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airframe icing

  • 1 airframe icing

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > airframe icing

  • 2 airframe icing

    English-Russian aviation meteorology dictionary > airframe icing

  • 3 airframe icing

    Авиасловарь > airframe icing

  • 4 icing

    aircraft icing
    airframe icing
    clear icing
    engine icing
    fuel-induced icing
    ground icing
    heavy icing
    induction icing
    natural icing
    rime icing
    rotor icing
    simulated icing
    structural icing

    Авиасловарь > icing

  • 5 airframe anti icing system

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > airframe anti icing system

  • 6 airframe anti-icing

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > airframe anti-icing

  • 7 airframe de-icing

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > airframe de-icing

  • 8 airframe anti-icing

    Авиасловарь > airframe anti-icing

  • 9 anti-icing

    защита от обледенения, противообледенительная защита (постоянного действия)
    airframe anti-icing
    electric anti-icing
    engine anti-icing
    fluid anti-icing
    hot-air anti-icing
    hot-gas anti-icing
    thermal anti-icing
    wing anti-icing

    Авиасловарь > anti-icing

  • 10 system

    system of axes
    3-component LDV system
    3-D LDV system
    4-D system
    4-D flight-management system
    4-D guidance system
    AC electrical system
    actuation system
    aerial delivery system
    aerostat system
    AEW system
    afterburning control system
    AI-based expert system
    aileron-to-rudder system
    air bleed offtake system
    air cushion system
    air cycle system
    air data system
    air defence system
    air induction system
    air refueling system
    air traffic control system
    air-combat advisory system
    air-conditioning system
    air-path axis system
    air-turbine starting system
    airborne early warning system
    aircooling system
    aircraft reference axis system
    aircraft weight-and-balance measuring system
    aircraft-autopilot system
    aircraft-based system
    aircraft-bifilar-pendulum system
    aircraft-carried earth axis system
    aircraft-carried normal earth axis system
    aircrew escape system
    airfield lighting control system
    airframe/rotor system
    airspeed system
    alcohol-wash system
    alignment control system
    all-electronic system
    all-weather mission system
    altitude loss warning system
    angle-of-attack command system
    anti-collision system
    anti-g system
    antitorque system
    anti-icing system
    antiskid system
    area-navigation system
    ARI system
    artificial feel system
    artificial intelligence-based expert system
    artificially augmented flight control system
    ATC system
    attitude and heading reference system
    audio system
    audiovisual system
    auto-diagnosis system
    auto-hover system
    autolanding system
    automatic cambering system
    automatic trim system
    autostabilization system
    autotrim system
    axis system
    B system
    balance-fixed coordinate system
    base-excited system
    basic axis system
    beam-foundation system
    bifilar pendulum suspension system
    bladder system
    blowing system
    blowing boundary layer control system
    blown flap system
    body axis system
    body axis coordinate system
    body-fitted coordinate system
    body-fixed reference system
    boom system
    boosted flight control system
    braking system
    breathing system
    buddy-buddy refuelling system
    cabin pressurization system
    cable-mount system
    CAD system
    canopy's jettison system
    cardiovascular system
    cargo loading system
    cargo-handling system
    carrier catapult system
    cartesian axis system
    Cat III system
    central nervous system
    CGI system
    circulating oil system
    closed cooling system
    closed-loop system
    cockpit system
    cockpit management system
    collision avoidance system
    combined cooling system
    command-by-voice system
    command/vehicle system
    commercial air transportation system
    compensatory system
    computer-aided design system
    computer-assisted system
    computer-generated image system
    computer-generated visual system
    concentrated-mass system
    conflict-alert system
    conservative system
    constant bandwidth system
    constant gain system
    consultative expert system
    control system
    control augmented system
    control loader system
    cooling system
    coordinate system
    counterstealth system
    coupled system
    coupled fire and flight-control system
