Перевод: с английского на русский

с русского на английский

aircrew performance

  • 1 aircrew performance

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > aircrew performance

  • 2 aircrew performance

    Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > aircrew performance

  • 3 aircrew performance

    Авиасловарь > aircrew performance

  • 4 performance

    1. (летно-технические) характеристики, ЛТХ; летные данные; (рабочая) характеристика;
    2. работа; действие; выполнение < задачи>
    3. эффективность; производительность; работоспособность
    acquisition performance
    aerodynamic performance
    agile performance
    agility performance
    air-to-fuel performance
    aircraft performance
    aircrew performance
    airfield performance
    airship performance
    algorithm performance
    along track performance
    altitude performance
    altitude-velocity performance
    antijam performance
    approach performance
    autopilot performance
    autorotation performance
    autorotative performance
    bench throttle performance
    bipropellant performance
    CAS performance
    climb performance
    closed-loop performance
    cold takeoff performance
    control performance
    control law performance
    crew performance
    cross-track performance
    cruise performance
    cumulative performance
    decision-height performance
    deck performance
    dive bomb performance
    enroute performance
    EW performance
    fail-operational performance
    fan performance
    FCS performance
    field performance
    filter performance
    flap performance
    flawless performance
    flight manual performance
    flutter-free performance
    frequency-domain performance
    ground attack performance
    guidance's performance
    gust alleviation performance
    high-speed performance
    high-AOA performance
    hot and high performance
    hot-day performance
    hover performance
    hover performance out of ground effect
    hovering performance
    human performance
    inlet performance
    installed performance
    landing performance
    Level 2 performance
    lift performance
    lift-to-drag performance
    limit performance
    longitudinal performance
    loop performance
    low-speed performance
    maneuver performance
    maneuvering performance
    mid-mission landing performance
    mission performance
    model preview performance
    near-optimum performance
    nonafterburning performance
    outer-loop performance
    overland performance
    payload/range performance
    phase and gain performance
    pilot performance
    pilot/vehicle performance
    pitch performance
    pitching performance
    point performance
    post-stall performance
    powered-lift performance
    propeller performance
    propeller-nacelle performance
    rated performance
    reverse-thrust performance
    roll performance
    rolling performance
    rough ground performance
    rough-field performance
    runway performance
    safety performance
    single-engine performance
    single-engine takeoff performance
    single-engine-out performance
    spoiler performance
    steady state performance
    STO performance
    STOL performance
    stopping performance
    supersonic cruise performance
    sustained maneuver performance
    sustained turning performance
    tail-chase performance
    takeoff and landing performance
    takeoff performance
    task performance
    taxi performance
    throttle performance
    tilt-rotor performance
    time-domain performance
    tracking performance
    transient performance
    transition performance
    turning performance
    V/STOL performance
    velocity performance
    vibration performance
    warload/radius performance
    wet field performance
    wet runway performance
    windmilling performance

    Авиасловарь > performance

  • 5 test

    испытание, проба, исследование, см. тж. testing, trials; испытывать, пробовать; исследовать

    acceptable environmental range test — испытание для определения диапазона допустимых изменений условий окружающей среды

    jolt and jumble testразг. испытание на удар и вибрацию

    partial climb flight tests — лётные испытания «на зубцы»

    single engine stall tests — испытания на срыв [сваливание] с одним работающим двигателем

    supercharged CFR engine test — оценка детонационной стойкости (авиационных бензинов) на одноцилиндровой установке CFR

    water(-flow, -impingement) test — холодная проливка (ракетного двигателя)

    Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > test

  • 6 aircraft

    1. (атмосферный) летательный аппарат [аппараты], воздушное судно [суда]; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы);
    см. тж. airplane,
    2. авиация/ авиационный; бортовой <об оборудовании ЛА>
    4-D aircraft
    4-D equipped aircraft
    9-g aircraft
    ADF aircraft
    advanced-technology aircraft
    adversary aircraft
    aerobatic aircraft
    aft-tail aircraft
    aggressor aircraft
    agile aircraft
    agricultural aircraft
    air defence aircraft
    air-refuellable aircraft
    air-to-ground aircraft
    airborne early warning and control aircraft
    alert aircraft
    all-digital aircraft
    all-training aircraft
    all-electric aircraft
    all-metal aircraft
    all-new aircraft
    all-out stealth aircraft
    all-weather aircraft
    amateur built aircraft
    amphibious aircraft
    antisubmarine warfare aircraft
    around-the-world aircraft
    artificial-stability aircraft
    asymmetric aircraft
    attack aircraft
    attrition aircraft
    augmented aircraft
    automated aircraft
    backside aircraft
    BAI aircraft
    balanced aircraft
    battle-damaged aircraft
    battle-tolerant aircraft
    battlefield aircraft
    bulbous-nosed aircraft
    buoyant quad-rotor aircraft
    bush aircraft
    business aircraft
    business-class aircraft
    calibrated pace aircraft
    canard aircraft
    canard controlled aircraft
    canard-configured aircraft
    canard-winged aircraft
    cargo aircraft
    cargo-capable aircraft
    carrier aircraft
    carrier-based aircraft
    carrier-qualified aircraft
    CAS aircraft
    centerstick aircraft
    centerstick controlled aircraft
    Christmas tree aircraft
    class IV aircraft
    clear weather reconnaissance aircraft
    close-coupled canard aircraft
    coated aircraft
    combat air patrol aircraft
    combat training aircraft
    combat-damaged aircraft
    combat-loaded aircraft
    combi aircraft
    combustible fuel aircraft
    commuter aircraft
    composite material aircraft
    composite-built aircraft
    composite-wing aircraft
    computer-generated aircraft
    conceptual aircraft
    conceptual design aircraft
    conflicting aircraft
    control reconfigurable aircraft
    control-by-wire aircraft
    conventional tailled aircraft
    conventional take-off and landing aircraft
    conventional variable-sweep aircraft
    conventionally designed aircraft
    corporate aircraft
    counter insurgency aircraft
    cropspray aircraft
    cropspraying aircraft
    cruise matched aircraft
    cruise-designed aircraft
    CTOL aircraft
    current-generation aircraft
    damage tolerant aircraft
    day-only aircraft
    day/night aircraft
    de-iced aircraft
    defence-suppression aircraft
    delta-wing aircraft
    demonstrator aircraft
    development aircraft
    developmental aircraft
    divergence prone aircraft
    double-deck aircraft
    drug interdiction aircraft
    drug-smuggling aircraft
    dual-capable aircraft
    ducted-propeller aircraft
    dynamically stable aircraft
    dynamically unstable aircraft
    Earth resources research aircraft
    Earth resources survey aircraft
    ejector-powered aircraft
    Elint aircraft
    EMP-hardened aircraft
    ex-airline aircraft
    FAC aircraft
    fake aircraft
    fan-in-wing aircraft
    fan-powered aircraft
    firefighting aircraft
    fixed-cycle engine aircraft
    fixed-landing-gear aircraft
    fixed-planform aircraft
    fixed-wing aircraft
    flexible aircraft
    flight inspection aircraft
    flight loads aircraft
    flight refuelling aircraft
    flight test aircraft
    flightworthy aircraft
    fly-by-wire aircraft
    flying-wing aircraft
    forgiving aircraft
    forward air control aircraft
    forward-swept-wing aircraft
    four-dimensional equipped aircraft
    freely flying aircraft
    freighter aircraft
    friendly aircraft
    front-line aircraft
    FSD aircraft
    fuel efficient aircraft
    fuel-hungry aircraft
    full-scale aircraft
    full-scale development aircraft
    full-size aircraft
    fully-capable aircraft
    fully-tanked aircraft
    gap filler aircraft
    gas turbine-powered aircraft
    ground-hugging aircraft
    gull-winged aircraft
    heavy-lift aircraft
    high-Mach aircraft
    high-alpha research aircraft
    high-cycle aircraft
    high-demand aircraft
    high-drag aircraft
    high-dynamic-pressure aircraft
    high-flying aircraft
    high-life aircraft
    high-performance aircraft
    high-speed aircraft
    high-tail aircraft
    high-technology aircraft
    high-thrust aircraft
    high-time aircraft
    high-wing aircraft
    high-winged aircraft
    highest cycle aircraft
    highest flight-cycle aircraft
    highly agile aircraft
    highly augmented aircraft
    highly glazed aircraft
    highly maneuverable aircraft
    highly unstable aircraft
    holding aircraft
    home-based aircraft
    home-built aircraft
    hovering aircraft
    hydrocarbon-fueled aircraft
    hydrogen fueled aircraft
    hypersonic aircraft
    ice-cloud-generating aircraft
    icing-research aircraft
    idealized aircraft
    IFR-equipped aircraft
    in-production aircraft
    interrogating aircraft
    intratheater airlift aircraft
    intratheater lift aircraft
    intruder aircraft
    inventory aircraft
    jamming aircraft
    jet aircraft
    jet-flap aircraft
    jet-flapped aircraft
    jet-powered aircraft
    jet-propelled aircraft
    joined-wing aircraft
    JTIDS aircraft
    jump aircraft
    K/s like aircraft
    kit-based aircraft
    kit-built aircraft
    land aircraft
    land-based aircraft
    large aircraft
    large-production-run aircraft
    launch aircraft
    launching aircraft
    lead aircraft
    leading aircraft
    leased aircraft
    Level 1 aircraft
    lift plus lift-cruise aircraft
    light aircraft
    light-powered aircraft
    lighter-than-air aircraft
