1 airborne infiltration
выброска [высадка] воздушного десанта для просачивания в боевые порядки противникаEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > airborne infiltration
2 infiltration
пропитка, инфильтрация; фильтрование -
3 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
4 assault
атака; бросок в атаку; нападение; удар; штурм; десант; бой за высадку десанта; ав. штурмовка; атаковать; нападать; штурмовать; десантный; штурмовой; см. тж. attack— helicopter-borne assault -
5 group
army group, Royal Artillery — Бр. армейская группа ПА
army group, Royal Engineers — Бр. армейская инженерная группа
C3 Countermeasures Working group — рабочая группа по вопросам РЭП систем оперативного управления и связи
combat equipment group, Europe — группа обеспечения войск оружием и военной техникой в Европейской зоне (для сил двойного базирования)
European Interdepartment group, NSC — Европейская межведомственная группа СНБ
intelligence data (technical) processing group — группа (технической) обработки разведывательных данных
Standing group, Military Committee — постоянная группа военного комитета НАТО
tactical air (control) group — мор. группа наведения авиации
— address indicating group— FA group— HQ group— launching control group* * *• 1) группа; 2) дивизия• 1) группироваться; 2) группировать -
6 area
район; округ; площадь; участок; зона; область; пространство; категория ( действий); см. тж. ground; zonebooster (engine) disposal area — ркт. район сброса [падения] стартовых двигателей [(ракетных) ускорителей]
booster (engine) impact area — ркт. район сброса [падения] стартовых двигателей [(ракетных) ускорителей]
simulated (radioactive) contamination area — ложный [имитируемый] участок (радиоактивного) заражения
— amphibious objective area— armor killing area— artillery position area— dangerous area— delaying operations area— dropping area— gun area— hot area— killing area— lethality area— limited access area— MOS area— patrolling area— POL area— preference service area— radioactive contamination area— rallying area— recreation area— SAM launching area— uploading area -
7 exercise
учение, занятие; боевая подготовка; маневры; упражнение; тренировка; отработка (напр. порядка действий)logistic(al) and interoperability exercise — учение по тыловому обеспечению интероперабельности систем
— Iogistical landing exercise— logistical exercise— logistical map exercise -
8 dip
1. n погружение; окунание; макание2. n разг. купание3. n погружение, углублениеto have a dip in a book — заглянуть в книгу; пробежать книгу
4. n спец. обработка погружением5. n раствор; протрава6. n разг. соус, подливка7. n маканая свеча8. n приспущенное положение флагаat the dip — в приспущенном положении, приспущенный
9. n впадина, углубление10. n уклон; откос11. n геол. падение12. n провес13. n прогиб14. n наклонение видимого горизонтаangle of dip — угол магнитного наклонения; магнитная широта
15. n глубина погружения16. n резкое падение высоты, «нырок»17. n сл. вор-карманник18. n сл. очистка карманов19. n сл. сл. алкаш, пьянчужка20. v погружать; окунать; макать21. v погружаться; окунаться22. v бегло знакомиться23. v погружаться; углубляться24. v «залезать»; использоватьthey only keep going by dip ping into capital saved from better years — они сводят концы с концами исключительно за счёт сбережений, сделанных в лучшие годы
25. v погружать в растворa dress dipped in purple — платье, окрашенное в фиолетовый цвет
26. v мыть в дезинфицирующем растворе; дезинфицировать; обеззараживать27. v дубить; изготовлять дублением; протравливать28. v макать, изготовлять повторным опусканием29. v лудить30. v доставать, черпать; вычерпывать31. v приспускатьto dip the colours — салютовать флагом; приспускать флаг
32. v опускать, спускать33. v наклонять34. v авт. опускать, наклонять35. v опускаться; скрываться, прятатьсяthe sun dips below the horizon — солнце уходит за горизонт, солнце прячется
36. v ав. резко терять высоту37. v идти под уклон, уходить вниз38. v падать, понижатьсяoil contracts dipped below 30 dollars per barrel — цена на нефть упала ниже тридцати долларов за баррель
