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  • 1 air-tight

    • vzduchotesný

    English-Slovak dictionary > air-tight

  • 2 close

    I 1. [kləus] adverb
    1) (near in time, place etc: He stood close to his mother; Follow close behind.) tesne
    2) (tightly; neatly: a close-fitting dress.) priliehavo
    2. adjective
    1) (near in relationship: a close friend.) dôverný
    2) (having a narrow difference between winner and loser: a close contest; The result was close.) tesný
    3) (thorough: a close examination of the facts; Keep a close watch on him.) prísny
    4) (tight: a close fit.) tesný
    5) (without fresh air: a close atmosphere; The weather was close and thundery.) dusný
    6) (mean: He's very close (with his money).) skúpy
    7) (secretive: They're keeping very close about the business.) uzavretý, mlčanlivý
    - closeness
    - close call/shave
    - close-set
    - close-up
    - close at hand
    - close on
    - close to
    II 1. [kləuz] verb
    1) (to make or become shut, often by bringing together two parts so as to cover an opening: The baby closed his eyes; Close the door; The shops close on Sundays.) zavrieť
    2) (to finish; to come or bring to an end: The meeting closed with everyone in agreement.) skončiť
    3) (to complete or settle (a business deal).) uzavrieť
    2. noun
    (a stop, end or finish: the close of day; towards the close of the nineteenth century.) koniec
    - close up
    * * *
    • uzavriet
    • uzatvorený
    • uzavri
    • zatvor
    • zatvorit
    • zavriet (sa)
    • záver
    • zatvárat
    • tesne pri
    • tesný
    • ukoncit
    • dusný
    • blízky
    • blízko
    • podrobný
    • koniec

    English-Slovak dictionary > close

См. также в других словарях:

  • Air-tight — a. 1. So tight as to be impermeable to air or other gases; as, an air tight cylinder; said of containers. [1913 Webster] 2. of such close construction as to have little leakage of air in or out; said of structures [WordNet 1.5] 3. so thoroughly …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • air|tight — «AIR TYT», adjective. 1. so tight that no air or gas can get in or out. 2. Especially U.S. Informal, Figurative. having no weak points or loopholes open to attack: »an airtight alibi. The team had an airtight defense. SYNONYM(S): unassailable …   Useful english dictionary

  • Air-tight — n. A stove the draft of which can be almost entirely shut off. [Colloq. U. S.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Air-tight stove — An air tight stove is a wood burning stove designed to burn solid fuel, traditionally wood, in a controlled fashion so as to provide for efficient and controlled fuel use, and the benefits of stable heating or cooking temperatures. They are made… …   Wikipedia

  • air-tight — adjective 1. having no weak points an airtight defense an airtight argument • Syn: ↑airtight • Similar to: ↑invulnerable 2. not allowing air or gas to pass in or out • Syn: ↑ …   Useful english dictionary

  • air-tight — a. Hermetic, hermetical, impenetrable to air, impervious to air …   New dictionary of synonyms

  • air tight — hermetically sealed, impermeable to air; having no weakness or flaw …   English contemporary dictionary

  • air·tight — /ˈeɚˌtaıt/ adj 1 : tightly sealed so that no air can get in or out Store the food in an airtight container. 2 : too strong or effective to fail or to be defeated an airtight argument The defendant had an airtight alibi …   Useful english dictionary

  • air-tight — see airtight …   English dictionary

  • Tight — Tight, a. [Compar. {Tighter} (t[imac]t [ e]r); superl. {Tightest}.] [OE. tight, thiht; probably of Scand. origin; cf. Icel. [thorn][=e]ttr, Dan. t[ae]t, Sw. t[ a]t: akin to D. & G. dicht thick, tight, and perhaps to E. thee to thrive, or to thick …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tight — tight; tight·en; tight·en·er; tight·ish; tight·ly; tight·ness; un·tight; air·tight·ness; gas·tight·ness; oil·tight·ness; up·tight·ness; wa·ter·tight·ness; weath·er·tight·ness; …   English syllables

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