    long-haul aircraft
    long-winged aircraft
    longitudinally unstable aircraft
    look-down, shoot-down capable aircraft
    low-boom aircraft
    low-cost aircraft
    low-observability aircraft
    low-observable aircraft
    low-powered aircraft
    low-rate production aircraft
    low-RCS aircraft
    low-speed aircraft
    low-time aircraft
    low-to-medium speed aircraft
    low-wing aircraft
    low-winged aircraft
    lowest weight aircraft
    Mach 2 aircraft
    man-powered aircraft
    manned aircraft
    marginally stable aircraft
    mechanically-controlled aircraft
    mechanically-signalled aircraft
    medevac-equipped aircraft
    microlight aircraft
    microwave-powered aircraft
    mid-wing aircraft
    mid-winged aircraft
    minimum weight aircraft
    mission aircraft
    mission-ready aircraft
    multibody aircraft
    multimission aircraft
    multipropeller aircraft
    multipurpose aircraft
    narrow-bodied aircraft
    naturally unstable aircraft
    neutrally stable aircraft
    new-built aircraft
    new-technology aircraft
    night fighting aircraft
    night-capable aircraft
    night-equipped aircraft
    nonagile aircraft
    nonalert aircraft
    nonautomated aircraft
    1950s-vintage aircraft
    nonflying test aircraft
    nonpressurized aircraft
    nonstealth aircraft
    nontransponder-equipped aircraft
    nonpropulsive-lift aircraft
    northeastwardly launching aircraft
    nuclear-hardened aircraft
    nuclear-strike aircraft
    oblique-wing aircraft
    ocean patrol aircraft
    off-the-shelf aircraft
    offensive aircraft
    older-generation aircraft
    out-of-production aircraft
    outbound aircraft
    pace aircraft
    parasol-winged aircraft
    parked aircraft
    partial mission-capable aircraft
    patrol aircraft
    piston aircraft
    piston-engine aircraft
    piston-powered aircraft
    piston-prop aircraft
    pivoting oblique wing aircraft
    point-design aircraft
    powered-lift aircraft
    precision strike aircraft
    probe-equipped aircraft
    production aircraft
    production-line aircraft
    proof-of-concept aircraft
    prop-rotor aircraft
    propeller aircraft
    propeller-powered aircraft
    propulsive-lift aircraft
    prototype aircraft
    public-transport aircraft
    purpose-built aircraft
    pusher aircraft
    pusher-propelled aircraft
    quad-rotor aircraft
    radar test aircraft
    RAM-treated aircraft
    ready aircraft
    rear-engined aircraft
    receiving aircraft
    recent-technology aircraft
    reconnaissance aircraft
    refueling aircraft
    remanufactured aircraft
    research aircraft
    retrofit aircraft
    Rogallo-winged aircraft
    rollout aircraft
    rotary-wing aircraft
    rotary-winged aircraft
    rotodome-equipped aircraft
    safely spinnable aircraft
    scaled-down aircraft
    scaled-up aircraft
    scissor-wing aircraft
    sea-based aircraft
    second-hand aircraft
    self-repairing aircraft
    sensor-carrying aircraft
    short range aircraft
    short takeoff and vertical landing aircraft
    short-coupled flying wing aircraft
    short-haul aircraft
    side-inlet aircraft
    sideslipping aircraft
    silent aircraft
    single engine aircraft
    single-pilot aircraft
    single-service aircraft
    sized aircraft
    sized optimized aircraft
    slender-delta aircraft
    SLEPed aircraft
    small-tailed aircraft
    smuggler aircraft
    solar-powered aircraft
    special operations aircraft
    spin-proof aircraft
    spinning aircraft
    statically stable aircraft
    statically unstable aircraft
    stealth aircraft
    stealthy aircraft
    STOL aircraft
    stopped-rotor aircraft
    stored aircraft
    STOVL aircraft
    straight-tube aircraft
    straight-wing aircraft
    straight-winged aircraft
    stretched aircraft
    strike aircraft
    strike-control aircraft
    sub-scale aircraft
    submarine communications relay aircraft
    sunken aircraft
    superaugmented aircraft
    supersonic cruise aircraft
    supportable aircraft
    surveillance aircraft
    swing-wing aircraft
    T-tail aircraft
    tactical aircraft
    tactical-type aircraft
    tail-aft aircraft
    tail-first aircraft
    tailless aircraft
    tailwheel aircraft
    tandem-seat aircraft
    tandem-wing aircraft
    target-towing aircraft
    TCAS-equipped aircraft
    test aircraft
    threat aircraft
    three-pilot aircraft
    three-surface aircraft
    thrust-vector-control aircraft
    tilt-fold-rotor aircraft
    tilt-proprotor aircraft
    tilt-rotor aircraft
    tilt-wing aircraft
    top-of-the-range aircraft
    trailing aircraft
    trainer cargo aircraft
    trajectory stable aircraft
    transoceanic-capable aircraft
    transonic aircraft
    transonic maneuvering aircraft
    transport aircraft
    transport-size aircraft
    trimmed aircraft
    trisurface aircraft
    tug aircraft
    turbine-powered aircraft
    turboprop aircraft
    turbopropeller aircraft
    TVC aircraft
    twin-aisle aircraft
    twin-engined aircraft
    twin-fuselage aircraft
    twin-jet aircraft
    twin-tailed aircraft
    twin-turboprop aircraft
    two-aircrew aircraft
    two-crew aircraft
    two-pilot aircraft
    two-place aircraft
    ultrahigh-bypass demonstrator aircraft
    ultralight aircraft
    undesignated aircraft
    unpressurized aircraft
    unslatted aircraft
    utility aircraft
    V/STOL aircraft
    variable-stability aircraft
    VATOL aircraft
    vector thrust controlled aircraft
    vectored aircraft
    vectored thrust aircraft
    versatile aircraft
    vertical attitude takeoff and landing aircraft
    VFR aircraft
    violently maneuvering aircraft
    VTOL aircraft
    water tanker aircraft
    weapons-delivery test aircraft
    weight-shift aircraft
    well-behaved aircraft
    wide-body aircraft
    wing-in-ground effect aircraft
    X aircraft
    X-series aircraft
    X-wing aircraft
    yaw-vane-equipped aircraft

