1 aeroplane tow launch
n (BrE)AIR TRANSP despegue de avión remolcado m -
2 airplane tow launch
n (AmE)AIR TRANSP despegue de avión remolcado m -
3 attack
1. verb1) (to make a sudden, violent attempt to hurt or damage: He attacked me with a knife; The village was attacked from the air.) atacar2) (to speak or write against: The Prime Minister's policy was attacked in the newspapers.) atacar3) ((in games) to attempt to score a goal.) atacar4) (to make a vigorous start on: It's time we attacked that pile of work.) lanzarse (a)
2. noun1) (an act or the action of attacking: The brutal attack killed the old man; They made an air attack on the town.) ataque2) (a sudden bout of illness: heart attack; an attack of 'flu.) ataqueattack1 n1. ataque / atentado2. ataquea heart attack un ataque cardíaco / un infartoattack2 vb1. atacar2. atacar / agredir3. acometertr[ə'tæk]1 (gen) atacar; (terrorist) atentar contra2 (task, problem) acometer; (person) agredir, atacar1 atacar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLon the attack atacandoto come under attack ser atacado,-ato launch an attack on lanzar un ataque aattack [ə'tæk] vt1) assault: atacar, asaltar, agredir2) tackle: acometer, combatir, enfrentarse conattack n1) : ataque m, asalto m, acometida fto launch an attack: lanzar un ataque2) : ataque m, crisis fheart attack: ataque cardíaco, infartoattack of nerves: crisis nerviosan.• acceso s.m.• acometida s.f.• acometimiento s.m.• arremetida s.f.• asalto s.m.• ataque s.m.• avance s.m.• embestida s.f.v.• acometer v.• agredir v.• arremeter v.• atacar v.• avanzar v.• opugnar v.• saltear v.ə'tæk
1)a) c u (physical, verbal) ataque mto launch an attack — lanzar* un ataque
terrorist attacks — atentados mpl terroristas
attack on/against something/somebody — ataque a/contra algo/alguien
to come/be under attack — ser* atacado
b) c ( Med) ataque mheart attack — infarto m, ataque m cardíaco or al corazón
1) \<\<army/target/policy\>\> atacar*; \<\<person\>\> atacar*, agredir*2)a) ( begin enthusiastically) \<\<food\>\> atacar*; \<\<task\>\> acometerb) ( deal with) \<\<problem\>\> combatir
vi (Mil, Sport) atacar*[ǝ'tæk]1. N1) (Mil, Sport) (also fig) ataque m (on a, contra, sobre); (=assault) atentado m, agresión fto launch an attack — (Mil) (also fig) lanzar un ataque
to leave o.s. open to attack — dejarse expuesto a un ataque
to be/come under attack — ser atacado
2) (Med) (gen) ataque m ; (=fit) acceso m, crisis f invheartan attack of nerves — un ataque de nervios, una crisis nerviosa
2. VT1) (Mil, Sport, Med) (also fig) atacar; (=assault) agredir; [bull etc] embestir2) (=tackle) [+ job, problem] enfrentarse con; (=combat) combatir3) (Chem) atacar3.VI atacar4.CPDattack dog N — perro m de presa
* * *[ə'tæk]
1)a) c u (physical, verbal) ataque mto launch an attack — lanzar* un ataque
terrorist attacks — atentados mpl terroristas
attack on/against something/somebody — ataque a/contra algo/alguien
to come/be under attack — ser* atacado
b) c ( Med) ataque mheart attack — infarto m, ataque m cardíaco or al corazón
1) \<\<army/target/policy\>\> atacar*; \<\<person\>\> atacar*, agredir*2)a) ( begin enthusiastically) \<\<food\>\> atacar*; \<\<task\>\> acometerb) ( deal with) \<\<problem\>\> combatir
vi (Mil, Sport) atacar* -
4 shoot
1. past tense, past participle - shot; verb1) ((often with at) to send or fire (bullets, arrows etc) from a gun, bow etc: The enemy were shooting at us; He shot an arrow through the air.) disparar, lanzar2) (to hit or kill with a bullet, arrow etc: He went out to shoot pigeons; He was sentenced to be shot at dawn.) fusilar, matar de un tiro3) (to direct swiftly and suddenly: She shot them an angry glance.) lanzar4) (to move swiftly: He shot out of the room; The pain shot up his leg; The force of the explosion shot him across the room.) salir disparado5) (to take (usually moving) photographs (for a film): That film was shot in Spain; We will start shooting next week.) rodar, filmar6) (to kick or hit at a goal in order to try to score.) tirar, disparar, chutar7) (to kill (game birds etc) for sport.) cazar