39. v геол. понижаться, падать40. v спорт. делать мах назад через упор на согнутых руках41. v удить рыбу42. v церк. пренебр. погружать в купель, креститьСинонимический ряд:1. depression (noun) basin; concavity; depression; hollow; sag; sink; sinkage; sinkhole2. fall (noun) bath; decline; declivity; descent; dive; downslide; downswing; downtrend; downturn; drop; drop-off; fall; falloff; plunge; sink; skid; slide; slip; slump; swim; tumble3. immersion (noun) ducking; immersion; soaking4. dive (verb) descend; dive; fall; fall off; nose-dive; plummet; plunge; skid; slump; tumble5. drop (verb) decline; drop; go down; incline; recede; set; sink; slip; slope; subside6. immerse (verb) baptise; baptize; douse; duck; dunk; immerse; slosh; souse; steep; stoop; submerge; submerse7. scoop (verb) bail; bale; lade; ladle; scoop; scoop up; spoon8. swerve (verb) sheer; skew; slue; swerve; train off; veerАнтонимический ряд:climb; emerge; mound; pour; rise -
9 dip
опускать; погружение -
10 party
команда, группа, отряд; партия; наряд; см. тж. grouptactical (air) control party — команда [пост] управления [наведения] ТА
— advanced landing party— OP party -
11 method
метод; способ; средство; приём; технология; система; порядокconstant casing pressure method — метод борьбы с выбросом поддержанием постоянного давления в затрубном пространстве
displacement method of plugging — цементирование через заливочные трубы (без пробок, с вытеснением цементного раствора буровым)
gas-drive liquid propane method — процесс закачки в пласт газа под высоким давлением с предшествующим нагнетанием жидкого пропана
single core dynamic method — динамический метод определения относительной проницаемости по отдельному образцу
transient method of electrical prospecting — метод электроразведки, использующий неустановившиеся электрические явления
— colour band method
* * *
метод; способ; приёмbullhead well control method — способ глушения скважины с вытеснением пластового флюида в пласт из кольцевого пространства
constant bottomhole pressure well control method — способ глушения скважины при постоянном забойном давлении
driller's well control method — способ глушения скважины с раздельным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
one-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
reliability matrix index method — метод контроля за обеспечением надёжности путём задания показателей надёжности
two-circulation well control method — способ глушения скважины с разделёнными удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
Vlugter method of structural group analysis — структурно-групповой метод анализа (углеводородов) по Флюгтеру
wait and weight well-control method — способ глушения скважины с одновременным удалением пластового флюида и сменой бурового раствора
* * *
метод, способ
* * *
метод; способ; приём- method of assurancemethod for determination relative water wettability — метод определения относительной водосмачиваемости ( пород);
- method of borehole section correlation
- method of calculating gas reserves
- method of circles
- method of defining petroleum reserves
- method of defining reserves
- method of determining static corrections
- method of drilling
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole motor
- method of drilling with hydraulic turbine downhole unit
- method of estimating reserves
- method of evaluating petroleum reserves
- method of formation
- method of formation damage analysis
- method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- method of formation nonuniformity analysis
- method of increasing oil mobility
- method of limiting well production rate
- method of liquid saturation determination
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by air injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by gas injection
- method of maintaining reservoir pressure by water injection
- method of measuring critical water saturation
- method of mirror
- method of operation
- method of planting
- method of sample taking
- method of sampling
- method of sharpening
- method of stimulating production
- method of strong formation explosions
- method of testing
- method of three coefficients
- airborne magnetometer method
- air-hammer drilling method
- airlift well operation method
- alcohol-slug method
- arc refraction method
- aromatic adsorption method
- average velocity method
- average velocity approximation method
- bailer method of cementing
- band method
- barrel per acre method
- Barthelmes method
- basic volume method of estimating reserves
- beam pumping well operation method
- blasthole method
- bomb method
- borderline method
- borehole method
- borehole wall consolidation method
- bottom-packer method
- bottom water isolation method
- bottom water shutoff method
- bottomhole pressure build-up method
- broadside refraction method
- cable tool percussion drilling method
- Cabot method