    Авиасловарь > aircraft

  • 7 requirement

    1. требование; (техническое) условие
    2. потребность; потребное значение < характеристики>
    3. <pl> (технические) требования; нормы
    aircrew requirement
    airlift cargo requirements
    airworthiness requirements
    cat. C requirements
    civil airworthiness requirements
    control requirements
    crash tolerance requirements
    cross wind requirements
    cruise requirements
    damage tolerance requirements
    deck requirements
    durability requirements
    engine-out requirements
    fidelity requirements
    fireworthiness requirements
    flutter requirements
    joint airworthiness requirements
    long-range requirement
    longitudinal axis requirements
    maneuver-dependent requirements
    military requirements
    mission requirements
    noise requirements
    nonnegativity requirements
    off-axis weapon requirement
    open-loop requirements
    orthogonality requirement
    overstated requirement
    physical realizability requirement
    pitch-down trim requirements
    point performance requirements
    preliminary requirements
    rate-of-climb requirements
    rewing requirements
    robustness requirement
    roll requirements
    smoke requirements
    stiffness requirements
    supersonic requirement
    supportability requirements
    system level requirements
    task related requirements
    technical requirements
    test requirements
    time-to-bank roll requirements
    transient requirements
    trim requirements
    two fail-operate requirement
    two-failure-tolerant requirement
    upload requirement
    use requirements
    velocity requirement
    vertical takeoff requirement
    viewing requirements

