1 air-combat configuration
конфигурация (ЛА) [вариант ЛА] для ведения воздушного боя -
2 configuration
1. конфигурация; схема; компоновка; форма; комбинация2. структура3. вариант <ЛА>10x8 configuration15% unstable configurationactuator configurationaero-balanced configurationaeroelastic configurationaeromedical configurationaft CG configurationair defence configurationair-combat configurationair-to-air configurationaircraft configurationaircraft-like configurationairfoil-spoiler-flap configurationairframe-inlet configurationall-cargo configurationall-economy configurationall-freight configurationall-wing configurationanti-ice configurationapproach-flap configurationarrow-wing configurationas delivered configurationas-built configurationasymmetrical missile configurationback-staggered configurationbaseline configurationbenchmark configurationblade configurationblade/hub configurationblowing configurationbroad-brush configurationbutterfly configurationcabin configurationcanard configurationcanard-tail configurationcanard-wing configurationcanard-wing-body configurationcanardless configurationcargo-loading configurationchine configurationchined configurationcircular configurationclean configurationclose-coupled canard configurationclose-coupled wing-canard configurationclosed-loop configurationcoaxial configurationcockpit configurationconstant gain configurationcontrol configurationcontrol law configurationcontrol surface configurationcontrol system configurationcritical configurationcruise configurationdelta-canard configurationdelta-winged configurationdeparture resistant configurationdeployed configurationdisplay configurationdouble-delta configurationdownstop configurationdual cargo-hook configurationdual-console configurationeconomy class configurationejector-lift and vectored-thrust configurationelectronic reconnaissance configurationempennage configurationenergy-conservative configurationengine configurationevaluation configurationfairing configurationfighter-like configurationfilter configurationfinned configurationflap configurationflapped configurationflaps-up configurationflying boom configurationforebody configurationforebody off configurationforebody removed configurationforward-swept configurationforward-swept-wing configurationfour-blade configurationfour-engine configurationfree-turbine configurationgeometric configurationglide configurationglove-fuselage configurationgo-around configurationheavy store configurationhigh-angle-of-attack configurationhigh-control-effectiveness configurationhigh-altitude configurationhigh-density configurationhigh-fineness-ratio configurationhigh-lift configurationhigh-overshoot configurationhigh-wing configurationhorizontal ellipse configurationhypersonic configurationin-flight configurationin-line configurationinboard-jointed configurationinertially slender configurationinlet configurationinversely derived configurationiron bird configurationjet balanced configurationjoined wing configurationlanding configurationLEX configurationlifting body configurationlighting configurationlow-bypass configurationlow-drag configurationlow-fineness-ratio configurationlow-overshoot configurationlow-signature configurationlow-speed configurationmaneuver configurationmidwing configurationminimum drag configurationmixed-class configurationmultisurface configurationmultibody configurationmultiengine configurationmultiple-jet configurationnormal-shock configurationnose-boom-off configurationnose-boom-on configurationoblique-wing configurationopen-loop configurationordnance configurationover-the-wing configurationpanelized configurationparcel-freighter configurationpartial-freight configurationpassenger configurationpayload configurationpitch control configurationpitch attitude-tracking configurationpitch-only configurationpitch rate command configurationpodded configurationpole-zero configurationpoor RSS configurationpower approach configurationpower-on aircraft configurationpowered configurationpowerplant configurationpre-production configurationproduction configurationpropulsor configurationpusher configurationratchet configurationreal configurationrear-loading configurationrotor plus wing configurationrotor-airframe configurationrotor-fuselage configurationrotor-winglet configurationrotorcraft configurationseating configurationsensor configurationside-by-side configurationsimulation configurationsingle-jet configurationsingle-body configurationsingle-engine configurationsingle-fuselage configurationsingle-pilot configurationsingle-rotor configurationsingle-shaft configurationsized configurationslat configurationsoft in-plane configurationspoiler configurationstable configurationstall-resistant configurationstarting configurationsteady flight configurationstiff in-plane configurationSTOL configurationstore configurationSTOVL configurationstraight-wing configurationstrake off configurationstrake-wing configurationsupersonic cruise configurationsymmetrical missile configurationT-tail configurationtail configurationtail control configurationtail-aft configurationtailed configurationtailed-delta configurationtailless configurationtakeoff configurationtandem configurationtandem-wing configurationtandem-rotor configurationtest configurationthree shaft configurationthree-engine configurationthree-shock configurationthrust-down configurationthrust-up configurationthrust-vectored configurationtilt-rotor configurationtilting engine configurationtip-jointed configurationtractor configurationtrailing-edge configurationTrefftz-plane configurationtunnel-supported configurationturbojet-powered configurationturboprop configurationturboshaft configurationturning configurationtwin-lift helicopter configurationtwo-bladed configurationtwo-cabin configurationtwo-engine configurationtwo-shaft configurationtwo-stage configurationtwo-surface configurationunder-the-wing configurationunslatted configurationunstable configurationunstick configurationup and away configurationupper-surface-blowing configurationupper-surface-blown configurationUSB configurationV/STOL configurationvariable-bypass-ratio configurationvariable-geometry configurationVATOL configurationvectored-engine-over-wing configurationVEO-wing configurationvertical ellipse configurationVTOL configurationwidely spaced pod configurationWild Weasel configurationwing configurationwing mounted configurationwing-body-nacelle configurationwing-body-tail configurationwing-canard configurationwing-fence configurationwing-flap configurationwing-spoiler-flap configurationwing-tail-fuselage configurationwing-store configurationyaw vane configurationzig-zag configuration -
1) Авиация: Air Component Commander, accessory2) Медицина: сокращение мышцы при анодном замыкании (anodal closing contraction), Американская коллегия кардиологов (American College of Cardiology), arterial catheter constant, Common Carotid Artery3) Американизм: Air Combat Command4) Военный термин: Allied Command, Channel, Allied Control Commission, Allied control center, Alternate Control Center, Architecture Control Committee, Army Cadet Corps, Army Catering Corps, Army Chemical Center, Army Chemical Corps, Army Command Center, Army Commanders' Conference, Army Competitive Category, Army Component Command, Army Component Commander, Army cooperation command, Army corps commander, Auxiliary Cadet Corps, Aviation Component Commander, (4) Air Component Commander, (5) Air Combat Command, active clearance control, air control center, airborne control computer, aircraft carrier, ambulance car company, amphibious command car, area coordination center, armored car company, armored combat command, artillery control console, automatic control console, aviation control center, Army Communications Command (now ISC), командир поста управления авиацией (air center commander), запасный командный пункт, ЗКП (сокр от alternate command center), резервный центр контроля и управления (РЦКУ) (сокр от alternate control center)5) Техника: Acid Copper Chromate, access circuit, accounting classification code, adaptive control constraint, air-cooled condenser, alternate command center, alternating current circuit, antenna control console, anticoincidence circuit, automatic contrast control, аккумуляторная батарея, вторичный источник тока, гидроёмкость, накапливающий сумматор, накопитель, приемник, сборник6) Шутливое выражение: All Cash Conference, All Cupcake Conference, Allegedly Competitive Conference, Amateur Campus Conference8) Химия: Aluminum Carbon Carbon, Aluminum Carbon Competition, American Chemistry Council (с 2000 года; ранее CMA - Chemical Manufacturer's Association)9) Математика: условие максимальности (ascending chain condition), условие обрыва возрастающей цепочки (ascending chain condition)10) Религия: Austin Chinese Church11) Метеорология: высококучевые башенкообразные облака (сокр от altocumulus castellatus)12) Автомобильный термин: air conditioning clutch, automatic climate control, active cruise