    covert mission system
    crew systems
    cueing system
    curvilinear coordinate system
    damped system
    data system
    data acquisition system
    data handling system
    data transfer system
    data-gathering system
    DC electrical system
    decision support system
    defensive avionics system
    deicing system
    demisting system
    departure prevention system
    deterministic system
    dual-dual redundant system
    4-D navigation system
    6-DOF motion system
    diagnosable system
    dial-a-flap system
    direct impingement starting system
    displacement control system
    display system
    display-augmented system
    divergent system
    DLC system
    dogfight system
    door-to-door system
    Doppler ground velocity system
    double-balance system
    drive system
    drive train/rotor system
    dry air refueling system
    dual-field-of-view system
    dual-wing system
    dynamic system
    early-warning system
    Earth-centered coordinate system
    earth-fixed axis system
    earth/sky/horizon projector system
    ejection system
    ejection display system
    ejection seat escape system
    ejection sequence system
    ejector exhaust system
    ejector lift system
    election safety system
    electric starting system
    electro-expulsive deicing system
    electro-impulse deicing system
    electro-vibratory deicing system
    electronic flight instrumentation system
    Elint system
    emergency power system
    emitter locator system
    EMP-protected system
    engine monitoring system
    engine-propeller system
    engine-related system
    enhanced lift system
    envelope-limiting system
    environmental control system
    escape system
    excessive pitch attitude warning system
    exhaust system
    FADEC system
    fault-tolerant system
    FBW system
    feathering system
    feedback system
    feel system
    fin axis system
    fire detection system
    fire suppression system
    fire-extinguishing system
    fire-protection system
    five-point restraint system
    fixed-structure control system
    flap system
    flap/slat system
    flash-protection system
    flexible manufacturing system
    flight control system
    flight control actuation system
    flight director system
    flight inspection system
    flight management system
    flight path system
    flight path axis system
    flight test system
    flight-test instrumentation system
    flotation system
    fluid anti-icing system
    flutter control system
    flutter margin augmentation system
    flutter suppression system
    fluttering system
    fly-by-light system
    fly-by-light control system
    fly-by-wire system
    fly-by-wire/power-by-wire control system
    foolproof system
    force-excited system
    force-feel system
    forward vision augmentation system
    fuel conservative guidance system
    fuel management system
    fuel transfer system
    full-vectoring system
    full-authority digital engine control system
    full-motion system
    full-state system
    full-time system
    fully articulated rotor system
    fuselage axis system
    g-command system
    g-cueing system
    g-limiting system
    gas generator control system
    gas turbine starting system
    global positioning system
    governing system
    ground collision avoidance system
    ground proximity warning system
    ground-axes system
    ground-fixed coordinate system
    ground-referenced navigation system
    gust alleviation system
    gust control system
    gyroscopic system
    gyroscopically coupled system
    halon fire-extinguishing system
    halon gas fire-fighting system
    hands-off system
    head-aimed system
    headup guidance system
    helmet pointing system
    helmet-mounted visual system
    hierarchical system
    high-damping system
    high-authority system
    high-lift system
    high-order system
    high-pay-off system
    high-resolution system
    higher harmonic control system
    hose-reel system
    hot-gas anti-icing system
    hub plane axis system
    hub plane reference axis system
    hub-fixed coordinate system
    hydraulic system
    hydraulic starting system
    hydropneumatic system
    hydrostatic motion system
    hysteretic system
    ice-protection system
    icing cloud spray system
    icing-protection system
    identification friend or foe system
    image generator system
    in-flight entertainment system
    incidence limiting system
    inert gas generating system
    inertial coordinate system
    inertial navigation system
    inertial reference system
    infinite-dimensional system
    information management system
