1 aircraft radio station
1) Авиация: бортовая радиостанция2) Техника: самолётная радиостанцияУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > aircraft radio station
2 aircraft radio station
3 aircraft radio station
бортовая радиостанцияEnglish-Russian dictionary of technical terms > aircraft radio station
4 aircraft radio station
English-Russian scientific dictionary > aircraft radio station
5 aircraft radio station
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > aircraft radio station
6 air-ground control radio station
An aeronautical telecommunication station having primary responsibility for handling communications pertaining to the operation and control of aircraft in a given area.(AN 2; AN 10/II; PANS-ATM)Official definition deleted from PANS-ATM by Amdt 4 (24/11/2005).контролирующая радиостанция двусторонней связи «воздух-земля»Cтaнция aвиaциoннoй элeктрoсвязи, oснoвным нaзнaчeниeм кoтoрoй являeтся рeгулирoвaниe прoхoждeния сooбщeний, кaсaющихся выпoлнeния пoлётoв и кoнтрoля зa вoздушными судaми в дaннoм рaйoнe.International Civil Aviation Vocabulary (English-Russian) > air-ground control radio station
7 station
1) станция
2) вокзал
3) <engin.> пост
4) пункт
5) стационар
6) место
7) устройство
8) блок
9) ставить
10) помещать
11) стенд
12) устанавливать
13) установить
– aerogeophysical station
– aerometeorological station
– aeronautical station
– agricultural station
– agrometeorological station
– aircraft station
– arrival station
– barometric station
– base station
– battery-charging station
– call up station
– check station
– coast station
– decontamination station
– deploy station
– docking station
– earth station
– end station
– explosion station
– extension station
– field station
– filling station
– gas-distribution station
– gas-filling station
– generating station
– geodetic station
– goods station
– greasing station
– ground station
– home station
– hydroelectric station
– hydropower station
– identify station
– inspection station
– interlocking station
– jam radio station
– jamming station
– junction station
– line-service station
– look-out station
– major station
– master station
– meteorological station
– mine-rescue station
– mobile station
– oceanographic station
– outdoor station
– pay station
– port station
– power station
– punching station
– push-button station
– radio station
– railroad station
– rate station
– read station
– receiving station
– relay station
– remote-control station
– repeater station
– riverside station
– service station
– slave station
– space station
– station accommodation
– station bin
– station blocking
– station bus
– station capacity
– station equipment
– station ground
– station insulator
– station load
– station log
– station man-hole
– station mark
– station of destination
– station ringer
– station route
– station set
– station wagon
– steering station
– stub station
– telephone station
– test station
– tracking station
– traction station
– tropo-relay station
– tune in station
– unattended station
– vehicular station
– welding station
– wind-power station
aeronautical weather station — <meteor.> авиаметеостанция
atomic power station — атомная станция, АЭС
block signal station — < railways> пост блокировочный
mobile refueling station — <transp.> станция авторазливочная
radio direction-finding station — радиопеленгаторная станция
satellite ground station — наземная станция системы спутниковой связи
station service transformer — <engin.> трансформатор собственных нужд
survival-craft radio station — радиостанция средств спасения
technical inspection station — < railways> пункт технического осмотра
telemetry monitoring station — <cosm.> пункт измерительный
television broadcasting station — телевизионная радиостанция
time-signal broadcasting station — радиостанция службы времени
8 station
1) станция; пункт2) рабочее место, пост3) устройство; блок5) стационар6) стенд•- battery charging station - broadcasting radio station - floating power station - mobile refueling station - radio direction-finding station - technical inspection station - telemetry monitoring station - thermal power station - tidal power station - time-signal broadcasting station - time-signal radio station - topographic field stationto tune in a station — радио настраиваться на станцию
9 station
место; пост; станция; пункт; точка измерений; остановка; база; рабочее место ( члена экипажа) ; место самолёта ( в строю) ; радиостанция; Бр. авиационная база; размещать; базировать; давать назначениеair droppable weather station — метеостанция, сбрасываемая с ЛА
central launch control station — ркт. командный пункт стартового комплекса
10 radio
1) радио
2) радиоприемник
3) передавать по радио
4) радиоприемный
– A-N radio range
– battery-operated radio
– by radio
– car radio
– console radio
– contact by radio