2. noun(a new growth on a plant: The deer were eating the young shoots on the trees.) brote, retoño- shoot down
- shoot rapids
- shoot up
shoot1 n broteshoot2 vb1. pegar un tiro / disparardon't shoot! ¡no dispares!2. chutar / disparar / tirar3. ir disparado / ir volandowhen the cat saw the dog, it shot up a tree cuando el gato vio al perro, subió al árbol volandotr[ʃʊːt]1 (person, animal) pegar un tiro a, pegar un balazo a; (hit, wound) herir (de bala); (kill) matar de un tiro, matar a tiros; (by firing squad) fusilar; (hunt) cazar3 (film) rodar, filmar; (photograph) fotografiar, sacar una foto de5 (bolt) echar, correr1 (fire weapon) disparar (at, a/sobre); (hunt with gun) cazar■ don't shoot! ¡no disparen!■ we're being shot at! ¡nos están disparando!2 SMALLSPORT/SMALL (aim at goal) tirar, disparar, chutar3 (move quickly) pasar volando, salir disparado,-a■ the record shot to the top of the charts el disco subió directamente al número uno de la lista de éxitos4 SMALLCINEMA/SMALL rodar, filmar5 SMALLBOTANY/SMALL brotar\SMALLIDIOMATIC EXPRESSION/SMALLto shoot for the moon pedir la lunato shoot it out (with somebody) resolverlo a tiros (con alguien), emprenderla a tiros (con alguien)to shoot pool jugar al billarto shoot one's mouth off irse de la lenguato shoot on sight disparar en el actoto shoot one's bolt echar el restoto shoot oneself pegarse un tiroto shoot oneself in the foot salirle a alguien el tiro por la culatato shoot to kill disparar a matar1) : disparar, tirarto shoot a bullet: tirar una bala2) : pegarle un tiro a, darle un balazo ahe shot her: le pegó un tirothey shot and killed him: lo mataron a balazos3) throw: lanzar (una pelota, etc.), echar (una mirada)4) photograph: fotografiar5) film: filmarshoot vi1) : disparar (con un arma de fuego)2) dart: ir rápidamenteit shot past: pasó como una balashoot n: brote m, retoño m, vástago mn.• brota s.f.• brote s.m.• pimpollo s.m.• plantón s.m.• renuevo s.m.• retoño s.m.• serpollo s.m.• tallo s.m.• tiro s.m.• vástago s.m. (Film)v.(§ p.,p.p.: shot) = rodar v.v.(§ p.,p.p.: shot) = balear v.• descargar v.• disparar v.• fusilar v.• herir con arma de fuego v.• tirar v.
I ʃuːt1) ( Bot) (bud, young leaf) brote m, retoño m, renuevo m; (from seed, potato) brote m2) ( shooting expedition) cacería f3) ( Cin) rodaje m, filmación f
(past & past p shot) transitive verb1)a) \<\<person/animal\>\> pegarle* un tiro or un balazo athey shot him dead they shot him to death (AmE) lo mataron a tiros/de un tiro; to shoot oneself pegarse* un tiro; you'll get me shot! (colloq) me van a matar por tu culpa! (fam); to shoot the breeze o bull — (AmE) darle* a la lengua or a la sinhueso (fam)
b) ( hunt) \<\<duck/rabbit/deer\>\> cazar*2)a) ( fire) \<\<bullet\>\> disparar, tirar; \<\<arrow/missile\>\> lanzar*, arrojar; \<\<glance\>\> lanzar*b) (eject, propel) lanzar*, despedir*3) ( pass swiftly)to shoot the lights — (BrE colloq) saltarse la luz roja or (Méx tb) pasarse los altos
4)a) ( Sport) \<\<ball/puck\>\> lanzar*; \<\<goal\>\> marcar*, anotar(se) (AmL)b) ( play) (AmE) jugar* ato shoot craps/billiards — jugar* a los dados/al billar
5) ( Cin) rodar*, filmar6) ( inject) (sl) \<\<heroin/cocaine\>\> chutarse (arg), picarse* (arg)
vi1)a) ( fire weapon) dispararto shoot to kill — disparar or tirar a matar
to shoot AT somebody/something — dispararle a alguien/a algo
b) ( hunt) cazar*to go shooting — ir* de caza
c) ( proceed) (colloq)can I ask you something? - sure, shoot! — ¿te puedo preguntar algo? - claro dispara! or (AmL) pregunta nomás!