    inlet boundary layer control system
    inlet control system
    input system
    instruction system
    instrument landing system
    instrumentation system
    intelligence system
    intelligent system
    interconnection system
    intermediate axis system
    intrusion alarm system
    intrusion detection system
    inverted fuel system
    landing guidance system
    large-travel motion system
    laser-based visual system
    lateral attitude control system
    lateral control system
    lateral feel system
    lateral seat restraint system
    lateral-directional stability and command augmentation system
    lead compensated system
    left-handed coordinate system
    leg restraint system
    life support system
    liferaft deployment system
    lift-distribution control system
    lighter-than-air system
    lightly damped system
    lightning protection system
    lightning sensor system
    lightning warning system
    limited-envelope flight control system
    linear vibrating system
    liquid oxygen system
    load control system
    load indication system
    local-horizon system
    loom system
    low-damping system
    low-order system
    LQG controlled system
    lubrication system
    lumped parameter system
    Mach number system
    main transmission system
    maintenance diagnostic system
    maintenance record system
    man-in-the-loop system
    man-machine system
    maneuver demand system
    maneuvering attack system
    mass-spring-dashpot system
    mass-spring-damper system
    mast-mounted sight system
    mechanical-hydraulic flight control system
    microwave landing system
    MIMO system
    mine-sweeping system
    missile system
    missile-fixed system
    mission-planning system
    mobile aircraft arresting system
    modal cancellation system
    modal suppression system
    mode-decoupling system
    model reference system
    model-based visual system
    model-following system
    modelboard system
    molecular sieve oxygen generation system
    monopulse system
    motion system
    motion generation system
    multi-input single-output system
    multi-input, multi-output system
    multimode system
    multibody system
    multidegree-of-freedom system
    multiloop system
    multiple-input single output system
    multiple-input, multiple-output system
    multiple-loop system
    multiple-redundant system
    multiply supported system
    multishock system
    multivariable system
    navigation management system
    navigation/attack system
    navigation/bomb system
    NDT system
    neuromuscular system
    night/dusk visual system
    portable aircraft arresting system
    nitrogen inerting system
    no-tail-rotor system
    nonminimum phase system
    nonoscillatory system
    nonconservative system
    normal earth-fixed axis system
    Notar system
    nozzle control system
    nuclear-hardened system
    observer-based system
    obstacle warning system
    oil system
    on-board inert gas generation system
    on-board maintenance system
    on-board oxygen generating system
    on-off system
    one degree of freedom system
    one-shot lubrication system
    open cooling system
    open seat escape system
    open-loop system
    operability system
    optic-based control system
    optimally controlled system
    orthogonal axis system
    oxygen generation system
    parachute system
    partial vectoring system
    partial vibrating system
    performance-seeking system
    perturbed system
    pilot reveille system
    pilot vision system
    pilot-aircraft system
    pilot-aircraft-task system
    pilot-in-the-loop system
    pilot-manipulator system
    pilot-plus-airplane system
    pilot-vehicle-task system
    pilot-warning system
    pilot/vehicle system
    pitch change system
    pitch compensation system
    pitch stability and command augmentation system
    pitch rate system
    pitch rate command system
    pitch rate flight control system
    pneumatic deicing system
    pneumatic ice-protection system
    pneumodynamic system
    position hold system
    power system
    power-assisted system
    power-boosted system
    powered high-lift system
    powered-lift system
    precognitive system
    pressurization system
    preview system
    probabilistically diagnosable system
    probe refuelling system
    pronated escape system
    propeller-fixed coordinate system
    propulsive lift system
    proximity warning system
    pursuit system
    push-rod control system
    quantized system
    random system
    rating system
    reconfigurable system
    rectangular coordinate system
    reduced-gain system
    reference axis system
