pensionable service, uninterrupted service, length of service, service worker б) future service benefit, past service benefit, in-service 1), 2)б) эк. служба, работа, эксплуатация (работа оборудования, техники)COMBS:
disposable [fit\] for service — годный для эксплуатации [использования\]
The computer should provide good service for years. — Компьютер должен работать хорошо в течение многих лет.
See:4)а) гос. упр. государственная служба (социально-правовой институт и сфера деятельности государственных гражданских служащих и военнослужащих)COMBS:
See:б) воен. армия, вооруженные силы (какой-л. страны; используется c определенным артиклем); род войскCOMBS:
He joined the service right after college. — Сразу после колледжа он пошел в армию.
Syn:See:uniformed services, member of the services, Selective Service System, Washington Headquarters Services5) гос. упр. обслуживание населения*; услуги населению* (в т. ч. предоставление коммунальных услуг, обеспечение общественным транспортом, средствами коммуникации и т. д.)ATTRIBUTES:
regular service — регулярное обслуживание, регулярное (транспортное) сообщение
rail [railway\] service — железнодорожное сообщение, железнодорожный транспорт [перевозки\]
Syn:public service 2) б)See:communal services, communications services, essential service, health service 1), janitorial service, non-essential service, public service broadcasting, social service, curtailment of service, Community Oriented Policing Services, Institute of Museum and Library Services, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, probation service6) фин., банк. обслуживание долга ( выплата процентов и основной суммы)Syn:See:7)а) гос. упр. служба, агентство, бюро (государственный орган или предприятие, оказывающее услуги населению и в той или иной степени регулируемое государством)Syn:See:accounting service 2), inspection service, intelligence service, patent service 2), Agricultural Marketing Service, Agricultural Research Service, American Forces Information Service, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Central Security Service, Congressional Research Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Serviceб) эк. служба, отдел (подразделение организации, обслуживающее ее основную деятельность; также независимая фирма, оказывающая услуги)Syn:See:account service 1), advisory service 1), auditing service, back of the house services, customer service, 2), legal service 2), management services, marketing service 1), media buying service, placement service, property service, 1), rating service, rental service, repair service, tax preparation services 1), telephone answering service, Agent/Distributor Service, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service8) юр. исполнение постановления суда; вручение повестки ( в суд)to acknowledge service — получать подтверждение юридического документа (напр., повестки)
speedy service of your documents on both defendants and witnesses — быстрое вручение ваших документов как ответчикам, так и свидетелям
See:actual service 2), 1),9) общ. церковная служба; религиозный обряд10) потр. сервиз (полный набор столовой или чайной посуды, рассчитанный на определенное количество человек)ATTRIBUTES:
Syn:See:11) эк. сфера услугSyn:12) эк. = service charge2. гл.1) общ. обслуживать ( предоставлять или оказывать услуги)to service customers — обслуживать покупателей [клиентов\]
The electric company services all nine counties. — Эта энергетическая компания обслуживает все девять округов.
2) эк. осуществлять [проводить\] техническое обслуживаниеto service the equipment — обслуживать оборудование, осуществлять ремонт оборудования
It is time to get my car serviced. — Пора проходить техобслуживание.