control, активный круиз-контроль13) Грубое выражение: A Crappy Conference, All Crap Conference, Always Call Crap, Another Crappy Call, Apathetic Cunt Conference14) Политика: Administrative Co-ordinating Committee15) Телевидение: automatic color control16) Телекоммуникации: Alliance for Competitive Communications, Automatic Carrier Control17) Сокращение: Administrative Committee on Coordination, Air Co-ordinating Committee, Air Combat Command (USAF), Air Control Centre, Alternative Command Centre (NATO), Area Control Centre, Argonne Code Center, Armament Control Computer, Army Catering Corps (UK), Artificer Candidate Course (UK), Assistant Chief Constable, Asthmatic Childrens Conference, Ateliers de Constructions du Centre (France), Australian Chamber of Commerce, Avionics Computer Control, Axis Controlled Carrier, automation classification code, Automatic chrominance control, American College of Cardiology (Американская корпорация кардиологов), American Craftsmen’s Council (Американский совет по художественным ремёслам), Association of Choral Conductors (Ассоциация хормейстеров (США)), Air Combat Committee (Военно-воздушное командование (США) | контролирует МБР, все военные самолёты, самолёты разведывательного и оперативного управления (АВАКС): некоторые транспортные и самолёты-заправщики), automatic combustion control (автоматическое регулирование горения (котла)), aft cargo compartment (дополнительный) отсек полезной нагрузки в нижней части внешнего топливного бака (МТКК), access (доступ; проход), Admiralty Corrosion Committee (комиссия ВМС по коррозии (Великобритания))18) Университет: All College Council, Armstrong County Campus, Association Of Cheesy Colleges, Atlantic Coast Conference, Atlantic Creampuff Conference, Austin Community College19) Физиология: Accommodation, Anterior Cingulate Cortex20) Вычислительная техника: Atari Competence Center, накапливающий регистр, плата преобразования, Adaptive Cruise Control (Auto), Area Communication Controller (MODACOM)21) Нефть: charge22) Картография: Air Corps Camp23) Банковское дело: Корпорация сельскохозяйственного кредита (Великобритания; Agricultural Credit Corporation)24) Транспорт: Adventure Concept Car, Air Center Commander, Aircraft Commander, Airspace Coordination Center, Auto Cruise Control25) Пищевая промышленность: Ah Cannie Cook, Apple Cider Century26) Воздухоплавание: Air Coordinating Committee, Area Control Centers27) Фирменный знак: Advanced Computer Connections, Advanced Computer Controls28) Экология: Antarctic circumpolar current29) Деловая лексика: Accident Compensation Corporation30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Administration and Communications Center, annual capital charge31) Образование: Academic Computer Club32) Инвестиции: Agricultural Credit Corporation33) Сетевые технологии: active configuration area, all charge card, area control center, зональный Центр управления34) Автоматика: acceleration count, adaptive computer control, adaptive constraint control35) Сахалин Р: Administration and Communications Centre36) Океанография: Alaska coastal current, Anthropogenic Climate Change37) Химическое оружие: Army Component Commands38) Военно-морской флот: пульт управления атакой (на корабле) (сокр от), главный старшина —специалист по управлению полётами самолётов (на авианосце) (сокр от Chief Air Controlman)39) Безопасность: access control center40) Расширение файла: Abort Guidance Computer, Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax, GEM / resident)42) Имена и фамилии: Arthur C. Clarke43) Высокочастотная электроника: adaptive cruise control44) Евросоюз: АСКС-- Ассоциированные страны и страны-кандидаты Евросоюза. (Associated and Candidate Countries)45) Общественная организация: Animal Care Committee, Arab American And Chaldean Council46) Должность: ACT Certified Consultant, Assistant County Commissioner -
4 acc
1) Авиация: Air Component Commander, accessory2) Медицина: сокращение мышцы при анодном замыкании (anodal closing contraction), Американская коллегия кардиологов (American College of Cardiology), arterial catheter constant, Common Carotid Artery3) Американизм: Air Combat Command4) Военный термин: Allied Command, Channel, Allied Control Commission, Allied control center, Alternate Control Center, Architecture Control Committee, Army Cadet Corps, Army Catering Corps, Army Chemical Center, Army Chemical Corps, Army Command Center, Army Commanders' Conference, Army Competitive Category, Army Component Command, Army Component Commander, Army cooperation command, Army corps commander, Auxiliary Cadet Corps, Aviation Component Commander, (4) Air Component Commander, (5) Air Combat Command, active clearance control, air control center, airborne control computer, aircraft carrier, ambulance car company, amphibious command car, area coordination center, armored car company, armored combat command, artillery control console, automatic control console, aviation control center, Army Communications Command (now ISC), командир поста управления авиацией (air center commander), запасный командный пункт, ЗКП (сокр от alternate command center), резервный центр контроля и управления (РЦКУ) (сокр от alternate control center)5) Техника: Acid Copper Chromate, access circuit, accounting classification code, adaptive control constraint, air-cooled condenser, alternate command center, alternating current circuit, antenna control console, anticoincidence circuit, automatic contrast control, аккумуляторная батарея, вторичный источник тока, гидроёмкость, накапливающий сумматор, накопитель, приемник, сборник6) Шутливое выражение: All Cash Conference, All Cupcake Conference, Allegedly Competitive Conference, Amateur Campus Conference8) Химия: Aluminum Carbon Carbon, Aluminum Carbon Competition, American Chemistry Council (с 2000 года; ранее CMA - Chemical Manufacturer's Association)9) Математика: условие максимальности (ascending chain condition), условие обрыва возрастающей цепочки (ascending chain condition)10) Религия: Austin Chinese Church11) Метеорология: высококучевые башенкообразные облака (сокр от altocumulus castellatus)12) Автомобильный термин: air conditioning clutch, automatic climate control, active cruise control, активный круиз-контроль13) Грубое выражение: A Crappy Conference, All Crap Conference, Always Call Crap, Another Crappy Call, Apathetic Cunt Conference14) Политика: Administrative Co-ordinating Committee15) Телевидение: automatic color control16) Телекоммуникации: Alliance for Competitive Communications, Automatic Carrier Control17) Сокращение: Administrative Committee on Coordination, Air Co-ordinating Committee, Air Combat Command (USAF), Air Control Centre, Alternative Command Centre (NATO), Area Control Centre, Argonne Code Center, Armament Control Computer, Army Catering Corps (UK), Artificer Candidate Course (UK), Assistant Chief Constable, Asthmatic Childrens Conference, Ateliers de Constructions du Centre (France), Australian Chamber of Commerce, Avionics Computer Control, Axis Controlled Carrier, automation classification code, Automatic chrominance control, American College of Cardiology (Американская корпорация кардиологов), American Craftsmen’s Council (Американский совет по художественным ремёслам), Association of Choral Conductors (Ассоциация хормейстеров (США)), Air Combat Committee (Военно-воздушное командование (США) | контролирует МБР, все военные самолёты, самолёты разведывательного и оперативного управления (АВАКС): некоторые транспортные и самолёты-заправщики), automatic combustion control (автоматическое регулирование горения (котла)), aft cargo compartment (дополнительный) отсек полезной нагрузки в нижней части внешнего топливного бака (МТКК), access (доступ; проход), Admiralty Corrosion Committee (комиссия ВМС по коррозии (Великобритания))18) Университет: All College Council, Armstrong County Campus, Association Of Cheesy Colleges, Atlantic Coast Conference, Atlantic Creampuff Conference, Austin Community College19) Физиология: Accommodation, Anterior Cingulate Cortex20) Вычислительная техника: Atari Competence Center, накапливающий регистр, плата преобразования, Adaptive Cruise Control (Auto), Area Communication Controller (MODACOM)21) Нефть: charge22) Картография: Air Corps Camp23) Банковское дело: Корпорация сельскохозяйственного кредита (Великобритания; Agricultural Credit Corporation)24) Транспорт: Adventure Concept Car, Air Center Commander, Aircraft Commander, Airspace Coordination Center, Auto Cruise Control25) Пищевая промышленность: Ah Cannie Cook, Apple Cider Century26) Воздухоплавание: Air Coordinating Committee, Area Control Centers27) Фирменный знак: Advanced Computer Connections, Advanced Computer Controls28) Экология: Antarctic circumpolar current29) Деловая лексика: Accident Compensation Corporation30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Administration and Communications Center, annual capital charge31) Образование: Academic Computer Club32) Инвестиции: Agricultural Credit Corporation33) Сетевые технологии: active configuration area, all charge card, area control center, зональный Центр управления34) Автоматика: acceleration count, adaptive computer control, adaptive constraint control35) Сахалин Р: Administration and Communications Centre36) Океанография: Alaska coastal current, Anthropogenic Climate Change37) Химическое оружие: Army Component Commands38) Военно-морской флот: пульт управления атакой (на корабле) (сокр от), главный старшина —специалист по управлению полётами самолётов (на авианосце) (сокр от Chief Air Controlman)39) Безопасность: access control center40) Расширение файла: Abort Guidance Computer, Program (DR-DOS - ViewMax, GEM / resident)42) Имена и фамилии: Arthur C. Clarke43) Высокочастотная электроника: adaptive cruise control44) Евросоюз: АСКС-- Ассоциированные страны и страны-кандидаты Евросоюза. (Associated and Candidate Countries)45) Общественная организация: Animal Care Committee, Arab American And Chaldean Council46) Должность: ACT Certified Consultant, Assistant County Commissioner -