– get on for radio contact
– jam radio station
– mains-operated radio
– radio altimeter
– radio astronomy
– radio beacon
– radio bearing
– radio broadcasting
– radio channel
– radio transmitter
– radio universe
– radio waves
– transistor radio
– transmit by radio
– tube radio
– use radio contact
amateur radio operator — < radio> коротковолновик, радиолюбитель
high-altitude radio altimeter — радиовысотомер больших высот
interferometer radio telescope — интерференционный радиотелескоп
multichannel radio communication — многоканальная радиосвязь
nondirectional radio beacon — <aeron.> радиостанция приводная
point-to-point radio transmission — радиопередача направленная
radio direction finding — <naut.> радиопеленгация
radio direction-finding station — радиопеленгаторная станция
radio relay link — < radio> линия релейная
ship-to-ship radio communication — радиосвязь между кораблями
stereophonic radio receiver — стереофонический радиоприемник
survival-craft radio station — радиостанция средств спасения
11 aircraft
1) самолет
2) воздушный летательный аппарат
3) самолетный
4) авиа-
– aircraft building
– aircraft carrier
– aircraft commander
– aircraft construction
– aircraft controllability
– aircraft designer
– aircraft engine
– aircraft equipment
– aircraft gasoline
– aircraft industry
– aircraft instruments
– aircraft lumber
– aircraft mechanic
– aircraft metal
– aircraft sprayer
– aircraft station
– aircraft steel
– aircraft tire
– aircraft tires
– aircraft wood
– cargo aircraft
– experimental aircraft
– ferry aircraft
– fly and aircraft automatically
– hypersonic aircraft
– instructional aircraft
– lither-than-air aircraft
– mother aircraft
– passenger aircraft
– piloted aircraft
– subsonic aircraft
– supersonic aircraft
– transonic aircraft
– vectored-thrust aircraft
aircraft electrical system — <aeron.> сеть бортовая электрическая
aircraft engine mechanic — <aeron.> авиамоторист
aircraft fire sprinkler — <aeron.> опрыскиватель авиапожарный
aircraft repair base — <aeron.> аэростат привязной, база авиаремонтная
fabric aircraft skin — <aeron.> полотно
forestry surveillance aircraft — <aeron.> самолет лесопатрульный
heavy transport aircraft — <aeron.> самолет транспортный тяжелый
high-velocity aircraft rocket — <cosm.> ракета авиационная скоростная
log for sawing aircraft lumber — <engin.> авиакряж
12 station
1) станция3) вчт рабочая станцияб) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ4) устройство; блок5) место; позиция, положение || помещать; устанавливать в определённую позицию; располагать6) пост; наблюдательный пункт7) полоса частот, отведенная станции•- advertiser-supported radio station
- aeronautical station
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical marker-beacon station
- aeronautical utility land station
- aeronautical utility mobile station
- air station
- aircraft station
- air-defense early warning station
- airdrome control station
- airport control station
- Alpha station
- altimeter station
- amateur station
- attended station
- B-station
- base station
- base transceiver station
- beacon station
- booster station
- British Forces broadcasting station
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- brush station
- cable television relay station
- called station
- caller's telephone station
- central reference station
- central wireless station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coast station
- coastal station
- coast-earth station
- coastal-earth station
- coast telegraph station
- coastal telegraph station
- commercial station
- communications station
- communications relay station
- control station
- crossing station
- data station
- direction-finding station
- display station
- docking station
- dual attachment station
- duplication station
- duty station
- early warning station
- earth station
- end station
- exchange service station
- facsimile broadcast station
- fixed station
- fixed ground station
- fixed wireless station
- gateway station
- glide-path station
- ground station
- guidance station
- high-frequency broadcast station
- homing station
- hydrological and meteorological fixed station
- IC station
- inquiry station
- intercept station
- international air traffic communication station
- ionospheric station
- jamming station
- junction station
- key station
- land station
- listening station
- local station
- localizer station
- long-distance station
- loran station
- magnetotelluric station
- marine broadcast station
- marine radio-beacon station
- master station
- meteorological station
- microwave relay station
- mobile station
- mobile broadcast station
- mobile earth station
- multiple-access station
- national radio station
- naval air station
- naval communications station
- naval radio station
- network management station
- node station