- building method
- bullhead well control method
- capillarimetric method for determination wettability
- carbonized water injection method
- casing method of cementing
- casing-pressure method
- catenary pipe laying method
- cementing method
- cetane test method
- charcoal method
- chemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- chemical method of borehole wall lining
- circulating method
- clean recirculation method
- cold method of oil fractionation
- combination drilling method
- common-depth-point method
- common-midpoint method
- common-reflection-point method
- compressional-wave method
- concurrent method
- concurrent method of well killing
- constant bottomhole pressure well control method
- constant casing pressure method
- constant pit level method
- continuous-correlation method
- continuous-profiling method
- controlled directivity reception method
- converted wave method
- copper dish method
- correlation method of refracted waves
- correlation refraction method
- countercirculation-wash-boring method
- crosshole method
- cube method
- curved-path method
- cyclic steam-soaking secondary oil recovery method
- cycloidal ray-path method
- cylinder method
- deep-hole method
- deep-refraction method
- delay-and-sum method
- derrick assembling method
- derrick erection method
- desalting method
- development method
- dewatering method
- diesel cetane method
- differential liberation method
- diffraction stack method
- dipole profiling method
- direct method of orientation
- directional survey method
- dispersed gas injection method
- displacement method of plugging
- distillation method
- distillation method of liquid saturation determination
- double control method
- downhole method
- downhole sucker-rod pump well operation method
- down-the-hole induced polarization method
- drill steam method of coke removal
- driller's method
- driller's well control method
- drilling method
- drilling-in method
- dual coil ratiometer method
- effusion method
- electrical method of geophysical prospecting
- electrical-audibility method
- electrical-exploration method
- electrical-logging method
- electrical-prospecting method
- electrical-sounding method
- electrical-surveying method
- electrochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- electrochemical method of borehole wall lining
- electromagnetic method of orientation
- electromagnetic-exploration method
- electromagnetic-prospecting method
- electromagnetic-profiling method
- electromagnetic-sounding method
- electromagnetic-surveying method
- enhanced recovery method
- enriched gas injection method
- Eshka method
- evaporation method of measuring critical water saturation
- exploration method
- exploration prospecting survey method
- exploration seismic method
- explosion drilling method
- explosion seismic method
- express method
- express method of production calculation
- filter-and-sum method
- fire flooding method
- firing line method
- first-break method
- first-event method
- float-and-chains method
- float-on method
- formation evaluation method
- four-point control method
- fracture method
- freepoint-string shot method
- freezing method
- freezing point depression method
- from-bottom-upward method of derrick assembling
- from-top-downward method of derrick assembling
- frontal advance gas-oil displacement method
- Galician method
- gamma-ray method
- gas blow-around method
- gas-chromatography method
- gas-drive liquid propane method
- gaslift well operation method
- gas-production test method
- gas-recovery method
- geological petroleum exploration method
- geological petroleum prospecting method
- geophysical petroleum exploration method
- grasshopper pipeline coupling method
- gravity method of geophysical prospecting
- gravity exploration method
- heat injection secondary oil recovery method
- hectare method of estimating reserves
- hesitation method
- high-pressure dry gas injection method
- high-resolution method
- hit-and-miss method
- holoseismic method
- horizontal-loop method
- hot-water drive method
- hydraulic drilling method
- hydraulic fracturing method
- hydraulic hammer drilling method
- hydraulic jet drilling method
- hydrodynamic method of calculating oil production
- hydrodynamic drilling method
- ice-plug method
- image method
- indirect method of orientation
- induction logging method
- infiltration method
- injection flow method
- in-situ combustion method
- interval change method
- isolation method