5 missile
управляемая ракета, УР; летящий осколок [обломок]; обстреливать ракетами; применять ракеты ( по цели) ; см. тж. rocketantiarmor(ed fighting vehicle) missile — противотанковая ракета, ПТУР
dual-capability (surface-to-air /surface-to-surface) missile — ракета наземного РК для поражения воздушных и наземных целей
forward area (air) defense missile — ракета войскового ЗРК; ракета комплекса ПВО передового района
HEAT-mine (scattering) multiple warhead AT missile — ПТУР с КБЧ, разбрасывающей ПТ кумулятивные мины
look-down, shoot-down missile — ракета, управляемая системой обеспечения, обнаружения и поражения целей в нижней полусфере (на фоне земли)
passive-radar homing warhead.air-toair missile — ракета воздушного боя с пассивной РЛ ГСН
— air interceptor missile— air-to-ground guided missile— antiair warfare missile— anti-antiaircraft missile— artillery ballistic missile— AT guided missile— battlefield support missile— chemical warhead missile— command guidance missile— counter-air-to-surface missile missile— counterballislic missile missile— counterradar homing missile— counterradiation homing missile— fast-reaction type missile— fire-and-forget guidance missile— fixed based missile— fixed land-based missile— free-flight missile— infantry-launched missile— mobile-based missile— multiple warheaded missile— nuclear warheaded missile— nuclear-armed missile— nuclear-fueled missile— penetration aid missile— radar-seeking standoff missile— rolling airframe missile— turbojet-propelled missile* * *• ракета• ракетный -
1) Авиация: aircraft centrolized maintenance system2) Военный термин: Army command management system, Automated Configuration Management System, advanced configuration management system, aerial combat monitoring system, Advanced Combat Man System3) Сокращение: Air Combat Manoeuvring Simulator, Aircraft Condition Monitoring System, Armament Control & Monitoring System, Automatic Communication Management System4) Вычислительная техника: Application Control Management System, automated connection management server, система контроля и администрирования приложений -
1) Общая лексика: area of cable influence2) Компьютерная техника: AT & T communication ISDN, Annotated Cached Information4) Медицина: Internal Carotid Artery5) Французский язык: Международный кооперативный альянс, МКА ( сокр.) (Alliance Coopérative Internationale = International Co-operative Alliance), Международная ассоциация валютных дилеров (Цюрих, Швейцария) (сокр.) (Association Cambiste Internationale =International Association of Currency Dealers), застраховано от пожара (международное обозначение) (сокр.) (assuré contre l’incendie = ] insured against fire)6) Военный термин: Advisory Committee on Intelligence, Air Force Council Instructions, Allocated Configuration Item, Army Control Instruction, air combat intelligence, airborne controlled intercept, allocated configuration identification, analytical condition inspection, area of common interest, automatic car identification, automatic control instrumentation7) Техника: air control of interception, altitude command indicator, asynchronous communications interface, attitude controls indicator, automatic closure interlock8) Железнодорожный термин: automatic car identification (автоматическое опознавание вагонов)9) Экономика: НКД (Accumulated coupon income; Накопленный купонный доход)10) Металлургия: Alloy Casting Institute11) Сокращение: American Concrete Institute, Armament Control Indicator, Army Council Instruction, Assistant Chief Inspector, Automatic Card Identification, Automatic Channel Installation, annealed cast iron, Australian Chemistry Institute (Австралийский химический институт (общество)), Alloy Casting Institute (Институт литья легированных металлов (США)), Alliance Cooperative Internationale (франц.яз.)12) Физиология: Acute Coronary Insufficiency, Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation13) Электроника: After clean inspection14) Вычислительная техника: AT&T communications ISDN, Advanced Chip Interconnect, AutoCAD Color Index, помеха от соседнего канала15) Иммунология: Anabolic Catabolic Index16) Транспорт: Automated Car Identification17) Деловая лексика: A Concrete Idea18) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: accredited investor19) Нефтегазовая техника Американский институт бетона (American Concrete Institute)20) Сетевые технологии: Access Control Interface, adjacent channel interference, access control information21) Металловедение: annealed cast iron( сокр.) (ковкий чугун)22) Молочное производство: Adjusted Calving Interval23) Электротехника: adjustable current inverter24) Общественная организация: American Conference Institute25) NYSE. ARCH Coal, Inc.26) Клинические исследования: Applied Clinical Intelligence -
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. A Choose B, автоматический воздушный выключатель2) Компьютерная техника: Access method Control Block3) Спорт: Athletic Club Of Bend4) Военный термин: Air Combat Brigade, Airfield Construction Branch, Army Communications Board, Army classification battery, airman classification battery, allocated configuration baseline, amphibious construction battalion, assault combat battalion5) Техника: alternating current balancer6) Бухгалтерия: Automated Clearing Bureau7) Сокращение: asbestos-cement board (шифер, асбестоцементная облицовочная плита), Association of the Customs Bar (Ассоциация адвокатов — специалистов по таможенным делам (США)), automatic current breaker (автоматический выключатель), automatic circuit breaker (автоматический выключатель (или) прерыватель), adjusted cost base8) Фото: автобаланс контраста9) Электроника: analog conditioning board10) Биотехнология: accession cell bank11) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: воздушный выключатель (air circuit breaker)12) Образование: Academic Challenge Bowl13) Сетевые технологии: audio conference bridge, automatic call back, автоматический возврат вызова, микшер для речевой конференц-связи14) Телефония: автоматический обратный вызов15) Сахалин Р: air circuit breaker16) Расширение файла: Compressed file archive (ACB), Graphics (ACMB)17) Электротехника: accumulator switch -
9 test
1. испытание, испытания; проверка; контроль; тестирование; опробование;см. тж. testing/ испытывать; проверять; контролировать; тестировать; опробовать2. тест; проба3. критерий; признакaccelerate-stop testsaccelerated mission testacceleration-deceleration testaerobatic flight testsaeroelastic testsagility testair resonance testair-to-air testair-to-air combat testairframe testairspeed calibration testall-attitude flight testasymmetric loads testsasymmetric wing sweep flight testsauto-guidance testsbefore-flight-rated testsbench testbiaxial fatigue testbird impact testbird ingestion testbird strike testbird strike testsburn-in testburst pressure testcatapult testscentrifugal load testcentrifuge testsclean configuration testclosed-loop testcockpit workload testcombined-systems testscompatibility testcomponent testscompression testcomputer-aided testconstant amplitude testcontinued takeoff testscontrol testconvergence testcooling testcrack-detection testscrash testcreep testcrush testscyclic testsdamage tolerance testdamage resistance testdeparture testdepressed-trajectory testdestruction testdevelopment testsdivergence testsdual-frequency testdurability testdynamometer testselectromagnetic interference testselectromagnetic-vulnerability testemergency survival testEMI testsendurance testengine reingestion testenvironmental testexploratory testsfatigue testflammability testflaps up landing testsflexure testflight clearance testflight simulation testsflight-by-flight fatigue testflight simulation fatigue testsflow field testsflow visualization testsflutter testflutter-proof testsflyover testsforce testsforced oscillation testsforeign object damage testfree oscillation testsfree spinning facility