1 air-to-air capability
см. air-to-air combat capability -
2 air capability
3 night attack air capability
Техника: возможность ночной атаки с воздухаУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > night attack air capability
4 defensive air capability
Военный термин: оборонительные возможности авиацииУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > defensive air capability
5 defensive air capability
English-Russian military dictionary > defensive air capability
6 defensive air capability
English-Russian dictionary of terms that are used in computer games > defensive air capability
7 capability
1. возможность; способность4-D capability9-g capabilityaccel-decel capabilityacceleration-deceleration capabilityacoustic processing capabilityaft-loading cargo capabilityair-defence capabilityair-superiority capabilityair-to-air capabilityair-to-air combat capabilityaircraft design capabilityairdrop capabilityall-aspect capabilityall-altitude penetration capabilityall-weather capabilityaltitude reporting capabilityanti-g capabilityantihelicopter capabilityantisubmarine capabilityarea navigation capabilityautolanding capabilityautonomous landing capabilitybaseline capabilitybeyond-visual-range capabilitybirdstrike capabilitybump absorption capabilityCat I capabilityclimb capabilityCLmax capabilitycomputational capabilitycontinued takeoff capabilitycost-effective capabilitycounter-countermeasures capabilitycrossfeed capabilitycrosswind capabilitydecoupling capabilitydegraded mode capabilitydesign capabilitydiagnostic capabilitydirect force capabilitydry-run capabilitydual-role capabilityendurance capabilityenergy absorbing capabilityenergy absorption capabilityengine-out capabilityenhanced capabilityfail-operational capabilityfailure mode capabilityfirst-look capabilityfirst-shoot capabilityfirst-shot capabilityflutter prediction capabilityforward field capabilityfull-aerobatic capabilityfull-envelope 9-g load factor capabilityfull-envelope escape capabilityfull-lift capabilityfull-envelope capabilityfunctional capabilityG capabilityg onset rate capabilitygo-around capabilitygross weight capabilityhands-off landing capabilityhard-turning capabilityhigh-alpha capabilityhigh-g maneuver capabilityhigh-lift capabilityhigh-payload/long-range capabilityhigh-speed cruise capabilityhover capabilityIFR capabilityincidence capabilityindependent capabilityinspection capabilityinstantaneous maneuver capabilityinstantaneous turn capabilityinstantaneous turning capabilityinstrument flight rule capabilitylaunch-and-leave capabilitylift capabilitylimited all-weather capabilityload factor capabilityload-carrying capabilityloaded capabilitylock-on after launch capabilitylook-ahead capabilitylook-down shoot-down capabilitylook-into-turn capabilityMach 1.8 capabilityMach number capabilitymaneuver capabilitymaneuvering capabilitymoving-base capabilitymultidesign-point capabilitymultimission capabilitymultiple-frequency capabilitymultipoint tanker capabilitynap-of-the-earth capabilitynaval attack capabilitynegative-g capabilitynight fighting capabilitynozzle vector capabilityoff-airfield capabilityoff-axis capabilityoff-boresight capabilityoff-boresight angle capabilityparadrop capabilitypayload capabilitypayload-carrying capabilitypayload/range capabilitypilot-aircraft capabilitypitch rate capabilitypitch-snatch capabilitypoint-and-shoot capabilitypost-stall capabilityprobe-and-drogue capabilityPST capabilityrange capabilityrate of climb capabilityreal-time capabilityreduced-field-length capabilityrotor overspeed capabilityrough airfield capabilityrough field capabilityrough ground capabilityrough surface capabilityrugged-terrain capabilitysee-through capabilityself-diagnostic capabilityshort-field capabilityshort-landing capabilityshort-takeoff capabilitysimulation capabilitysink-rate capabilitysix degree-of-freedom capabilitysnap/shoot attack capabilitysortie generation capabilityspeed capabilitystandoff capabilitystealth capabilitysustained turn capabilitysustained-g capabilityswing capabilityswing-role capabilitytemperature capabilityterrain-clearance capabilitytolerance capabilitytouchscreen capabilitytracking capabilitytrim capabilityturn capabilitytwo-fail-operate capabilityunimproved-field capabilityvariable-cycle capabilityvector capabilityvertical capabilityvertical landing capabilityzero altitude zero speed escape capability -
8 capability
nпотенциал; возможность; способность- battle capabilityto strengthen one's defense capability — усиливать свою обороноспособность
- capability of retaliation
- combat capability
- defense capability
- defensive capability
- fighting capability
- first-strike capability
- manufacturing capability
- military capability
- nuclear arms capability
- second-strike counter-force capability
- termination capability
- war-making capability -
9 capability