- omnidirectional radio-range station
- pay station
- personal earth station
- power station
- private-aircraft station
- punching station
- radar station
- radio station
- radio-beacon station
- radio-direction-finding station
- radiolocation station
- radionavigation station
- radio-positioning station
- radio-range station
- radio reading station
- radio-relay station
- radiosonde station
- radio-tracking station
- reading station
- receiving station
- relay station
- remote station
- remote-control station
- repeater station
- reservation station
- satellite-communications earth station
- satellite solar power station
- satellite-tracking station
- service station
- ship station
- shore radio station
- single attachment station
- slave station
- slope station
- space station
- standard-frequency station
- subscriber station
- surveillance radar station
- switching station
- tape-relay station
- telemetering station
- telemetering land station
- telemetry station
- telephony station
- telephony earth station
- television station
- television broadcast station
- television pickup station
- terminal station
- terrestrial station
- toll station
- tracker station
- tracking station
- transmitting station
- transport station
- transportable station
- tropo relay station
- unattended station
- unattended repeater station
- upload station
- user station
- way station
- wireless station
- wireless telegraphy station
- work station -
13 station
1) станция3) вчт. рабочая станцияб) автоматизированное рабочее место, АРМ4) устройство; блок5) место; позиция, положение || помещать; устанавливать в определённую позицию; располагать6) пост; наблюдательный пункт7) полоса частот, отведенная станции•- advertiser-supported radio station
- aeronautical fixed station
- aeronautical marker-beacon station
- aeronautical station
- aeronautical utility land station
- aeronautical utility mobile station
- air station
- aircraft station
- air-defense early warning station
- airdrome control station
- airport control station
- Alpha station
- altimeter station
- amateur station
- attended station
- B station
- base station
- base transceiver station
- beacon station
- booster station
- British Forces broadcasting station
- broadcast station
- broadcasting station
- brush station
- cable television relay station
- called station
- caller's telephone station
- central reference station
- central wireless station
- class-A station
- class-B station
- class-C station
- class-D station
- coast station
- coastal station
- coastal telegraph station
- coastalal telegraph station
- coastal-earth station
- coast-earth station
- commercial station
- communications relay station
- communications station
- control station
- crossing station
- data station
- direction-finding station
- display station
- docking station
- dual attachment station
- duplication station
- duty station
- early warning station
- earth station
- end station
- exchange service station
- facsimile broadcast station
- fixed ground station
- fixed station
- fixed wireless station
- gateway station
- glide-path station
- ground station
- guidance station
- high-frequency broadcast station
- homing station
- hydrological and meteorological fixed station
- IC station
- inquiry station
- intercept station
- international air traffic communication station
- ionospheric station
- jamming station
- junction station
- key station
- land station
- listening station
- local station
- localizer station
- long-distance station
- loran station
- magnetotelluric station
- marine broadcast station
- marine radio-beacon station
- master station
- meteorological station
- microwave relay station
- mobile broadcast station
- mobile earth station
- mobile station
- multiple-access station
- national radio station
- naval air station
- naval communications station
- naval radio station
- network management station
- node station
- omnidirectional radio-range station
- pay station
- personal earth station
- power station
- private-aircraft station
- punching station
- radar station
- radio reading station
- radio station
- radio-beacon station
- radio-direction-finding station
- radiolocation station
- radionavigation station
- radio-positioning station
- radio-range station
- radio-relay station
- radiosonde station
- radio-tracking station
- reading station
- receiving station
- relay station
- remote station
- remote-control station
- repeater station
- reservation station
- satellite solar power station
- satellite-communications earth station
- satellite-tracking station
- service station
- ship station
- shore radio station
- single attachment station
- slave station
- slope station
- space station
- standard-frequency station
- subscriber station
- surveillance radar station
- switching station
- tape-relay station