    refuelling system
    remote augmentor lift system
    remote combustion system
    response-feedback system
    restart system
    restraint system
    restructurable control system
    retraction system
    ride-control system
    ride-quality system
    ride-quality augmentation system
    ride-smoothing system
    right-handed axis system
    right-handed coordinate system
    rigid body system
    robotic refueling system
    rod-mass system
    roll augmentation system
    roll rate command system
    rotating system
    rotor system
    rotor isolation system
    rotor-body system
    rotor-wing lift system
    route planner system
    rudder trim system
    rudder-augmentation system
    sampled-data system
    scheduling system
    schlieren system
    sea-based system
    seat restraint system
    seatback video system
    self-adjoint system
    self-contained starting system
    self-diagnosable system
    self-excited system
    self-repairing system
    self-sealing fuel system
    self-tuning system
    shadow-mask system
    shadowgraph system
    ship-fixed coordinate system
    shock system
    short-closed oil system
    sighting system
    simulation system
    simulator-based learning system
    single degree of freedom system
    single-input multiple-output system
    singularly perturbed system
    situational awareness system
    six-axis motion system
    six-degree-of-freedom motion system
    six-puck brake system
    ski-and-wheel system
    skid-to-turn system
    snapping system
    soft mounting system
    soft ride system
    sound system
    speed-stability system
    spherical coordinate system
    spin recovery system
    spin-prevention system
    spring-mass-dashpot system
    stability and control augmentation system
    stability augmentation system
    stability axis coordinate system
    stability enhancement system
    stall detection system
    stall inhibitor system
    stall protection system
    stall warning system
    starting system
    stealth system
    stochastic system
    storage and retrieval system
    store alignment system
    stores management system
    strap-down inertial system
    structural system
    structural-mode compensation system
    structural-mode control system
    structural-mode suppression system
    STT system
    suppression system
    suspension system
    tactile sensory system
    tail clearance control system
    tail warning system
    task-tailored system
    terrain-aided navigation system
    terrain-referencing system
    test system
    thermal control system
    thermal protection system
    threat-warning system
    three-axis augmentation system
    three-body tethered system
    three-control system
    three-gyro system
    through-the-canopy escape system
    thrust modulation system
    thrust-vectoring system
    tilt-fold-rotor system
    time-invariant system
    time-varying system
    tip-path-plane coordinate system
    torque command/limiting system
    tractor rocket system
    trailing cone static pressure system
    training system
    trajectory guidance system
    translation rate command system
    translational acceleration control system
    trim system
    trim tank system
    triple-load-path system
    tutoring system
    twin-dome system
    two degree of freedom system
    two-body system
    two-input system
    two-input two-output system
    two-pod system
    two-shock system
    two-step shock absorber system
    unpowered flap system
    unpowered high-lift system
    utility services management system
    vapor cycle cooling system
    variable feel system
    variable stability system
    variable structure system
    vestibular sensory system
    vibrating system
    vibration isolation system
    vibration-control system
    vibration-damping system
    video-disc-based visual system
    visor projection system
    visual system
    visual display system
    visual flying rules system
    visual sensory system
    visual simulation system
    visually coupled system
    voice-activated system
    vortex system
    vortex attenuating system
    VTOL control system
    wake-imaging system
    warning system
    water injection cooling system
    water-mist system
    water-mist spray system
    weather system
    wheel steering system
    wide angle visual system
    wind coordinate system
    wind shear system
    wind-axes system
    wind-axes coordinate system
    wind-fixed coordinate system
    wing axis system
    wing flap system
    wing sweep system
    wing-load-alleviation system
    wing-mounted system
    wing/propulsion system
    wiring system
    yaw vane system

