1 airborne device
1) Космонавтика: бортовое устройство, элемент бортового оборудования2) Авиационная медицина: ЛА, летательный аппарат -
2 airborne device
бортовой прибор, прибор аэрометодаАнгло-русский словарь по ядерным испытаниям и горному делу > airborne device
3 airborne device
• ЛААнгло-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > airborne device
4 airborne device
летательный аппарат; бортовое устройствоEnglsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > airborne device
5 device
устройство; механизм; прибор; приспособление; аппарат; средствоinfrared target seeking device — тепловая головка самонаведения; теплопеленгатор, тепловой координатор цели
power failure detection device — прибор обнаружения отказа двигателя, сигнализатор потери мощности [тяги] двигателя
visual stall warning device — визуальный сигнализатор срыва [сваливания]
zero-gravity positive expulsion device — устройство для обеспечения топливоподачи (из баков) в условиях невесомости
6 airborne surveillance device
English-Russian Dictionary of Military Terms and Abbreviations > airborne surveillance device
7 pilot airborne recovering device
PARD, pilot airborne recovering deviceEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > pilot airborne recovering device
8 pilot airborne recovering device
Военный термин: средство обеспечения спасения лётчика подхватом в воздухеУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > pilot airborne recovering device
9 pilot airborne recovery device
Авиационная медицина: бортовая система аварийного спасения лётчикаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > pilot airborne recovery device
10 pilot airborne recovery device
Англо-русский словарь по авиационной медицине > pilot airborne recovery device
1) Сокращение: Airborne Range & Orbit Determination, Airborne Remotely Operated Device (USA), Airborne Remotely Operated Device2) Воздухоплавание: Airborne Range and Orbit Determination -
12 center
центр; пункт; пост; узел; середина; научпо-иселсдовагсльскпй центр, НИЦ; выводить на середину; арт. корректировать; центрировать;air C3 center — центр руководства, управления и связи ВВС
general supply (commodity) center — центр [пункт] снабжения предметами общего предназначения
hard launch (operations) control center — ркт. центр [пункт] управления пуском, защищенный от (поражающих факторов) ЯВ
launch (operations) control center — ркт. пункт управления стартового комплекса [пуском ракет]
tactical fighter weapons (employment development) center — центр разработки способов боевого применения оружия истребителей ТА
— all-sources intelligence center— C center— combat control center— educational center— logistical operations center— logistics services center— operational center— secured communications center— skill development center -
13 MAD
1) Авиация: устройство магнитного обнаружения2) Медицина: multiwavelength anomalous diffraction, Mandibular Advancement Device, mean abdominal diameter3) Спорт: Mechanical Amusement Device4) Военный термин: Marine air detachment, Mechanized Artillery Division, Missile Attack And Defense, Mission Area Deficiency, Mobile Armor Division, magnetic anomaly detection, magnetic anomaly detector, maintenance access door, maintenance alert directive, maintenance analysis data, maintenance, assembly and disassembly, material analysis data, material availability date, materiel acquisition and delivery, mechanical assembly and disassembly, military airplane division, military assistance division, missile assembly data, motor assembly and disassembly, mutual assured destruction, взаимное гарантированное уничтожение, взаимогарантированное уничтожение, mission assignment discrete (USAF)5) Техника: magnetic airborne detector, multiple-access device6) Шутливое выражение: Malevolent Agency Of Destruction7) Химия: Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction8) Математика: среднее абсолютное отклонение (mean absolute deviation)9) Метеорология: Manipulating Aeromagnetic Data, Measured Air Device10) Статистика: cреднее абсолютное отклонение (сокр. от "mean absolute derivation")11) Астрономия: Mass Analyzer Detector, Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator12) Биржевой термин: Money All Day13) Грубое выражение: Men Are Dumb14) Телекоммуникации: Median Absolute Deviation15) Сокращение: Madurese, Magnetic Azimuth Detector, Maintenance Analysis Document, Mass Air Delivery, Maximum Acquisition Distance, Military Air Distress, Moroccan Dirham, Multiple Access Device, maintenance assembly and disassembly, mutually assured destruction, Mission assignment descrete16) Театр: Music Acting And Dance, Music Art Drama17) Университет: Michigan Athletic Development18) Физиология: Maximum Adrenalin Dose, Morning Affective Disorder, Multiple Avatar Disorder19) Вычислительная техника: Message Address Directory, multiaperture device, multiple aperture