- telemetering land station
- telemetering station
- telemetry station
- telephony earth station
- telephony station
- television broadcast station
- television pickup station
- television station
- terminal station
- terrestrial station
- toll station
- tracker station
- tracking station
- transmitting station
- transport station
- transportable station
- tropo relay station
- unattended repeater station
- unattended station
- upload station
- user station
- way station
- wireless station
- wireless telegraphy station
- work stationThe New English-Russian Dictionary of Radio-electronics > station
14 station
to identify the station — опознавать (радио)станцию;
15 station
acoustic measurement stationпункт проведения акустических замеровaerodynamic broadcast stationшироковещательная радиостанция службы обеспечения полетовaeronautical advisory stationстанция аэронавигационной информацииaeronautical fixed stationавиационная фиксированная станция, авиационная фиксированная радиостанцияaeronautical meteorological stationавиационная метеостанцияaircraft test stationиспытательная станция воздушных судовall stations callвызов всех станцийautomatic weather stationавтоматическая метеостанцияbeam radio stationрадиостанция направленного действияbroadcasting radio stationшироковещательная радиостанцияcaptain's stationрабочее место командира(воздушного судна) coast guard stationпост береговой охраныcollision warning stationстанция предупреждения столкновенийcommercial broadcast stationкоммерческая радиовещательная станцияcontrol radio stationрадиостанция диспетчерской связиdirecting stationпеленгаторная станцияduty stationрабочее место(экипажа) early warning stationстанция дальнего обнаруженияearth stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) fire stationпожарная станцияflight engineer stationрабочее место бортинженераflight inbound the stationполет в направлении на станциюflight outbound the stationполет в направлении от станцииflight service stationстанция службы обеспечения полетовground stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) helicopter stationвертолетная станцияhomer stationприводная радиостанцияjamming stationстанция глушения радиосвязиlanding direction-finding stationпосадочная радиопеленгаторная станцияland stationназемная станция(обеспечения полетов) master radar stationглавная радиолокационная станцияmaster stationведущая станцияmeteorological radar stationметеорологическая радиолокационная станцияmeteorological stationметеорологическая станцияmobile ship stationпередвижная станция технического обслуживанияnondirectional stationрадиостанция ненаправленного действияobservation stationпункт наблюденияocean station vesselокеанский корабль - станцияonboard stationбортовая радиостанцияpilot's stationрабочее место пилотаposition-fixing stationрадиолокационная станцияposition-radar stationрадиолокационная станцияradar-tracking stationрадиолокационная станция сопровожденияradio communication stationсвязная радиостанцияradio compass stationрадиопеленгаторная станцияradio direction-finding stationрадиопеленгаторная станцияradio stationрадиостанцияradio station codeкод радиостанцииrelay stationретрансляционная станцияrepeater stationретрансляционная станцияsecondary stationвспомогательная радиостанцияsending stationпередающая станцияshore stationбереговая станцияstation bearingпеленг станцииstation designatorиндекс станцииtrack stationстанция сопровожденияtransmitting stationпередающая станцияwarning stationстанция оповещения -
16 aircraft
летательный аппарат, ЛА; самолет(ы); вертолет(ы); авиация; авиационный; бортовой ( об оборудовании ЛА)C2 aircraft — воздушный КП, ВКП; ЛА для оперативного управления
electronic surveillance, reconnaissance and warning aircraft — самолет РЭР, наблюдения и оповещения
short takeoff, vertical landing aircraft — самолет укороченного взлета и вертикальной посадки
— high-penetration attack aircraft— shadowing aircraft— spotting aircraft— tiltable-wing aircraft -
1) Общая лексика: (molecular adsorbent recirculating system) система рециркуляции молекулярного адсорбента (используется в трансплантологии для поддержания функции печени при острой или молниеносной печеночной недостаточности)2) Компьютерная техника: Mains Active Restoring System3) Американизм: Mitigation And Response System4) Спорт: Muffin Andrew Rugby Start5) Военный термин: Man-hour Accounting and Reporting System, Marconi automatic relay system, Marine Accident Reporting Scheme, Marine account reconciliation service, Marine aircraft repair squadron, Marine aircraft repair station, Martin automatic reporting system, Mobile Adjustable Ramp System, Mobile Assault Rescue And Strike, Monthly Aerial Reconnaissance Summary, maintenance analysis and recording systems, marine arsenal, medium-range artillery rocket system, midair recovery