2) ( move swiftly)she shoot past — pasó como una bala or como un bólido (fam)
3) ( Sport) tirar, disparar, chutar, chutear (CS)to shoot at goal — tirar al arco or (Esp) a puerta
•Phrasal Verbs:- shoot up
interjection (AmE colloq) miércoles! (fam & euf), mecachis! (fam & euf)[ʃuːt] (vb: pt, pp shot)1. N1) (Bot) brote m, retoño m2) (Cine) rodaje m ; (Phot) sesión f fotográfica3) (=shooting party) cacería f, partida f de caza; (=preserve) coto m de caza, vedado m de caza; (=competition) concurso m de tiro al blanco, certamen m de tiro al blanco2. VT1) (=wound) pegar un tiro a; (=kill) matar de un tiro; (more brutally) matar a tiros; (=execute) fusilar; (=hunt) cazaryou'll get me shot! * — ¡me van a asesinar or matar por tu culpa! *
he was shot as a spy — lo fusilaron por espía•
we often go shooting rabbits at the weekend — solemos ir a cazar conejos los fines de semana•
he was shot in the leg — una bala le hirió en la pierna•
he had been shot through the heart — la bala le había atravesado el corazón- shoot o.s. in the foot2) (=launch) [+ bullet, gun, arrow] disparar; [+ missile] lanzar3) (=propel) [+ object] lanzar (at hacia)•
the volcano shot lava high into the air — el volcán despidió or arrojó lava por los aires4) (fig) [+ glance, look] lanzar; [+ smile] dedicar; [+ ray of light] arrojar, lanzar•
she shot me a sideways glance — me lanzó una mirada de reojo, me miró de reojo•
he began shooting questions at her — empezó a acribillarla a preguntas- shoot the breeze or bull- shoot a line- shoot one's mouth offbolt 1., 1)5) (Cine) rodar, filmar; (Phot) [+ subject of picture] tomar, sacar6) (=speed through)•
to shoot the lights — (Aut) * saltarse un semáforo en rojo7) (=close) [+ bolt] correr8) (=play)9) * (=inject) [+ drugs] inyectarse, chutarse *, pincharse *3. VI1) (with gun) disparar, tirar; (=hunt) cazar•
to shoot at sth/sb — disparar a algo/algn•
to go shooting — ir de caza•
to shoot to kill — disparar a matar, tirar a matarshoot-to-kill policy — programa m de tirar a matar
2) (in ball games) (gen) tirar; (Ftbl) disparar, chutar•
to shoot at goal — tirar a gol, chutar•
to shoot wide — fallar el tiro, errar el tiro3) (=move rapidly)•
she shot ahead to take first place — se adelantó rápidamente para ponerse en primer puesto•
flames shot 100ft into the air — las llamas saltaron por los aires a 100 pies de alturathe car shot past or by us — el coche pasó como un rayo or una bala
to shoot to fame/stardom — lanzarse a la fama/al estrellato•
the pain went shooting up his arm — un dolor punzante le subía por el brazo4) (Bot) (=produce buds) brotar; (=germinate) germinar5) (Cine) rodar, filmar; (Phot) sacar la foto, disparar6) (US)* (in conversation)shoot! — ¡adelante!, ¡dispara!