    Авиасловарь > requirement

  • 8 system

    system of axes
    3-component LDV system
    3-D LDV system
    4-D system
    4-D flight-management system
    4-D guidance system
    AC electrical system
    actuation system
    aerial delivery system
    aerostat system
    AEW system
    afterburning control system
    AI-based expert system
    aileron-to-rudder system
    air bleed offtake system
    air cushion system
    air cycle system
    air data system
    air defence system
    air induction system
    air refueling system
    air traffic control system
    air-combat advisory system
    air-conditioning system
    air-path axis system
    air-turbine starting system
    airborne early warning system
    aircooling system
    aircraft reference axis system
    aircraft weight-and-balance measuring system
    aircraft-autopilot system
    aircraft-based system
    aircraft-bifilar-pendulum system
    aircraft-carried earth axis system
    aircraft-carried normal earth axis system
    aircrew escape system
    airfield lighting control system
    airframe/rotor system
    airspeed system
    alcohol-wash system
    alignment control system
    all-electronic system
    all-weather mission system
    altitude loss warning system
    angle-of-attack command system
    anti-collision system
    anti-g system
    antitorque system
    anti-icing system
    antiskid system
    area-navigation system
    ARI system
    artificial feel system
    artificial intelligence-based expert system
    artificially augmented flight control system
    ATC system
    attitude and heading reference system
    audio system
    audiovisual system
    auto-diagnosis system
    auto-hover system
    autolanding system
    automatic cambering system
    automatic trim system
    autostabilization system
    autotrim system
    axis system
    B system
    balance-fixed coordinate system
    base-excited system
    basic axis system
    beam-foundation system
    bifilar pendulum suspension system
    bladder system
    blowing system
    blowing boundary layer control system
    blown flap system
    body axis system
    body axis coordinate system
    body-fitted coordinate system
    body-fixed reference system
    boom system
    boosted flight control system
    braking system
    breathing system
    buddy-buddy refuelling system
    cabin pressurization system
    cable-mount system
    CAD system
    canopy's jettison system
    cardiovascular system
    cargo loading system
    cargo-handling system
    carrier catapult system
    cartesian axis system
    Cat III system
    central nervous system
    CGI system
    circulating oil system
    closed cooling system
    closed-loop system
    cockpit system
    cockpit management system
    collision avoidance system
    combined cooling system
    command-by-voice system
    command/vehicle system
    commercial air transportation system
    compensatory system
    computer-aided design system
    computer-assisted system
    computer-generated image system
    computer-generated visual system
    concentrated-mass system
    conflict-alert system
    conservative system
    constant bandwidth system
    constant gain system
    consultative expert system
    control system
    control augmented system
    control loader system
    cooling system
    coordinate system
    counterstealth system
    coupled system
    coupled fire and flight-control system
    covert mission system
    crew systems
    cueing system
    curvilinear coordinate system
    damped system
    data system
    data acquisition system
    data handling system
    data transfer system
    data-gathering system
    DC electrical system
    decision support system
    defensive avionics system
    deicing system
    demisting system
    departure prevention system
    deterministic system
    dual-dual redundant system
    4-D navigation system
    6-DOF motion system
    diagnosable system
    dial-a-flap system
    direct impingement starting system
    displacement control system
    display system
    display-augmented system
    divergent system
    DLC system
    dogfight system
    door-to-door system
    Doppler ground velocity system
    double-balance system
    drive system
    drive train/rotor system
    dry air refueling system
    dual-field-of-view system
    dual-wing system
    dynamic system
    early-warning system
    Earth-centered coordinate system
    earth-fixed axis system
    earth/sky/horizon projector system
    ejection system
    ejection display system
    ejection seat escape system
    ejection sequence system
    ejector exhaust system
    ejector lift system
    election safety system
    electric starting system
    electro-expulsive deicing system
    electro-impulse deicing system
    electro-vibratory deicing system
    electronic flight instrumentation system
    Elint system
    emergency power system
    emitter locator system
    EMP-protected system
    engine monitoring system
    engine-propeller system
    engine-related system
    enhanced lift system
    envelope-limiting system
    environmental control system
    escape system
    excessive pitch attitude warning system
    exhaust system
    FADEC system
    fault-tolerant system
    FBW system
    feathering system
    feedback system
    feel system
    fin axis system
    fire detection system
    fire suppression system
    fire-extinguishing system
    fire-protection system
    five-point restraint system
    fixed-structure control system
    flap system
    flap/slat system
    flash-protection system
    flexible manufacturing system
    flight control system
    flight control actuation system
    flight director system
    flight inspection system
    flight management system
    flight path system
    flight path axis system