- isoline method of reserves estimation
- Kiruna method
- knock intensity method
- lamp method
- lean mixture rating method
- liquid solvent injection method
- logging method
- long-hole method
- long-interval method
- long-wire transmitter method
- luminescent-bitumen method
- magnesium-hydroxide method
- magnetic method of geophysical prospecting
- magnetic-exploration method
- magnetic-flaw detection method
- magnetic-particle method
- magnetic-particle flaw detection method
- magnetoelectrical control method
- magnetometrical method
- magnetotelluric method
- magnetotelluric-exploration method
- magnetotelluric-sounding method
- maintenance method
- mercury injection method of measuring critical water saturation
- micrometric method of rock analysis
- microseismic method
- migration method
- mining method
- moving-plug method of cementing
- moving-source method
- mud-balance method
- mudcap method
- mudflush drilling method
- multiple detection method
- nonionic surfactant water solution injection method
- nonreplacement method
- Norwegian method
- oil drive method
- oil production method
- oil recovery method
- oil withdrawal method
- one-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- one-agent borehole wall lining method
- one-circulation well control method
- outage method
- oxygen-bomb method
- parabolic method
- passive method
- pattern method
- pattern-type gas injection method
- penetration method
- penetrating fluid method
- percussion method
- perforation method
- Perkins method
- phase-velocity method
- physicochemical method of borehole wall consolidation
- physicochemical method of borehole wall lining
- picric acid method
- pipe-bridge method
- pipe-driving method
- pipeline-assembly method
- pipeline-coupling method
- placement method
- plane front method
- plasma drilling method
- polarization method
- Poulter method
- pour point depression method
- pressure build-up method of formation damage analysis
- pressure build-up method of formation heterogeneity analysis
- pressure-drop method of estimating gas reserves
- primary oil recovery method
- probe method
- producing method
- producing well testing method
- production method
- production test method
- profiling method
- projected-vertical-plane method of orienting
- prospecting method
- pump-out method
- punching method
- radioactive method
- radioactive method of geophysical prospecting
- radio-direction-finder method
- ray-path method
- ray-stretching method
- ray-tracing method
- record presentation method
- recovery method
- rectilinear ray-path method
- reflection method
- reflection interpretation method
- refracted wave method
- refraction method
- refraction correlation method
- refraction interpretation method
- reliability method
- reliability matrix index method
- remedial cementing method
- replacement method
- repressuring method
- resistivity method
- restored-state method of measuring critical water saturation
- retort method of liquid saturation determination
- reversed refraction method
- ring-and-ball method
- rod tool percussion drilling method
- rodless pump well operation method
- roll-on method
- rope-and-drop pull method
- rotary drilling method
- rotation drilling method
- sampling method
- sand jet method
- saturation method
- saturation method of pore volume measurement
- secondary oil recovery method
- sectional method of pipeline assembly
- sectional pipe-coupling method
- sectorial pipe-coupling method
- sedimentology method of measuring particle size distribution
- seismic method
- seismic method of geophysical prospecting
- seismic-detection method
- seismic-exploration method
- seismic-identification method
- seismic-interpretation method
- seismic-reflection method
- seismic-refraction method
- self-potential method
- sequence firing method
- shear-wave method
- short-hole method
- shot-drilling method
- shot-popping method
- side-tracking method
- side-wall coring method
- single-core dynamic method
- single-fold continuous-coverage method
- slalom-line method
- small-bore deep-hole method
- soap suds method
- sounding method
- spontaneous polarization method
- squeeze cementing method
- squeezing method
- standardizing performance method
- standby method
- stationary liquid method of relative permeability determination
- statistical method of calculating oil production
- statistical method of estimating reserves
- steam oil drive method
- stepwise method of McCabe and Thiele
- stimulation method
- stove pipe method