testsfree-flight testfree-to-roll testsfrequency response testsfrequency-sweep testfuel runout testfull-scale testground effect testground resonance testhandling qualities testshard-ride testheat testsheavyweight testhigh-angle-of-attack testshigh-alpha testhover testshover in-ground-effect testhover-in-ground testhovering testshumidity testsicing testimpact testin-plant testsinput-to-output testsiron bird testslanding testlanding flap testslife roll testlimit cycle testslimited-envelope flight testload-deflection testlogic testlow-observability testmaneuvering testsmanual flight testsmodal testmodal survey testmode interaction testsmodel tests of airfoilsmoire interferometry testsnoise testnondestructive testnormal takeoff testsNyquist stability testopen-loop testsoperability testoscillatory testsoverland testsoxygen testsperformance testpilot-in-loop testsplenum-chamber burning testspost-flight testpreflight testpressure testpressurization testproof-lood testproof-of-concept testsradar cross-section testradiographic testrain testramp testsrate of climb testrejected takeoff testreliability testremote-site testrepair testresidual strength testresonance testsreverse-thrust testsrig testrobustness testroll-on-rim testrolling testrotary-balance testsrough ground profile testshake testshakedown testshear testsideslip testssimulation verification testsimulator testsmall-scale testsmoke testspin testsspray ingestion teststability teststall testsstatic testsstatic strength teststeady rolling testssteady state teststealth teststiffness teststore compatibility teststrength testsstructural testssupercritical testsystem integration testtail on/off teststakeoff testtaxy testtensile testtension testtethered testtowing testtransfer function testsvalidation testsvectored thrust testvibration testvulnerability testwater-tank testwaveoff testswheel testwhirl testwind blast testwind tunnel testwing-fatigue testwingborne mode flight testyaw oscillation testszero-speed-zero-altitude testzero-zero test -
10 ACF
1) Компьютерная техника: Advanced Communication Facility2) Медицина: accessory clinical findings (сокр.) (дополнительные результаты клинического обследования)3) Американизм: Administration for Children and Families4) Военный термин: Airlift Clearance File, Alternate Command Facility, Army Cadet Forces, air combat fighter, air control fighter, alternate communications facility, area confinement facility5) Техника: acid concentrated feed, advanced communications functions, analog computer facilities, automatic control feature6) Математика: автокорреляционная функция (autocorrelation function), алгебраически замкнутое поле (algebraically closed field)7) Австралийский сленг: Australian Conservation Foundation8) Ветеринария: Agriculture Christian Fellowship, Animal Concerns Forum9) Телекоммуникации: Access Coordination Function, Advanced Communication Function, Advanced Communications Facility, Access Control Field (DQDB)10) Сокращение: Army Cadet Force (UK), Access Control Facility, American Chess Foundation (Американская организация шахматистов), American Choral Foundation (Американское общество хорового пения), Association of Consulting Foresters (Ассоциация консультантов-лесоводов (США)), Франко-канадская академия (сокр. от Académie Canadienne Française = French-Canadian Academy)11) Университет: Academic Competition Federation, Academic Competition Foundation12) Вычислительная техника: autocorrelation function, развитая функция связи, Apple Communications Framework (Apple), Advanced Communications Function (IBM)13) Нефть: actual cubic feet14) Демография: area compatibility factor (сокр.) (поправочный коэффициент для показателей смертности, вычисленных без учёта территориальных различий)15) Транспорт: Area Control Facility16) Фирменный знак: American Car Foundry17) Деловая лексика: A Credit Fiasco18) Сетевые технологии: advanced communications function19) Программирование: файл конфигурации доступа, ACF-файл (сокр. от access configuration file), группа программ распределённой обработки (данных) и разделения ресурсов для сетей с архитектурой SNA, программы ACF (сокр. от advanced communication function)20) Химическое оружие: area cost factor21) Расширение файла: Access Control Field, Adobe Custom Filter (Adobe PhotoShop)22) Общественная организация: AIDS Care Fund, Alaska Conservation Foundation, Arkansas Community Foundation23) НАСА: Auto- Correlation Function -
11 ACI
[lang name="English"]ACI, Advisory Committee on Intelligence————————[lang name="English"]ACI, air combat intelligence————————[lang name="English"]ACI, Бр Air Force Council Instructions————————[lang name="English"]ACI, airborne controlled intercept————————[lang name="English"]ACI, allocated configuration identification————————[lang name="English"]ACI, analytical condition inspectionаналитическая проверка состояния [условий]————————[lang name="English"]ACI, area of common interest————————[lang name="English"]ACI, automatic car identification————————[lang name="English"]ACI, automatic control instrumentationEnglish-Russian dictionary of planing, cross-planing and slotting machines > ACI
12 geometry
1. геометрия; геометрические характеристики2. (геометрическая) форма, конфигурация; очертания3. (геометрическая) схема; структура; (относительное) расположениеair combat geometryaircraft geometryairfoil geometryapproach geometryarbitrary geometryblade/root geometrycamber geometryCoanda geometryconfiguration geometrycross-sectional geometrycruise geometrydeformed geometrydifferential geometryduct geometryelastic geometryempennage geometryflight path geometryforebody geometryguidance geometryhead-on geometryinput geometryintercept geometrylaminate geometryleading-edge geometryMLS geometrynodal geometryrig geometryrigid geometryrotor geometrysingle-fuselage geometryslender geometrySST-type geometrytail-chase geometrythroat geometrytrailing-edge geometrytwin-fuselage geometryvortex geometrywake geometrywing-body geometry -
13 CAP
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Catabolite Activator Protein, hum. сокр. Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins, Единая сельскохозяйственная политика (Common Agricultural Policy( политика, проводимая Еврокомисией с целью оказания финансовой помощи сельскому хозяйству стран ЕС)), Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН)), Committee on Accounting Procedure, Common Agricultural Program2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Accommodations Program, Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing, Computer And Printer, Cut And Paste, автоматизированное планирование (computer-aided planning), автоматизированная технологическая подготовка (computer-assisted planning)3) Биология: coronary artery pressure4) Авиация: computer aided publishing6) Американизм: Comprehensive Airport Program7) Спорт: Celebration Of Athletic Participation8) Военный термин: Canadian Air Publication, Capabilities, Capability, Configuration Audit Plan, Configuration and Alarm Panel, Crisis Action Planning, Crisis Action Procedures, Current Approved Program, centralized assignment procedure, chief aviation pilot, chloroacetophenone, civil air patrol, cleared as planned, combat air patrol, combat aircraft prototype, combined action platoon, combined action program, command analysis pattern, commander's audit program, commencing at a point, communications afloat program, community alert patrol, computerized assignment of personnel, contingency amphibious plan, contract administration panel, contractor-acquired property, control and authorization process, cost analysis plan, current assessment plan, ДВВ, барражирование, дежурство в воздухе9) Техника: cable access point, cleaner air package, codes and paging, continuous audit program, corrective action program, cryogenic associative processor, crystalline anisotropy field, current amplification factor10) Юридический термин: Child Assistance Program, Citizen Action Patrol, Crime Action Policy, Crime Awareness Program, Crimes Against Persons11) Бухгалтерия: Competency Assessment Program, Customer Approved Payment, chargeable accounting period12) Фармакология: cellulose acetate phthalate13) Финансы: ОАП, общая аграрная политика14) Биржевой термин: competitive advantage period15) Дипломатический термин: (Common Agricultural Policy) единая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС), (Common Agricultural Policy) общая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС)16) Телекоммуникации: Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation17) Сокращение: Capacity, Carrier Air Patrol, Carrierless Amplitude-Phase, Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France), Channel Access Protocol, Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas), Citizens Against Pornography, College of American Pathologists, Columbia Appletalk Package, Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA), Combat Ammunition Production (USAF), Combustible/Combustion