    flight test system
    flight-test instrumentation system
    flotation system
    fluid anti-icing system
    flutter control system
    flutter margin augmentation system
    flutter suppression system
    fluttering system
    fly-by-light system
    fly-by-light control system
    fly-by-wire system
    fly-by-wire/power-by-wire control system
    foolproof system
    force-excited system
    force-feel system
    forward vision augmentation system
    fuel conservative guidance system
    fuel management system
    fuel transfer system
    full-vectoring system
    full-authority digital engine control system
    full-motion system
    full-state system
    full-time system
    fully articulated rotor system
    fuselage axis system
    g-command system
    g-cueing system
    g-limiting system
    gas generator control system
    gas turbine starting system
    global positioning system
    governing system
    ground collision avoidance system
    ground proximity warning system
    ground-axes system
    ground-fixed coordinate system
    ground-referenced navigation system
    gust alleviation system
    gust control system
    gyroscopic system
    gyroscopically coupled system
    halon fire-extinguishing system
    halon gas fire-fighting system
    hands-off system
    head-aimed system
    headup guidance system
    helmet pointing system
    helmet-mounted visual system
    hierarchical system
    high-damping system
    high-authority system
    high-lift system
    high-order system
    high-pay-off system
    high-resolution system
    higher harmonic control system
    hose-reel system
    hot-gas anti-icing system
    hub plane axis system
    hub plane reference axis system
    hub-fixed coordinate system
    hydraulic system
    hydraulic starting system
    hydropneumatic system
    hydrostatic motion system
    hysteretic system
    ice-protection system
    icing cloud spray system
    icing-protection system
    identification friend or foe system
    image generator system
    in-flight entertainment system
    incidence limiting system
    inert gas generating system
    inertial coordinate system
    inertial navigation system
    inertial reference system
    infinite-dimensional system
    information management system
    inlet boundary layer control system
    inlet control system
    input system
    instruction system
    instrument landing system
    instrumentation system
    intelligence system
    intelligent system
    interconnection system
    intermediate axis system
    intrusion alarm system
    intrusion detection system
    inverted fuel system
    landing guidance system
    large-travel motion system
    laser-based visual system
    lateral attitude control system
    lateral control system
    lateral feel system
    lateral seat restraint system
    lateral-directional stability and command augmentation system
    lead compensated system
    left-handed coordinate system
    leg restraint system
    life support system
    liferaft deployment system
    lift-distribution control system
    lighter-than-air system
    lightly damped system
    lightning protection system
    lightning sensor system
    lightning warning system
    limited-envelope flight control system
    linear vibrating system
    liquid oxygen system
    load control system
    load indication system
    local-horizon system
    loom system
    low-damping system
    low-order system
    LQG controlled system
    lubrication system
    lumped parameter system
    Mach number system
    main transmission system
    maintenance diagnostic system
    maintenance record system
    man-in-the-loop system
    man-machine system
    maneuver demand system
    maneuvering attack system
    mass-spring-dashpot system
    mass-spring-damper system
    mast-mounted sight system
    mechanical-hydraulic flight control system
    microwave landing system
    MIMO system
    mine-sweeping system
    missile system
    missile-fixed system
    mission-planning system
    mobile aircraft arresting system
    modal cancellation system
    modal suppression system
    mode-decoupling system
    model reference system
    model-based visual system
    model-following system
    modelboard system
    molecular sieve oxygen generation system
    monopulse system
    motion system
    motion generation system
    multi-input single-output system
    multi-input, multi-output system
    multimode system
    multibody system
    multidegree-of-freedom system
    multiloop system
    multiple-input single output system
    multiple-input, multiple-output system
    multiple-loop system
    multiple-redundant system
    multiply supported system
    multishock system
    multivariable system
    navigation management system
    navigation/attack system
    navigation/bomb system
    NDT system
    neuromuscular system
    night/dusk visual system
    portable aircraft arresting system
    nitrogen inerting system
    no-tail-rotor system
    nonminimum phase system
    nonoscillatory system
    nonconservative system
    normal earth-fixed axis system
    Notar system
    nozzle control system
    nuclear-hardened system
    observer-based system
    obstacle warning system
    oil system
    on-board inert gas generation system
    on-board maintenance system
    on-board oxygen generating system
    on-off system
    one degree of freedom system
    one-shot lubrication system
    open cooling system
    open seat escape system
    open-loop system
    operability system
    optic-based control system
    optimally controlled system
    orthogonal axis system
    oxygen generation system
    parachute system
    partial vectoring system
    partial vibrating system
    performance-seeking system
    perturbed system
    pilot reveille system