- stove pipe flange method of rolling beams
- straight ray-path method
- subsurface method of geophysical prospecting
- suction method of cleaning
- summation method
- surface method of geophysical prospecting
- surface-wave method
- swabbing method
- swinging-gage method
- tertiary oil recovery method
- testing method
- thermal-acid formation treatment method
- thermal-recovery method
- thickened water injection method
- three-dimensional seismic method
- thumper method
- top-packer method
- towing method
- transient method of electrical prospecting
- transmitted wave method
- transposed method
- triaxial test method
- tubing method of cementing
- two-agent borehole wall consolidation method
- two-agent borehole wall lining method
- two-circulation well control method
- ultrasonic method
- ultrasonic flaw detection method
- variable-area method
- velocity-analysis method
- vertical loop method
- Vibroseis method
- Vlugter method of structural group analysis
- volume method of estimating reserves
- volume-statistical method of estimating reserves
- volume-weight method of estimating reserves
- volumetric method of estimating reserves
- volumetric-genetic method of estimating reserves
- wait-and-weight well-control method
- Walker's method
- wash-and-drive method
- washing method
- water flooding method
- water influx location method
- weathering computation method
- weight-drop method
- weight-saturation method
- well-casing method
- well-completion method
- well-control method
- well-drill method
- well-geophone method
- well-operation method
- well-shooting method
- well-testing method
- wireline method
- X-ray diffraction method* * * -
12 course
курс; маршрут; трасса; линия пути; траектория; курс обучения; учебный городок; учебное поле; учебная полоса; танкодром; автодром;— career development course -
13 route
маршрут; курс; путь; направление; устанавливать маршрут; направлять; см. тж. road— reserved route
См. также в других словарях:
infiltration — Synonyms and related words: absorbency, absorbent, absorption, access, admission, adsorbent, adsorption, aerial tactics, aggravated assault, aggression, airborne tactics, amphibious attack, applied tactics, armed assault, armored tactics,… … Moby Thesaurus
Special Forces Command (Airborne) — Schulterabzeichen der Green Berets einschließlich der oberhalb angebrachten Sprung und Sondereinsatz qualifikations Bänder … Deutsch Wikipedia
United States Army Special Forces Command (Airborne) — Special Forces USASFC Ärmelabzeichen als Verbandsabzeichen der … Deutsch Wikipedia
1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (Airborne) — 1st SFOD D (A) Abzeichen der Delta Fo … Deutsch Wikipedia
160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) — Le 160th SOAR (A) (160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne)) est une unité d hélicoptères de l US Army pour les opérations spéciales. Il est chargé de fournir l appui aérien aux forces spéciales, aussi bien pour les reconnaissances d … Wikipédia en Français
101st Airborne Division (United States) — Infobox Military Unit unit name=101st Airborne Division placeofburial= caption=101st Airborne Division shoulder sleeve insignia (the Screaming Eagle ). country=United States of America allegiance= Federal type=Division branch=Regular Army… … Wikipedia
40. Fallschirmjägerbataillon Willi Sänger — was the only airborne infantry formation of the Nationale Volksarmee (NVA). The battalion and its commando school were based in Prora on Rügen island (1961 82) and later near Potsdam (1982 90). Training All of the battalion s personnel were… … Wikipedia
Exercise Robin Sage — Robin Sage is a training exercise conducted by the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina [http://www.marquette.edu/rotc/army/training/robin1.shtml robin1.shtml ] ] for US Special Forces candidates. It is the last… … Wikipedia
920th Rescue Wing — Infobox Military Unit unit name=920th Rescue Wing caption= dates= 15 January 1963 present country=United States allegiance= branch=Air Force type=Combat Search and Rescue role= size= command structure=Air Force Reserve Command current… … Wikipedia
Army Special Forces — Schulterabzeichen der Green Berets einschließlich der oberhalb angebrachten Sprung und Sondereinsatz qualifikations Bänder Ab … Deutsch Wikipedia
Army Special Forces Command — Schulterabzeichen der Green Berets einschließlich der oberhalb angebrachten Sprung und Sondereinsatz qualifikations Bänder Ab … Deutsch Wikipedia