Augmented Plasma, Commander's Advanced Planning System (USA), Common Agricultural Policy, Commonwealth Association of Planners, Competitive Access Provider, Contractor Assessment Program (USA), Control & Audio Panel, Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO), Corporate Automation Plan, computer-aided planning, cost-awareness program, Cellular Array Processor, Countermeasures Advisory Panel, Consolidated Appeals Process18) Университет: Campus Access Point, Campus Accountability Partner, Capital Academic Program, Centre For Academic Practice, Clinical Advancement Program, Computer Analysis Project, Cumulative Average Point, Curricular Academic Program19) Физиология: Central Auditory Processing, Cognitive Affective And Physical20) Вычислительная техника: Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation, Central Arbitration Point, Communications-electronics Accommodation Program, Component Approval Process, computer-aided publishing, computer-assisted publishing, controlled access protection, автоматизированная подготовка полиграфической продукции, Computer Aided Planning (CIM), Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T), компьютерная издательская деятельность21) Нефть: caliper log, corporate accounting principles22) Генетика: белок-активатор катаболитных оперонов (димерный регуляторный белок, известный у прокариот; находясь в комплексе с циклическим монофосфатом, он связывается с промотором, активируя транскрипцию оперона, - например, lac-оперона E. coli)23) Иммунология: Cyclase Activating Pth24) Биохимия: Chloramphenicol25) Связь: CAMEL Application Part26) Воздухоплавание: Civil Aviation Planning Committee, Civil Aviation Publication27) Экология: Climate Applications Program28) СМИ: Community Access Programing, Community Arts Partnership, Content Acquisition Program, Coordination Actors And Production29) Деловая лексика: Change Acceleration Process, Change And Partnership, Client Appreciation Program, Collected And Assessed Problem, Committee Of Advertising Practice, Compliance Assurance Program, Coordinating Agency Partner, Cost Avoidance Program, Courtesy Awareness Programme, Customer Appreciation Program, общая сельскохозяйственная политика (ЕЭС, common agricultural policy), единая сельскохозяйственная политика (common agricultural policy)30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Concern, Action, Perspective31) Менеджмент: contract award price, ex capital expenditure32) Образование: Cooperative Advantage Program, Corrective Action Plan, Creative Arts Program33) Планирование: Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning)34) Валютные операции: коэффициент корректировки валютного курса (currency adjustment factor)35) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Analytical Processing, Columbia Appletalk Protocol, communication access point, communications access processor, competitive access providers, процессор доступа к среде передачи, пункт доступа к среде передачи36) Полимеры: cellulose acetate propionate, chloracetophenone37) Программирование: Compressed And Packed38) Автоматика: computer access processor, computer-aided production39) Контроль качества: continuous audit procedure40) Пластмассы: Centre For Amphiphilic Polymers, Coated Abrasive Product41) Океанография: Circum- Atlantic Project42) Пульмонология: community-acquired pneumonia43) Медицинская техника: customer acceptance procedure44) Химическое оружие: Chemical Activity, Pacific45) Авиационная медицина: cyclic alternating pattern46) Расширение файла: Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation, Communication Application Platform, Compressed music file, Computer Analysts and Programmers, Session capture file (ProComm - Telix), Caption (Ventura Publisher)47) Молекулярная биология: catabolic activator protein48) ООН: Control And Power49) Общественная организация: Childcare Action Project, Children Awaiting Parents, Christian Appalachian Project50) Должность: Career Alignment Profile, Career Apprenticeship Program, Come And Pay51) Программное обеспечение: Common Aftermarket Protocol -
14 Cap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Catabolite Activator Protein, hum. сокр. Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins, Единая сельскохозяйственная политика (Common Agricultural Policy( политика, проводимая Еврокомисией с целью оказания финансовой помощи сельскому хозяйству стран ЕС)), Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН)), Committee on Accounting Procedure, Common Agricultural Program2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Accommodations Program, Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing, Computer And Printer, Cut And Paste, автоматизированное планирование (computer-aided planning), автоматизированная технологическая подготовка (computer-assisted planning)3) Биология: coronary artery pressure4) Авиация: computer aided publishing6) Американизм: Comprehensive Airport Program7) Спорт: Celebration Of Athletic Participation8) Военный термин: Canadian Air Publication, Capabilities, Capability, Configuration Audit Plan, Configuration and Alarm Panel, Crisis Action Planning, Crisis Action Procedures, Current Approved Program, centralized assignment procedure, chief aviation pilot, chloroacetophenone, civil air patrol, cleared as planned, combat air patrol, combat aircraft prototype, combined action platoon, combined action program, command analysis pattern, commander's audit program, commencing at a point, communications afloat program, community alert patrol, computerized assignment of personnel, contingency amphibious plan, contract administration panel, contractor-acquired property, control and authorization process, cost analysis plan, current assessment plan, ДВВ, барражирование, дежурство в воздухе9) Техника: cable access point, cleaner air package, codes and paging, continuous audit program, corrective action program, cryogenic associative processor, crystalline anisotropy field, current amplification factor10) Юридический термин: Child Assistance Program, Citizen Action Patrol, Crime Action Policy, Crime Awareness Program, Crimes Against Persons11) Бухгалтерия: Competency Assessment Program, Customer Approved Payment, chargeable accounting period12) Фармакология: cellulose acetate phthalate13) Финансы: ОАП, общая аграрная политика14) Биржевой термин: competitive advantage period15) Дипломатический термин: (Common Agricultural Policy) единая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС), (Common Agricultural Policy) общая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС)16) Телекоммуникации: Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation17) Сокращение: Capacity, Carrier Air Patrol, Carrierless Amplitude-Phase, Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France), Channel Access Protocol, Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas), Citizens Against Pornography, College of American Pathologists, Columbia Appletalk Package, Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA), Combat Ammunition Production (USAF), Combustible/Combustion Augmented Plasma, Commander's Advanced Planning System (USA), Common Agricultural Policy, Commonwealth Association of Planners, Competitive Access Provider, Contractor Assessment Program (USA), Control & Audio Panel, Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO), Corporate Automation Plan, computer-aided planning, cost-awareness program, Cellular Array Processor, Countermeasures Advisory Panel, Consolidated Appeals Process18) Университет: Campus Access Point, Campus Accountability Partner, Capital Academic Program, Centre For Academic Practice, Clinical Advancement Program, Computer Analysis Project, Cumulative Average Point, Curricular Academic Program19) Физиология: Central Auditory Processing, Cognitive Affective And Physical20) Вычислительная техника: Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation, Central Arbitration Point, Communications-electronics Accommodation Program, Component Approval Process, computer-aided publishing, computer-assisted publishing, controlled access protection, автоматизированная подготовка полиграфической продукции, Computer Aided Planning (CIM), Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T), компьютерная издательская деятельность21) Нефть: caliper log, corporate accounting principles22) Генетика: белок-активатор катаболитных оперонов (димерный регуляторный белок, известный у прокариот; находясь в комплексе с циклическим монофосфатом, он связывается с промотором, активируя транскрипцию оперона, - например, lac-оперона E. coli)23) Иммунология: Cyclase Activating Pth24) Биохимия: Chloramphenicol25) Связь: CAMEL Application Part26) Воздухоплавание: Civil Aviation Planning Committee, Civil Aviation Publication27) Экология: Climate Applications Program28) СМИ: Community Access Programing, Community Arts Partnership, Content Acquisition Program, Coordination Actors And Production29) Деловая