    pilot vision system
    pilot-aircraft system
    pilot-aircraft-task system
    pilot-in-the-loop system
    pilot-manipulator system
    pilot-plus-airplane system
    pilot-vehicle-task system
    pilot-warning system
    pilot/vehicle system
    pitch change system
    pitch compensation system
    pitch stability and command augmentation system
    pitch rate system
    pitch rate command system
    pitch rate flight control system
    pneumatic deicing system
    pneumatic ice-protection system
    pneumodynamic system
    position hold system
    power system
    power-assisted system
    power-boosted system
    powered high-lift system
    powered-lift system
    precognitive system
    pressurization system
    preview system
    probabilistically diagnosable system
    probe refuelling system
    pronated escape system
    propeller-fixed coordinate system
    propulsive lift system
    proximity warning system
    pursuit system
    push-rod control system
    quantized system
    random system
    rating system
    reconfigurable system
    rectangular coordinate system
    reduced-gain system
    reference axis system
    refuelling system
    remote augmentor lift system
    remote combustion system
    response-feedback system
    restart system
    restraint system
    restructurable control system
    retraction system
    ride-control system
    ride-quality system
    ride-quality augmentation system
    ride-smoothing system
    right-handed axis system
    right-handed coordinate system
    rigid body system
    robotic refueling system
    rod-mass system
    roll augmentation system
    roll rate command system
    rotating system
    rotor system
    rotor isolation system
    rotor-body system
    rotor-wing lift system
    route planner system
    rudder trim system
    rudder-augmentation system
    sampled-data system
    scheduling system
    schlieren system
    sea-based system
    seat restraint system
    seatback video system
    self-adjoint system
    self-contained starting system
    self-diagnosable system
    self-excited system
    self-repairing system
    self-sealing fuel system
    self-tuning system
    shadow-mask system
    shadowgraph system
    ship-fixed coordinate system
    shock system
    short-closed oil system
    sighting system
    simulation system
    simulator-based learning system
    single degree of freedom system
    single-input multiple-output system
    singularly perturbed system
    situational awareness system
    six-axis motion system
    six-degree-of-freedom motion system
    six-puck brake system
    ski-and-wheel system
    skid-to-turn system
    snapping system
    soft mounting system
    soft ride system
    sound system
    speed-stability system
    spherical coordinate system
    spin recovery system
    spin-prevention system
    spring-mass-dashpot system
    stability and control augmentation system
    stability augmentation system
    stability axis coordinate system
    stability enhancement system
    stall detection system
    stall inhibitor system
    stall protection system
    stall warning system
    starting system
    stealth system
    stochastic system
    storage and retrieval system
    store alignment system
    stores management system
    strap-down inertial system
    structural system
    structural-mode compensation system
    structural-mode control system
    structural-mode suppression system
    STT system
    suppression system
    suspension system
    tactile sensory system
    tail clearance control system
    tail warning system
    task-tailored system
    terrain-aided navigation system
    terrain-referencing system
    test system
    thermal control system
    thermal protection system
    threat-warning system
    three-axis augmentation system
    three-body tethered system
    three-control system
    three-gyro system
    through-the-canopy escape system
    thrust modulation system
    thrust-vectoring system
    tilt-fold-rotor system
    time-invariant system
    time-varying system
    tip-path-plane coordinate system
    torque command/limiting system
    tractor rocket system
    trailing cone static pressure system
    training system
    trajectory guidance system
    translation rate command system
    translational acceleration control system
    trim system
    trim tank system
    triple-load-path system
    tutoring system
    twin-dome system
    two degree of freedom system
    two-body system
    two-input system
    two-input two-output system
    two-pod system
    two-shock system
    two-step shock absorber system
    unpowered flap system
    unpowered high-lift system
    utility services management system
    vapor cycle cooling system
    variable feel system
    variable stability system
    variable structure system
    vestibular sensory system
    vibrating system
    vibration isolation system
    vibration-control system
    vibration-damping system
    video-disc-based visual system
    visor projection system
    visual system
    visual display system
    visual flying rules system
    visual sensory system
    visual simulation system
    visually coupled system
    voice-activated system
    vortex system
    vortex attenuating system
    VTOL control system
    wake-imaging system
    warning system
    water injection cooling system
    water-mist system
    water-mist spray system
    weather system
    wheel steering system
    wide angle visual system
    wind coordinate system
    wind shear system
    wind-axes system
    wind-axes coordinate system
    wind-fixed coordinate system
    wing axis system
    wing flap system
    wing sweep system
    wing-load-alleviation system
    wing-mounted system
    wing/propulsion system
    wiring system
    yaw vane system