system, military affiliated radio system, mobile ammunition repair section, mobile automatic reporting system, modular attack radar system, multiple aircraft raid simulation, multiple artillery rocket system6) Техника: Matra air-transportable reconnaissance system, machine retrieval system, maintenance analysis and recording system, manned astronautical research station, memory-address register storage, military amateur radio system, modular airborne radar system7) Математика: Multivariate Additive Regression Splines8) Астрономия: Mountain Astronomical Research Section9) Оптика: magnetic array system10) Сокращение: Magnetic Airborne Recording System, Magnetic Array Sensor, Magnetic Array Sensor System, Maintenance Activity Reporting and Scheduling System, Manned Aerodynamic Reusable Spaceship, Manned Astronomical Research Station, Matra road to Air transportable Reconnaissance System (France), Matrix Amplifier and Routing System, Medium Altitude Reconnaissance System (Royal Netherlands Air Force), Meteorological Automatic Reporting System, Mid-Air Recovery System (US Navy), Mid-Air Retrieval System (USAF), Military Affiliate Radio System (USA), Military Affiliate Radio System, Military Amphibious Reconnaissance System, Military Archive & Research Services (UK), Minimally Attended Radar Station, Mobile Asset Repair Station, Mobile Atlantic Range Station, Mobile Automatic Reporting Station, Mobile Autonomous Robot Software, Modular Adaptable Radar Simulator, Modular Airborne Recording System, Multi-Access Retrieval System, Multi-Aperture Radar System, Multi-spectral Agile Reconnaissance System, Multiple Accelerometer Rate Sensor (projectile), Multiple Action Raid Simulation, Multiuser Archival and Retrieval System, multiaperture reluctance switch, результирующий набор многократного действия (Multiple Active Result Set)11) Университет: Math And Reading Scholars, Mathematics Assessment Resource Service, Media And Resource Services, Medical And Related Sciences, Monitoring Action Research System, Mountain Area Research Section12) Физиология: Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System13) Вычислительная техника: Market Analysis Research System14) Нефть: система контроля и регистрации данных о техническом обслуживании (maintenance analysis and recording system)15) Банковское дело: система разработки рыночной стратегии (Marketing Analysis Research System)16) Транспорт: Maintenance And Ramp Safety, Moving Armature Red Signal17) Фирменный знак: Meeting And Reservation Service, Milwaukee Area Radio Stations, Music And Recording Superstore, Music And Recording Superstores20) Деловая лексика: Management Administrative And Reporting System21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: multiple application reservoir simulator22) Инвестиции: Marketing Analysis Research System23) Сетевые технологии: Mac Address Registration System24) Медицинская техника: Motion Artifact Rejection System25) Музеи: Museum Astronomical Resource Society -
18 Mars
1) Общая лексика: (molecular adsorbent recirculating system) система рециркуляции молекулярного адсорбента (используется в трансплантологии для поддержания функции печени при острой или молниеносной печеночной недостаточности)2) Компьютерная техника: Mains Active Restoring System3) Американизм: Mitigation And Response System4) Спорт: Muffin Andrew Rugby Start5) Военный термин: Man-hour Accounting and Reporting System, Marconi automatic relay system, Marine Accident Reporting Scheme, Marine account reconciliation service, Marine aircraft repair squadron, Marine aircraft repair station, Martin automatic reporting system, Mobile Adjustable Ramp System, Mobile Assault Rescue And Strike, Monthly Aerial Reconnaissance Summary, maintenance analysis and recording systems, marine arsenal, medium-range artillery rocket system, midair recovery system, military affiliated radio system, mobile ammunition repair section, mobile automatic reporting system, modular attack radar system, multiple aircraft raid simulation, multiple artillery rocket system6) Техника: Matra air-transportable reconnaissance system, machine retrieval system, maintenance analysis and recording system, manned astronautical research station, memory-address register storage, military amateur radio system, modular airborne radar system7) Математика: Multivariate Additive Regression Splines8) Астрономия: Mountain Astronomical Research Section9) Оптика: magnetic array system10) Сокращение: Magnetic Airborne Recording System, Magnetic Array Sensor, Magnetic Array Sensor System, Maintenance Activity Reporting and Scheduling System, Manned Aerodynamic Reusable Spaceship, Manned Astronomical Research Station, Matra road to Air transportable Reconnaissance System (France), Matrix Amplifier and Routing System, Medium Altitude Reconnaissance