4.EXCL* euphoh shoot! — ¡caracoles! *, ¡mecachis! (Sp) *
- shoot up* * *
I [ʃuːt]1) ( Bot) (bud, young leaf) brote m, retoño m, renuevo m; (from seed, potato) brote m2) ( shooting expedition) cacería f3) ( Cin) rodaje m, filmación f
(past & past p shot) transitive verb1)a) \<\<person/animal\>\> pegarle* un tiro or un balazo athey shot him dead they shot him to death (AmE) lo mataron a tiros/de un tiro; to shoot oneself pegarse* un tiro; you'll get me shot! (colloq) me van a matar por tu culpa! (fam); to shoot the breeze o bull — (AmE) darle* a la lengua or a la sinhueso (fam)
b) ( hunt) \<\<duck/rabbit/deer\>\> cazar*2)a) ( fire) \<\<bullet\>\> disparar, tirar; \<\<arrow/missile\>\> lanzar*, arrojar; \<\<glance\>\> lanzar*b) (eject, propel) lanzar*, despedir*3) ( pass swiftly)to shoot the lights — (BrE colloq) saltarse la luz roja or (Méx tb) pasarse los altos
4)a) ( Sport) \<\<ball/puck\>\> lanzar*; \<\<goal\>\> marcar*, anotar(se) (AmL)b) ( play) (AmE) jugar* ato shoot craps/billiards — jugar* a los dados/al billar
5) ( Cin) rodar*, filmar6) ( inject) (sl) \<\<heroin/cocaine\>\> chutarse (arg), picarse* (arg)
vi1)a) ( fire weapon) dispararto shoot to kill — disparar or tirar a matar
to shoot AT somebody/something — dispararle a alguien/a algo
b) ( hunt) cazar*to go shooting — ir* de caza
c) ( proceed) (colloq)can I ask you something? - sure, shoot! — ¿te puedo preguntar algo? - claro dispara! or (AmL) pregunta nomás!
2) ( move swiftly)she shoot past — pasó como una bala or como un bólido (fam)
3) ( Sport) tirar, disparar, chutar, chutear (CS)to shoot at goal — tirar al arco or (Esp) a puerta
•Phrasal Verbs:- shoot up
interjection (AmE colloq) miércoles! (fam & euf), mecachis! (fam & euf) -
5 tiro
Del verbo tirar: ( conjugate tirar) \ \
tiro es: \ \1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo
tiró es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativoMultiple Entries: Tiro tirar tiro
tirar ( conjugate tirar) verbo transitivo 1 tirole algo a algn ( para que lo agarre) to throw sb sth; ( con agresividad) to throw sth at sb◊ ¡qué manera de tiro el dinero! what a waste of money!2 3 ‹ cohete› to fire, launch; ‹ flecha› to shoot 4 (AmL) ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; verbo intransitivo 1 ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; tiro de algo to pull sth; 2b) (Dep) to shoot;tiro al arco (AmL) or (Esp) a puerta to shoot at goal ( en juegos de dados) to throw; ( en dardos) to throw; ( en bolos) to bowl 3 4◊ tirando ger (fam): gano poco pero vamos tirando I don't earn much but we're managing;¿qué tal andas? — tirando how are things? — not too bad 5 ella tira más a la madre she takes after her mother more tirarse verbo pronominal 1 tirose en paracaídas to parachute; ( en emergencia) to bale out; tirose de cabeza to dive in, to jump in headfirst 2 (fam) ‹horas/días› to spend; 3 (fam) ( expulsar):◊ tirose un pedo to fart (sl)
tiro sustantivo masculino 1 ( disparo) shot; lo mató de un tiro she shot him dead; al tiro (Chi fam) right away, straightaway (BrE); errar el tiro ( literal) to miss; ( equivocarse) to get it wrong 2 (en fútbol, baloncesto) shot; ( deporte) shooting; ( en fútbol) (AmL) shot at goal; ( lugar) shooting gallery; tiro de esquina (AmL) corner (kick); tiro libre ( en fútbol) free kick; ( en baloncesto) free shot o throw 3 ( de chimenea) flue; 4◊ animal/caballo de tiro draught animal/horse
Tiro f Hist Tyre
I verbo transitivo
1 (arrojar, echar) to throw: lo tiró al agua, he threw it into the water
no tires la cáscara al suelo, don't throw o drop the peel on the floor (enérgicamente) to fling, hurl: lo tiró al fuego, she threw it on the fire
2 (deshacerse de) to throw out o away
tiré mis zapatos viejos, I threw my old shoes away
3 (malgastar) tiraste el dinero con esa joya falsa, you've wasted your money on that fake jewel (despilfarrar) to squander
4 (hacer caer) to knock over: tiré el vaso, I knocked the glass over
5 (derribar a alguien) to knock o push over
tirar abajo (una pared, una puerta) to knock down (demoler) to pull down
6 (una bomba) to drop (un tiro, un cohete) to fire
7 (una foto) to take
8 Impr to print
II verbo intransitivo
1 (hacer fuerza hacia sí) to pull: no le tires del pelo, don't pull his hair
¡tira de la cuerda!, tug on the rope!