способность; возможность; производительность, мощность1-hour «turn-around» capability — возможность осуществления одночасового цикла разгрузки, загрузки и обслуживания самолёта (с момента посадки до взлета)
all-weather weapons delivery capability — способность доставки оружия (к цели) в любых метеорологических условиях
capability of on/off operation — ркт. способность к повторному запуску (двигателя)
hydraulic system rate capability — обеспечиваемая гидросистемой угловая скорость перемещения (напр. руля)
look down — shoot down capability — способность атаковать самолёт сверху с задней полусферы
sustained Mach 2.3 capability — способность совершать установившийся полет с числом М-2,3
zero altitude (escape) capability — возможность покидания (самолёта) с земли [с нулевой высоты]
10 air-to-air combat capability
способность (ЛА) действовать против воздушных целей; эффективность в воздушном бою -
11 air-to-air-refueling capability
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > air-to-air-refueling capability
12 air-to-ground capability
Общая лексика: возможность применения оружия по наземным целямУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > air-to-ground capability
13 air-defence capability
14 air-superiority capability
15 air-superiority capability
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > air-superiority capability
16 air-to-ground capability
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary > air-to-ground capability
17 airborne tactical air control capability
ATACC, airborne tactical air control capabilityEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > airborne tactical air control capability
18 tactical air forces required capability
TAFRQC, tactical air forces required capabilityEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > tactical air forces required capability
19 dual-capability missile
Военный термин: (surface-to-air/surface-to-surface) ракета наземного РК для поражения воздушных и наземных целейУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > dual-capability missile
20 airborne tactical air control capability
Военный термин: бортовые средства управления действиями ТАУниверсальный англо-русский словарь > airborne tactical air control capability
См. также в других словарях:
Air ambulance — A Eurocopter EC 145 of Switzerland s Rega air rescue service. An air ambulance is an aircraft used for emergency medical assistance in situations where either a traditio … Wikipedia
Air safety — is a term encompassing the theory, investigation and categorization of flight failures, and the prevention of such failures through regulation, education and training. It can also be applied in the context of campaigns that inform the public as… … Wikipedia
Air Europe — was a wholly privately owned, independent British airline, established in 1978 under the working title Inter European Airways.cite book| author=Simons, Graham M. | title=It was nice to fly with friends! The story of Air Europe | publisher=GMS… … Wikipedia
Air chief marshal — Sir Richard Johns in RAF No 1 Dress uniform Air chief marshal (Air Chf Mshl or ACM) is a senior 4 star air officer rank which originated in and continues to be used by the Royal Air Force (RAF).[1] The rank is also used by the a … Wikipedia
Air Chief Marshal — (Air Chf Mshl or ACM) is a senior air officer rank which originated in and continues to be used by the Royal Air Force (RAF). [cite web |url=http://www.raf.mod.uk/structure/commissionedranks.cfm |title=Ranks and Badges of the Royal Air Force… … Wikipedia
Air Force Research Laboratory — Emblem of AFRL … Wikipedia
Air superiority — is the dominance in the air power of one side s air forces over the other side s during a military campaign. It is defined in the NATO Glossary as That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of… … Wikipedia
Air supremacy — is the most favorable state of control of the air. It is defined by NATO and the United States Department of Defense as that degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference. There are normally… … Wikipedia
Air-independent propulsion — (AIP) is a term that encompasses technologies which allow a submarine to operate without the need to surface or use a snorkel to access atmospheric oxygen. The term usually excludes the use of nuclear power, and describes augmenting or replacing… … Wikipedia
air-superiority — /air seuh pear ee awr i tee, or , soo /, adj. designating a fighter aircraft built for long patrol capability at high altitudes and supersonic speeds, with air to air combat as its principal mission. [1930 35] * * * … Universalium
air-superiority — /air seuh pear ee awr i tee, or , soo /, adj. designating a fighter aircraft built for long patrol capability at high altitudes and supersonic speeds, with air to air combat as its principal mission. [1930 35] … Useful english dictionary