device, Memory Address Driver strength (BIOS)20) Нефть: manual activation deluge/foam push button, maximum allowable discharge, maximal allowable discharge21) Онкология: Melanoma Awareness Day22) Транспорт: Make A Delivery23) Фирменный знак: Monument Album Discography26) Деловая лексика: Make A Decision, Maximum Administrative Delay, Motivation And Determination27) Образование: Making A Difference28) Валютные операции: марокканская драхма (Moroccan dirham)29) Сетевые технологии: Managing All Documents30) Контроль качества: mathematical analysis of downtime, mean absolute deviation31) Расширение файла: Machine ANSI Data, Module shortcut (MS Access)32) Собаководство: Master Agility Dog33) Должность: Musicians Artists And Dancers35) Программное обеспечение: Matlab Auditory Demonstrations36) Хобби: Multi Activity Day37) Единицы измерений: Mean Absolute Distance38) Музеи: Museum Accessibility Demonstration -
14 Mad
1) Авиация: устройство магнитного обнаружения2) Медицина: multiwavelength anomalous diffraction, Mandibular Advancement Device, mean abdominal diameter3) Спорт: Mechanical Amusement Device4) Военный термин: Marine air detachment, Mechanized Artillery Division, Missile Attack And Defense, Mission Area Deficiency, Mobile Armor Division, magnetic anomaly detection, magnetic anomaly detector, maintenance access door, maintenance alert directive, maintenance analysis data, maintenance, assembly and disassembly, material analysis data, material availability date, materiel acquisition and delivery, mechanical assembly and disassembly, military airplane division, military assistance division, missile assembly data, motor assembly and disassembly, mutual assured destruction, взаимное гарантированное уничтожение, взаимогарантированное уничтожение, mission assignment discrete (USAF)5) Техника: magnetic airborne detector, multiple-access device6) Шутливое выражение: Malevolent Agency Of Destruction7) Химия: Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction8) Математика: среднее абсолютное отклонение (mean absolute deviation)9) Метеорология: Manipulating Aeromagnetic Data, Measured Air Device10) Статистика: cреднее абсолютное отклонение (сокр. от "mean absolute derivation")11) Астрономия: Mass Analyzer Detector, Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator12) Биржевой термин: Money All Day13) Грубое выражение: Men Are Dumb14) Телекоммуникации: Median Absolute Deviation15) Сокращение: Madurese, Magnetic Azimuth Detector, Maintenance Analysis Document, Mass Air Delivery, Maximum Acquisition Distance, Military Air Distress, Moroccan Dirham, Multiple Access Device, maintenance assembly and disassembly, mutually assured destruction, Mission assignment descrete16) Театр: Music Acting And Dance, Music Art Drama17) Университет: Michigan Athletic Development18) Физиология: Maximum Adrenalin Dose, Morning Affective Disorder, Multiple Avatar Disorder19) Вычислительная техника: Message Address Directory, multiaperture device, multiple aperture device, Memory Address Driver strength (BIOS)20) Нефть: manual activation deluge/foam push button, maximum allowable discharge, maximal allowable discharge21) Онкология: Melanoma Awareness Day22) Транспорт: Make A Delivery23) Фирменный знак: Monument Album Discography26) Деловая лексика: Make A Decision, Maximum Administrative Delay, Motivation And Determination27) Образование: Making A Difference28) Валютные операции: марокканская драхма (Moroccan dirham)29) Сетевые технологии: Managing All Documents30) Контроль качества: mathematical analysis of downtime, mean absolute deviation31) Расширение файла: Machine ANSI Data, Module shortcut (MS Access)32) Собаководство: Master Agility Dog33) Должность: Musicians Artists And Dancers35) Программное обеспечение: Matlab Auditory Demonstrations36) Хобби: Multi Activity Day37) Единицы измерений: Mean Absolute Distance38) Музеи: Museum Accessibility Demonstration -
15 mad
1) Авиация: устройство магнитного обнаружения2) Медицина: multiwavelength anomalous diffraction, Mandibular Advancement Device, mean abdominal diameter3) Спорт: Mechanical Amusement Device4) Военный термин: Marine air detachment, Mechanized Artillery Division, Missile Attack And Defense, Mission Area Deficiency, Mobile Armor Division, magnetic anomaly detection, magnetic anomaly detector, maintenance access door, maintenance alert directive, maintenance analysis data, maintenance, assembly and disassembly, material analysis data, material availability date, materiel acquisition and delivery, mechanical assembly and disassembly, military airplane division, military assistance division, missile assembly data, motor assembly and disassembly, mutual assured destruction, взаимное гарантированное уничтожение, взаимогарантированное уничтожение, mission assignment discrete (USAF)5) Техника: magnetic airborne detector, multiple-access device6) Шутливое выражение: Malevolent Agency Of Destruction7) Химия: Multi-wavelength Anomalous Diffraction8) Математика: среднее абсолютное отклонение (mean absolute deviation)9) Метеорология: Manipulating Aeromagnetic Data, Measured Air Device10) Статистика: cреднее абсолютное отклонение (сокр. от "mean absolute derivation")11) Астрономия: Mass Analyzer Detector, Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics Demonstrator12) Биржевой термин: Money All Day13) Грубое выражение: Men Are Dumb14) Телекоммуникации: Median Absolute Deviation15) Сокращение: Madurese, Magnetic Azimuth Detector, Maintenance Analysis Document, Mass Air Delivery, Maximum Acquisition Distance, Military Air Distress, Moroccan Dirham, Multiple Access Device, maintenance assembly and disassembly, mutually assured destruction, Mission assignment descrete16) Театр: Music Acting And Dance, Music Art Drama17) Университет: Michigan Athletic Development18) Физиология: Maximum Adrenalin Dose, Morning Affective Disorder, Multiple Avatar Disorder19) Вычислительная техника: Message Address Directory, multiaperture device, multiple aperture device, Memory Address Driver strength (BIOS)20) Нефть: manual activation deluge/foam push button, maximum allowable discharge, maximal allowable discharge21) Онкология: Melanoma Awareness Day22) Транспорт: Make A Delivery23) Фирменный знак: Monument Album Discography26) Деловая лексика: Make A Decision, Maximum Administrative Delay, Motivation And Determination27) Образование: Making A Difference28) Валютные операции: марокканская драхма (Moroccan dirham)29) Сетевые технологии: Managing All Documents30) Контроль качества: mathematical analysis of downtime, mean absolute deviation31) Расширение файла: Machine ANSI Data, Module shortcut (MS Access)32) Собаководство: Master Agility Dog33) Должность: Musicians Artists And Dancers35) Программное обеспечение: Matlab Auditory Demonstrations36) Хобби: Multi Activity Day37) Единицы измерений: Mean Absolute Distance38) Музеи: Museum Accessibility Demonstration -
16 assault
атака; бросок в атаку; нападение; удар; штурм; десант; бой за высадку десанта; ав. штурмовка; атаковать; нападать; штурмовать; десантный; штурмовой; см. тж. attack— helicopter-borne assault -
1) Военный термин: Personnel Actions and Records Directorate, pilot airborne recovering device, pilotless aircraft research division3) Сокращение: Pilot Airborne Recovery Device -
18 pard
1) Военный термин: Personnel Actions and Records Directorate, pilot airborne recovering device, pilotless aircraft research division3) Сокращение: Pilot Airborne Recovery Device -
19 AID
1) Общая лексика: Advertisement Investigation Department2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Intelligence Discovery3) Авиация: Интерфейсное устройство ЛА (Aircraft Interface Device), Aircraft Installation Delay5) Военный термин: ASARS Interface Device, Accident, Incident, Deficiencies, Aerospace Information Digest, Army Information Digest, Army Intelligence Department, Autodin Interface Device, U.S. Agency for International Development, abbreviated item description, accident, incident, deficiency, active integral defense, advanced integrated display, attached inflatable decelerator6) Техника: Automatic Interrogation Distorted, accident identification display, aerosol ionization detector, air inlet damper, airport information desk, area identifier, auditory information display, automatic interaction detector, automatic internal diagnostics7) Шутливое выражение: American Idol Divas8) Оптика: airborne intelligent display, area imaging device9) Сокращение: Agency for International Development (USA), Agency for International Development, Air Information Dataset, American Institute of Decorators, American Institute of Interior Designers, Association for International Development, Attention Identification10) Физика: Also Includes Drugs11) Физиология: Amputee Identity Disorder12) Вычислительная техника: application identifier, associative interactive dictionary, automatic information distribution, Application IDentifier (APDU), AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Attention Interrupt Device (key, IBM)13) Иммунология: autoimmune disease14) Банковское дело: automatic identification (автоматическая идентификация), автоматическая идентификация15) Биотехнология: auxin-inducible degron16) Автоматика: (Automatic incident detection) Автоматическое обнаружение аварии17) Макаров: automatic internal diagnosis, avalanche-injection diode18) Автодорожное право: Agency of International Development, Агентство международного развития19) Программное обеспечение: Autonet Information Director -
20 aid