2 (disparar) to shoot Dep to shoot (dados, dardos) to throw
3 fam (gustar) le tira mucho el baloncesto, he's very keen on basketball
4 (tender) tira a azul, it's bluish (parecerse) tira a su madre, she takes after her mother
5 fam (arreglárselas) ir tirando, to get by, manage
6 (ir) tira a la derecha, turn right ' Tiro' also found in these entries: Spanish: balazo - cabeza - chimenea - desviar - errar - espantar - golpe - pájaro - panzada - pegarse - polígono - terrera - terrero - tirar - tirarse - acertar - añicos - caballo - cachivache - campo - certero - descargar - disparar - encima - fallar - falta - matar - parar - patada - pegar - piedra - práctica - sacar - tiro English: aim - archery - backfire - bird - boomerang - carthorse - cool down - cool off - ditch - draught - free kick - gunshot - hog - into - knock off - miss - need - out - plonk - potshot - putt - putting - range - rifle range - riflery - shoot - shoot back - shoot down - shooting-match - shooting-range - shot - slam - slam down - spitting distance - target practice - throw - throw away - wide - cart - corner - drop - flick - flue - free - knock - pot - pour - shaft - target - team['taɪǝrǝʊ]N = tyro -
6 tira
Del verbo tirar: ( conjugate tirar) \ \
tira es: \ \3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) presente indicativo2ª persona singular (tú) imperativoMultiple Entries: tira tirar
tira sustantivo femenino (de papel, tela) strip; ( de zapato) strap; ■ sustantivo masculino y femeninoc)
tirar ( conjugate tirar) verbo transitivo 1 tirale algo a algn ( para que lo agarre) to throw sb sth; ( con agresividad) to throw sth at sb◊ ¡qué manera de tira el dinero! what a waste of money!2 3 ‹ cohete› to fire, launch; ‹ flecha› to shoot 4 (AmL) ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; verbo intransitivo 1 ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; tira de algo to pull sth; 2b) (Dep) to shoot;tira al arco (AmL) or (Esp) a puerta to shoot at goal ( en juegos de dados) to throw; ( en dardos) to throw; ( en bolos) to bowl 3 4◊ tirando ger (fam): gano poco pero vamos tirando I don't earn much but we're managing;¿qué tal andas? — tirando how are things? — not too bad 5 ella tira más a la madre she takes after her mother more tirarse verbo pronominal 1 tirase en paracaídas to parachute; ( en emergencia) to bale out; tirase de cabeza to dive in, to jump in headfirst 2 (fam) ‹horas/días› to spend; 3 (fam) ( expulsar):◊ tirase un pedo to fart (sl)
tira sustantivo femenino
1 (de tela, papel, adhesiva, etc) strip
2 (en periódico, revista) strip cartoon, comic strip
3 fam (gran cantidad) hace la tira que no le veo, I haven't seen him for ages
I verbo transitivo
1 (arrojar, echar) to throw: lo tiró al agua, he threw it into the water
no tires la cáscara al suelo, don't throw o drop the peel on the floor (enérgicamente) to fling, hurl: lo tiró al fuego, she threw it on the fire
2 (deshacerse de) to throw out o away
tiré mis zapatos viejos, I threw my old shoes away
3 (malgastar) tiraste el dinero con esa joya falsa, you've wasted your money on that fake jewel (despilfarrar) to squander
4 (hacer caer) to knock over: tiré el vaso, I knocked the glass over
5 (derribar a alguien) to knock o push over
tirar abajo (una pared, una puerta) to knock down (demoler) to pull down
6 (una bomba) to drop (un tiro, un cohete) to fire
7 (una foto) to take
8 Impr to print
II verbo intransitivo
1 (hacer fuerza hacia sí) to pull: no le tires del pelo, don't pull his hair
¡tira de la cuerda!, tug on the rope!