лексика: Change Acceleration Process, Change And Partnership, Client Appreciation Program, Collected And Assessed Problem, Committee Of Advertising Practice, Compliance Assurance Program, Coordinating Agency Partner, Cost Avoidance Program, Courtesy Awareness Programme, Customer Appreciation Program, общая сельскохозяйственная политика (ЕЭС, common agricultural policy), единая сельскохозяйственная политика (common agricultural policy)30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Concern, Action, Perspective31) Менеджмент: contract award price, ex capital expenditure32) Образование: Cooperative Advantage Program, Corrective Action Plan, Creative Arts Program33) Планирование: Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning)34) Валютные операции: коэффициент корректировки валютного курса (currency adjustment factor)35) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Analytical Processing, Columbia Appletalk Protocol, communication access point, communications access processor, competitive access providers, процессор доступа к среде передачи, пункт доступа к среде передачи36) Полимеры: cellulose acetate propionate, chloracetophenone37) Программирование: Compressed And Packed38) Автоматика: computer access processor, computer-aided production39) Контроль качества: continuous audit procedure40) Пластмассы: Centre For Amphiphilic Polymers, Coated Abrasive Product41) Океанография: Circum- Atlantic Project42) Пульмонология: community-acquired pneumonia43) Медицинская техника: customer acceptance procedure44) Химическое оружие: Chemical Activity, Pacific45) Авиационная медицина: cyclic alternating pattern46) Расширение файла: Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation, Communication Application Platform, Compressed music file, Computer Analysts and Programmers, Session capture file (ProComm - Telix), Caption (Ventura Publisher)47) Молекулярная биология: catabolic activator protein48) ООН: Control And Power49) Общественная организация: Childcare Action Project, Children Awaiting Parents, Christian Appalachian Project50) Должность: Career Alignment Profile, Career Apprenticeship Program, Come And Pay51) Программное обеспечение: Common Aftermarket Protocol -
15 cap
1) Общая лексика: hum. сокр. Catabolite Activator Protein, hum. сокр. Cytoskeleton Associated Proteins, Единая сельскохозяйственная политика (Common Agricultural Policy( политика, проводимая Еврокомисией с целью оказания финансовой помощи сельскому хозяйству стран ЕС)), Consolidated Appeals Process (Простите, коллеги! но это так и называется... www.ocha.ru (УКГВ ООН)), Committee on Accounting Procedure, Common Agricultural Program2) Компьютерная техника: Computer Accommodations Program, Computer Aided Planning / Computer Aided Publishing, Computer And Printer, Cut And Paste, автоматизированное планирование (computer-aided planning), автоматизированная технологическая подготовка (computer-assisted planning)3) Биология: coronary artery pressure4) Авиация: computer aided publishing6) Американизм: Comprehensive Airport Program7) Спорт: Celebration Of Athletic Participation8) Военный термин: Canadian Air Publication, Capabilities, Capability, Configuration Audit Plan, Configuration and Alarm Panel, Crisis Action Planning, Crisis Action Procedures, Current Approved Program, centralized assignment procedure, chief aviation pilot, chloroacetophenone, civil air patrol, cleared as planned, combat air patrol, combat aircraft prototype, combined action platoon, combined action program, command analysis pattern, commander's audit program, commencing at a point, communications afloat program, community alert patrol, computerized assignment of personnel, contingency amphibious plan, contract administration panel, contractor-acquired property, control and authorization process, cost analysis plan, current assessment plan, ДВВ, барражирование, дежурство в воздухе9) Техника: cable access point, cleaner air package, codes and paging, continuous audit program, corrective action program, cryogenic associative processor, crystalline anisotropy field, current amplification factor10) Юридический термин: Child Assistance Program, Citizen Action Patrol, Crime Action Policy, Crime Awareness Program, Crimes Against Persons11) Бухгалтерия: Competency Assessment Program, Customer Approved Payment, chargeable accounting period12) Фармакология: cellulose acetate phthalate13) Финансы: ОАП, общая аграрная политика14) Биржевой термин: competitive advantage period15) Дипломатический термин: (Common Agricultural Policy) единая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС), (Common Agricultural Policy) общая сельскохозяйственная политика (в ЕЭС)16) Телекоммуникации: Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation17) Сокращение: Capacity, Carrier Air Patrol, Carrierless Amplitude-Phase, Centre Aeroporte de Toulouse (France), Channel Access Protocol, Chloroacetophenone (Tear gas), Citizens Against Pornography, College of American Pathologists, Columbia Appletalk Package, Combat Aircraft Prototype programme (USA), Combat Ammunition Production (USAF), Combustible/Combustion Augmented Plasma, Commander's Advanced Planning System (USA), Common Agricultural Policy, Commonwealth Association of Planners, Competitive Access Provider, Contractor Assessment Program (USA), Control & Audio Panel, Conventional Armaments Plan (NATO), Corporate Automation Plan, computer-aided planning, cost-awareness program, Cellular Array Processor, Countermeasures Advisory Panel, Consolidated Appeals Process18) Университет: Campus Access Point, Campus Accountability Partner, Capital Academic Program, Centre For Academic Practice, Clinical Advancement Program, Computer Analysis Project, Cumulative Average Point, Curricular Academic Program19) Физиология: Central Auditory Processing, Cognitive Affective And Physical20) Вычислительная техника: Carrierless Amplitude Phase modulation, Central Arbitration Point, Communications-electronics Accommodation Program, Component Approval Process, computer-aided publishing, computer-assisted publishing, controlled access protection, автоматизированная подготовка полиграфической продукции, Computer Aided Planning (CIM), Carrierless Amplitude Phase (modulation, ADSL, AT&T), компьютерная издательская деятельность21) Нефть: caliper log, corporate accounting principles22) Генетика: белок-активатор катаболитных оперонов (димерный регуляторный белок, известный у прокариот; находясь в комплексе с циклическим монофосфатом, он связывается с промотором, активируя транскрипцию оперона, - например, lac-оперона E. coli)23) Иммунология: Cyclase Activating Pth24) Биохимия: Chloramphenicol25) Связь: CAMEL Application Part26) Воздухоплавание: Civil Aviation Planning Committee, Civil Aviation Publication27) Экология: Climate Applications Program28) СМИ: Community Access Programing, Community Arts Partnership, Content Acquisition Program, Coordination Actors And Production29) Деловая лексика: Change Acceleration Process, Change And Partnership, Client Appreciation Program, Collected And Assessed Problem, Committee Of Advertising Practice, Compliance Assurance Program, Coordinating Agency Partner, Cost Avoidance Program, Courtesy Awareness Programme, Customer Appreciation Program, общая сельскохозяйственная политика (ЕЭС, common agricultural policy), единая сельскохозяйственная политика (common agricultural policy)30) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Concern, Action, Perspective31) Менеджмент: contract award price, ex capital expenditure32) Образование: Cooperative Advantage Program, Corrective Action Plan, Creative Arts Program33) Планирование: Critical Assumptions Planning (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_assumption_planning)34) Валютные операции: коэффициент корректировки валютного курса (currency adjustment factor)35) Сетевые технологии: Collaborative Analytical Processing, Columbia Appletalk Protocol, communication access point, communications access processor, competitive access providers, процессор доступа к среде передачи, пункт доступа к среде передачи36) Полимеры: cellulose acetate propionate, chloracetophenone37) Программирование: Compressed And Packed38) Автоматика: computer access processor, computer-aided production39) Контроль качества: continuous audit procedure40) Пластмассы: Centre For Amphiphilic Polymers, Coated Abrasive Product41) Океанография: Circum- Atlantic Project42) Пульмонология: community-acquired pneumonia43) Медицинская техника: customer acceptance procedure44) Химическое оружие: Chemical Activity, Pacific45) Авиационная медицина: cyclic alternating pattern46) Расширение файла: Carrierless Amplitude and Phase-Modulation, Communication Application Platform, Compressed music file, Computer Analysts and Programmers, Session capture file (ProComm - Telix), Caption (Ventura Publisher)47) Молекулярная биология: catabolic activator protein48) ООН: Control And Power49) Общественная организация: Childcare Action Project, Children Awaiting Parents, Christian Appalachian Project50) Должность: Career Alignment Profile, Career Apprenticeship Program, Come And Pay51) Программное обеспечение: Common Aftermarket Protocol -