    Авиасловарь > system

  • 11 test

    1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;
    см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать
    2. тест; проба
    3. критерий; признак
    accelerate-stop tests
    accelerated mission test
    acceleration-deceleration test
    aerobatic flight tests
    aeroelastic tests
    agility test
    air resonance test
    air-to-air test
    air-to-air combat test
    airframe test
    airspeed calibration test
    all-attitude flight test
    asymmetric loads tests
    asymmetric wing sweep flight tests
    auto-guidance tests
    before-flight-rated tests
    bench test
    biaxial fatigue test
    bird impact test
    bird ingestion test
    bird strike test
    bird strike tests
    burn-in test
    burst pressure test
    catapult tests
    centrifugal load test
    centrifuge tests
    clean configuration test
    closed-loop test
    cockpit workload test
    combined-systems tests
    compatibility test
    component tests
    compression test
    computer-aided test
    constant amplitude test
    continued takeoff tests
    control test
    convergence test
    cooling test
    crack-detection tests
    crash test
    creep test
    crush tests
    cyclic tests
    damage tolerance test
    damage resistance test
    departure test
    depressed-trajectory test
    destruction test
    development tests
    divergence tests
    dual-frequency test
    durability test
    dynamometer tests
    electromagnetic interference tests
    electromagnetic-vulnerability test
    emergency survival test
    EMI tests
    endurance test
    engine reingestion test
    environmental test
    exploratory tests
    fatigue test
    flammability test
    flaps up landing tests
    flexure test
    flight clearance test
    flight simulation tests
    flight-by-flight fatigue test
    flight simulation fatigue tests
    flow field tests
    flow visualization tests
    flutter test
    flutter-proof tests
    flyover tests
    force tests
    forced oscillation tests
    foreign object damage test
    free oscillation tests
    free spinning facility tests
    free-flight test
    free-to-roll tests
    frequency response tests
    frequency-sweep test
    fuel runout test
    full-scale test
    ground effect test
    ground resonance test
    handling qualities tests
    hard-ride test
    heat tests
    heavyweight test
    high-angle-of-attack tests
    high-alpha test
    hover tests
    hover in-ground-effect test
    hover-in-ground test
    hovering tests
    humidity tests
    icing test
    impact test
    in-plant tests
    input-to-output tests
    iron bird tests
    landing test
    landing flap tests
    life roll test
    limit cycle tests
    limited-envelope flight test
    load-deflection test
    logic test
    low-observability test
    maneuvering tests
    manual flight tests
    modal test
    modal survey test
    mode interaction tests
    model tests of airfoils
    moire interferometry tests
    noise test
    nondestructive test
    normal takeoff tests
    Nyquist stability test
    open-loop tests
    operability test
    oscillatory tests
    overland tests
    oxygen tests
    performance test
    pilot-in-loop tests
    plenum-chamber burning tests
    post-flight test
    preflight test
    pressure test
    pressurization test
    proof-lood test
    proof-of-concept tests
    radar cross-section test
    radiographic test
    rain test
    ramp tests
    rate of climb test
    rejected takeoff test
    reliability test
    remote-site test
    repair test
    residual strength test
    resonance tests
    reverse-thrust tests
    rig test
    robustness test
    roll-on-rim test
    rolling test
    rotary-balance tests
    rough ground profile test
    shake test
    shakedown test
    shear test
    sideslip tests
    simulation verification test
    simulator test
    small-scale test
    smoke test
    spin tests
    spray ingestion test
    stability test
    stall tests
    static tests
    static strength test
    steady rolling tests
    steady state test
    stealth test
    stiffness test
    store compatibility test
    strength tests
    structural tests
    supercritical test
    system integration test
    tail on/off tests
    takeoff test
    taxy test
    tensile test
    tension test
    tethered test
    towing test
    transfer function tests
    validation tests
    vectored thrust test
    vibration test
    vulnerability test
    water-tank test
    waveoff tests
    wheel test
    whirl test
    wind blast test
    wind tunnel test
    wing-fatigue test
    wingborne mode flight test
    yaw oscillation tests
    zero-speed-zero-altitude test
    zero-zero test