2 (disparar) to shoot Dep to shoot (dados, dardos) to throw
3 fam (gustar) le tira mucho el baloncesto, he's very keen on basketball
4 (tender) tira a azul, it's bluish (parecerse) tira a su madre, she takes after her mother
5 fam (arreglárselas) ir tirando, to get by, manage
6 (ir) tira a la derecha, turn right ' tira' also found in these entries: Spanish: bala - basura - chiste - correa - los - tirar - aprovechar - comic English: band - cartoon - pull - shred - strip - comic - cop - draw - litter - slat - strip cartoon - tug -
7 tirado
Del verbo tirar: ( conjugate tirar) \ \
tirado es: \ \el participioMultiple Entries: tirado tirar
◊ -da adjetivo1 ( en desorden): 2 (fam) [estar]
tirar ( conjugate tirar) verbo transitivo 1 tiradole algo a algn ( para que lo agarre) to throw sb sth; ( con agresividad) to throw sth at sb◊ ¡qué manera de tirado el dinero! what a waste of money!2 3 ‹ cohete› to fire, launch; ‹ flecha› to shoot 4 (AmL) ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; verbo intransitivo 1 ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; tirado de algo to pull sth; 2b) (Dep) to shoot;tirado al arco (AmL) or (Esp) a puerta to shoot at goal ( en juegos de dados) to throw; ( en dardos) to throw; ( en bolos) to bowl 3 4◊ tirando ger (fam): gano poco pero vamos tirando I don't earn much but we're managing;¿qué tal andas? — tirando how are things? — not too bad 5 ella tira más a la madre she takes after her mother more tirarse verbo pronominal 1 tiradose en paracaídas to parachute; ( en emergencia) to bale out; tiradose de cabeza to dive in, to jump in headfirst 2 (fam) ‹horas/días› to spend; 3 (fam) ( expulsar):◊ tiradose un pedo to fart (sl)
tirado,-a adj fam
1 (muy barato) dirt cheap
2 (muy sencillo) very easy, dead easy
I verbo transitivo
1 (arrojar, echar) to throw: lo tiró al agua, he threw it into the water
no tires la cáscara al suelo, don't throw o drop the peel on the floor (enérgicamente) to fling, hurl: lo tiró al fuego, she threw it on the fire
2 (deshacerse de) to throw out o away
tiré mis zapatos viejos, I threw my old shoes away
3 (malgastar) tiraste el dinero con esa joya falsa, you've wasted your money on that fake jewel (despilfarrar) to squander
4 (hacer caer) to knock over: tiré el vaso, I knocked the glass over
5 (derribar a alguien) to knock o push over
tirar abajo (una pared, una puerta) to knock down (demoler) to pull down
6 (una bomba) to drop (un tiro, un cohete) to fire
7 (una foto) to take
8 Impr to print
II verbo intransitivo
1 (hacer fuerza hacia sí) to pull: no le tires del pelo, don't pull his hair
¡tira de la cuerda!, tug on the rope!
2 (disparar) to shoot Dep to shoot (dados, dardos) to throw
3 fam (gustar) le tira mucho el baloncesto, he's very keen on basketball
4 (tender) tira a azul, it's bluish (parecerse) tira a su madre, she takes after her mother
5 fam (arreglárselas) ir tirando, to get by, manage
6 (ir) tira a la derecha, turn right ' tirado' also found in these entries: Spanish: mínimamente - tirada - trineo English: cheap - dirt-cheap - dogsled - giveaway - lie about - lie around - nuisance - strand - waggon - wagon - cinch - dead - flat out - horse -
8 tirar
tirar ( conjugate tirar) verbo transitivo 1 tirarle algo a algn ( para que lo agarre) to throw sb sth; ( con agresividad) to throw sth at sb◊ ¡qué manera de tirar el dinero! what a waste of money!2 3 ‹ cohete› to fire, launch; ‹ flecha› to shoot 4 (AmL) ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; verbo intransitivo 1 ( atrayendo hacia sí) to pull; tirar de algo to pull sth; 2b) (Dep) to shoot;tirar al arco (AmL) or (Esp) a puerta to shoot at goal ( en juegos de dados) to throw; ( en dardos) to throw; ( en bolos) to bowl 3 4◊ tirando ger (fam): gano poco pero vamos tirando I don't earn much but we're managing;¿qué tal andas? — tirando how are things? — not too bad 5 ella tira más a la madre she takes after her mother more tirarse verbo pronominal 1 tirarse en paracaídas to parachute; ( en emergencia) to bale out; tirarse de cabeza to dive in, to jump in headfirst 2 (fam) ‹horas/días› to spend; 3 (fam) ( expulsar):◊ tirarse un pedo to fart (sl)
I verbo transitivo
1 (arrojar, echar) to throw: lo tiró al agua, he threw it into the water
no tires la cáscara al suelo, don't throw o drop the peel on the floor (enérgicamente) to fling, hurl: lo tiró al fuego, she threw it on the fire
2 (deshacerse de) to throw out o away
tiré mis zapatos viejos, I threw my old shoes away
3 (malgastar) tiraste el dinero con esa joya falsa, you've wasted your money on that fake jewel (despilfarrar) to squander
4 (hacer caer) to knock over: tiré el vaso, I knocked the glass over
5 (derribar a alguien) to knock o push over
tirar abajo (una pared, una puerta) to knock down (demoler) to pull down
6 (una bomba) to drop (un tiro, un cohete) to fire
7 (una foto) to take
8 Impr to print
II verbo intransitivo
1 (hacer fuerza hacia sí) to pull: no le tires del pelo, don't pull his hair
¡tira de la cuerda!, tug on the rope!