System (Royal Netherlands Air Force), Meteorological Automatic Reporting System, Mid-Air Recovery System (US Navy), Mid-Air Retrieval System (USAF), Military Affiliate Radio System (USA), Military Affiliate Radio System, Military Amphibious Reconnaissance System, Military Archive & Research Services (UK), Minimally Attended Radar Station, Mobile Asset Repair Station, Mobile Atlantic Range Station, Mobile Automatic Reporting Station, Mobile Autonomous Robot Software, Modular Adaptable Radar Simulator, Modular Airborne Recording System, Multi-Access Retrieval System, Multi-Aperture Radar System, Multi-spectral Agile Reconnaissance System, Multiple Accelerometer Rate Sensor (projectile), Multiple Action Raid Simulation, Multiuser Archival and Retrieval System, multiaperture reluctance switch, результирующий набор многократного действия (Multiple Active Result Set)11) Университет: Math And Reading Scholars, Mathematics Assessment Resource Service, Media And Resource Services, Medical And Related Sciences, Monitoring Action Research System, Mountain Area Research Section12) Физиология: Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System13) Вычислительная техника: Market Analysis Research System14) Нефть: система контроля и регистрации данных о техническом обслуживании (maintenance analysis and recording system)15) Банковское дело: система разработки рыночной стратегии (Marketing Analysis Research System)16) Транспорт: Maintenance And Ramp Safety, Moving Armature Red Signal17) Фирменный знак: Meeting And Reservation Service, Milwaukee Area Radio Stations, Music And Recording Superstore, Music And Recording Superstores20) Деловая лексика: Management Administrative And Reporting System21) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: multiple application reservoir simulator22) Инвестиции: Marketing Analysis Research System23) Сетевые технологии: Mac Address Registration System24) Медицинская техника: Motion Artifact Rejection System25) Музеи: Museum Astronomical Resource Society -
19 ARS
1) Компьютерная техника: Amateur Radio Society, Attend Read Skip, amateur radio station2) Медицина: acute rhinosinusitis (острый риносинусит (ОРС))3) Военный термин: Action Request System, Advanced Recovery System, Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance, Air Radio System, Airborne Receiver System, American Rocket Society, Army Radio School, Army Recreation Service, Army Relief Society, Army Reserve Sustainment, Army radio station, Artillery Rocket System, Automated Response System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, active radar seeker, advanced reconnaissance system, advanced record system, advanced rescue system, aerial reconnaissance and security, airborne ranging system, airborne relay squadron, aircraft repair section, airship, rigid, scouting, alert readiness status, area resupply, attack radar set, automatic reference system, awaiting repair storage4) Техника: Agricultural Research Station, active repeater satellite, acute radiation syndrome, advance record system, air return system, alpha-ray spectrometer, amplified response spectrum, auto restart, automatic recording spectrometer5) Юридический термин: Arizona Revised Statute, Arizona Revised Statutes6) Автомобильный термин: automatic restraint system7) Музыка: American Recorder Society9) Телекоммуникации: attended repeater station, ОУП, обслуживаемый усилительный пункт10) Сокращение: Action Request System (DISN), Acute radiation sickness, Address Recognition System (2002), Advanced Reconnaissance Satellite, Advanced Rocket System, Aerial Radiac System, Air Refuelling Squadron, Air Reinforcement Squadron, Air Rescue Service (USAF), Air Rescue Squadron, Argentine Peso, Attack Radar Set (USA), Automatic Recovery System, Automatic Reporting System, Salvage Ship (Heavy Lift; D), arsine, asbestos roof shingles, aircraft radio sight, auction-rate security, Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia11) Университет: Academic Resource System12) Физиология: Acute Retroviral Syndrome, Atypical Rheumatic Syndrome13) Электроника: Angle-resolved scattering14) Нефть: automatic residual statics15) Иммунология: AIDS-related syndrome16) Транспорт: Active Roll Stabilization, Adjustable Rate Suspension, Average Rectified Slope17) Воздухоплавание: Air Rescue Service18) Фирменный знак: Aon Risk Services19) Экология: Agricultural Research Service20) Валютные операции: аргентинское песо (Argentinian peso)21) Сетевые технологии: automatic route selection, автоматический выбор маршрута22) Автоматика: analog recording system, automatic retrieval system23) Химическое оружие: Acquisition Reporting Support, acoustic resonance spectroscopy24) Безопасность: Autonomously Replicating Sequence25) Расширение файла: Activity Reporting System (Unisys)26) Логистика: хранение предметов, подлежащих ремонту27) Фармация: Analytical Reference Standard28) Должность: Awards And Recognition Specialists29) Чат: Alt Religion Scientology -