1) Общая лексика: Advertisement Investigation Department2) Компьютерная техника: Automated Intelligence Discovery3) Авиация: Интерфейсное устройство ЛА (Aircraft Interface Device), Aircraft Installation Delay5) Военный термин: ASARS Interface Device, Accident, Incident, Deficiencies, Aerospace Information Digest, Army Information Digest, Army Intelligence Department, Autodin Interface Device, U.S. Agency for International Development, abbreviated item description, accident, incident, deficiency, active integral defense, advanced integrated display, attached inflatable decelerator6) Техника: Automatic Interrogation Distorted, accident identification display, aerosol ionization detector, air inlet damper, airport information desk, area identifier, auditory information display, automatic interaction detector, automatic internal diagnostics7) Шутливое выражение: American Idol Divas8) Оптика: airborne intelligent display, area imaging device9) Сокращение: Agency for International Development (USA), Agency for International Development, Air Information Dataset, American Institute of Decorators, American Institute of Interior Designers, Association for International Development, Attention Identification10) Физика: Also Includes Drugs11) Физиология: Amputee Identity Disorder12) Вычислительная техника: application identifier, associative interactive dictionary, automatic information distribution, Application IDentifier (APDU), AUTODIN Interface Device (AUTODIN, Mil., USA), Attention Interrupt Device (key, IBM)13) Иммунология: autoimmune disease14) Банковское дело: automatic identification (автоматическая идентификация), автоматическая идентификация15) Биотехнология: auxin-inducible degron16) Автоматика: (Automatic incident detection) Автоматическое обнаружение аварии17) Макаров: automatic internal diagnosis, avalanche-injection diode18) Автодорожное право: Agency of International Development, Агентство международного развития19) Программное обеспечение: Autonet Information Director
См. также в других словарях:
Airborne Real-time Cueing Hyperspectral Enhanced Reconnaissance — NOTOC The Airborne Real time Cueing Hyperspectral Enhanced Reconnaissance, also known by the acronym ARCHER, is an aerial imaging system that produces ground images far more detailed than plain sight or ordinary aerial photography can.cite web… … Wikipedia
device — Synonyms and related words: AM receiver, AM tuner, AM FM receiver, AM FM tuner, CB, Charlie McCarthy, Fathometer, Flexowriter typewriter, Geiger counter, John Hancock, RDF, X, X ray microscope, ability, achievement, action, ad hoc measure, agency … Moby Thesaurus
Doomsday device — This article is about the theoretical world ending destruction. For the professional wrestling maneuver, see Doomsday Device. Doomsday machine redirects here. For other uses, see Doomsday machine (disambiguation). Many hypothetical doomsday… … Wikipedia
The Airborne Toxic Event — Infobox musical artist Name = The Airborne Toxic Event Img capt = Live At The El Rey August, 7 2008 Photo By Jeff Koga Landscape = no Background = group or band Origin = Los Angeles, California, U.S. Genre = Indie rock Years active = 2006 –… … Wikipedia
Battlefield Airborne Communications Node (BACN) — The Battlefield Airborne Communications Node ( BACN ) is a military prototype for a remotely accessed, high altitude, and tactically oriented communications and networking node intended for use on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Initiated in December… … Wikipedia
Davy Crockett (nuclear device) — Davy Crockett was a recoilless rifle on a tripod for firing the M388 atomic round The M 28 or M 29 Davy Crockett Weapon System(s) was a tactical nuclear recoilless gun for firing the M388 nuclear projectile that was deployed by the United States… … Wikipedia
Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System — The article about about the camera pod. For the bus service, see TARTA. The Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) is a large and sophisticated camera pod carried by the F 14 Tomcat. It contains three camera bays with different type… … Wikipedia
Order of Icarus — Awarded by Senior Companions Type Order (decoration) Motto Despite Adversity … Wikipedia
window — i. Any device introduced into the atmosphere to produce an appreciable radar echo, usually for tracking some airborne device or tracing the wind. ii. A World War II code name for a type of radar jamming device employed to confuse the operators of … Aviation dictionary
Lincoln LaPaz — Infobox Scientist name = Lincoln LaPaz birth date = birth date|1897|2|12 birth place = Wichita, Kansas, U.S. death date = death date and age|1985|10|19|1897|2|12 death place = Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S. residence = Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S … Wikipedia
Secret and special weapons in Showa Japan — This article refer to Plans for the incorporation and development of special or secret weapons in Imperial Japan during the first part of the Showa era, for the Second sino japanese war and World War II, that were originally hidden from public… … Wikipedia