    Авиасловарь > system

См. также в других словарях:

  • Required Navigation Performance — Bold textRequired Navigation Performance (RNP) is defined by ICAO as a statement of the navigation performance necessary for operation within a defined airspace . Part of a broader concept called Performance based Navigation, RNP is a method of… …   Wikipedia

  • Red Flag (USAF) — RED FLAG is an advanced aerial combat training exercise hosted at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada and Eielson Air Force Base Alaska. Since 1975, air crew from the United States Air Force (USAF) and other U.S. military branches and allies take part… …   Wikipedia

  • Red Flag (United States Air Force) — This article is about US Air Force exercises. For other uses, see Red flag (disambiguation). F 16C aggressor aircraft during Red Flag 06 1 Red Flag is an advanced aerial combat training exercise hosted at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada and Eielson …   Wikipedia

  • David Clark Company — David Clark Company, Inc. Type Private Corporation Industry Electronics and textiles manufacturing Founded 1935 …   Wikipedia

  • Battle of Britain — This article is about the Second World War battle. For other uses, see Battle of Britain (disambiguation). Battle of Britain Part of the Second World War …   Wikipedia

  • Awards and decorations of the Civil Air Patrol — A Civil Air Patrol Cadet Captain in his Service Dress Uniform. Ribbons worn over the left pocket represent awards and achievements. Other various Badges and insignia are worn as well, in this case, the Cadet Solo Wings over the ribbons, and the… …   Wikipedia

  • Royal Canadian Air Cadets — crest Active April 1941–present Country …   Wikipedia

  • History of the Luftwaffe 1933 - 1945 — The German Luftwaffe was one of the strongest, doctrinally advanced, and battle experienced air forces in the world when World War II started in Europe in September 1939. Officially unveiled in 1935, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, its… …   Wikipedia

  • Lockheed P-2 Neptune — P 2 (P2V) Neptune SP 2H of VP 7 over the Atlantic in the mid 1960s. Role Maritime Patrol and Anti Submarine Warfare …   Wikipedia

  • Situation awareness — Situation awareness, or SA, is the perception of environmental elements within a volume of time and space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status in the near future. It is also a field of study concerned with… …   Wikipedia

  • B-1 Lancer — Infobox Aircraft name = B 1 Lancer type = Strategic bomber national origin = United States manufacturer = North American Rockwell Rockwell International Boeing caption = A B 1B Lancer in flight. designer = first flight = 23 December 1974… …   Wikipedia

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