2 (disparar) to shoot Dep to shoot (dados, dardos) to throw
3 fam (gustar) le tira mucho el baloncesto, he's very keen on basketball
4 (tender) tira a azul, it's bluish (parecerse) tira a su madre, she takes after her mother
5 fam (arreglárselas) ir tirando, to get by, manage
6 (ir) tira a la derecha, turn right ' tirar' also found in these entries: Spanish: aire - bala - borda - calle - casa - esconder - palanca - toalla - trapo - apedrear - arrojar - basura - blanco - botar - cadena - crimen - echar - jalar - pinta - zumbar English: aim at - archery - bung - cast - chain - chuck - chuck away - chuck out - clearout - dash - drag - draw - fling - flush - haul - heave - keep - knock off - knock over - lash out - pitch - pull - pull on - pull over - putt - run off - shoot - sling - sling out - splash out - sponge - strain - throw - throw aside - throw away - throw out - toss - toss away - towel - town - trash - tug - turf out - waste - yank - beat - blow - bring - disposable - ditch -
9 aeroplane
См. также в других словарях:
Air launch — Air launching is the practice of dropping a parasite aircraft, rocket, or missile from a mothership. The parasite aircraft or missile is usually is tucked under the wing of the larger mothership and then dropped from underneath the wing while in… … Wikipedia
air-launch — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to launch (a rocket or missile) from a flying air vehicle * * * air launch «AIR LNCH, LAHNCH», transitive verb. to launch from a flying aircraft … Useful english dictionary
Air launch to orbit — is the method of launching booster rockets at altitude from a horizontal takeoff turbojet aircraft, either subsonic or supersonic. This method, when employed for orbital payload insertion, presents significant advantages over conventional… … Wikipedia
Launch — may refer to:In boating: *Launch (boat), a large motor boat *Motor Launch (ML), a small military vessel used by the Royal Navy *Ship naming and launching, when a ship or boat is dispatched from a slipway, prior to fitting out and commissioningIn… … Wikipedia
Air Europe — was a wholly privately owned, independent British airline, established in 1978 under the working title Inter European Airways.cite book| author=Simons, Graham M. | title=It was nice to fly with friends! The story of Air Europe | publisher=GMS… … Wikipedia
Air New Zealand — IATA NZ ICAO ANZ Callsign NEW ZEALAND … Wikipedia
Launch on warning — is a nuclear strategy which came about during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. With the invention of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs), it became an integral part of the concept of mutually assured… … Wikipedia
Air Force Research Laboratory — Emblem of AFRL … Wikipedia
Air Inter — was incorporated on November 12, 1954. It operated its first commercial flight between Paris and Strasbourg on March 16, 1958. However, it was 1960 when the airline started regular commercial services. [http://www.fotw.net/flags/fr$hfair.html Air … Wikipedia
Air Anglia — was a wholly privately owned, Independent regional British airline formed in 1970. It was based at Norwich Airport. Created as a result of a merger of three smaller operators, the new entity became an important regional scheduled carrier during… … Wikipedia
Launch Complex 4 — may refer to: Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Launch Complex 4, one of the first series of launch complexes to be built at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Vandenberg AFB Space Launch Complex 4, a launch site at Vandenberg Air Force Base This… … Wikipedia