1 aircraft all-up weight
English-Ukrainian dictionary of aviation terms > aircraft all-up weight
2 weight
1. nвага, маса2. v◊•- aircraft all-up weight - aircraft authorized weight - aircraft empty weight - aircraft operational weight - aircraft operational empty weight - aircraft weight - aircraft wet weight - aircraft zero fuel weight - all-up weight - balance weight - climbout weight - constituent weight - design flight weight - design landing weight - distributed balance weight - droop stop bob weight - dry weight - empty weight - flutter-preventive weight - gross weight - high weight - mass balance weight - maximum landing weight - maximum take-off weight - overload gross weight - own weight - payload weight - physical atomic weight - remote balance weight - shipping weight - specific weight - takeoff weight - takeoff gross weight - taxi weight - touchdown weight -
3 factor
n1) коефіцієнт2) чинник3) рівень•- aerodrome usability factor - aerodrome utilization factor - aircraft acceleration factor - aircraft load factor - aircraft reserve factor - aircraft safety factor - aircraft usability factor - all-cargo load factor - amplification factor - break-even load factor - cargo load factor - causal factor - conversion factor - crest factor - currency adjustment factor - design factor - deviation factor - deviation scale factor - Doppler shift factor - duration correction factor - factor of safety - friction factor - gust alleviating factor - human factor - length factor - load factor - loading factor - luminance factor - mu-factor - operating correction factor - operating load factor - orbit burden factor - output factor - partial safety factor for load - passenger load factor - revenue load factor - revenue passenger load factor - revenue weight load factor - runway usability factor - safe load factor - shielding factor - tariff level factor - transmission factor - usability factor - useful load factor - weight load factor
См. также в других словарях:
all-up weight — «L UHP», Especially British. the gross weight of an aircraft … Useful english dictionary
all-up weight — noun chiefly Brit. the total weight of an aircraft, with passengers, cargo, and fuel … English new terms dictionary
Aircraft flight control systems — consist of flight control surfaces, the respective cockpit controls, connecting linkages, and the necessary operating mechanisms to control an aircraft s direction in flight. Aircraft engine controls are also considered as flight controls as they … Wikipedia
all — adj., n., & adv. adj. 1 a the whole amount, quantity, or extent of (waited all day; all his life; we all know why; take it all). b (with pl.) the entire number of (all the others left; all ten men; the children are all boys; film stars all). 2… … Useful english dictionary
Aircraft diesel engine — Thielert Centurion aircraft diesel engine. The aircraft diesel engine or aero diesel has not been widely used as an aircraft engine. Diesel engines were used in airships and were tried in aircraft in the late 1920s … Wikipedia
Aircraft registration — A Van s Aircraft RV 7 displaying registration G KELS. The G prefix denotes a civil aircraft registered in the United Kingdom An aircraft registration is a unique alphanumeric string that identifies a civil aircraft, in similar fashion to a… … Wikipedia
Aircraft specific energy — is a form of specific energy applied to aircraft and missile trajectory analysis. It represents the combined kinetic and potential energy of the vehicle at any given time. It is the total energy of the vehicle (relative to the earth s surface)… … Wikipedia
all-up — allˈ up noun and adjective (of loaded aircraft) total (weight) • • • Main Entry: ↑all … Useful english dictionary
Aircraft engine — An aircraft engine is a propulsion system for an aircraft. Aircraft engines are almost always a type of lightweight internal combustion engine. This article is an overview of the basic types of aircraft engines and the design concepts employed in … Wikipedia
Aircraft — An aircraft is a vehicle which is able to fly through the Earth s atmosphere or through any other atmosphere. Rocket vehicles are not aircraft if they are not supported by the surrounding air. All the human activity which surrounds aircraft is… … Wikipedia
Aircraft flight mechanics — In aeronautics, aircraft flight mechanics is the study of the forces that act on an aircraft in flight, and the way the aircraft responds to those forces. [Clancy, L.J. Aerodynamics . Section 14.1] Aircraft flight mechanics are relevant to… … Wikipedia