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aircraft empty weight

См. также в других словарях:

  • Basic aircraft empty weight — is the weight of an aircraft without taking into account any baggage, passengers, or usable fuel. Basic empty weight includes all fluids necessary for operation such as engine oil, engine coolant, and unusable fuel.Some manufacturers define Basic …   Wikipedia

  • Operating empty weight — (OEW) is the basic weight of an aircraft including the crew, all fluids necessary for operation such as engine oil, engine coolant, water, unusable fuel and all operator items and equipment required for flight but excluding usable fuel and the… …   Wikipedia

  • equipped empty weight — The weight of an aircraft minus its disposable loads but including its removable and other equipment …   Aviation dictionary

  • manufacturer’s empty weight — The weight of an aircraft, including the structure, power plant, furnishings, systems, and other items that are considered an integral part of a particular configuration …   Aviation dictionary

  • Aircraft engine — An aircraft engine is a propulsion system for an aircraft. Aircraft engines are almost always a type of lightweight internal combustion engine. This article is an overview of the basic types of aircraft engines and the design concepts employed in …   Wikipedia

  • Weight and Balance — Die Weight and Balance Berechnung (W/B; auch: weight balance; deutsche Bezeichnungen weniger gebräuchlich: Gewichte und Schwerpunkt; Masse und Schwerpunktlage; Schwerpunkt und Beladung; Schwerpunktlage und Masseverteilung; Gewichts und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Manufacturer's Weight Empty — (MWE) (also known as Manufacturer s Empty Weight (MEW) is the weight of the aircraft as built and includes the weight of the structure, power plant, furnishings, installations, systems and other equipment that are considered an integral part of… …   Wikipedia

  • Van's Aircraft RV-12 — The Van s RV 12 is two seat, single engine, low wing homebuilt airplane eligible for the US LSA category sold in kit form by Van s Aircraft. The RV 12 had its first flight on November 9, 2006. Deliveries of partial kits commenced in April 2008.… …   Wikipedia

  • Aircraft of the Battle of Britain — The Battle of Britain (German: [http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luftschlacht um England Luftschlacht um England ] ) was an effort by the German Luftwaffe during during the summer and autumn, 1940 to gain air superiority over the United Kingdom in… …   Wikipedia

  • aircraft classification number — A number expressing the relative effect of an aircraft on pavement for a specified standard subgrade category (ICAO). Pavement refers to runways or operating areas. Using this method, it is possible to express the effect of individual aircraft on …   Aviation dictionary

  • Free flight (model aircraft) — The segment of model aviation known as free flight is the original form of the hobby, extending back centuries.DescriptionThe essence of free flight is that the aircraft have no need for any form of external control, for instance by radio.… …   Wikipedia

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