16 CAS
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge -
17 CAs
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge -
18 Cas
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge -
19 cas
1) Общая лексика: Академия наук Китая (China Academy of Sciences), Chemical Abstract Services (Международный CAS-номер присваивается химическим веществам американской организацией Chemical Abstract Services. Этот уникальный номер не несет информации ни о чистоте вещества, ни о произ2) Компьютерная техника: Common Authorization System, Computed Answer Substitution, centralized attendant service, хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому (content-addressable storage), content-addressable storage (хранение данных с адресацией по содержимому)3) Авиация: (см.) Crew Alerting System4) Морской термин: схема оценки состояния (Condition Assessment Scheme)5) Медицина: clinical application specialist6) Спорт: Court Of Arbitration For Sports7) Военный термин: Cadet Accountability System, Central Authentication Service, Chief of the Air Staff, Chinese Air To Surface, Church Army Society, Combined Arms and Services Staff, Contract Administration Service, Conversion Armor System, Coordinator of Army Studies, Crises Action System, Crisis Action Staff, calculated air speed, children's Army school, citizens alarm system, civil affairs section, close air support, coast artillery school, coded armaments system, combat alert status, command aviation section, communications analysis section, compensating air supply, complete assembly for strike, controlled airspace, courier air service, непосредственная авиационная поддержка ( НАП) (Close Air Support)8) Техника: Central Amplifier Station, Committee for Assurance for Supply, aircraft collision avoidance system, chemical addition system, circuits and systems, command active sonobuoy, command augmentation system, common access space, communicat-ing applications specification, communications antenna sleeve, compressed air system, containment annunciator subpanel9) Шутливое выражение: Computers Are Swine10) Математика: Computer Algebra System, СКА, система компьютерной алгебры (Система компьютерной алгебры (СКА,)— это приложение, помогающее выполнять символьные вычисления.СКА — это работа с математическими выражениями в аналитической (символьной) форме.)11) Юридический термин: Corporal Alternative Sentencing, Creativity Action And Service12) Бухгалтерия: Comprehensive Annual Statement13) Страхование: Casualty Actuarial Society14) Автомобильный термин: clean air system, crank angle sensor, creep aid system (automatic transmissions)15) Ветеринария: Companion Animal Society (New Zealand)16) Грубое выражение: Confusion Anarchy Stupidity17) Металлургия: Американское Химическое Общество18) Телекоммуникации: Carrier Activity Sensor, Channel Associated Signaling19) Сокращение: Calibrated Airspeed, Case Analysis System, Casualty Assessment System, Civil Air Service, Collision Avoidance System, Combat Advice System, Combat Ammunition System, Combined Antenna System, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Computer-Aided Supportability, Contemporary Art Society, Cost Accounting Standards, Crisis Action System (USA), Cast Alloy Steel, Channel Address Strobe, Communicating Applications Specification, Current Awareness Service, COSTAR Alignment System, CPE Alerting Signal (caller ID with call waiting), Calibrated Ancillary System, California Academy of Sciences (Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California), California Avocado Society, Call Accounting Subsystem, Call Accounting System, Call-waiting Alerting Signal, Calorimetric Absorption Spectroscopy, Cam Actuated Switch, Canadian AIDS Society, Canadian Aerophilatelic Society, Canadian Anesthesiologists' Society, Canards Actuator System (Army, artillery), Capable, Available and Suitable, Cardinal Air Services Inc (Fullerton Airport, Orange County California), Career Advancement Scheme (Indian universities), Carrier Accounting System (Sprint), Casablanca, Anfa Morocco (airport code), Casablanca, Morocco ANFA Airport (city/airport code), Case Assignment, Casine (cell plating), Catalog Address Space, Catch Assessment System (fisheries), Center for Advanced Studies in Telecommunications (Ohio State University), Center for Atmospheric Sciences, Center for Automotive Safety, Center on an Aging Society, Central Accounting System, Central Administration Support, Central Alarm Station, Central Alarm System, Central Asian States, Central Attendant Service, Central Authentication Service (Yale University and JA-SIG), Centrale Archief Selectiedienst, Centralized Administrative System, Centre for Adaptive Systems, Centre for Animal Sciences, Centre for Atmospheric Science, Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems (Australia), Certificate of Advanced Studies, Certificate of Applied Science (degree), Certification Authorities, Certified Advertising Specialist, Certified Annuity Specialist, Channel Access Sublayer, Channel Assigned Signaling (Hekimian), Chemical Abstract Service, Chemical Abstracts Registry Service, Chemical Abstracts Service (division of the American Chemical Society), Chemical Association Service, Chief of Air Staff, Children's Aid Society, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chromosome Aberration Simulator, Circuit Associated Signaling, Circuits and Systems Society (IEEE), Citizen Auto Stage Company (Nogales, AZ), Citrix Access Suite, Citrix Activation System, Civil Agencies Sector, Claims Auto Specialist, Clark Ashton Smith (American author), Classic Arts Showcase, Clean Access Server, Clean Air Solvent, Clean Air Source, Client Access Service (Microsoft), Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist, Cockpit Avionics System, Coconino Astronomical Society (Flagstaff, AZ), Code Access Security (Microsoft. NET Framework), Cold Air Standard, Collaboration At Sea (US Navy SPAWAR), College Alcohol Study, College of Analytical Studies (US Federal Bureau of Investigation), College of Applied Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences (various colleges and universities), Columbia Audubon Society (South Carolina), Column Access Strobe, Column Address Select, Column Address Signal (computer memory), Combat Air Support, Combat Applications Squadron, Combat Arms School (Canadian Forces; now defunct), Combined Anode Stirrer, Comma Delimited Ascii, Command Augmentation System (NASA), Command Automation System, Commercial Activities System, Commercially Available Software, Commission Accounting System, Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO), Common Aircraft Servicing, Communications Accounting System (Highland Lakes), Community Action Service (International Baccalaureate high school program requirement), Complete Active Space (quantum chemistry), Complex Adaptive System, Complex Adaptive Systems, Component Administration System, Component Anesthesia Systems, Computational AeroSciences (NASA project), Computed Air Speed, Computer Aided Systems, Computer Algebra System (mathematical computation software), Computer Anwendungs- und Systemberatung GmbH, Computer As Source, Computer Assisted Surgery, Computer Assurance Services, Computer and Systems Engineering (Sprint), Computer-Aided Selling, Computer-Aided Service, Inc., Computer-Aided Software, Computer-Aided Styling, Computer-Aided Support, Computer-Aided Training, Computer-Assisted System, Computerized Autodial System, Computing in Atmospheric Sciences Workshop, Condition Assessment Scheme (ships), Condition Assessment Survey, Conditional Access System, Configuration Assurance Solution (Cisco), Conflict Alert System, Conformal Antenna System, Conformal-Array Seeker, Connecticut Association of Schools, Consejo Asesor de Seguridad (Guatemala), Consenting Adults, Consolidated Administration System, Consolidated Application System, Construction Area Sign, Consultant Accreditation Service, Consultant and Affiliate Services, Containment Assessment Plan, Contemporary Arts Society, Content Adaptation Service, Content Adaptors, Content Addressable Storage, Content Addressed Storage, Continental Automotive Systems, Contingency Alerting System, Contract Administration Services, Contract Administration Standards, Contract Administrative Services, Contract Air Services, Contract Analysis System, Control Actuation System, Control Alarm Station, Control Augmentation System, Controlled ATM Switch (Cisco), Controlled American Source, Coordinated Air Strike, Coordinating Address Space, Corporate Account Space, Corporate Administrative System (Canada), Cost Accounting Standard, Cost Accounting System, Country Assistance Strategy, Court of Arbitration for Sport, Cowboy Action Shooting, Craft