20 ars
1) Компьютерная техника: Amateur Radio Society, Attend Read Skip, amateur radio station2) Медицина: acute rhinosinusitis (острый риносинусит (ОРС))3) Военный термин: Action Request System, Advanced Recovery System, Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance, Air Radio System, Airborne Receiver System, American Rocket Society, Army Radio School, Army Recreation Service, Army Relief Society, Army Reserve Sustainment, Army radio station, Artillery Rocket System, Automated Response System, Salvage and Rescue Ship, active radar seeker, advanced reconnaissance system, advanced record system, advanced rescue system, aerial reconnaissance and security, airborne ranging system, airborne relay squadron, aircraft repair section, airship, rigid, scouting, alert readiness status, area resupply, attack radar set, automatic reference system, awaiting repair storage4) Техника: Agricultural Research Station, active repeater satellite, acute radiation syndrome, advance record system, air return system, alpha-ray spectrometer, amplified response spectrum, auto restart, automatic recording spectrometer5) Юридический термин: Arizona Revised Statute, Arizona Revised Statutes6) Автомобильный термин: automatic restraint system7) Музыка: American Recorder Society9) Телекоммуникации: attended repeater station, ОУП, обслуживаемый усилительный пункт10) Сокращение: Action Request System (DISN), Acute radiation sickness, Address Recognition System (2002), Advanced Reconnaissance Satellite, Advanced Rocket System, Aerial Radiac System, Air Refuelling Squadron, Air Reinforcement Squadron, Air Rescue Service (USAF), Air Rescue Squadron, Argentine Peso, Attack Radar Set (USA), Automatic Recovery System, Automatic Reporting System, Salvage Ship (Heavy Lift; D), arsine, asbestos roof shingles, aircraft radio sight, auction-rate security, Alliance for the Re-Liberation of Somalia11) Университет: Academic Resource System12) Физиология: Acute Retroviral Syndrome, Atypical Rheumatic Syndrome13) Электроника: Angle-resolved scattering14) Нефть: automatic residual statics15) Иммунология: AIDS-related syndrome16) Транспорт: Active Roll Stabilization, Adjustable Rate Suspension, Average Rectified Slope17) Воздухоплавание: Air Rescue Service18) Фирменный знак: Aon Risk Services19) Экология: Agricultural Research Service20) Валютные операции: аргентинское песо (Argentinian peso)21) Сетевые технологии: automatic route selection, автоматический выбор маршрута22) Автоматика: analog recording system, automatic retrieval system23) Химическое оружие: Acquisition Reporting Support, acoustic resonance spectroscopy24) Безопасность: Autonomously Replicating Sequence25) Расширение файла: Activity Reporting System (Unisys)26) Логистика: хранение предметов, подлежащих ремонту27) Фармация: Analytical Reference Standard28) Должность: Awards And Recognition Specialists29) Чат: Alt Religion Scientology
См. также в других словарях:
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Amateur radio station — Fixed ground station of a German amateur radio operator An amateur radio station is an installation designed to provide radiocommunications in the amateur radio service for an amateur radio operator. Radio amateurs build and operate several types … Wikipedia
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Radio Caroline — is a European radio station that started transmissions on Easter Sunday 1964 from a ship anchored in international waters off the coast of Felixstowe, Suffolk, England. [ [http://www.radiocaroline.co.uk/history2.asp Don t Get Mad, Get Even] ] It… … Wikipedia
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Radio Martí — is a radio and television broadcaster based in Miami, Florida, financed by the United States government (Broadcasting Board of Governors), which transmits Spanish radio broadcasts to Cuba. Its broadcasts can also be heard in the United… … Wikipedia
air-ground control radio station — An aeronautical telecommunication station having a primary responsibility for handling communications pertaining to the operation and control of aircraft in a given area … Aviation dictionary
Radio direction finder — Civil Air Patrol members practice using a handheld radio direction finder to locate an emergency locator transmitter … Wikipedia
Radio masts and towers — Masts of the Rugby VLF transmitter in England … Wikipedia
Radio Tees — Infobox Radio station caption=95 VHF Stereo and 257 metres (1170 kHz) medium wave ... The Sound of Home name=Radio Tees airdate= 24 June 1975 frequency=257 metres MW; 95 VHF area= North East England (Teesside, parts of County Durham and North… … Wikipedia