    Авиасловарь > test

  • 12 time

    время; период (времени), (временной) интервал; продолжительность; момент (времени)/ измерять [определять] время; рассчитывать по времени; согласовывать во времени; хронометрировать
    time between failures
    time in turbulence
    time on the wing
    time spent maneuvering
    time to accelerate
    time to altitude
    time to climb
    time to double
    time to double amplitude
    time to fly
    time to go
    time to half
    time to half amplitude
    time to kill
    time to land
    time to recover
    time to wingborne flight
    acceleration time
    airborne time
    aircraft turn time
    airframe time
    arrival time
    available time
    bloom time
    boarding time
    check time
    chop deceleration time
    climb time
    computing time
    conflict-free landing time
    control-law time
    cooling time
    cooling-down time
    crater-filling time
    decay time
    delay time
    departure time
    deplaning time
    design time
    dimensionless time
    down time
    dwell time
    elapsed maintenance time
    engagement time
    escape time
    evacuation time
    exposure time
    final time
    firing time
    fleet flying time
    flight time
    flying time
    full time
    glideslope time
    gliding time
    gun time
    gun-firing time
    head-down time
    head-out time
    ice exposure time
    icing time
    initial time
    inspection time
    interarrival time
    landing time
    maintenance time
    maintenance time per sortie
    maintenance turn time
    maintenance turnaround time
    maneuver time
    mean time between maintenance
    mean time between removal
    mean time between shop visits
    mean time to repair
    mean flight time between failures
    mean logistic delay time
    minimum separation time
    mission time
    mission cycle time
    multiengined time
    on-station time
    overhaul time
    pilot down time
    power-on time
    preview time
    ramp time
    range time
    re-arm time
    ready time
    refresh frame time
    repair time
    response time
    runway occupancy time
    sampling time
    separation time
    settling time
    setup time
    simulator time
    simulator flight time
    single-engined flying time
    spool-up time
    switching time
    terminal time
    touchdown time
    travel time point-to-point
    turnaround time
    up time
    visual free time
    waiting time
    warning time

    Авиасловарь > time

См. также в других словарях:

  • Icing conditions — In aviation, icing conditions are those atmospheric conditions that can lead to the formation of water ice on the surfaces of an aircraft, or within the engine as carburetor icing. Inlet icing is another engine related danger, often occurring in… …   Wikipedia

  • Ice protection system — Ice protection systems are designed to keep atmospheric ice from accumulating on aircraft flight surfaces while in flight. The effects of ice accretion on an aircraft can cause the shape of airfoils and flight control surfaces to change, which… …   Wikipedia

  • Pitot-static system — A pitot static system is a system of pressure sensitive instruments that is most often used in aviation to determine an aircraft s airspeed, Mach number, altitude, and altitude trend. A pitot static system generally consists of a pitot tube, a… …   Wikipedia

  • engine ice — The ice that forms in the carburetor. Most is caused by a sudden drop in temperature from the vaporization of fuel and the adiabatic cooling that follows the pressure reduction as the air accelerates through the venturi of the carburetor. The ice …   Aviation dictionary

  • Meteorology — For other uses of the root word meteor , see Meteor (disambiguation). For the work by Aristotle, see Meteorology (Aristotle). Not to be confused with Metrology. Part of the Nature series on Weather   …   Wikipedia

  • Stockholm-Bromma Airport — Infobox Airport name = Stockholm Bromma Airport nativename = Stockholm Bromma flygplats IATA = BMA ICAO = ESSB type = Public owner = operator = Luftfartsverket city served = Stockholm location = Stockholm Municipality elevation f = 47 elevation m …   Wikipedia

  • C-87 Liberator Express — Infobox Aircraft name= C 87 Liberator Express caption= type= Military transport aircraft manufacturer= Consolidated Aircraft designer= first flight= introduced= 1942 retired= status= Retired primary user= United States Army Air Force more users=… …   Wikipedia

  • Des Moines International Airport — IATA: DSM – ICAO: KDSM – FAA LID: DSM Summary …   Wikipedia

  • Consolidated C-87 Liberator Express — C 87 Liberator Express Role Military transport aircraft Manufacturer Consolidated Aircraft …   Wikipedia

  • rain ice — The most dangerous type of airframe icing, which is caused by supercooled raindrops. They take sufficiently long to freeze for the backflow to be extensive. Rain ice is similar in appearance to glazed ice. See glazed ice …   Aviation dictionary

  • List of accidents and incidents involving military aircraft, 1950-1974 — This is a list of notable accidents and incidents involving military aircraft grouped by the year in which the accident or incident occurred. For more exhaustive lists, see the [http://www.baaa acro.com/ Aircraft Crash Record Office] or the [http …   Wikipedia

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