Access System, Cranial Abscessation Syndrome (deer disease), Crash Analysis System (Land Transport New Zealand), Create-A-Sim (EA Games; The Sims), Creatively Agonizing Students, Creativity, Action and Service (International Baccalaureate Diploma), Credit Approval Sheet (banking), Crew Alerting System, Crisis Action System, Criticality Alarm System, Current Account Surplus, Current Assessment Summary, Customer Acceptance Specification, Customer Access Server, Customer Access Services, Customer Account Services, Customer Administrative Services, Customer Alert Signal, Customer Analysis and Solutions (Sterling Wentworth), Customer Ancillary Service, Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Athletic Association, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Spotted Wolffish (FAO fish species code), civil aviation security (US DoD)20) Университет: Campus Automation System, Centre For Applied Statistics, Centre Of African Studies, Certificate Of Advanced Study, Course Applicability System, Curriculum Administration System21) Школьное выражение: College of Arts and Science22) Электроника: Central Amplifier Stations23) Вычислительная техника: Column Address Strobe, Computer Aided Styling, computer-aided system, автоматизированная система, Communicating Applications Specification (FAX, Intel, DCA), Column Address Strobe (IC, DRAM), Чистый сервер доступа24) Нефть: Circumferential Acoustic Scanning25) Связь: Channel Associated Signalling26) Космонавтика: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences (WMO)27) Банковское дело: надбавка за счёт пересмотра валютных паритетов (currency adjustment surcharge)28) Транспорт: Commence Average Speed29) Деловая лексика: Computer Aided Service30) Образование: Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (в Великобритании)31) Валютные операции: дополнительный сбор за корректировку валютного курса (currency adjustment surcharge)32) Инвестиции: currency adjustment surcharge33) Сетевые технологии: Communication Application Software, Communication Application Specification, Conference Application Server, Controlled Access Signaling, спецификация приложений связи34) Программирование: Column Access Select35) Автоматика: computer-aided service planning, continuous analog scanning36) Океанография: Commission for Atmospheric Sciences37) Химическое оружие: Chemical Abstracts Service, corrective action study38) Авиационная медицина: Coriolis acceleration susceptibility40) Безопасность: Cpe Alert Signal, центральный пункт сигнализации (Central Alarm Station)41) Расширение файла: Column Address Select/Strobe, Communications Application Specification, C + ASM language source (Turbo C)42) Нефть и газ: Chemical Abstracts System, cascade mode, Chemical Abstract Services43) Аварийное восстановление: continuous availability services44) Общественная организация: Crossroads Adoption Services45) Аэропорты: Casablanca, Morocco46) AMEX. A. M. Castle & Company47) Международные перевозки: сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge -
20 CA
1) Общая лексика: канада, примерно, Corporate Affairs (SEIC), рак (заболевание)2) Компьютерная техника: Clip Art, Collision Avoidance, Computer Accuracy, Computer Aided3) Авиация: cabin address4) Медицина: Углеводный раковый антиген (онкомаркер) (carbohydrate antigen), (Chief Administrator) главный администратор, активация соударением (в масс-спектрометрии) (Collisional Activation)5) Американизм: Clean Air, Continuous Assessment6) Военный термин: COMSEC Account, Can't Add, Canadian Army, Combat Arms, Combat Assessment, Command Authority, Commercial Activities, Common Applications, Communication Area, Complete Annihilation, Comptroller of the Army, Confederate Army, Configuration Audit, Controller of Aircraft, Controlling Authority, Crewman's Associate, Cryptanalysis, Heavy Cruiser, chief accountant, civic action, civil administration, civil affairs, civil aircraft, civil applications, civil authorities, closest approach, coast artillery, coaxial, combat actions, combat aircrew, combat aptitude, combat assault, combined arms, command accountant, command action, commandant assistant, commitment authorization, component analysis, concealed aircraft, contingencies of the Army, contract administration, contract authorization, contract award, control assembly, control augmentation, controlled airspace, corps area, correct or amplify, corrective action, cost analysis, cost of arms, counterair, court of appeal, cumulative amount7) Психиатрия: cateholamine8) Техника: Cassegrain antenna, capacitor, cascade amplifier, certified accountant, channel adapter, channel address, channel amplifier, charge amplifier, chicken adenovirus, chopper amplifier, circular array, clipping amplifier, clutter attenuation, computer assembly, computer-aided, constant amplitude, construction authorization, control air, course angle, critical assembly, cylindrical array, sonar commutator assembly, полный угол (Complete Angle)9) Сельское хозяйство: carotid artery10) Шутливое выражение: Constant Acquisitions11) Химия: Carbon Alpha, Cinnamic Acid, Chemical Abstracts12) Железнодорожный термин: Chesapeake and Albemarle Railroad13) Бухгалтерия: capital allowance, chargeable assets14) Грубое выражение: Candy Ass, Chic Anonymous, Computer Assholes15) География: Калифорния16) Оптика: clear aperture17) Политика: Canada18) Телекоммуникации: (certification authority) сертифицирующая организация, (certification authority) сертифицирующее агентство, (certification authority) сертифицирующее ведомство, (certification authority) сертифицирующий орган, (certification authority) центр сертификации19) Сокращение: Canada A, Canadian Authors' Association, Catalan, Charge d'Affaires, Chartered Accountant, Chronological Age, Civil Aviation, Coastal Artillery, College of Arms, Concentric Action, Conformal-array Aerial, Consumers'Association, Controller Aircraft, Controller of Accounts, Crank Angle, Bromobenzyl cyanide (Chemical warfare agent), Canada (NATO country code), California (US state), Gun Cruiser (USA), Compania Anonima (Venezuela), Collision Avoidance (as in CSMA/CA (q.v.))20) Физиология: Caucasian adult, Cooley's Anemia, Coronary Artery21) Электроника: CIM architecture, Common Amplification22) Вычислительная техника: Computer Animation, certificate authority, common application, current awareness, Cell Arrival (ATM), Computer Associates (Hersteller), Certification Authority (Verschluesselung, PKI), Collision Avoidance (as in CSMA/CA), computer associates23) Нефть: elevation correction24) Кардиология: common atrium (общее предсердие)25) Биохимия: Chromic Acid26) Онкология: Cancer Antigen, Cancer Associated27) Картография: catchment area28) Банковское дело: текущий банковский счёт (current account)29) Транспорт: Cab To Axle, Conflict Alert, Contract Air30) Фирменный знак: Carrier, Continental Accessories31) Холодильная техника: controlled atmosphere32) Энергетика: Contingency Analysis, система, позволяющая просчитать возможность возникновения аварийных ситуаций на стадии планирования режимов33) СМИ: Creatures Adventures34) Деловая лексика: Card Advantage, Circa About, дипломированный бухгалтер высшей квалификации (chartered accountant), присяжный бухгалтер (chartered accountant)35) Глоссарий компании Сахалин Энерджи: Construction Assistance36) Образование: Cultural Awareness37) Инвестиции: Court of Appeals, current account38) Сетевые технологии: Channel Access, Client Active, Continuous Access, communication adapter, коммуникационный адаптер39) Полимеры: cellulose acetate, chlorendic anhydride, continuity additive ( агент непрерывности)40) Программирование: Clear All41) Контроль качества: ПЗ42) Пластмассы: Cyanoacrylate Adhesive43) Сахалин Р: Certifying Authority, Contract Amendments44) Сахалин А: corrosion allowance45) Химическое оружие: chemical warfare agents, chemical warfare agents munition, combustion air, cost account, criticality analysis, сhemical agent46) Безопасность: Conditional Access47) Расширение файла: Certification Authority, Initial cache data for root domain servers (Telnet)48) SAP.тех. контрольная область49) Нефть и газ: Central Asia50) Электротехника: contact ammeter51) США: California52) Майкрософт: центр сертификации53) Должность: Canada As, Cartoon Artist, Cognitive Apprenticeship, Community Associate, Computer Assistant54) NYSE. Computer Associates International, Inc.55) Единицы измерений: Cranking Amperes56) Общая лексика: competent authority
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См. также в других словарях:
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configuration — [ kɔ̃figyrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1190; lat. configuratio 1 ♦ Didact. Forme extérieure, aspect général. La configuration d un pays. ⇒ conformation, figure, forme. « Il put se rendre compte aussitôt de la configuration des lieux » (Alain Fournier). 2 ♦ Sc … Encyclopédie Universelle
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