3) фин., банк. обслуживать долг ( выплачивать основную сумму или проценты по займу)to service a debt [a loan\] — обслуживать долг [заем\]
* * *
услуга, обслуживание: 1) банковская услуга; 2) обслуживание долга: своевременная выплата процентов; = debt service; 3) бытовая платная услуга населению: мойка машины, стирка, ремонт часов и т. д. -
17 company
nкомпания; общество; фирма; предприятие
- affiliated company
- ailing company
- air company
- airline company
- alien company
- allied company
- appraisal company
- associated company
- assurance company
- bank holding company
- bloated company
- blue-chip company
- bogus company
- broker company
- bubble company
- building company
- cable company
- car rental company
- carrying company
- chartered company
- closed company
- closed-end company
- closed-end investment company
- commercial company
- commercial credit company
- commission company
- competitive company
- consulting company
- consumer finance company
- consumer-goods company
- controlled company
- controlling company
- credit card company
- customer-centric company
- daughter company
- dealer company
- defunct company
- designing company
- development company
- distributing company
- diversified company
- domestic company
- domestic road haulage company
- dormant company
- emerging company
- engineering company
- export company
- factoring company
- farming company
- finance company
- financially-troubled company
- financing company
- foreign company
- foreign trade company
- forwarding company
- front company
- general marketing company
- general trade company
- hire-purchase company
- holding company
- home company
- immediate holding company
- incorporated company
- independent appraisal company
- industrial company
- inland navigation company
- installment credit company
- insurance company
- international company
- investment company
- issuing company
- joint-stock company
- large company
- leading company
- leased company
- leasing company
- life assurance company
- life insurance company
- limited-liability company
- liner company
- listed company
- loss-making company
- low-liquid company
- mail-order company
- major company
- management company
- managing company
- manufacturing company
- marketing company
- medium-sized company
- mixed company
- mobile radiotelephone company
- mortgage company
- multi-industry company
- multinational company
- mutual insurance company
- national company
- nationalized company
- navigation company
- nominee company
- nonoperating company
- nonprofit-making company
- nonresident company
- ocean company
- offshore company
- oil company
- one-man company
- open-end company
- open-end investment company
- operating company
- overseas company
- packaging company
- packing company
- paging company
- parent company
- personal loan company
- predecessor company
- private company
- private limited company
- privatized company
- processing company
- producer company
- product company
- property company
- proprietary company
- public company
- public limited company
- public utility company
- purchasing company
- quoted company
- railway company
- real estate company
- realty company
- registered company
- reinsurance company
- rival company
- sales company
- sales finance company
- salvage company
- securities company
- separate company
- service company
- shell company
- shipping company
- short-line company
- sister company
- specialized company
- state company
- statutory company
- steamship company
- stevedoring company
- stock company
- subsidiary company
- sub-subsidiary company
- supplier company
- surety company
- target company
- trade company
- trading company
- transparent company
- transport company
- troubled company
- trucking company
- trust company
- trust and mortgage loan company
- turnaround company
- unlimited company
- unregistered company
- venture capital company
- vendor company
- warehouse company
- well-established company
- wild cat company
- absorb a company
- close down a company
- constitute a company
- create a company
- dissolve a company
- establish a company
- float a company
- form a company
- keep a company afloat
- liquidate a company
- promote a company
- register a company
- represent a company
- run a company
- sell out a company
- set up a company
- start a company
- tout a company
- turn around a company
- wind up a company
- wipe out a companyEnglish-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > company
См. также в других словарях:
Airline Industry ETF — A sector exchange traded fund (ETF) that invests in stocks of airline companies, so as to obtain investment results that correspond to those of an underlying airline index. Because of the very limited number of airlines in most nations, an… … Investment dictionary
Airline complaints — are any type of formal complaint filed by an airline customer either to the airline responsible for the grievance or the government office responsible for overseeing the airlines national industry. Airline complaints generally arise out of… … Wikipedia
Airline — For other uses, see Airline (disambiguation). Airline A Boeing 767 300ER of Delta Air Lines, one of the world s largest passenger airlines … Wikipedia
Airline Deregulation Act — [ thumb|President Jimmy Carter signs the Airline Deregulation Act.] The Airline Deregulation Act (or ADA) is a United States federal law signed into law on October 24, 1978. The main purpose of the act was to remove government control from… … Wikipedia
Airline hub — An airline hub is an airport that an airline uses as a transfer point to get passengers to their intended destination. It is part of a hub and spoke model, where travelers moving between airports not served by direct flights change planes en… … Wikipedia
Airline meal — An airline meal or In flight meal is a meal served to passengers onboard a commercial airliner. These meals are prepared by airline catering services. The first kitchens for serving meals in flight were established by United Airlines in 1936.… … Wikipedia
Airline teletype system — The airline teletype system uses teleprinters, which are electro mechanical typewriters that can communicate typed messages from point to point through simple electric communications channels, often just pairs of wires. The most modern form of… … Wikipedia
airline — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, large, major ▪ domestic, international, national, regional ▪ commercial, private … Collocations dictionary
Airline Reservations System — The Airline Reservations System (ARS) was one of the earliest changes to improve efficiency. ARS eventually evolved into the Computer Reservations System (CRS), and then into Global Distribution System (GDS).The history of airline reservations… … Wikipedia
industry — 01. Most of the [industries] in this city are located on the west side of the river. 02. Car manufacturing is an important [industry] in Ontario. 03. In my opinion, the government should do more to prosecute [industries] that pollute the… … Grammatical examples in English
industry — / ɪndəstri/ noun 1. all factories, companies or processes involved in the manufacturing of products ● All sectors of industry have shown rises in output. 2. a group of companies making the same type of product or offering the same type of service … Marketing dictionary in english